


楼主: ling268


发表于 2-10-2007 08:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 darksider 于 2-10-2007 18:11 发表
You should use those new words before they are forgotten.
The more words you see,the more intelligent you are.
However,you may forget some of those vocabularies,but the advantage is you hav ...

i thought 读万卷书 不如行万里路??
nah, just kidding..
let me share my experience.
i used to 'read' dictinary a lot when i was 17-18. buti study just for the sake of study..i didnt apply it in my daily life as there's no chance for me to converse in english .. however, i later found out that it has served as a path for my journey in mastering the langguage. even though i couldnt remember the word that i've looked up, but when i came accross the word,i could recall the meaning, somehow.. so dont think whatever effort u put in is useless..

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发表于 2-10-2007 08:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
I could not agree with you more.
If i have got time,i will certainly open the dictionary whenever i do my vocabulary.As you say,im now solving my problems in tertiary education .

The more you open the dictionary,the lesser will be your problems in the university as the medium instruction for all subjects now is english.

However,when you read the reference book in tertiary education which is very thick,can you open dictionary all the time?

It's going to be very time consuming.Incidentally,i have learnt a skill(intelligent guesswork) from my english laboratory.

My opinion is that we do no necessary open the dictionary all the time,we can do intelligent guesswork,because most of the words are related.
I will talk about this when i am free.

If you really want to improve your vocab,YOU MUST BUY A GOOD THESAURUS.I have bought a thesaurus called family words finder from reader digest(rm150).it is probably the best now.

If you are going to further your study abroad,you should buy at local,because if you buy it at other countries,the price will surge 2x or even 3x.

[ 本帖最后由 darksider 于 2-10-2007 08:58 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 2-10-2007 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
i reckon collins cobuild (i'm not sure about the spelling though) dictionary (for advance learner) is very good in terms of its explanation.. cos some dictionaried provide explanations that cause you end up flipping through the whole dictionary, very confusing explanations..

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发表于 3-10-2007 09:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
Thanks for the guidances. I ll try my best.

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fuji_88 该用户已被删除
发表于 4-10-2007 10:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
anybody can explain and give example shall,should,will,would,can,may,might?

i'm always comfused these

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发表于 4-10-2007 10:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
i am not too sure too...

i should do this .... [我应该那么做]
i will do this ...  [我会那么做]
i can do this ...  [我可以那么做]

would, and could, are usually used in past tense, rather than [will] and [can]

shall is a usually used for first person...

i m not too sure too.. pls correct me

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发表于 4-10-2007 01:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
present         past
shall           should
will            would
can             could
may             might

I had once asked my eng teacher.She said that both  are  correct.We  use  past tense when we want to stress something.I had also checked the reference book and it say that past tense is used to show politeness.However, I am not sure too...maybe someone here can help us out.

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发表于 4-10-2007 04:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
May i join in..?
I'm taking spm this year..
But i face a lot of problem in my english..
I hope all my senior here will help me a lot to improve my lauzi and broken english..
Would your'll like to help me..
What i can use is just simple english..
If any grammar mistakes,please correct it for me ok?

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发表于 4-10-2007 10:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 fuji_88 于 4-10-2007 10:05 AM 发表
anybody can explain and give example shall,should,will,would,can,may,might?

i'm always comfused these

  • Something that will take place or exist in the future 顯示將來會發生的事物: We shall arrive tomorrow.
  • Something, such as an order, promise, requirement, or obligation 指示,承諾,要求或命令: You shall leave now. He shall answer for his misdeeds. The penalty shall not exceed two years in prison.
  • The will to do something or have something take place 將被完成或發生的事物: I shall go out if I feel like it.
  • Something that is inevitable 不能避免的事物: That day shall come.
  • To be able to 有能力完成的事物. I shall answer all the question in the quiz.
  • To have to; must 一定要完成的事物. You shall attend the exami nation tomorrow.

  • Used to indicate simple futurity 顯示未來式: They will appear later.
  • Used to indicate likelihood or certainty 意味著將會或肯定: You will regret this.
  • Used to indicate willingness 表示意願: Will you help me with this package?
  • Used to indicate requirement or command 須求或指令: You will report to me afterward.
  • Used to indicate intention 表示意圖: I will too if I feel like it.
  • Used to indicate customary or habitual action 表示一種慣性: People will talk.
  • Used to indicate capacity or ability 表示有能力: This metal will not crack under heavy pressure.
  • Used to indicate probability or expectation 意味著即將或有可能性: That will be the messenger ringing.

  • To be allowed or permitted to 尋求批准: May I take a swim? Yes, you may.
  • Used to indicate a certain measure of likelihood or possibility 先是有可能的程度(可能會,可能不): It may rain this afternoon.
  • Used to express a desire or fervent wish 意願或熱忱的期望: Long may he live!
  • Used to express contingency, purpose, or result in clauses introduced by that or so that: expressing ideas so that the average person may understand.
  • To be obliged; must. Used in statutes, deeds, and other legal documents.

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发表于 4-10-2007 10:21 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 +小风儿+ 于 4-10-2007 04:37 PM 发表
May i join in..?
I'm taking spm this year..
But i face a lot of problem in my english..   
I hope all my senior here will help me a lot to improve my lauzi and broken english..
Would your'll like to help me..
What i can use is just simple english..
If any grammar mistakes,please correct it for me ok?


May i join in..?

