


楼主: pfg1group

太空探索工程 卫星发射 剪报评论

 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2007 03:22 AM | 显示全部楼层

月球表面多窟窿 1周生成4個 科學家:可能含水








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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2007 03:23 AM | 显示全部楼层

大陸首枚火星探測器 訂2009年升空



「熒火一號」預計2010年9月抵達火星,並向地球傳回火星照片。 據大陸媒體報導,目前火星探測器初樣正在接受一系列試驗,計劃明年五月與俄羅斯進行機、電、熱等介面的整合對接。




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 楼主| 发表于 4-12-2007 07:01 PM | 显示全部楼层







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发表于 4-12-2007 09:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 pfg1group 于 4-12-2007 03:23 AM 发表

「熒火一號」預計2010年9月抵達火星,並向地球傳回火星 ...

2009年中国与俄罗斯的火星探测 发表于 9-11-2007

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 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2007 06:57 PM | 显示全部楼层

印度称不屈服美国压力 坚持发射间谍卫星







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 楼主| 发表于 5-12-2007 07:07 PM | 显示全部楼层

太空太陽能 美能源新戰略










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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2007 04:41 PM | 显示全部楼层



● 于泽远(北京)








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 楼主| 发表于 7-12-2007 04:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

美国穿梭机机件故障 今取消升空




Technical glitch delays US shuttle launch
http://www.space-travel.com/repo ... tle_launch_999.html

by Staff Writers
Cape Canaveral, Florida (AFP) Dec 6, 2007
NASA on Thursday postponed the planned launch of the space shuttle Atlantis for at least a day due to a technical glitch, just hours before it was due to blast off.
"The launch is scrubbed for at least 24 hours," a NASA spokesman said.

The problem, which came to light before the craft was due to take off for an 11-day mission to the International Space Station (ISS), concerned two of the four gauges on the shuttle's external fuel tanks.

The two gauges were showing that the fuel tank was empty when in fact it was almost full. A similar problem with the gauges occurred in July 2005, delaying a launch of the Discovery shuttle for a week.

NASA was confident it could resolve the problem.

"We keep all our options open" for a launch Friday, said Doug Lyons, a member of the mission management team.

"The team remains in good spirits and we are really confident that we can work our way through this. We still have hope and reasons to believe that we will get off in December and again we are confident we'll get there," Lyons said.

NASA last month said the Atlantis mission to the ISS could be rescheduled during an eight-day period ending on December 13.

Atlantis will ferry a seven-strong crew including Frenchman Leopold Eyharts and German Hans Schlegel to the ISS and will also deliver a European laboratory to be installed on the space station.

Eyharts will stay behind on the ISS for two and a half months to prepare the European Columbus laboratory for future scientific work, while Schlegel will carry out two of three spacewalks planned for the Atlantis mission.

He will be accompanied by US astronaut Rex Walheim, who will help Schlegel attach the Columbus laboratory to the Harmony module, which was delivered to the ISS during the shuttle Discovery's 15-day mission that ended November 7.

Schlegel said his mission will mark "a tremendous step" for Europe. "We are becoming a more important partner for the international spaceflight community."

With Columbus, Europe hopes to become an integral part of the only functioning orbital outpost, where scientific experiments with microgravity are considered essential to prepare humans for long-term living and working in space and subsequent journeys towards Mars and beyond.

Columbus will allow astronauts to conduct hundreds of experiments a year, notably in areas of biotechnology, medicine, materials and fluids.

The Japanese laboratory Kibo, the fourth planned component of the ISS which is to be the largest and most sophisticated of all, should be delivered in three shuttle flights beginning in February 2008. It will also be attached to the Harmony module.

During the third spacewalk of the Atlantis mission, Walheim and Stanley Coils will set up two research platforms outside of Columbus: SOLAR, a solar observatory and EuTEF (European Technology Exposure Facility), which will help conduct eight different research experiments aimed at studies of life in space.

Designed to be carried in the hold of the shuttle, the European laboratory is cylindrical, 6.87 meters (yards) long and 4.49 meters in diameter. Columbus weighs more than 10 tons when empty and 19 tons fully loaded.

It can accommodate up to three people and carry 10 research equipment units.

Construction of the space laboratory, which cost 1.3 billion euros, began in 1992.

Initially it was planned that Columbus would be flown to the ISS at the end of 2004, but the disastrous fatal accident of the shuttle Columbia in February 2003 resulted in the grounding of the three remaining shuttle orbiters for two years, which in turn delayed the Columbus launch.

