发表于 2-6-2014 07:54 PM
$$8888 发表于 2-6-2014 01:59 PM
因為,工多了工錢也要多。 ...
哈哈, auditor那笔是跑不掉的, 至于会计小姐那份就... 看你公司的会计小姐现在的工作量多不多咯, 多个话一是请多个人, 二是找个好系统, 能自动+准确负责GST事项. (别指望auditor会帮你做这些, 除非你很舍得给可观的audit fee)
本帖最后由 statement 于 2-6-2014 08:45 PM 编辑
发表于 2-6-2014 08:00 PM
好巴士 发表于 2-6-2014 02:00 PM
总结一下 , 看看对不对:
对, 年收入没超过500K的商家不需要去注册GST, 也无权向顾客收取GST, kastam自然也不会向他们追讨他们售卖的物品的GST, 因为根本都没有这GST产生.
至于购货时产生的GST, by law是不可以转嫁给顾客的, 不过应该没几个商家会遵守.
发表于 2-6-2014 08:29 PM
rexoon 发表于 2-6-2014 04:01 PM
请问有谁可以说明一下有关 Capital Goods Adjustment (CGA)这一部分吗?
哈哈, 这很深奥下的咯... 深奥的地方不是这很难, 而是资料不足... 如果我没搞错, 那五十多家已拿到Kastam津贴准证的软件公司, 好像90%的公司的软件是没cover到CGA & PE这些等等比较advance的topics咯.
其实我有去看过Kastam网站的资料, 不过有看没懂, 感觉缺少了很多东西... 总结来说, 必须是100K或以上的asset才能算是CGA, 然后那商家也必须是Mix supply才可以, 而GST税务是以"分期"方式来结算, 有点跟我们算depreciation一样, 唯一分别是那%不是固定的, 需要根据当时的Asset value来计算.
另外, 那个Year-end时的adjustment也是很乱下的, 什么long period之类的, 只要一不小心, 哈哈, 恭喜你, 为国库增加收入.
发表于 2-6-2014 08:41 PM
HugFen 发表于 2-6-2014 06:54 PM
其实, 大致的"范围"是有了, 仅缺少"细节"和会遇到的"问题"吧了.
根据Kastam现有的资料, 已经list出一些行业本身的计算GST"规则", 剩下的是需要时间慢慢"度"出来咯.
本帖最后由 statement 于 2-6-2014 08:47 PM 编辑
发表于 2-6-2014 09:12 PM
谢谢,我也是看了CUSTOM 的资料后觉得还有很多细节没说明所以才来这里看看有没有人知道。
发表于 3-6-2014 03:10 PM
rexoon 发表于 2-6-2014 09:12 PM
谢谢,我也是看了CUSTOM 的资料后觉得还有很多细节没说明所以才来这里看看有没有人知道。
现阶段, 应该有一小部分的人知道了, 不过别指望他们会免费公开.
之前有人来找过我, 游说我报名参加他师傅Z博士的讲座会, 出席费八百多块咯, 听说课程资料全马最完整齐全, 是全马唯一一个有cover到accounting的讲座会, 单单那教科书就值四百多五百了, 绝对值得, 呵呵, 不过最终我还是没去... |
发表于 4-6-2014 10:06 PM
最近听一个做account的经理去听一个关于GST的讲座,他说公司可以cleam回GST,不过政府来查的话如果有一个transaction错误不管涉及款额多少一律罚款20千,而且是一个错误20千,如果一个账目里有10个错误就200千,加上如果他们证实有欺骗成份不但要罚款,连同Director都要坐牢,假如你是会计经理,公司的transcation一个月最少有几千个,就算你有几个account clerk帮你我想你也不能安心。
本帖最后由 小虫 于 4-6-2014 10:10 PM 编辑
发表于 5-6-2014 08:13 PM
首相: 中小企获补贴须符3条件 发电子券购消费税软件http://www.nanyang.com/node/626030?tid=460
(吉隆坡4日讯)首相拿督斯里纳吉宣布,政府通过大马中小型企业机构(SME CORP)发放1000令吉电子补贴券(e-voucher),让中小企业向参与的软件供应商购买消费税软件,协助他们应对消费税。
发表于 5-6-2014 08:17 PM
Businesses that are Eligible to Apply for Financial Assistance
Businesses defined as SMEs are eligible to apply for this financial assistance. Definition of SMEs that was endorsed by the National SME Development Council (NSDC) effective 1 January 2014 is as follows:5 conditions that must be met in order to be classified as SMEs:
- Qualifying criteria
- Manufacturing Sector: Sales turnover not exceeding RM50 million OR full-time employees not exceeding 200 people
- Service Sector and other sectors: Sales turnover not exceeding RM20 million OR full-time employees not exceeding 75 people
- Establishment type
- Incorporated under the Registration of Company Act (1965); or
- Registered under the Registration of Business Act (1956) or Limited Liability Partnerships Act (2012); or
- Registered with the respective authorities or district offices in Sabah and Sarawak; or
- Registered with the respective statutory bodies for professional service providers.
