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6.44 Dota Map 出炉了!

发表于 4-6-2007 11:58 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

* Added a new Scourge hero: Dark Seer
* Added a new Scourge hero: Pit Lord
* Added a new Scourge hero: Undying
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Storm Spirit
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Templar Assassin
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Sacred Warrior (39888)
* New heroes are disabled in -lm/-xl
* Queen of Pain -> Reduced attack range from 600 to 550
* Queen of Pain -> Rebalanced how Shadow Strike levels up
* Dwarven Sniper -> Slightly increased base mana
* Ursa Warrior -> Is now a proper melee hero (recent patch fixed the issue, 137702)
* Shadow Priest -> Removed the duration nerf on Shallow Grave (it will now last until the target dies). Reduced cooldown. The respawn speed is nerfed instead.
* Troll Warlord -> Removed Berserker Rage mana cost
* Alchemist -> Increased casting range on Unstable Concoction a bit
* Alchemist ->  Improved level 1 Chemical Rage health regeneration by 5
* Alchemist -> Minor buff to the damage on Unstable Concoction
* Doom Bringer -> Reduced Doom's Scepter upgrade duration by 2 seconds
* Moon Rider -> Eclipse no longer depends on Lucent Beam level
* Chen -> Increased movement speed from 290 to 295
* Spiritbreaker -> Nether Strike no longer depends on Greater Bash
* Bristleback -> Reduced max Quill Spray damage stack
* Bristleback -> Reduced movement speed by 5
* Bone Fletcher -> Changed Searing Arrows cooldown from 4/3/2/0 to 4/3/0/0
* Magnataur -> Improved his cast animation time
* Doom Bringer -> Due to popular demand, Level Death deals it's bonus damage on level 25 as well
* Syllabear -> Level 3 Spirit Bear has regained Entangle


* Various minor terrain improvements requested for league play
* Added hotkeys for all basic items (only a few had them before)
* Changed piercing damage to heavy armor to 75% from 100%
* Added -roll command (133304)
* Added a few new weather effects (-weather moonlight/wind)
* Added -weather random that will randomly change the weather for you (and only you) every 5 minutes
* Rewrote some item manipulation code to fix some exploits
* Added creep spawn modes -notop/-nomid/-nobot (-nt/-nm/-nb)
* You can now team kill units in other damage over time abilities like Curse of the Silent and Shadow Word
* You have to be below 25% health for an ally to be able to start denying you (assuming you can be denied of course)
* Removed the last melee creep count upgrade (the rest of the changes from last version are still the same)
* Recoded various resource intensive abilities for increased map stability
* Added new command -noswap (-ns)
* Satyr Trickster -> Increased movement speed


* Wards -> Reworked Observer and Sentry wards again
* Bottle -> After rune usage, it returns a 2/3 Bottle instead of a fully refilled one
* Tango -> Price from 80 to 90
* Flask -> Heals over a period of 10 seconds instead of 20
* Flying Courier -> Removed Boots of Speed from requirements
* Flying Courier -> Added new ability (Courier Shield) and lowered vision