Columbus will be controlled from a German space operations center near Munich.

Germany is by far the biggest contributor to the project, financing 41 percent of the total cost. Italy contributed 23 percent and France 18 percent.

In all, 10 European countries participate in the program.

NASA said a fourth space walk could be added to the Atlantis mission to inspect a faltering mechanism in one of three solar panels serving the ISS station, which would extend the shuttle's stay in orbit.

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 楼主| 发表于 11-12-2007 06:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

太空總署:2020年月球建前哨站 通火星跳板


(法新社華盛頓十日電) 美國官員今天表示,雖然經費還沒著落,不過,美國國家航空暨太空總署正朝著重返月球的目標邁進,預定二零二零年前人類再登月球,並且在月球上設置前哨站,作為通往火星的跳板。












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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2007 03:11 PM | 显示全部楼层


atlas 火箭使用苏联RD-180发动机。
取代titan 4通讯卫星。

atlas 火箭第12次飞行,今年内第4次发射。

http://www.space.com/missionlaun ... s5-launch-wrap.html

Atlas 5 Rocket Orbits Classified U.S. Satellite
By Justin Ray

posted: 11 December 2007
6:21 p.m. ET

Its thunderous departure out of Cape Canaveral on Monday afternoon was hard to miss, but the hush-hush ascent of the Atlas 5 rocket was wrapped in an unusual cloak of secrecy as the booster propelled high above Earth a classified spacecraft designed to communicate with spy satellites.

Under orders from the launch's customer -- the U.S. National Reconnaissance Office -- the rocket flight entered a news blackout shortly after its 5:05 p.m. EST (2205 GMT) liftoff from Complex 41.

The NRO is the government agency responsible for the nation's fleet of spy satellites. It has carried out many launches in recent years, yet none were as secretive as Monday's flight.

After an apparent smooth countdown, the rocket's Russian-designed RD-180 main engine roared to ignition to boost the 19-story Atlas skyward on nearly a million pounds of thrust.

Cloud-free skies offered spectators a clear view of the flickering golden flame as the rocket maneuvered itself on a northeasterly path that would take it right up the Eastern Seaboard.

The bronze first stage fired for four minutes before shutting down and separating, leaving the hydrogen-fueled Centaur upper stage to light its RL10 engine and continue the push to orbit. Shortly after the ignition, the no-longer-needed nose cone shrouding the payload was jettisoned.

That was when updates on the rocket's trek fell silent. Live reports on the vehicle's health and progress ceased, preventing any real-time confirmation of key events such as the Centaur completing its engine burns and deployment of the payload. Typically, such information had flowed freely for NRO launches just like other NASA, military and commercial rocket flights. But not this time.

About two hours after the liftoff, rocket-maker United Launch Alliance issued a press release saying the launch had ended successfully.

"ULA is proud to have played a critical role for this important NRO mission, ensuring that our nation has the technology and spaceborne assets needed to acquire intelligence worldwide," said Jim Sponnick, United Launch Alliance vice president of Atlas programs said in the post-launch news release.

"Close teamwork with the NRO Office of Space Launch, the U.S. Air Force Launch and Range Systems Wing and the 45th Space Wing at Cape Canaveral made today's successful mission possible."

Nearly the same time as the press release was being received, the spent Centaur upper stage was completing its first orbit. The rocket body was dumping residual propellant overboard, creating a stunningly bright fan-shaped cloud visible above eastern North America, with sighting reports from Louisiana to Canada. For those in the Cape Canaveral area gazing into the nighttime sky, it was a special treat after witnessing the spectacular liftoff just two hours earlier.

Following the tradition of NRO launches on Atlas rockets, the mission was given a name -- Scorpius. The mission logo was displayed on the rocket's nose cone featuring a scorpion, a saying translated to "Beware Our Sting" and satellites flying in different types of orbits around Earth.

The rocket flew into a highly inclined, highly elliptical orbit, dispatching a satellite that's destined for a Molniya-style orbit stretching from about 500 miles to 25,000 miles at an inclination of 63 degrees. Most space experts agree the payload was a data relay satellite that will be used to route information from polar-orbiting photo reconnaissance spacecraft to ground receivers.

Sky-watchers say the government has relay satellite networks flying the highly elliptical orbits as well as geosynchronous orbit around the planet's equator.

Early versions of these relay craft were launched starting in the mid-1970s, followed by a second-generation of satellites that were carried aloft on space shuttle missions in 1989, 1990 and 1992 and a Titan 4 rocket in 1996.

