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thtse的个人空间 https://cn1.cari.com.my/?1894569 [收藏] [复制] [分享] [RSS]


已有 1164 人来访过

  • It was 19.9 degrees Celsius. I strolled in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat hotdog corn salad and green vanilla popsicle. 回复
  • It was 25.3 degrees Celsius. I went in Acsa to eat chili chicken rice and muffin. 回复
  • It was 26.4 degrees Celsius. I employed my desktop to watch youtube on internet at home. 回复
  • It was 26.3 degrees Celsius. I jogged in Pacific Mall to see the Stars Of Tomorrow Dancing Showcase 2024. 回复
  • It was 23.3 degrees Celsius. After I received some groceries at Acsa, I strolled home to eat chili fried fish rice, lemon loaf, pie, and dessert. 回复
  • It was 18.3 degrees Celsius. I walked in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat penne meatball bread salad, hazelnut cake, and vanilla ice-cream. 回复
  • It was 21.8 degrees Celsius. I went in Acsa to eat egg, hamburger, and apple pie. 回复
  • It was 23.4 degrees Celsius. While it was raining, I jogged in Acsa to eat cake, egg, and chili rice. 回复
  • It was 24.4 degrees Celsius. I used my computer to watch The Garfield Movie on internet at home. 回复
  • It was 23.4 degrees Celsius. I stayed home to watch youtube on internet. 回复
  • It was 27.1 degrees Celsius. I lingered home to watch youtube on internet. 回复
  • It was 21 degrees Celsius. After I got some groceries at Acsa's sill, I strolled home to eat wrapped chili fried chicken, yogurt, and sweet donut. 回复
  • It was 22.9 degrees Celsius. I walked in St. Timothy's Anglican Church to eat dessert and fried chicken penne broccoli carrot rice. 回复
  • It was 20.4 degrees Celsius. I took bus to eat dessert and salmon broccoli rice in Acsa. 回复
  • It was 26 degrees Celsius. I went in Acsa to eat chili broccoli carrot pork liver rice and dessert. 回复
  • 生日1983 年 11 月 24 日
  • 性别



2014-11-29 2014-11-29
Yesterday I walked in the Markville mall to use iPad air2, and ipad mini3 at the apple store
name2 2012-12-21
天格评分 :1分,五行属 木 , 吉 概述:(太极之数) 太极之数,万物开泰,生发无穷,利禄亨通。 寓意:天地开泰之太极首领数( ...
star 2012-12-21
星座情真 住客網名 : 訪客  出生地點 : 114'6" East , 22'12" North  出生時間 : 1983年11月24 ...
number 2012-12-18
「 12 號」磁場 成功特質 「 12 號」磁場的皇帝(紫微)與勇兵(七殺)為伍,通常只有危急的情況下才需要皇帝御駕親征,在戰場上的皇帝面對勞苦 ...
fate 2012-12-18
性別: 男 生辰:1983年11月24日 1:1 八字  時   日   月   年   傷官  比肩  正官  正官   己   丙   癸   癸     ...
destiny 2012-12-18
1.七殺格,喜用木火土,忌金水. 2.命局缺陷, a.年月柱伏吟,其影響傾向, 母親與祖母不合,影響父母間的感情, 家庭失和諧,故幼時寵愛不多,身體少健康, 讀書易受 ...


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阳朔小万 10-12-2018 09:12 PM
dreamking38 28-10-2017 12:35 PM
dreamking38 27-10-2017 01:49 PM
1678 22-10-2017 12:23 AM
为什么选择Alpari的PAMM账户 由Alpari创建的PAMM账户现已闻名全球。     将近     400,000 USD     2015年向投资者支付金额     超过     $1,550亿     PAMM账户服务交易量     超过     1,500名交易者     以及超过650个投资账户     我们     备受信赖     投资者来自全球各地     定期进行合规性审查 Alpari公司成立于1998年,目前已成为全球领先的外汇交易 ... ...
purplepie_9201 24-11-2016 02:36 AM
how did u find me?
imnorio 8-11-2016 10:23 AM
imnorio 8-11-2016 12:28 AM
thtse: 我不太喜欢
imnorio 6-11-2016 01:02 AM
benson2 15-7-2016 12:54 PM
thtse 12-7-2016 09:22 AM
my name is Tony Tse
i want to be your friend
mag0607 12-7-2016 09:19 AM
sup bro, who are u? why u add me ?
qincong 28-6-2016 09:29 AM
candymilk993 4-12-2015 01:20 AM
你好, 我们专为高负担, 低收入, 资料不足的顾客申请个人贷款和生意贷款或信用卡 :) -申请个人贷款条件: 1. 必须要有供车期或者屋期 超过一年 2. 必须要有一张信用卡 超过一年 3. 年龄要求 25-55 4. 不是破产人士/没有黑名单 5. 准时供期(托期不超过2个月) 我们公司是和8间银行合作(Standard Charted, Citi & UOB) ... 若您符合以上条件, 我们可以帮到您申请到个人贷款 30k-150k或以上 -申请信用卡条件: 1. 年龄至少23岁(1992) 2. 薪水不限 3. 最低要求一个EPF户口, 没进也没关系 4. 不是破产人士 ... ...
thtse 18-12-2012 10:24 AM
i went to the library to go online today


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