发表于 26-9-2014 12:59 AM
老何,我想问下我physics 科目不算很理想和有惧高症。你觉得我有资格当飞机师吗?
考飞机师的exam 会难吗?听说要考和过很多关是不是? |
发表于 26-9-2014 12:59 PM
edison-tang 发表于 11-4-2013 05:18 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
听起来wing low technique会比较适合现阶段初学的我, ...
想请问你下,你考那些test paper 会难吗?
楼主 |
发表于 30-9-2014 10:36 AM
Jvteh 发表于 26-9-2014 12:59 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
老何,我想问下我physics 科目不算很理想和有惧高症。你觉得我有资格当飞机师吗?
考飞机师的exam 会难吗? ... 马航
Minimum Requirement for Application:
Job Description
-Malaysian citizen, age between 18 to 26 years old (as at date of application)
-“Pass SPM or its equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian Government with six (6) credits including Bahasa Malaysia and a minimum of B4 in Mathematics, Physics and English taken in one sitting”.
-Possess “Diploma / Degree in Engineering or Science related disciplines with minimum CGPA 3.0 or above” and “six (6) credits with pass in Bahasa Malaysia in SPM taken in one sitting”.
-Good command of Bahasa Malaysia and English both written and spoken
-Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6) and not colour blind.
-Minimum height 163 cm (5ft 4in).
-Successful candidates will be required to sign a bond with MAS. 亚航
The minimum requirements for the selection of a Cadet Pilot are as follows:
- Malaysian Citizenship or Permanent Residency;
- Aged over 17 years at the time of application. The maximum age is 28 years;
- Obtain a DCAM Class 1 medical.
And, possess one of the following academic qualifications:
a) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/Malaysian Certificate of Education or equivalent (recognized by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia) pre-requisites:
- A grade of any "A" in English;
- A grade of any "A" in Mathematics;
- A grade of any "B" in Physics or "A" in General Science;
- A grade of any "B" in any other two subjects; and
- Minimum of 5 SPM subjects.
b) Diploma or Degree pre-requisites:
- Engineering/Science related discipline;
- GPA 3.0 and above; and
- SPM with a grade of any "C" in any 5 subjects, of which must include English, Mathematics and Science.
- Good command of English and Bahasa Malaysia both written and spoken.
c) Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6 and not colour blind).
d) Minimum height of 163 cm (5ft 3in) and
e) Be prepared to sign a training bond with a surety.
SPM 成绩不理想还可以继续进修 diploma。Diploma 是属于 engineering or science related 。你必需确保你 diploma 成绩的 CGPA 要至少 3.0以上。同时,马航 SPM 要至少有 6 科 credit 包括马来文。亚航就要SPM 要有 5 科 credit 包括英文、数学、科学。
话说如此,即使是没有他们要的成绩,我还是鼓励网友们将 resume 出去尝试一下。连尝试也不愿意的话,等于比赛还没开始就先举白旗认输。
发表于 30-9-2014 01:35 PM
老何 发表于 30-9-2014 10:36 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
SPM 成绩不理想还可以继续进修 diploma。Diploma 是属于 engineering or science related 。你必需确 ...
老何以前成绩都是全A 吗?听说好像是100个人来 interview 只选10 位而已?假如成功入选了,进去读考试会难吗?会比spm 还要难吗?
haiz,听起来全部都好难哦!![](static/image/smiley/onion/onion (14).gif)
喔喔,在飞机上看出去我没感觉可是在cable car 看出去就比较慌了
楼主 |
发表于 5-10-2014 02:05 PM
Jvteh 发表于 30-9-2014 01:35 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
老何以前成绩都是全A 吗?听说好像是100个人来 interview 只选10 位而已?假如成功入选了,进去读考试会难 ...
我是用SPM 成绩来应征。刚好 English、Math、Physics 有拿A。马来文则是刚刚好 C6 credit。
当我成功被录取后到公司报到的第一天,我们被告知我们每一个被录取的人都是 1 in a thousand。也就是说录取率是 0.1%。
发表于 30-10-2014 11:57 PM
发表于 2-11-2014 10:08 PM
老何 发表于 23-8-2014 11:23 AM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
不对。我的验眼师同学不是 aviation doctor,他是一般眼镜店的验眼师。他是凭他的个人经验告诉我,一般近 ...