* World Tree -> Added a new model (provided by Janzak @ janzak.deviantart.com)
* Chat messages now show hero name
* An announcement is now made when a tower is denied
* Considerably improved End Game Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation and content (total gold row coming in near future)
* Wrote gold cost on basic items like they are on recipes to allow for price checking before you go back to base
* The game now displays a kill message when a chicken dies
* End Scorescreen now lets you know when someone is no longer in the game
* Scoreboard now colors players differently if they have left the game
* Slithreen Guard -> Added new Sprint visual effect (126186)
* Goblin Techies -> New Remote Mine model (130285)
* Flying Courier -> Added unique scourge flying courier model
* When a team mate denies an ally, it now says his name (127161)
* Crystal Maiden -> Crystal Maiden's Scepter upgrade now gives a unique visual effect (128977)
* Chaos Knight -> Chaos Bolt now shows the random stun duration (130088)
* Keeper of the Light -> Added a new and more accurate Illuminate Wave effect provided by eva00r
* Shadow Fiend -> Added a special effect when Nevermore gains a soul (132731)
* Morphling -> Added text overhead to show the damage dealt by Adaptive Strike
* Camera now moves to the throne/tree when it dies. Added 1-2 second delay before scoreboard appears to show the death animations
* Added more flavor text to various items (130384)
* Added new icons for Freezing Field, Viscous Nasal Goo, Drow's Silence, Lightning Storm, Blur, Global Silence, Plague Wards (thanks snork and switch)
* Added new icon for Mirror Image (73303)
* Changed second secret shop name
* Improved visibility of scourge fifth recipe shop when not in base
* Improved movement speed items' tooltips (130948)
* Courier -> When purchasing a courier, Sentinel will get a random selection of Chicken, Raccoon or Penguin, while Scourge will get a random selection of Carrion Beetle, Dune Worm or Fel Boar.
* Listed damage type for Arcane/Impetus/Glaives
* Improved Demon Witch's Impale tooltip (107362)
* Changed the default missing icon on the scoreboard from the eye to another one
* Battle Fury -> now lists it as a melee item (139040)
* Sanity's Eclipse -> The damage dealt to units is now listed as an overhead text
* Added more flavor text to various abilities
* Improved various item tooltips to make it more user friendly
* Added reminder in -mm regarding hero switches
* Updated Bottle Tooltip to make it more obvious that rune bottle refilling is not a bug!
* Reduced how long the warning about disassemble lasts on the screen
* Improved dozens of tooltips
* Thanks to Eva00r and JetFango for various icons/effects

==[Various fixes]==

* Fixed the desync bug that happens when observers leave a game, causing some other players to disconnect
* Fixed another very rare respawn glitch
* Fixed Ignis Fatuus scepter upgrade not being on autocast by default
* Fixed a bug that caused sprout trees to sometimes respawn trapping the hero again
* Fixed Lothar's Edge icon(132136)
* Fixed a bug with custom replay data winner field
* Fixed Holy Persuation not showing level in tooltip
* Fixed Midnight Pulse killing mines
* Fixed Clarity Potion buff icon bug
* Fixed Mask of Madness buff icon (126834)
* Fixed Drunken Haze tooltip typo
* Improved some internal Observer Mode code
* Fixed Wrath of Nature typo
* Fixed a bug with Black Hole pulling in mines
* Fixed some memory leaks with Time Lapse and Poison Nova
* Fixed a rare bug with Toss
* Fixed Chronosphere tooltip
* Clarified some TDA quest menu rules
* Compressed various icons (thanks PGRu-Unexpect3D)
* Fixed a bug with Phantom Edge giving extra evasion
* Lots of optimizations to how Impetus/Glaives/Arcane abilities were coded
* Fixed Helm of Iron will giving 2 hp regen and not 3 hp
* Fixed the game clock continuing after the game has ended
* Fixed a rare bug with Adaptive Strike
* Fixed Rampage buff tooltip
* Fixed a rare bug with Greater Bash
* Fixed some bugs with -dm and various abilities that depended on unit state
* Fixed Silencer from stealing an INT from an ally deny
* Fixed Shockwave from hitting wards
* Gave unique codes to the following abilities make replay processing more straight forward: Phantom Assassin's Shadow Strike, Venomancer's Shadow Strike, Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike, Stealth Assassin's Blink Strike, Chaos Knight's Blink Strike, Lion's Voodoo, Rhasta's Voodoo, Razor's Frenzy, Viper's Frenzy, Sven's Storm Bolt and Leo's Storm Bolt.
* Fixed some item buying cooldowns that were still at 5 sec instead of 1
* Fixed Necromastery tooltip
* Fixed various other buggy tooltips

[ 本帖最后由 redhair 于 7-6-2007 06:41 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


发表于 4-6-2007 12:22 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 12:32 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 AndroidRaymond 于 4-6-2007 12:22 PM 发表


Tango -> Price from 80 to 90。。。贵

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 12:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Shinco 于 4-6-2007 12:32 PM 发表


Tango -> Price from 80 to 90。。。贵


使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 01:00 PM | 显示全部楼层
然后Storm Spirit(panda的兄弟)好像可以slow人然后还有swap自己去人家身边
而我就玩Pit Lord..

