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噢我親愛的朋友 能否借用你的雙耳 聆聽這首歌
噢我親愛的朋友 能否借用你的雙耳 聆聽這首歌
好久好久以前 似乎有個伊甸園
平安 祥和 大家心都相連 親密無間
是什麼時候 我們成為現在的我們
脆弱的偽裝堅強 昏醉的不愿面對真相
撲火的飛蛾 那不能自拔的淪陷
灰飛 煙滅 如昨日的雨林 今日地獄
是什麼時候 碗里盛滿牲畜的屍骸
笑著啃食的瞬間 哀痛苦恨你是否聽見
啊………%¥@&*#><|| 呀啊啊啊啊!!!
餓著的人 逼近十億
和伐林後 種的草地
你若知道 怎麼忍心 怎能無視自己的狠心
牲畜糞尿 化肥農藥
死亡水域 浮出毒氣
你定知道 卻怕知道 逃避只為了現在逍遙
氣候變異 全球變暖
兩極冰熔 海面上升
糧食土地 水源危機 迫在眉睫還裝作淡定
噢我親愛的朋友 能否祈求你的真心 聆聽天堂的聲音
噢我親愛的朋友 能否祈求你的真心 聆聽大地的哭泣
噢我親愛的朋友 其實我和你也一樣 習慣了逃避 習慣欺騙自己
但在這黑夜降臨前的黃昏 聽著響徹天地無聲的警鈴 怎能不驚醒
就放下一口肉 一顆真心 便能拯救生靈
QUIZ for you:
Q1. Do you know how many people are undernourished in the world now?
FAO: Undernourishment refers to the condition of people whose dietary energy consumption is continuously below a minimum dietary energy requirement for maintaining a healthy life and carrying out a light physical activity with an acceptable minimum body-weight for attained-height.
A1: Almost 1 billion (refer to FAO)
Q2. In 2007, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally estimated the time of total arctic melt (ice-free). Do you know when it is?
A2. Summer 2012
p.s. A strong solar flare is also predicted to occur in 2012, though these two estimations are independent..
Q3. In March 2009, The Chief Scientific Adviser to the UK Government, John Beddington warned a "perfect storm" of food shortages, scarce water and insufficient energy resources threaten to unleash public unrest, cross-border conflicts and mass migration as people flee from the worst-affected regions. Do you know when his estimated “perfect storm” is?
A3. Year 2030
Supplementary information:
The chairman of the UK Sustainable Development Commission, Jonathon Porritt, observed that the causes of the economic collapse today are exactly the same as those behind today's ecological crisis - financial debts vs. our debts to nature. He worried that such “perfect storm” is closer to 2020 than 2030.
Q4. Are you willing to help mitigate these disasters?
If Yes, continue to Q5
If No, I still wish you change your mind.
Q5. Do you know what the strongest action that every individual can take to mitigate the problem is?
A5. Reduce your meat and diary product consumption, be a vegan.
Vegetarian Diet Could Cut Climate Change Mitigation Costs by 70%, If Enough Of Us Make the Switch: http://www.treehugger.com/files/2009/03/vegetarian-diet-could-cut-climate-change-mitigation-costs-by-70-percent.php
Q6. Are you willing to reduce your meat and diary product consumption or even become a vegan?
If yes, thank you so much, and pls go Q9
If no, and if you are willing to let me tell you more, pls go Q7
Q7. Do you want to know why such action can significantly mitigate the problem?
This figure briefly explain the link between animal based diet and our environment
Livestock industry (refer to FAO report <Livestock Long Shadow>
occupies 30% of the world land (ice free) area
1/3 of world cereal production as feed
~97% of soy cake produced
Argriculture is the most fresh water consuming human activity
18% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emmission (the exhaled CO2 is not yet included, and the CH4 warming effect is based on 100 year basis, though its effect is much stronger in short term)
Q8. Do you want to know where and how your meat and diary product come from?
If yes let me show you some short clips
Q9. Are you willing make a even bigger positive effect to our world?
If yes, pls join us and tell your relatives, friends, or even unknown people about this. You can always welcome to use our survey questionnaire.
If no, thank you very much. Have a nice day, and we believe that you will join us in the future. This is some more health care information about vegetarian/vegan diet for you |
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