色盲有的乔正吗?![](static/image/smiley/onion/onion (31).gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 4-11-2014 08:25 PM
mcbeha 发表于 2-11-2014 10:08 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
发表于 23-11-2014 01:56 PM
老何 如果达不到他们的spm的要求
但是有外国的bachelor 和 private pilot license
有机会可以进去当cadet吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 25-11-2014 08:11 AM
Ex_Jeremy 发表于 23-11-2014 01:56 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
老何 如果达不到他们的spm的要求
但是有外国的bachelor 和 private pilot license
有机会可以进去当cade ... 马航
Minimum Requirement for Application:
Job Description
-Malaysian citizen, age between 18 to 26 years old (as at date of application)
-“Pass SPM or its equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian Government with six (6) credits including Bahasa Malaysia and a minimum of B4 in Mathematics, Physics and English taken in one sitting”.
-Possess “Diploma / Degree in Engineering or Science related disciplines with minimum CGPA 3.0 or above” and “six (6) credits with pass in Bahasa Malaysia in SPM taken in one sitting”.
-Good command of Bahasa Malaysia and English both written and spoken
-Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6) and not colour blind.
-Minimum height 163 cm (5ft 4in).
-Successful candidates will be required to sign a bond with MAS. 亚航
The minimum requirements for the selection of a Cadet Pilot are as follows:
- Malaysian Citizenship or Permanent Residency;
- Aged over 17 years at the time of application. The maximum age is 28 years;
- Obtain a DCAM Class 1 medical.
And, possess one of the following academic qualifications:
a) Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)/Malaysian Certificate of Education or equivalent (recognized by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia) pre-requisites:
- A grade of any "A" in English;
- A grade of any "A" in Mathematics;
- A grade of any "B" in Physics or "A" in General Science;
- A grade of any "B" in any other two subjects; and
- Minimum of 5 SPM subjects.
b) Diploma or Degree pre-requisites:
- Engineering/Science related discipline;
- GPA 3.0 and above; and
- SPM with a grade of any "C" in any 5 subjects, of which must include English, Mathematics and Science.
- Good command of English and Bahasa Malaysia both written and spoken.
c) Must be physically and mentally fit with good eyesight (visual acuity of at least 6/60 without optical aid, correctable to 6/6 and not colour blind).
d) Minimum height of 163 cm (5ft 3in) and
e) Be prepared to sign a training bond with a surety.
SPM 成绩不理想还可以继续进修 diploma。Diploma 是属于 engineering or science related 。你必需确保你 diploma 成绩的 CGPA 要至少 3.0以上。同时,马航 SPM 要至少有 6 科 credit 包括马来文。亚航就要SPM 要有 5 科 credit 包括英文、数学、科学。这个答案我在#1623的回复。Bachelor 是本地或外国的都没有差别。
至于有个 PPL (Private Pilot License) 来说,我可以说这对 cadet pilot intake 的帮助是非常的少,甚至可以说是可有可无。以 cadet pilot intake 的 standard 来说除了 SPM 成绩之外,热诚 enthusiastic 和态度 attitude 也是筛选的重要条件。
如果你是说 CPL (Commercial Pilot License) 的话,那么你将是以 direct intake Second Officer 、First Officer 的条件进入航空公司了,不再是以 cadet pilot 的身份加入航空公司。 |
发表于 25-11-2014 05:49 PM
如果在纽西兰读 然后拿cpl了
回去air asia 还是马航 还会看spm 成绩吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 28-11-2014 11:57 AM
Ex_Jeremy 发表于 25-11-2014 05:49 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
如果在纽西兰读 然后拿cpl了
回去air asia 还是马航 还会看spm 成绩吗?
