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2012-05-15 10:47:14 作者:超昂草莓| 来源:凯恩之角| 网友评论0条| 进入论坛
如果你的安装盘被弹出,请重新放入并在此尝试。如果没有,或者仍然看到这个问题,登陆战网并安装暗黑破坏神3数字安装版。”- 如果你下载了数字安装程序,这个错误表明文件没有被准确地转换。这可能是由于你过早地关闭下载器导致的。虽然下载器可能显示100%,但需要一些时间才能真正完成。解决这个问题的方法就是登陆战网,并重新运行下载器。
ERROR_108- 类似“出现一个未知的解码错误”,ERROR_108可能是由于文件毁坏,受损或下载的安装文件不完整导致。这通常也是由于过早地关闭下载器所致。虽然下载器可能显示100%,但请给出一些时间等待完成。
ERROR_12- 这个错误是由于全球畅玩尚未开启所致。请确定你按照下列方法选择了正确的战区:
- 登陆画面点击选项(Option)
- 选择账号标签
- 在地区(Region)下拉菜单里选择正确的地区
ERROR_33和34200- 服务正在维护中,请稍后尝试。(请注意暗黑破坏神3北美服务器在北京时间5月15日下午3点01分之前是无法登陆的)。
ERROR_37- 服务器已经满员。这是由于登陆流量过高所致。解决方法只有继续尝试登陆。
ERROR_24000- 一旦登陆你可能在尝试开始游戏时遇到这个错误。我们已经发现并在尽快解决这个问题中。
ERROR_3004,3006,3007或300008- 有多种可能性导致这些错误。我们正在发现这里有具体解决方案。
ERROR_315300- 如果你确定你输入了正确的账户信息,请检查在你的账户前面或者后面是否有多余的空格。如果仍然遇到这个问题,可能是你的外国语言数据文件出现错误。有些玩家找到了解决方法,请注意这些解决方法并不是我们所支持的。
灰色的登陆按钮- 你需要使用你的战网通行证邮件地址作为账户名。你的战网昵称是一个昵称,而不是账户名。
没有授权绑定- 请为你的战网通行证创建一个战网昵称。你可以在这里进行。
无法初始化数据流- 这个错误通常是由于电脑上的安全软件导致。当然,也可能是同一时间许多人同时连接服务器所致。请检查你的防火墙设置并再次尝试。
更新配置文件- 如果你仍然遇到“正在更新配置文件”,尝试故障排解步骤,以及这些。 |
发表于 15-5-2012 04:09 PM
发表于 15-5-2012 04:12 PM
Diablo III Connection Troubleshooting
can't connect,
If you are having problems connecting to Diablo III, or find yourself disconnecting frequently, please follow the steps below to troubleshoot the issue.
Step 1: Check the Server Status
Before doing more advanced troubleshooting, you should first ensure that the Diablo III server is not simply down for necessary maintenance. The Breaking News section of the Diablo III login screen is typically the easiest location to find out whether the server is down or not. An alternative location is the Diablo III Technical Forums, which usually sees a rush of new posts when a major server outage occurs.
Step 2: Power Cycle the Modem and Router
A remarkable number of issues can be caused by "jams" within the network cache. Simply resetting the connection to your ISP by powercycling your modem and router can resolve these.
Shut down all computers connected to the modem and router.
Unplug the router from its power source.
Unplug the modem from its power source.
Allow both to sit unplugged for a minute or two.
Plug the modem back in and wait until the lights on the front are blinking in their usual solid pattern.
Plug the router back in.
Turn your computer(s) back on.
Note: Modems with battery backups will need to have their batteries pulled or the reset button on the modem used instead.
Step 3: Reconfigure Firewall and Router Settings
If you are using a firewall or router, you may need to manually set up your system to allow access to the game server. Your firewall and/or router will need to allow unrestricted communications on ports 80, 1119, and 6881 - 6999.
Step 4: Update your Operating System
An outdated verison of Windows or Mac OS X can cause many issues. Thankfully, they're easy to update.
Windows updates are available from Microsoft.
Mac OS X updates can be obtained by clicking on the Apple icon and choosing Software Update
Step 5: Update Your Network Hardware
Old firmware on your modem and router along with old drivers on your network card can cause issues when your network needs to deal with complex game connections. The manufacturer's website for your hardware should have firmware/driver downloads available, as well as instructions on how to apply firmware updates.
Step 6: Resolve Conflicts with Security Programs and Other Third-Party Programs
Any program on your computer which monitors or uses your Internet connection has the potential to be interfering with Diablo III. Security programs may mistake Diablo III network traffic as being malicious and shut it down, and other Internet reliant software such as chat and download programs (torrents) may end up fighting over the same bandwidth and network ports.
Try closing background applications and see if Diablo III becomes stable. Be advised that most security software will continue to run in a limited manner even when turned off and may require full uninstallation to truly troubleshoot. When in doubt, contact the manufacturer of your security programs for assistance in configuring them to not interfere with Diablo III.
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