I'm taking spm this year.. (It is better to say that "I will take SPM this year" because you are not taking SPM for whole year, the simple continuos indicates that the particular action is done for a long period and it is still going on)

But i face a lot of problems in my english. (It is better to say that "However, I face problems in the learning of English", it is not advisable to use "but" to start a sentence.)

I hope all my seniors here will help me a lot to improve my poor and broken english. (It is better to say that "I hope all my seniors here will kindly help to improve my poor and broken English", it is not advisable to use "but" to start a sentence.)

Would you like to help me?

What i can use is just simple english..

If any grammar mistake, please correct it for me ok?

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发表于 4-10-2007 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 建艾 于 4-10-2007 10:21 PM 发表


May i join in..?

I'm taking spm this year.. (It is better to say that "I will take SPM this year" because you are not taking SPM for whole year, the simple continuos indicates t ...

Thanks for ur help,i can learn from the mistakes...
Really a lot of mistakes o..

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发表于 4-10-2007 11:22 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 +小风儿+ 于 4-10-2007 10:57 PM 发表

Thanks for ur help,i can learn from the mistakes...
Really a lot of mistakes o..

Actually, some of them are not mistake.
However, in my point of view, I think that the style of writing should be as shown on the last reply.
Hope that you can really get flying colours in your SPM, especially for English.
(Be frankly, I really gain some extra knowledge when I try to correct the stuff. Thanks for polishing my English)

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发表于 5-10-2007 12:10 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 建艾 于 4-10-2007 22:21 发表

I'm taking spm this year.. (It is better to say that "I will take SPM this year" because you are not taking SPM for whole year, the simple continuos indicates that the particular action is done for a long period and it is still going on)

i thought simple continuous can also be used for an event that is (for sure)gonna happen??
eg. I'm going to KL tomorrow. I'm taking the flight at 10pm.

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发表于 5-10-2007 12:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chingfong85 于 5-10-2007 12:10 AM 发表

i thought simple continuous can also be used for an event that is (for sure)gonna happen??
eg. I'm going to KL tomorrow. I'm taking the flight at 10pm.

I am not so sure.
In my opinion, I think it should be "I am going to take the flight at 10 pm", rather than "I'm taking the flight at 10 pm.
This is because from what I can read, I may interpret that you are still on the aeroplane, and the flight is started on 10 pm.

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发表于 5-10-2007 01:47 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 建艾 于 5-10-2007 12:51 AM 发表

I am not so sure.
In my opinion, I think it should be "I am going to take the flight at 10 pm", rather than "I'm taking the flight at 10 pm.
This is because from what I can read, I may inte ...

There is a blunder in your msg.

"In my opinion,i think" is a very common mistake in the europe,people used to call this redundency.
In my opinion has already indicated your thought,that's why if you write i think again,it is repeated.

Examples of redundency
1)He does likes to play game.(Wrong) He does like to play game.(Correct)

2)I will discuss about the issue with you later.(wrong)
  I will discuss the issue with you.
  Discuss is equal to talk about,if you say discuss about,it is the same with talk about about.

3)When you use comparative,words with 3 syllables or more are used with "more" whereas words with 2 or less syllables are not.

  He is more taller than me.(wrong)
  He is taller than me.(Right)
  Taller is already a comparative,but if you say more taller,it is redundency.

Correct usage
  He is cleverer than me.(correct)
  He is more clever than me.(wrong,very common mistake made among students or even teachers.)
  Clever has got 2 syllables,so it should be cleverer and not more clever.(more is added before when the adjectives are
with 3 or more syallables.

4)The very stupid redundency made by malaysian especially the police.

4.1)Hey,show me your IC card.
  IC=identity card.
therefore,IC card=identity card card.
Next time when some police officers request you to take out your ic card,pls pretend and say,MANA ADA IC CARD...SAYA TAK ADA,SAYA CUMA ADA IC SAJA. lol

4.2)"Jason,can you pls repeat it again?"said the teacher.
      Repeat=say again.
      Repeat one more time again.=say again one more time lah....this is even more terrible.Say again already shows repeat,one more time again?perhaps it is same with say again again again.

      Furthermore,not only in BI people do this,in BM is more apparent,seeming very usual.

Cikgu,boleh ulang apa yang dikatakan tadi?(correct sentence)

Hey cikgu,boleh ulang sekali lagi?
ulang=cakap lagi.
therefore,ulang sekali lagi=cakap lagi lagi.

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发表于 5-10-2007 01:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
When to use 'will', 'shall', 'would' and 'should'
http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservic ... it/learnitv43.shtml

Always use the internet for your advantage.
The website i have linked here is very useful for learning english language.

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发表于 5-10-2007 02:03 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #135 建艾 的帖子

actually i'm pretty confident with mine..hehhee..

let's wait for somebody else to give their opinion..

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发表于 5-10-2007 09:12 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 chingfong85 于 5-10-2007 12:10 AM 发表

i thought simple continuous can also be used for an event that is (for sure)gonna happen??
eg. I'm going to KL tomorrow. I'm taking the flight at 10pm.

What's the difference when i say

I will be going to KL tomorow and
I will be taking the flight at 10 pm...

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 楼主| 发表于 6-10-2007 10:52 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #139 tensaix2j 的帖子

sentence difference


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发表于 6-10-2007 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
well, i still think that when you say, i m (Verb)ing something....  
you are doing that particular verb ..

but when u say i will be (verb)ing... it means, u will be doing that ....


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