大家好,本人有个疑问,前几天我朋友开一个文件给我看,那文件是从AIC-DCA哪里下载的,是关于Requirement for grant of CPL(A)的,其中一点是提到examption from approved training。在examption from approved training 的内容是: DCA may,for the grant of a CPL(A),exempt a candidate from undergoing an approved flying training course for:
I) Military Pilots:there are pilot of aeroplanes in the Malaysia Armed Forces that meet the requirement of AIC 3/90 dated 15 March 1990.
II)Other Experienced Pilot:These are for pilot that have accumulated a total of not less than 500 hours flying civil registered aeroplane.
那我想问的是,假如我的PPL有500hours,我的PPL licence 是不是直接convert 去CPL licence呢?
谢谢 |