Atlas rockets deployed more-recent craft for the Satellite Data System program toward a Molniya-style orbit in January 1998 and August 2004, and toward a geosynchronous orbit in December 2000 and October 2001.

Monday's ascent took a northeast trajectory off the launch pad similar to the earlier Atlas missions bound for a Molniya orbit, and experts say the liftoff appeared timed to intercept the orbit occupied by the aging satellite lofted by the Titan a dozen years ago.

It was the 12th flight for an Atlas 5 rocket and the fourth this year.

Launch photos can be seen here.

Next up will be February's maiden launch from the rocket's West Coast pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California carrying another NRO payload. The next liftoff from the Cape is targeted for March to haul the commercial ICO mobile communications satellite into space.

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 楼主| 发表于 12-12-2007 03:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

美國宣布新探月計畫 強調精細度空前





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 楼主| 发表于 17-12-2007 12:16 AM | 显示全部楼层


http://www.zaobao.com/special/ne ... ngkong071216c.shtml









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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 04:20 PM | 显示全部楼层

日本將發射 高速網路衛星





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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 05:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

Brazil, Argentina Launch Rocket on Science Mission


SAO PAULO, Brazil (AP) -- Brazil and Argentina successfully launched a rocket into space on Sunday in the first joint space mission by the two South American nations.

The VS30 rocket, which carried experiments from both countries, blasted off from Brazil's Barreira do Inferno launch center in northern Rio Grande do Norte state, Brazil's Space Agency said in a statement.

The rocket reached an altitude of 75 miles and its journey -- which lasted 9 minutes, 25 seconds -- was considered "perfect," the agency said.

Liftoff was delayed several times since Wednesday by bad weather.

The mission was the fruit of a 1998 accord between space agencies in Brazil, which has launched rockets into space before, and Argentina, which has relied on other nations to send up satellites.


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 楼主| 发表于 18-12-2007 05:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

NASA pushes shuttle launch into 2008


CAPE CANAVERAL, Florida, Dec 9 (AFP) Dec 09, 2007
NASA Sunday postponed its launch of the shuttle Atlantis until early 2008 after technical problems scuppered the planned delivery of a European laboratory to the International Space Station.

The launch was scrubbed for a fourth time in the early hours after NASA engineers discovered that one of the sensors on the spacecraft's external hydrogen fuel tank had failed.

"The mission management team has decided to postpone the launch until January 2 at the earliest," NASA spokesman Allard Beutel said.

The Atlantis crew of seven was preparing for an 11-day mission to fly Europe's Columbus laboratory to the space station, orbiting hundreds of miles above Earth.

They had not yet entered the shuttle before the launch was called off, and will now return to NASA headquarters in Houston later Sunday, the agency said.

"We were ready to fly, but understand that these types of technical challenges are part of the space program," a crew statement said.

"We hope everyone gets some well-deserved rest, and we will be back to try again when the vehicle is ready to fly."

Atlantis's launch had already been postponed from Thursday, after two of the sensors gave false readings during fueling. Under NASA rules, all four sensors have to be working properly for the launch to proceed.

If the sensors on the external tank register low fuel, they shut down the main engines on the shuttle itself, and NASA bosses said technicians need more time to find out what was causing the faulty readings.

The crew included two European Space Agency astronauts -- Hans Schlegel of Germany and Frenchman Leopold Eyharts. Eyharts was scheduled to stay on the ISS for two and a half months to prepare Columbus for future scientific work.

Until now, only the United States and Russia have had their own laboratories at the ISS.

With Columbus, Europe hopes to become an integral part of the only functioning orbital outpost, whose experiments with gravity are considered essential to prepare humans for long-term life and work in space, and journeys to Mars and beyond.

The Japanese laboratory Kibo, the fourth planned component of the ISS which is to be the largest and most sophisticated of all, is meant to be delivered in stages over subsequent shuttle flights.

The first of the Kibo flights is scheduled for around February 14, on the Endeavour shuttle, and a second is due in April on the Discovery craft. Other shuttle flights are scheduled for August and September.

Bill Gerstenmeyer, NASA's associate director for space operations, played down the impact of the lengthy Atlantis delay on next year's shuttle launches, some of the last before the fleet's scheduled retirement in 2010.

"We are all a little bit disappointed we did not to get to see a launch today," Gerstenmeyer told a news conference.

But he added: "If you look at what this means moving into January from the big-picture standpoint, it's not that big an impact to us overall, it won't impact the next mission, the February flight."

Initially it was planned that Columbus would be flown to the ISS at the end of 2004.

