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发表于 17-1-2017 10:04 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The time was about 6.20pm, Tuesday 10th January, Changi Airport Terminal 2 Arrivals, gateway nearest to belt 36. I was standing next to you, bespectacled Chinese man in your forties, sky blue polo shirt, with a large non-apple smartphone. I didn’t mean to pry, but on your screen – the ID of an Asian woman you seemed to be waiting for.
People poured in from their flights, a number of them European because belt 36 was now mostly delivering the bags of the passengers of a connector from Zurich. Some families. A few stray non-whites. Streams and lulls.
Then, in such a lull, a woman, Asian like you and me, passes the glass doors and is welcomed by a family on your left; a man, woman and child happy to see her here, finally. The child ducks under the rail to hug her like the ending of Love Actually.
Sky blue polo man, at first we all think that you are muttering something innocent. Because you literally lean into this welcome which lasts all of ten seconds, to say something incomprehensible so that the ladies are still smiling at you thinking you must be a kind stranger. Perhaps you noticed something that needed correcting. Fallen baggage?
So you repeat yourself, loud and nasty for everyone to hear. “No hugging here. Can you see? This is Singapore. Go hug outside (the rails).” The women are shocked. The child is shocked. I am shocked. Joy sufficiently wiped from their faces, they exit past the rails but the mood for indiscriminate hugging has vanished. This is Singapore, you must mean, the land where all procedures, including how to exit airports, are pre-ordained. Except this is not what you say.
The man in the family is calm enough to remark, “You could have said that nicely.” and this is your chance, sky blue Polo man to clarify your fastidiousness. This is Singapore, you mean, where it’s just about protocol and not blocking the doors for other arrivals! Never mind that at this moment the doors are clear because it’s a lull and you, sky blue Polo man, could easily step aside if the sight of hugging offended your view (I cannot say ‘impede’ your view as I cannot emphasise how uncrowded the doors were at this point). This is Singapore, you must mean, where our national psyche demands we rectify each other, whether or not we are the appointed authorities.
“This is Singapore. You Filipinos, go back to the Philippines. This is Singapore.” I stand stunned. My heart feels sick for this family that such ugliness is the first thing that greets them. The entrance to Singapore, so heavily checked for tax-evaders, contraband smokers, drug takers, but not racists. It is not until my partner arrives, breaking me out of my shock, that I decide to say:
“Sir, I am Singaporean and I don’t approve of what you did just now.”
“You Singaporean? I don’t care.”
“I am Singaporean and ashamed at you for what you said.”
“You don’t understand. I don’t care if you’re Singaporean. I don’t want to talk to you.”
It is then that I make my first connection with the woman you’re looking for, the family you offended, and me. Communication to you is combative. You’ll talk to them because you ‘know’ you can beat them with your cultural superiority. But god help you, when you come face to face with a fellow Singaporean who won’t stick by your rationale or tolerate your (ab)use of our national identity. This, more than a foreigner, is the unknown to you. I think about the woman you’re looking for: is she also a Filipino domestic, that you will treat roughly because, “this is Singapore”?
Was it about your confusion regarding class? A well-heeled Filipino and a working class Filipino, still a nationality to shit on? Of course this all my conjecture of what you actually meant, having remembered you with such specificity. And while my mind moved hundreds of words a minute, I was silent. So you repeated yourself because I am still standing there, distressed.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
In all fairness, what happens here between us should be a national conversation. How to deal with the trauma when Singaporeans come head to head with different ideas of what Singapore is.
In my Singapore, the invocation “This is Singapore” as a way of excusing bigoted behaviour in public is not regrettable, but punishable. Because the people of Singapore are a result of never-ending waves of migration. We don’t deport people for wrongful hugging. Instead we ask them to embrace the odd but ‘necessary’ CMIO frame that serves to protect minorities. We are a lot of things, but the one thing our historical, cultural, societal make-up does not allow us to be is bigoted. More than any other crime in the state, bigotry is the most evil.
But in your sky blue Singapore, where Polo T-shirts are the de rigueur of men at Sunday family lunch in Din Tai Fung, other races and nationalities serve you. Except white people, who must be packaged as ang mohs, for your entertainment.
This is Singapore, you say, where you routinely mistake your privilege with the entitlement that comes from your labour. You work hard, other people are lazy and cannot own your success. You however can buy and own others.
“I don’t want to talk to you.”
You say, anger in your eyebrows, fear at the edges of your mouth. You suddenly remember the use of your feet and shuffle back from me. God, why didn’t you just step aside from the family just now? Was it because nobody told you: “This is Singapore. No racism here.”?
And then again, are we both wrong? This is Singapore, the politicians admit, where an inherently racist instrument used to administer education, housing, presidential candidature, helps us not be racist.


