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MS access & database的问题

流浪诗人 该用户已被删除
发表于 14-6-2006 09:08 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
请问有什么网址/网站有教导如何使用MS Access的吗?

1.        Create a new database and save it as Smart Kid Kindergarten.
2.        Create three new tables. Assign primary keys, data types, field sizes, captions and other field properties that you think necessary.
Table 1: Employees
Create fields to store this information:
Employee ID number, employee name, Social Security number, hourly pay rate, and status (which can be full time / part-time).
Enter the data in Table CS. 1 in the Employees table.
Table 2 : Classes
Create fields to store this information:
Class ID class name, room number, head teacher, age range of students, teacher-to-student ratio and weekly fee.
Refer to the tables. Enter the data based on the Table CS. 2 in the Classes table.
Table 3 : Students
Create fields to store this information:
Student ID number, student name, birth date, class name, guardian name, guardian phone number, and allergies/ special needs.
Refer to the tables. Enter the data based on the Table CS. 3 in the Students table.

3.        Assign relationship among the tables, relating the Employees table to the classes by joining the Employee ID field to the Head Teacher field. Then relate the Classes and Students tables by joining the Class ID fields.
4.        Adjust the widths of columns of each table, if necessary.

5.        Open the Classes table and use the sub datasheets to view the names of the students enrolled in each class. How many students are enrolled in the Toddler 2 class? How many students are enrolled in the Five Year Olds class?
6.        Sort the Employees table in ascending order by the employees’ names. Then sort the employees in descending order by their pay rate.
7.        A mother has asked if you have any places available in the Infants classroom. Use Access to find out how many students are currently enrolled in this class.
8.        Your manager would like to know how many full time employees earn over $7.75 per hour. Use a filter to generate a list of employees that meet these criteria. Sort the data so that the highest paid employees appear at the top of the list.
9.        Two new students have just enrolled in the daycare. Create a columnar form named Students that includes all of the fields in the Students table. Make sure the students’ first name field appears before the last name field and that the guardian’s first name field appears before the last name field. Enter the new records shown in Table CS 4.
10.        Re-sort the form in ascending order by student name.
11.        The kindergarten is considering the startup of a field trip program for some of the older students. Create a query that lists students born before June 15, 1997. For each student, include the students’ name, birth date, class name, room number, and teacher’s last name. Save the query as Students Eligible for Field Trips.
12.        The kindergarten manager would like a list of students, grouped by the classes in which they are enrolled. Generate a report that includes each student’s name, birth date, class name and weekly fee. Group the report by classes and sum the fee field. Save the report as Class Lists. Preview and print it. Look at the report to determine the total weekly fees generated by the Toddler 2 class. What are the total fees generated by all classes?

[ 本帖最后由 流浪诗人 于 14-6-2006 09:15 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


流浪诗人 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 14-6-2006 09:13 PM | 显示全部楼层


Employee ID        Employee Name        Social Security Number        Hourly Rate        Full Time (FT) / Part Time (PT)
1        Betty Strickley        111-11-1111        $9.50        FT
2        Robert McVey        222-22-2222        $9.25        FT
3        Lorna Williams        333-33-3333        $7.75        PT
4        Mario Delgado        444-44-4444        $8.75        FT
5        Eric Huffman        555-55-5555        $8.00        FT
6        Arthur Hughes        666-66-6666        $8.00        FT
7        Maria Dugan        777-77-7777        $8.25        FT
8        Stacey Renning        888-88-8888        $8.25        FT
9        Tatsu Iwasaki        999-99-9999        $8.75        PT
10        Mathew Milton        101-01-0101        $7.75        FT
11        Donna Wolfe        110-11-0011        $7.50        FT
12        Mary Levine        121-21-2121        $7.75        FT
13        Dale Shepherd        131-31-3131        $7.50        FT
14        Gordon Crofts        141-41-4141        $7.50        PT
15        Chris Gregg        151-51-5151        $7.25        FT