But the tragic end of the shuttle Columbia in February 2003 grounded the three remaining shuttle orbiters for two years, which in turn delayed the laboratory's launch.

Columbus will be controlled from the German Aerospace Center in Oberpfaffenhofen, close to Munich. In all, 10 European countries are participating in the program with Germany by far the biggest contributor.

The laboratory will allow astronauts to conduct hundreds of experiments a year, notably in areas of biotechnology, medicine, materials and fluids.

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 楼主| 发表于 22-12-2007 08:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

鑑定沙巴東部 大馬將發射國產火箭

http://www.chinapress.com.my/con ... mp;art=1222mc52.txt






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 楼主| 发表于 22-12-2007 08:29 PM | 显示全部楼层



升空火箭为delta 2.

这颗卫星(GPS 2A24)将会取代1993年发射的(GPS 2A20),原本设计年龄为7年。
The new civilian signal removes navigation errors caused by the Earth's ionosphere. The military advancements will provide an enhanced jam-resistant signal and enable more-precise targeting of GPS-guided weapons in hostile environments.


http://www.space.com/missionlaun ... -delta2-launch.html
A productive year for the Delta rocket program that launched spacecraft to observe Earth, dig up frozen water on Mars and explore uncharted worlds in the asteroid belt was capped with a successful ascent of a modernized GPS navigation satellite on Thursday afternoon from Cape Canaveral.

The year's finale began at 3:04 p.m. EST (2004 GMT) as the Delta 2 booster darted away from pad 17A carrying the newest craft for the Global Positioning System.

The three-stage launcher propelled the 4,500-pound satellite into a highly elliptical orbit reaching about 11,000 miles at the high point, 100 miles at the lowest and inclined 40 degrees to the equator. The Lockheed Martin-made satellite was released from the spent rocket 68 minutes after liftoff.

"The Delta 2 and GPS team did great work throughout this launch campaign," said Col. James Planeaux, Air Force mission director for the launch and commander of the Delta Group. "I'm thrilled to see those long hours and dedication to the mission rewarded with a pinpoint orbit insertion for GPS 2R-18."

A solid-propellant kick motor on the satellite itself will fire in a few days to circularize its orbit at 11,000 miles and increase the inclination to 55 degrees where the GPS constellation flies. The craft should be ready to enter service within a couple of weeks.

"The successful deployment of this high-performance satellite represents another important milestone in the modernization of the GPS constellation and reflects our commitment to achieving mission success for our customer," said Don DeGryse, Lockheed Martin's vice president of Navigation Systems. "Our team is now focused on performing a rapid and efficient on-orbit checkout to quickly place the satellite's advanced navigational capabilities into operational service."

Controllers will maneuver the $75 million craft into the Plane C, Slot 1 position of the constellation to take the place of GPS 2A-24. That satellite then moves into another role replacing the ailing GPS 2A-20 satellite, which was launched in May 1993 and has long outlived its seven-year design life.

The orbiting network emits continuous navigation signals that allow users to find their position in latitude, longitude and altitude and determine time.

The GPS 2R-18 spacecraft is the fifth in a series of eight with enhanced features designed to rejuvenate the GPS constellation.

"Today's launch moves us another step closer to modernizing the vital GPS constellation, which provides combat effects our warfighters depend on," said Brig. Gen. Susan Helms, commander of the Cape's 45th Space Wing.

The modernized satellites transmit additional signals and feature improvements aimed at greater accuracy, tougher resistance to interference and better performance for users around the world.

The new civilian signal removes navigation errors caused by the Earth's ionosphere. The military advancements will provide an enhanced jam-resistant signal and enable more-precise targeting of GPS-guided weapons in hostile environments.

"We have the most robust and capable Global Positioning System in the history of space, and we are focused on delivering world-class space-based positioning, navigation and timing capabilities for our military and civil communities. Thanks to the men and women of the 45th and 50th Space Wings, our industry partners and the Delta 2 and (GPS) 2R launch teams, the success of today's launch was possible due to their dedication and hard work," said Col. David Madden, commander of the Space and Missile Systems Center's Global Positioning Systems Wing.

Nine Delta rockets soared to space in 2007, all delivering their NASA, U.S. military and commercial cargos without fault.

"This launch wraps up a high-tempo year of delivering space capability to our nation, including three Delta launches from Cape Canaveral in the last 64 days. It's a great year-end exclamation point for the Launch and Range Systems Wing, the United Launch Alliance, and all of our mission teammates," said Planeaux.