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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 10:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
时间是大约 6:20 下午,10 日 1 日星期二,樟宜机场终端 2 来港定居人士最近带 36 的网关。我站在你身边,戴着眼镜的中国人,在你四十多岁,天蓝色的 polo 衫,与大型的非苹果智能手机。我不是故意要撬开,但在您的屏幕 — — 亚洲女人的 ID 你似乎在等待。人倒他们的航班,他们的数目从欧洲因为带 36 现在大多送外卖袋后,又从苏黎世连接器的乘客。一些家庭。几个流浪非白人。溪流和间歇。然后,在这种平静,一个女人,像你和我,亚洲通过玻璃门和欢迎由一个家庭在你的左边;一个男人,女人和孩子高兴终于在这里,见到她。孩子下滑轨,拥抱她的爱其实结局像鸭子。天空的蓝色马球男人,起初我们都认为你喃喃自语一些无辜。因为你从字面上瘦成这个欢迎持续十秒,说一些令人费解,所以女士们仍然微笑时,你想你的所有必须是一个好心的陌生人。也许你注意到需要纠正的东西。堕落的行李吗?所以你重复自己,大声和讨厌每个人都能听到。"没有在这里拥抱。你能看见吗?这是新加坡。去拥抱外 (轨道)。妇女感到震惊。这孩子很震惊。我很震惊。快乐充分从他们脸上擦了擦,他们过去的 rails 退出但为不分青红皂白地拥抱心情也消失了。这是新加坡,你必须的意思是,所有程序,包括如何退出机场,预先规定的土地。除了这是不是你说了什么。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 10:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
"男人在家庭中的也相当平静,说句话,你可以说过,很好。"和这是你的机会,天空蓝色马球男人澄清你的挑剔。这是新加坡,你的意思是,在它的只是协议和不阻止其他来港定居人士门 !没关系,就在这时门是明确因为它是一个平静而你,天空蓝色马球人,可以很容易下台如果视线的拥抱冒犯了你的观点 (我不能说 '阻碍' 你的观点我不能强调如何不拥挤的门都在这一点上)。这是新加坡,你必须的意思是,在我们民族的心理要求我们纠正对方,无论我们是否委任的当局。"这是新加坡。你菲律宾人,回到菲律宾。这就是新加坡。我站惊呆了。我的心感觉如此的丑陋是迎接他们的第一件事这家人生病。到新加坡,那么沉重检查逃税、 违禁吸烟者、 吸毒者,但不是种族主义者的入口。它是不我的搭档到来之前,我打破我的震惊,以至于我决定说︰