- Not listed on the main board of Malaysia or other countries
- Not a subsidiary of public listed companies on the main board of Malaysia or other countries
- Not a subsidiary of large firms, multinational corporations (MNCs), Government-linked companies (GLCs), Syarikat Menteri Kewangan Diperbadankan (MKDs) and State-owned enterprises
Implementation of the Financial Assistance- Forms of Assistance
Assistance will be provided in the form of GST eVoucher worth RM1,000 each for the purchase of GST compliant software or upgrade of the software to be GST compliant. The redemption is based on the actual amount if the purchase or upgrade of the software is less than RM1,000. - Eligibility
- Applicants of eVoucher should:
- Register with MyGST
- Fulfill the SME Definition
- Have at least 51% of Malaysian Equity
- eVoucher can only be redeemed from the software providers that has been certified by RMCD
- Date of Implementation
- Application for eVoucher will commence on 1 June 2014 and end on 31 December 2014 or until the quota for eVoucher grant expires.
- SMEs area able purchase or upgrade their software starting from the official date selected software provider list was announced on 12 March 2014. Purchases made before 12 March 2014 are not eligible for financial assistance.
- Payment will be made directly to SMEs through the normal claim process if they purchase the software from 12 March until 31 May 2014.
- Features of eVoucher
- eVoucher can only be applied and redeemed by eligible SMEs.
- Only one eVoucher will be issued for each MyGST registration number and it is not transferable.
- Each eVoucher can only be redeemed once.
- eVoucher is valid from 1 June 2014 until 28 February 2015.
- Following identification will be displayed on eVoucher:
- Logo of the National Coat of Arms, Royal Malaysian Customs Department and SME Corp. Malaysia
- Business / Company Name
- Business / Company Registration number
- Serial Number
- Validity Period
- Terms and condition
- Procedure for Application
- eVoucher application by SMEs from SME Corp. Malaysia
- SMEs need to apply the eVoucher via online at the following website: http://gst-evoucher.smecorp.gov.my
- If necessary, applicants may submit their applications using computer terminals that are available at SME Corp. Malaysia’s headquarter in Kuala Lumpur Sentral or state offices.
- Details of SMEs that are required:
- Company Name
- MyGST Registration No.
- MyCoId ROC/ROB No.
- Annual Sales Turnover
- Number of employees
- Information of Shareholding (owner's name & NRIC No.)
- SME Corp. Malaysia will verify the MyGST registration and status of SMEs.
- Successful applicants will be given the access to print the eVoucher worth RM1, 000.
- Redemption of eVoucher by SMEs from the software providers
- SMEs are able to redeem the eVoucher from any software providers appointed by RMCD.
- Software providers are required to sign up with GST SME Corp. Malaysia system and fill in their MyGST registration number and serial number to ensure the authenticity of the eVoucher and redemption is valid.
- Claims payment by software providers to SME Corp. Malaysia
- Software providers are able to claim for the payment on eVoucher redeemed by the SMEs from SME Corp. Malaysia.
- The submission for the claim is in batches process whereby the dates will be determined by SME Corp. Each batch will consists of a maximum of 50 claim documents for each software provider.
- All documents must be certified by the commissioner of oaths (group certification is allowable).
- Claims can only be made by main software providers registered with RMCD (branches and agents are not allowed to make claims).
- Claims must be made by filling up the Claim Form (one form per group) provided by SME Corp. Malaysia.
- Supporting documents that need to be submitted by the service providers to SME Corp. Malaysia for the purchase are:
- eVoucher
- Invoice
- Receipt
- Confirmation by SMEs
- received deduction / discount RM1, 000;
- software has been installed and functioning; and
- attended the software training
发表于 10-6-2014 10:40 AM
请问各位大大, 我想问下,如果我是转租厂给人的,请问要还GST吗? 是租户还还是厂主还?要还多少? |
发表于 10-6-2014 09:44 PM
发表于 11-6-2014 04:24 PM
越了解gst,越觉得这个制度对商家来讲是一个陷阱,她妈的,要帮政府征税,可是很多制度都不明朗,报错料又要被罚款,这个gst不只可以抽消费者的钱,另一个好处就是可以查商家的错处,记账或呈报不对就给你来个高额罚款,存档要七年,如果七年一直报错,那个罚款可以是天文数字,政府真的就财源滚滚,人家新加坡那么小,10年gst错误的罚金就高达10亿新币,马来西亚的中小商家肯定很多会中penalty,有太多条规和算法是商家不会的,小商家更不可能为了这个gst去请会计专才帮你顾你的生意,auditor当然也不会理你的gst呈报是对是错,所以简单来讲gst是政府其中可以敛财的一种制度,肯定会有很多商家会中罚款,这个对政府来讲是一门大生意,所以为什么政府死都要实行这个gst,以后政府可以继续有钱挥霍,商家和消费者就只有苦哈哈等死! |
发表于 11-6-2014 04:33 PM
general1 发表于 11-6-2014 04:24 PM
越了解gst,越觉得这个制度对商家来讲是一个陷阱,她妈的,要帮政府征税,可是很多制度都不明朗,报错料又要 ...