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 01:13 PM | 显示全部楼层

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Follow Us
发表于 4-6-2007 01:52 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

bloodhoof 该用户已被删除
发表于 4-6-2007 02:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

Dota allstar6.44 (翻譯完畢)


Getdota.com 抓6.44


6.44 Changelog:

* Added a new Scourge hero: Dark Seer
* Added a new Scourge hero: Pit Lord
* Added a new Scourge hero: Undying
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Storm Spirit
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Templar Assassin
* Added a new Sentinel hero: Sacred Warrior (39888)
NE新增三位新英雄, UD新增三位新英雄

* New heroes are disabled in -lm/-xl

* Queen of Pain -> Reduced attack range from 600 to 550
* Queen of Pain -> Rebalanced how Shadow Strike levels up
QOP毒鏢CD從22秒變22/21/20/16 耗魔由90/105/135變80/100/120/140 (thx 亦可)

* Dwarven Sniper -> Slightly increased base mana

* Ursa Warrior -> Is now a proper melee hero (recent patch fixed the issue, 137702)

* Shadow Priest -> Removed the duration nerf on Shallow Grave (it will now last until the target dies). Reduced cooldown. The respawn speed is nerfed instead.

* Troll Warlord -> Removed Berserker Rage mana cost

* Alchemist -> Increased casting range on Unstable Concoction a bit
* Alchemist -> Improved level 1 Chemical Rage health regeneration by 5
* Alchemist -> Minor buff to the damage on Unstable Concoction
練金術士 Alchemist ->
第二招震暈的距離和傷害增加, 大決lv1追加+5hp回復

* Doom Bringer -> Reduced Doom's Scepter upgrade duration by 2 seconds
* Doom Bringer -> Due to popular demand, Level Death deals it's bonus damage on level 25 as well
Lucifer的大決Lv4(神杖),持續效果縮短兩秒,第二招Lv? Death現在對Lv25的敵人有額外效果

* Moon Rider -> Eclipse no longer depends on Lucent Beam level

* Chen -> Increased movement speed from 290 to 295
Chen, MS從290改為295

* Spiritbreaker -> Nether Strike no longer depends on Greater Bash

* Bristleback -> Reduced max Quill Spray damage stack
* Bristleback -> Reduced movement speed by 5
靠背豬(Bristleback)噴刺最高堆積傷害次數降低, ms減低5

* Bone Fletcher -> Changed Searing Arrows cooldown from 4/3/2/0 to 4/3/0/0

* Magnataur -> Improved his cast animation time

* Syllabear -> Level 3 Spirit Bear has regained Entangle
熊人(Lone Druid) 的召喚熊現在Lv3也有被動綑綁orb


* Various minor terrain improvements requested for league play

* Added hotkeys for all basic items (only a few had them before)

* Changed piercing damage to heavy armor to 75% from 100%

* Added -roll command (133304)

* Added a few new weather effects (-weather moonlight/wind)
* Added -weather random that will randomly change the weather for you (and only you) every 5 minutes
新指令-weather {moonlight/wind/random},改變天氣,只對玩家(自己)有效

* Rewrote some item manipulation code to fix some exploits

* Added creep spawn modes -notop/-nomid/-nobot (-nt/-nm/-nb)

* You can now team kill units in other damage over time abilities like Curse of the Silent and Shadow Word

* You have to be below 25% health for an ally to be able to start denying you (assuming you can be denied of course)

* Removed the last melee creep count upgrade (the rest of the changes from last version are still the same)

* Recoded various resource intensive abilities for increased map stability
部分與金錢相關的程式改寫,目的是減少lag和fatal error的機會

* Added new command -noswap (-ns)
新指令-noswap, (-ns為簡寫)