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 10:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
"主席先生,我是新加坡人,我不同意你刚才所说的什么"。"你一新加坡人吗?我不关心"。"我是新加坡和惭愧在你为你所说的话"。"你不明白。我不在乎如果你是新加坡。"我不想跟你说话。然后是我让我与你正在寻找的女人,你得罪了,家人和我的第一个连接。到你的沟通是好斗的。你会对他们说话,因为你 '知道' 你能打败他们与你的文化优势。但是,上帝保佑你,当你遇到一个家伙新加坡人不会坚持你的理由或容忍我们的民族性你 (ab) 使用。这比一个外国人,是给你一个未知数。我想想你正在寻找的女人︰ 她也是菲律宾的国内,那你会糟蹋了,因为"这是新加坡"吗?它对你的困惑关于类吗?一个穿着考究的菲律宾和工作类菲律宾,还是在拉屎国籍?当然这所有我猜想的什么你的意思,记得你与这种特异性。而我心中感动几百个字一分钟,我沉默了。所以你重复了自己,因为我仍然站在那里,陷入困境。"不想跟你说话"。在所有的公平,会发生什么在这里我们之间应该是国家的话题。如何处理创伤,当新加坡人走到了不同的想法,什么新加坡的是。我的新加坡,"这是新加坡"作为一种方式调用的托辞偏执行为在公众场合不是令人遗憾,但应受惩罚。因为新加坡人永无止境波迁移的结果。我们不要驱逐人为不法的拥抱。相反,我们要求他们拥抱的奇怪,但必要的 CMIO 框架,旨在保护少数群体。我们很多东西,但我们历史的、 文化的、 社会的化妆不允许我们要的一件事是偏执。更比任何其他犯罪在状态下,偏执是最邪恶的。但在你天空碧蓝的新加坡,哪里的男人必备周日家庭午餐在鼎泰丰 Polo t 恤,其他种族和民族为你服务。除了白种人,人必须将其打包为李安莫氏,为您的娱乐。这是新加坡,你说,在那里你经常误以为你来自你劳工的权利与特权。你努力工作,其他人很懒惰,不能拥有你的成功。然而,你可以买和自己的其他人。

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 10:11 AM | 显示全部楼层
"不想跟你说话"。你说,你的眉毛,愤怒恐惧在你的嘴的边缘。你突然记得把你的脚和洗牌从我回来。上帝,为什么没有你只是一步除了家庭只是现在呢?是因为没有人告诉你:"这是新加坡。在这里没有种族主义。"吗?然后再一次,我们都错了吗?这是新加坡,政客们承认,在彻头彻尾的种族主义的仪器用来管理教育、 房屋、 总统候选人,可以帮助我们不是种族主义。

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发表于 17-1-2017 12:44 PM | 显示全部楼层


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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 12:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
kcchiew 发表于 17-1-2017 12:44 PM



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发表于 17-1-2017 01:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
ohia2016 发表于 17-1-2017 12:59 PM



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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 04:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
kcchiew 发表于 17-1-2017 01:53 PM

婊子 = 前马劳

立牌坊 = 护新主


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发表于 17-1-2017 04:28 PM | 显示全部楼层
坡仔看不起賓賓 就如陸妹看不起硬度一樣 這是人性

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 楼主| 发表于 17-1-2017 04:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
省電俠 发表于 17-1-2017 04:28 PM
坡仔看不起賓賓 就如陸妹看不起硬度一樣 這是人性


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发表于 17-1-2017 04:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
ohia2016 发表于 17-1-2017 04:16 PM
当婊子 = 前马劳

立牌坊 = 护新主


当了婊子还要立牌坊的意思是 比喻做了坏事又想别人当自己是好人”。



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发表于 17-1-2017 05:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
ohia2016 发表于 17-1-2017 04:35 PM

那是因為你把坡仔提昇至和白人為主的英語國家作比較 別忘了除了坡小外 還有很多不是白人為主的國家也是以英語國家 如在加勒比海的島國 圭亞那(硬度裔) 多米尼克和格林那達(非裔) 之類的 這些國家 能跟黃皮英國人老李建的坡小比嗎

至於硬度人 有錢的少嫖 沒錢的(90%+)嫖不起
陸妹遇到白人給折扣 遇到 @蛇仔明 享受 遇到硬度人say no

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发表于 17-1-2017 06:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
妈的,这种英文死北难读... 放弃了。

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发表于 17-1-2017 07:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
蛇仔明 发表于 17-1-2017 06:51 PM
妈的,这种英文死北难读... 放弃了。

據說這是賓式英語 Tagalenglish

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