Xi Jinping,
We are a group of young Chinese and non-Chinese committed to subverting your regime and dividing your empire. For the favor of the Most Merciful Lord, we want you to repent the crimes in your name to avoid a dreadful court experience on the Day of Judgement.
Year 2017 has witnessed escalated persecution and crackdown in China and its colonies. This year is characterized by Liu Xiaobo’s isolated death, Ilham Tohti’s continued imprisonment, Wu Gan’s 8-year sentence, Wang Quanzhang and Kwon Pyong’s unknown whereabouts, and Qin Yongmin and Tashi Wangchuk’s ongoing trials. This year will be remembered for the kidnapping of Uyghur students from overseas, the detention of Kazakh citizens in re-education camps, the shutdown of the Islamic Bookstore (Qingzhen Shuju) and the partial demolition of the Larung Gar Buddhist Academy. Although we cannot list every offense and every victim, the All-Knowing Lord is aware of all the crimes.
90 years have elapsed since your Communist Party began its sanguinary trail. This trail is marked by the heads of missionaries and writers executed in its revolution, the remains of civilians starved under its siege and detention, and the bodies of students crushed by its tanks. This trail features the invading guns that rained shells on the Potala Palace, the bullet that passed through Chen Keli’s skull, and the prison poems that recorded Lin Zhao’s sacrifice. Those killings have composed your party’s history and blood has reddened its flag. As the head of this party, you are the heir of a bloody heritage and the successor of a bloody cause.
Your murderous regime deserves to be subverted. Your ferocious empire deserves to be divided.
As the people being wronged, we have permission from Lord, the Most High, to fight a sacred war against such cruelty and injustice. With tears in our eyes, we pray all night to the Owner of the Throne who we know hears the cry of the oppressed. Meanwhile, we keep our swords in their sheaths while arming ourselves with flowers and candles. When the Almighty Lord wills, our flowers will block your guns and our candles will melt your tanks. At that time, we will raise the flags of liberty and justice for China, East Turkestan and Tibet, over the land of the free and the home of the brave.
But you will die as a tyrant to be despised and resurrect as a murderer to be tried. When the sun is wrapped up in darkness, when the stars lose their luster and fall, and when the mountains vanish like a mirage, you will see scrolls of deeds laid open, the sky stripped away and Hellfire set ablaze, and your will not be able to deny what you have committed. On that day, you will see the crushing fire of wrath, which mounts right to the hearts. Yet those you and your predecessors used to brutalize will enjoy blessings in Paradise. Will you continue your trip to eternal destruction on the Day of Judgement?
In the new year, we will pray for ourselves and for you. We will not kneel before you for kindness under tyranny, but will kneel before the All-forgiving Lord for the salvation of your soul.
Written by:
Sulaiman Gu (苏莱曼·古懿, USA)
Co-signed by:
Harry Chen (陈涵, USA)
Lebao Wu (吴乐宝, AUS)
Allen Chen (陈闯创, USA)
Ahmad Ma (艾哈迈德·马兆峰, CHN)
Luo Wang (王珞, USA)
Abduweli Ayup (阿不都外力·阿尤布TUR)
Ng Chun Wai (吴俊伟, HK)
Rovssel Liu (刘欣阅, USA)
Zhongxia Wang (王仲夏, USA)
Qeyser Turghun (凯赛尔·吐尔洪,USA)
Jian Xing (邢鉴, THA)
Stone Hoo (胡经纬, USA)
Kudret Aziz (库德热提 ·艾子子, TUR)
Yi Liu (刘意, CHN)
Musa Xie (穆萨·谢晓斌, CHN)
Cheng Jiang (姜澄, CHN)
Joseph Cheung (张鹏, CHN)
Turarbek Heiban (吐尔别克·黑班, KAZ)
Angela Yang (杨思婷, CAN)
Ismail Ma (伊斯梅尔·马聚, USA)
Jie Ji (季节, USA)
Han Wang (王涵, USA)
Jack Stone (宋潇伟, USA)
Abdullah Veli (阿不都拉·外力, TUR)
Qiankun Ding (丁乾坤, CHN)
Jane Wang (王剑虹, UK)
Erhun Yaglakar (埃尔宏·亚拉卡, SWE)
Mark Ma (马正川, USA)
Qing Sun (孙擎, CAN)
Shizhong Ni (倪世忠, CHN)
Nicholas Liou Kiyokawa(刘耀元, JPN)
Zulpiye Osman (祖丽菲亚·奥斯曼, SWE)
Jiashu Fang (方嘉澍, AUS)
Zheng Zhou (周峥, CHN)
Erik Yaglakar (埃里克·亚拉卡, SWE)
Jeffery Zhasng (张加福, CHN)