发表于 11-6-2014 04:43 PM
小虫 发表于 4-6-2014 10:06 PM
最近听一个做account的经理去听一个关于GST的讲座,他说公司可以cleam回GST,不过政府来查的话如果有一个tr ...
呵呵, 你那做account的经理被人骗了... 现在外面很多"识少少扮代表"的讲座会胡说八道, 乱给错误信息, 你这account经理朋友并不是第一个,这楼之前有个网友也是中招, 他出席的讲座会还是号称拥有Kastam GST准证的公司之一举办的.(对方说是有Kastam GST准证, 不过据我所知,kastam好像也只有发出subsidy准证给那五十多间软件公司吧了, 而这subsidy准证和大家以为的GST准证可是完全不一样的东东咯)
其实之前我已在这楼说过了,Kastam已经在官网写得很明白了, 任何错误都将以late payment形式计算:
1-30 days 5% (Total : 5 %)
31-60 days 5% (Total : 10 %)
61-90 days 3% (Total : 13 %)
91-120 days 3% (Total : 16%)
121-150 days 3% (Total : 19%)
151-180 days 3% (Total : 22%)
181 days or more 3% (Total : 25%)
也就是说如果你发现到你上个月的税务错了,那就penaly 5%, 如果是上两个月, 那就penaly 10%, 如果是半年或以上, 那就一律penaly 25%.
但是如果kastam认定你的错误是逃税性质, 那初犯者將面对逃税数额最低10倍、最高20倍的罚款,或坐牢不超过5年,或两者兼施。重犯者,將面对逃税数额最低20倍、最高40倍的罚款,或坐牢不超过7年,或两者兼施。如果所涉及的逃税数额不清,则可面对最低5万令吉、最高50万令吉的罚款,或坐牢不超过7年,或两者兼施。
至于协助其他人逃税者,一旦罪成,可被判罚款最低2000令吉、最高2万令吉,或坐牢不超过3年,或两者兼施。==> 应该是这句被"识少少扮代表"的砖家理解成一个错误2万. (真佩服这些砖家, 不仅理解错,还加油添醋乱讲一通)
发表于 11-6-2014 05:09 PM
所以政府消费税肯定会增加国家税收,只是政府没有告诉商家,如果你报错或者漏报,商家就要付罚金,这个是非直接的税收,但是我想这笔数目将是非常庞大的,越活在这个国家,就越觉得做普通老百姓日子就越难混! |
发表于 11-6-2014 05:44 PM
Aquariel 发表于 5-6-2014 08:13 PM
首相: 中小企获补贴须符3条件 发电子券购消费税软件http://www.nanyang.com/node/626030?tid=460
(吉隆坡 ...
哈哈哈哈...... 前面大家已知道所谓的认证其实不是GST认证而是津贴认证,然后现在再来个大boom,所谓的津贴原来不是这样好拿的,首先要去申请eVoucher先,而要申请这eVoucher,必需拥有MyGST和MyCold户口,哈哈, 刚刚google了,在 MyCold官网的 Announcement那有看到一句“MyCoID Subscription fee is waived until 31 Dec 2014.” (http://ww1.ssm-mycoid.com.my/web2/)然后这新闻(http://english.astroawani.com/ne ... ce-mygst-soon-27701)也有提到MyGST也是有收费的。(annual fee?)
哈哈哈哈,三个月了,不知道有多少商家被那五十多家软件公司骗到换系统呢? 相信不少吧。。。
发表于 11-6-2014 05:45 PM
冰雪魔帝 发表于 10-6-2014 10:40 AM
请问各位大大, 我想问下,如果我是转租厂给人的,请问要还GST吗? 是租户还还是厂主还?要还多少?
如果是公司的话,如果你有注册GST,那就要征收6%了。 |
发表于 11-6-2014 05:58 PM
general1 发表于 11-6-2014 04:24 PM
越了解gst,越觉得这个制度对商家来讲是一个陷阱,她妈的,要帮政府征税,可是很多制度都不明朗,报错料又要 ...
呵呵,政府官员买东西习惯比市价贵100倍1000倍, 国家养牛要养在高级公寓里,还有一大堆种种大开销。。。 钱钱钱钱,没钱怎样挥霍?
发表于 11-6-2014 06:05 PM
general1 发表于 11-6-2014 05:09 PM
政府就会勤力派官员去中小型商家查账 ...
不好意思,政府不用派官员去中小型商家处查账这样麻烦,GST执行后,商家需要把他们的全盘账都给完政府, 你给了,你供应商也给了,连你顾客都给了,官员只要按下系统,谁有问题立刻知道。 |
发表于 11-6-2014 08:09 PM
statement 发表于 11-6-2014 05:44 PM
哈哈哈哈...... 前面大家已知道所谓的认证其实不是GST认证而是津贴认证,然后现在再来个大boom,所谓的津 ...
| |