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 楼主| 发表于 22-12-2007 08:43 PM | 显示全部楼层




Ariane 5 Rocket Makes Record Sixth Launch in a Year
http://www.space.com/missionlaun ... -rocket-launch.html

KOUROU, French Guiana -- Europe's Ariane 5 rocket on Friday successfully launched telecommunications satellites for a U.S.-Japanese joint venture and a startup company that will offer telephone and Internet service throughout Africa after a decade-long struggle for financing.

The launch, from the Guiana Space Center here, was the sixth Ariane 5 liftoff this year for Europe's Arianespace commercial-launch consortium, a calendar-year record the company hopes to surpass in 2008 with seven or eight Ariane 5 liftoffs.

The Friday launch carried into orbit the Horizons-2 satellite, built by Orbital Sciences Corp. of Dulles, Va., for a joint venture of Intelsat of Washington and JSAT Corp. of Tokyo. Horizons-2, the second satellite for the joint venture, will be placed at 74 degrees west longitude. For Intelsat, Horizons-2 will replace the SBS-6 spacecraft, which is being retired after 17 years in orbit. Horizons-2 weighed 2,304 kilograms at launch and is expected to operate its 20 Ku-band transponders for 15-17 years.

Intelsat and JSAT will use the satellite for telecommunications services thoughout the continental United States, the Caribbean and parts of Canada. The satellite was already 40 percent booked before launch, according to Intelsat officials.

Also placed into geostationary transfer orbit was the Rascom-QAF1 satellite, for the RascomStar-QAF company registered in Port Louis, Mauritius. Rascom's shareholders are 45 African nations, led by Libya, which have invested in Rascom as a way of reducing their dependence on non-African satellite suppliers.

Passing through various configurations and ownership structures, Rascom has been trying for more than a decade to assemble the program. With the entry of Libya Africa Investment Portfolio, a Libyan investment fund, and the Libyan General Post and Telecommunications Co., and later by three African development banks, the $370 million package was secured.

Rascom-QAF1, built by Thales Alenia Space of France and Italy -- which is a shareholder in Rascom -- carries eight C-band and 12 Ku-band transponders. It will operate from 2.85 degrees east longitude, an orbital slot made available to RascomStar-QAF -- QAF stands for Qamar Afrikir, or African moon -- by the government of the Ivory Coast.

Rascom's other mission is to provide telecommunications links to up to 130,000 rural telephone cabins. RascomStar-QAF expects to purchase the first 15,000 of these terminals in a contract expected to be signed with a terminal manufacturer to be selected by March. Once the design has proven itself, RascomStar-QAF expects that African telecommunications companies will purchase and deploy the cabins on their own.

RascomStar-QAF officials say the goal is to be able to offer these terminals for about $1,200 apiece, including a small solar panel to provide electricity, once the research and design costs have been amortized by the first RascomStar-QAF-financed 15,000 units.

Ariane 5 rockets puts Africa's first satellite into space

An Ariane 5 rocket blasted off here on Friday to put into orbit the first African telecommunications satellite as well as another made by a US-Japanese joint venture, Arianespace said.

The rocket, the 36th launch of an Ariane 5 and the sixth this year, lifted off at 2142 GMT and successfully placed the satellites for the pan-African operator RascomStar-QAF and US-Japanese Horizons 2 Satellite LLC.  The pan-African satellite, weighing 3.2 tonnes, is the first from the continent to be put into space. Several African dignitaries witnessed the launch but Libyan leader Moamer Kadhafi, who was expected, was a no show.  The Horizons-2 satellite, weighing 2.3 tonnes, was manufactured by Satellite LLC, a joint venture between Intelsat of the US and Japanese firm JSAT.

[ 本帖最后由 pfg1group 于 22-12-2007 08:45 PM 编辑 ]

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 楼主| 发表于 24-12-2007 05:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

結合台灣福衛二號 尋找需求農地資訊更完整






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 楼主| 发表于 24-12-2007 07:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

资料填补 - 来自mdc第二论坛

http://news.xinhuanet.com/newsce ... content_7250048.htm


2007年12月14日 17:58:53  來源:新華網





(責任編輯: 劉莉 )

http://news.xinhuanet.com/newsce ... content_7252248.htm


2007年12月14日 23:06:30  來源:新華網

新華網莫斯科12月14日電(記者 董愛波)俄羅斯航天兵14日在哈薩克斯坦境內的拜科努爾航天發射場用“聯盟-FG”運載火箭,成功發射一顆加拿大雷達衛星。



(責任編輯: 彭立軍 )

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