* Satyr Trickster -> Increased movement speed


* Wards -> Reworked Observer and Sentry wards again
Sentry Ward改為藍色,持續6分鐘,但視野低
Observer Ward價格變便宜,持續6分鐘,視野高

* Bottle -> After rune usage, it returns a 2/3 Bottle instead of a fully refilled one
空瓶 - 現在裝載符文使用之後會回復為2/3滿的瓶子

* Tango -> Price from 80 to 90

* Flask -> Heals over a period of 10 seconds instead of 20
瓶藥(400 hp/20 sec)增幅為(400 hp/10 sec)

* Flying Courier -> Removed Boots of Speed from requirements

* Flying Courier -> Added new ability (Courier Shield) and lowered vision
飛機新增技能(Courier Shield), 視野降低


* World Tree -> Added a new model (provided by Janzak @janzak.deviantart.com)

* Chat messages now show hero name

* An announcement is now made when a tower is denied

* Considerably improved End Game Scoreboard and Observer Scoreboard presentation and content (total gold row coming in near future)
* End Scorescreen now lets you know when someone is no longer in the game
* Scoreboard now colors players differently if they have left the game

* Wrote gold cost on basic items like they are on recipes to allow for price checking before you go back to base

* The game now displays a kill message when a chicken dies

* Slithreen Guard -> Added new Sprint visual effect (126186)

* Goblin Techies -> New Remote Mine model (130285)

* Flying Courier -> Added unique scourge flying courier model

* When a team mate denies an ally, it now says his name (127161)

* Crystal Maiden -> Crystal Maiden's Scepter upgrade now gives a unique visual effect (128977)

* Chaos Knight -> Chaos Bolt now shows the random stun duration (130088)

* Keeper of the Light -> Added a new and more accurate Illuminate Wave effect provided by eva00r

* Shadow Fiend -> Added a special effect when Nevermore gains a soul (132731)

* Morphling -> Added text overhead to show the damage dealt by Adaptive Strike

* Camera now moves to the throne/tree when it dies. Added 1-2 second delay before scoreboard appears to show the death animations

* Added more flavor text to various items (130384)

* Added new icons for Freezing Field, Viscous Nasal Goo, Drow's Silence, Lightning Storm, Blur, Global Silence, Plague Wards (thanks snork and switch)
* Added new icon for Mirror Image (73303)
新增技能圖示: cm大決,靠背豬鼻涕,dr的沉寂,razor大決,pa被動閃避,Silencer大決,刺蛇的杖,siren分身

* Changed second secret shop name

* Improved visibility of scourge fifth recipe shop when not in base

* Improved movement speed items' tooltips (130948)

* Courier -> When purchasing a courier, Sentinel will get a random selection of Chicken, Raccoon or Penguin, while Scourge will get a random selection of Carrion Beetle, Dune Worm or Fel Boar.
NE: 現在買雞時有機會抽中 公雞,貍貓,企鵝
UD: 現在買雞時有機會抽中 食腐蟲,沙蟲,紅豬

* Listed damage type for Arcane/Impetus/Glaives
顯示Arcane(毀滅者), Impetus(林精), Glaives(Silencer)的傷害形式

使用道具 举报


bloodhoof 该用户已被删除
发表于 4-6-2007 02:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
* Improved Demon Witch's Impale tooltip (107362)

* Changed the default missing icon on the scoreboard from the eye to another one

* Battle Fury -> now lists it as a melee item (139040)

* Sanity's Eclipse -> The damage dealt to units is now listed as an overhead text

* Added more flavor text to various abilities

* Improved various item tooltips to make it more user friendly

* Added reminder in -mm regarding hero switches

* Updated Bottle Tooltip to make it more obvious that rune bottle refilling is not a bug!