Class ID        Class Name        Room Number        Head Teacher        Age Range        Ratio        Fee
1        Infants        1        13        2–18 months        1:4        $165
2        Toddler 1        2        11        19-28 months        1:6        $155
3        Toddler 2        5        6        29-36 months        1:7        $145
4        Young Threes        7        8        37-42 months        1:7        $140
5        Old Threes        8        14        43-48 months        1:7        $135
6        Four Year Olds        4        4        49-60 months        1:7        $130
7        Five Year Olds        9        7        61-72 months        1:7        #125

Student ID        Student Name        Birth Date        Class ID        Guardian        Guardian Phone        Allergies/Special Needs
1        Lauren Johnson        8/2/95        7        Gary Johnson        555311       
2        Marie Rappold        5/28/97        6        Sylvia Rappold        5554893       
3        Roger Stephenson        7/28/97        5        Mia Stephenson        5552093       
4        Michael Kroger        12/13/95        7        Doug Kroger        5558026       
5        Michelle Goodwin        3/23/97        6        Cary Goodwin        5556339        Alergic to penicilin
6        Chi-luan Kuo        5/19/99        2        Yu-lan Kuo        5558349       
7        Joey Buhr        8/3/97        5        Marti Buhr        5553902       
8        Morgan Adams        5/27/98        4        Samantha Rye        5554456       
9        Ashley Sohngen        3/3/96        7        Sarah Sohngen        5557987       
10        Kenneth Feingold        8/18/98        3        Kenneth Feingold        5551902       
11        James Danson        3/2/99        2        Marianne Danson        5555893        Prone to ear infections
12        Mitchell Tepe        12/24/96        6        Mark Tepe        5556592        Vegetarian
13        Violeta Torres        6/1/98        4        Vincente Torres        5552569       
14        Courtney Morris        7/9/99        2        Drew Morris        5557670       
15        Carl Carson        6/23/96        6        Angela Carson        5554023       
16        Abby Simms        1/10/99        3        Ginny Simms        5559833       
17        Allison Kuhlman        4/23/96        7        Jennifer Kuhlman        5553990       
18        Marcus Matracia        10/31/99        2        Andrew Matracia        5556847       
19        Aaron Potter        10/3/97        5        Bert Potter        5555389       
20        Anna Hartlaub        3/16/98        4        Amy Hartlaub        5557227       
21        David Yeager        9/30/97        5        Bob Yeager        5551455       
22        Alan Bockenstette        11/3/98        3        Sue Bockenstette        5558600       
23        Stephanie Roberts        10/7/00        1        Sharon Roberts        5552784        Allergic to milk
24        Kathy Zerkie        6/26/01        1        Patrick Zerkle        5559324       
25        Mason Jasper        1/5/98        4        Anne Jasper        5555203       
26        Elizabeth Finke        2/1/99        3        Martin Finke        5551288       

Student ID        Student Name        Birth Date        Class ID        Guardian        Guardian Phone        Allergies/Special Needs
27        Gabrielle March        1/30/00        1        Sally March        5554002       
28        Darren Finch        6/2/99        2        Ron Finch        5559977

Document your progress in order. For example, after step 1, give a print screen showing that you have created a database named Smart Kid Kindergarten. For each step, you should show the result and final output. More explanation for documentation will be given in class.
You must submit the documentation and soft copy of the database (and the outputs such as report) in a diskette.

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-6-2006 11:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
我想如果她真的有安装MS Access 和试用build-in sample。。。 她大约应该知道Table和Form的不同。

Table :- 一个让你建立和储存你的数据的地方
Form  :- 一个让你建立表面和连接Table的地方

基本上。。在Table建立Table给 : EMPLOYEES

然后在EMPLOYEES Table内建立field给 Employee ID
                  Employee Name
                  Social Security Number
                  Hourly Rate
                  Full Time(FT)/Part Time (PT)

使用道具 举报

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