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已有 215 次阅读29-11-2016 09:07 PM |个人分类:WHEN YOU ARE HOPELESS

Scoot: There's no hope.
Lynn: There's always hope.
Scoot: Not for me.

I want you to close your eyes, please. I wanna ask you," How Are You"? What heaviness are you carrying? What tears do you hold back? What pain, what fears are kept inside? People don't ever look you in the eyes, People ask you how you are and you say 'FINE' but you are actually you are not fine and they will never know that. And you start believing the lies around you said that you are not good enough and no one's gonna want you and you will never ever do anything good in your life. And the fear that we have is that we are gonna be alone because if they don't like you then who will? If they don't accept you then who will? 

And I started believing that I was not good enough and i started believing that I was a failure. That I will never ever be somebody who people would like or people would accept and these steps take you closer that voice saying: You are not good enough, you are not good enough, you are not good enough. And you need is one more step to fall. See you have a choice to know which step you are gonna take today.

There are somethings in life that are out of your control and that you can't change and you got to live with. The choice that we have though is either to give up or keep on going. I wanna ask you, what are you gonna believe? Are you gonna believe in yourself or are you gonna believe everybody else judgement on you? Are you gonna believe people when they say that you are failure and no one really likes you and no one really cares about you. You don't have to hold onto those fears you just take one step at a time. Not to say that one day these fears are just gonna completely disappear, but can you forgive those who have hurt you? Because that is when healing starts. Every time someone puts you down will you make a decision to bring somebody else up? Picture yourself in an open area there's no building and there is no shelter and there is a storm above you and this storm represents the situations in your life and you don't tell anybody what you are going through because first of all they would not understand and second of all they can't even help you anyway. You are in this storm and you are down on your knees and you are cold and you are weak and you feel like this is the end. You don't have to do this alone but hold onto that person who you think might help you and imagine them right now saying that they can't stop the storm right now but they will hold you and keep you warm until the storm passes. Because when they hold you the storm is still there but it's fine because they are with you all the way.

But I tell you there are sometimes in life where you fall down and you feel like you don't have the strength to get back up. Give up or get up, when you fail try again and it's not the end until you have given up and just the fact that you are here. Should persuade you that you have another chance to get back up, there is still hope.


Text by : Lawrence


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