* Reduced how long the warning about disassemble lasts on the screen

* Improved dozens of tooltips
* Thanks to Eva00r and JetFango for various icons/effects
感謝Eva00r, JetFango

==Various fixes==

* Fixed the desync bug that happens when observers leave a game, causing some other players to disconnect
修復bug: 觀察者離開遊戲後造成其他玩家斷線

* Fixed another very rare respawn glitch
修復bug: 奇妙的重生問題

* Fixed Ignis Fatuus scepter upgrade not being on autocast by default
改善: kotl神杖大決的光球不會自動召喚小兵

* Fixed a bug that caused sprout trees to sometimes respawn trapping the hero again
修復bug: 阿福的樹斷掉後突然重生的問題

* Fixed Lothar's Edge icon(132136)

* Fixed a bug with custom replay data winner field

* Fixed Holy Persuation not showing level in tooltip
改善: Chen的媚惑沒顯示等級的問題

* Fixed Midnight Pulse killing mines
改善: 黑水的AoE傷害毀掉地雷的問題

* Fixed Clarity Potion buff icon bug
改善: 智慧藥水的圖示

* Fixed Mask of Madness buff icon (126834)
改善: 瘋狂假面圖示

* Fixed Drunken Haze tooltip typo
改善技能形容: 熊貓人的灌酒

* Improved some internal Observer Mode code
改善: 觀察者的程式

* Fixed Wrath of Nature typo
改善: 阿福大決形容

* Fixed a bug with Black Hole pulling in mines
修復bug: 黑水大決會拉地雷

* Fixed some memory leaks with Time Lapse and Poison Nova
修復bug: 無臉男閃避跟刺蛇大決之間的互動

* Fixed a rare bug with Toss
修復bug: 罕見的台泥丟人問題

* Fixed Chronosphere tooltip
改善: 無臉男大決技能形容

* Clarified some TDA quest menu rules

* Compressed various icons (thanks PGRu-Unexpect3D)

* Fixed a bug with Phantom Edge giving extra evasion
修復bug: 分身猴的大決給多餘的閃避

* Lots of optimizations to how Impetus/Glaives/Arcane abilities were coded
改善: Arcane(毀滅者), Impetus(林精), Glaives(Silencer)程式問題

* Fixed Helm of Iron will giving 2 hp regen and not 3 hp
修復bug: 950元的頭盔給的生命回復只有2

* Fixed the game clock continuing after the game has ended
改善: 遊戲結束後時鐘還在繼續

* Fixed a rare bug with Adaptive Strike
修復bug: 阿水第二招的罕見bug

* Fixed Rampage buff tooltip
改善: TW大決中的圖示形容

* Fixed a rare bug with Greater Bash
修復bug: 靈牛後推震暈的罕見bug

* Fixed some bugs with -dm and various abilities that depended on unit state
修復bug: -dm上面英雄替換的一些問題

* Fixed Silencer from stealing an INT from an ally deny
修復bug: Silencer tk時偷走隊友的int

* Fixed Shockwave from hitting wards
修復bug: 白象的真空波動拳打死眼睛

* Gave unique codes to the following abilities make replay processing more straight forward: Phantom Assassin's Shadow Strike, Venomancer's Shadow Strike, Queen of Pain's Shadow Strike, Stealth Assassin's Blink Strike, Chaos Knight's Blink Strike, Lion's Voodoo, Rhasta's Voodoo, Razor's Frenzy, Viper's Frenzy, Sven's Storm Bolt and Leo's Storm Bolt.

* Fixed some item buying cooldowns that were still at 5 sec instead of 1
修復bug: 物品重新填莊的CD全部改為1秒