我不清楚 DEFO (direct entry first officer) 会不会看回 SPM 成绩。
但是,我可以确定纽西兰(以及其他在外国考到)的 CPL 回来马来西亚是需要在本地的 flying school 来 convert 成 Malaysian flying license 才能找到工作。除了要重考马来西亚的 air law 之外,Malaysia DCA 只承认你一半在国外训练的飞行小时。所以,你要回来马来西亚这里找吃,你就得在这里再次花钱来做飞行训练 conversion来凑足 CPL 的最低 200飞行小时。
发表于 5-12-2014 05:07 PM
我考完SPM了…在等待成绩出炉的时候…能做些什么事呢?我想当一名飞机师… |
楼主 |
发表于 9-12-2014 12:39 PM
陈少年 发表于 5-12-2014 05:07 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
我以前的练习方法就是听收音机,播报员讲什么我就跟着讲。我还用 windows 的 sound recorder 录起来自己的发音,然后听回自己的发音来更改自己的错误。我知道这么做好像很白痴。但是这个方法确实很有效。现在有 youtube,可以 stop、pause、repeat。一般的 smart phone 都可以看 youtube 和录音了。
再来就是以英文练习回答 commom interview questions。Internet search 一下就有很多网站列出这些 commom interview questions 了 。
发表于 11-12-2014 04:15 PM
我目前因为SPM成绩没有达到要求,所以在进修diploma in aircraft maintenance enginering,想要毕业了后再去面试cadet...不行的话再修degree
谢谢! |
楼主 |
发表于 15-12-2014 05:09 PM
马航确实有几年已将没有收 SPM grad cadet 了,去年只收 direct entry first officer。亚航倒是还有收 SPM grad cadet。
马航 cadet 年龄最大 26 岁。亚航 cadet 年龄最大 28 岁。
发表于 5-2-2015 06:54 PM
楼主 |
发表于 8-2-2015 10:16 PM
Flight crew training center 在 Subang MAS Komplex A。也就是 Subang Skypark Terminal 的对面。不过这里并不是公众随便能够进来的。几年前有对公众公开售票的 Mas flight simulator experience,没记错一个 session maximum 4 个人。每个人20分钟。票价一个人Rm500。现在应该没有这样的售票活动了。
Google 寻找 “MAS Flight simulator experience"可以看到其他网友参观的simulator经历。
Flight Crew Training Centre, Sultan Abdul Aziz Shah Airport (SZB)
发表于 12-2-2015 10:46 AM
请问老何 现在飞机师是不是有过剩现象? 大部分从飞行学校出来的都失业?
还有为什么读飞机师 为什么这么贵 ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) |
楼主 |
发表于 15-2-2015 02:43 PM
亚航近来已经没有 major fleet expansion。最后一次大单的 aircraft order 在 2013。亚航有自己的 cadet pilot program。所以 direct intake First Officer 的人数也不会多到哪里。
马航连续亏损几年,所以已经没有 cadet pilot intake。Direct intake First Offier 去年就有一次而已。而且人数不多。新的 CEO Christoph Mueller 到现在也还没有公布新马航的未来发展方向。不要说收留新 cadet,说不定还需要裁员。三月底、四月头就知道了。所有的员工都会收到大信封。收到两封信(旧马航 letter of termination和新马航 letter of offer) 就恭喜恭喜;收到一封信 (旧马航 letter of termination) 而已就得开始找工了。有经验的飞机师已经被 Qatar、Emirates 和 Korean Air 的 HR 虎视眈眈地准备抢着聘请。如果新马航的 letter of offer 的 salary 和 benifit 没有和目前的一样或更好,我预测会有很多人收到两封信而不接受新马航的 letter of offer。到时侯,马航唯有必需收纳很多 direct intake first officer 来维持机师的数目。这对目前失业着的毕业生是个好消息。
Supply 每年保持一样的数量,而 demand 已经不如往年,有人毕业出来就失业是肯定会发生的自然现象。如果没有人失业,那就是灵异现象。
训练成本提高了,学费当然也提高了。还是那句话,飞行学院是开门做生意赚钱的组织。扣除飞机维修费、燃油费、engineer 的工钱、instructor 的工钱、还有飞行学院自己的 profit,所以 end consumer 都必需要承担那么高的费用。
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