* Fixed Necromastery tooltip
改善: 影魔收集靈魂的技能形容

* Fixed various other buggy tooltips
改善: 有些問題的技能形容

-- Thanks to all the fans for being patient in this long release.
Thanks to the following beta testers:
-very active: iNCQRiT, BeamCannon, unHOLYdoNUTS, LulaLula, Beast_Pete, Ro-Coco, Warsoft, Zethal, KI-HunterKiller, Apocalypse, sSerenity, StokesII, heftig, LordDready, kugelkind, arthur5863, Genosis, SokZ, eldorquo, Nova
-active: DarkMist67, IEatDeadPeoples, Infrisios, Dimitrii, Beary, Trozz_, Wretchingwretch, u-nL-ike, Severas, Naz), jmesch04, Zagruss5, 4nTr4xX, TheKitchenSink, Sarkahn, eBoS, Jewified., Switch, Kesy, HarbingeR-2.0-, HunterX2, HolyHuman, Gorzerk, Calf85, Shimmy]BT, Capnrawr, Damican., Qu33nZR3p1n9, phssy_galore, Terrorblaze, Idejder, Casperkid0923, GnS.Gauss, Minotaar, whifra, M3Th0dz, feared.slayer, 28awg, Rororo, CouchCushion, ThunderBolt_ and Tota-Domi

-- I am dedicating this version to Terrorblaze, Naz, Wuffle, Eva00r, arthur5863, Trystero and the late OzoneX for all their contributions to the overall DotA community.

-- If you find any bugs or have any comments, please let me know.

-- Once again, much thanks to all the beta testers that helped make this big release a possibility.



使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 02:43 PM | 显示全部楼层


使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 03:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
我喜欢dark seer
skill都很容易用..6秒522ms..cooldown又快..ulti wall of replica..经过的hero都会有illu..配合第一招..酱范围内敌人吸去中间..不乱就假

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 04:11 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 千年刹 于 4-6-2007 03:56 PM 发表
我喜欢dark seer
skill都很容易用..6秒522ms..cooldown又快..ulti wall of replica..经过的hero都会有illu..配合第一招..酱范围内敌人吸去中间..不乱就假

假如meepo用manta分身再加3各分身進dark seer的ulti不就.......

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 04:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
熊猫好用下,血又长...lvl 7什么都没买血竟然有900多... ...电电电...

sacred warrior是第一只ranged的str hero... ,ulti变态下...拼命加血int的hero对上他就不用玩了...ulti后第三招又加攻击速度...


pit lord则比较倾向farming...第2招可以范围stun(最长3秒),配合第一招,烧死你....因为you fail to impress me...


dark seer嘛...是逃跑很厉害的hero...ulti人一多会很混乱..


使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 04:29 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #13 dlct87 的帖子

panda的magic shield可以顶600magic damage..lina ulti没有feel
我觉得panda比较适合玩battle..skadi,mkb之类的..但是一开始买个obvilion staff就很geng了..

pitlord好想4招都是AOE..他的stun AOE范围和tide有的fight..只是没有damage罢了..至于他的ulti我还不懂怎么用..弄一个门出来..可以跑进去的..  

undying和dark seer好像是melee的int HERO...

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 04:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 千年刹 于 4-6-2007 16:29 发表
panda的magic shield可以顶600magic damage..lina ulti没有feel
我觉得panda比较适合玩battle..skadi,mkb之类的..但是一开始买个obvilion staff就很geng了..

pitlord好想4招都是AOE..他的stun AOE范围和 ...

magic shield要顶到600必须是lvl 4的...这hero只要mana一高,就很恐怖...第一招无限期使用...

至于pit lord的ulti,好像是什么界门从这个圈进去可以直接从另一个圈出来...有点像blink dagger酱吧...

melee的int hero不是新闻了...因为ogre magi是第一个...

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 05:39 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 dlct87 于 4-6-2007 04:44 PM 发表

magic shield要顶到600必须是lvl 4的...这hero只要mana一高,就很恐怖...第一招无限期使用...

至于pit lord的ulti,好像是什么界门从这个圈进去可以直接从另一个圈出来...有点像blink dagger酱吧...

可是str hero第一個ranger hero 就是 scared warrior

使用道具 举报


suika84 该用户已被删除
发表于 4-6-2007 06:54 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问pit lord的ulti是什么来的???怎样用??? 个人觉得zombie很bug下...小zombie可以heal的...而且不管多远都可以...zombie死了都可以...变态...还有这次大部分的新hero都能heal的...

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 06:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 monster5105 于 4-6-2007 05:39 PM 发表

可是str hero第一個ranger hero 就是 scared warrior


使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 4-6-2007 07:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
有6.44 的AI map 吗??

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