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1)How does metal conduct electricity & heat?Explain.
2)Why the hardness of group 1 metals(from periodic table) decreases down the group?
谢了....!! |
发表于 18-4-2006 10:22 PM
发表于 19-4-2006 02:39 PM
原帖由 blade 于 18-4-2006 07:07 PM 发表
1)How does metal conduct electricity & heat?Explain.
2)Why the hardness of group 1 metals(from periodic table) decreases down the group?
谢了....!!:kis ...
1。金属。有自由电子(ELECTRON BEBAS)。它们都要稳定。所以就把最外面的电子丢掉。这个自由电子的形成。有了这些电子,导电还有什么问题?
2.HARDNESS马来文是什么意思呢?是kereaktifan??还是他门的daya tarikan?
[ 本帖最后由 nikuang04 于 19-4-2006 02:40 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 19-4-2006 05:06 PM
发表于 23-4-2006 03:07 PM
原帖由 nikuang04 于 19-4-2006 02:39 PM 发表
1。金属。有自由电子(ELECTRON BEBAS)。它们都要稳定。所以就把最外面的电子丢掉。这个自由电子的形成。有了这些电子,导电还有什么问题?
2.HARDNESS马来文是什么意思呢? ...
HARDNESS<---kekerasan , 这是可以用density和bonding解释。。
对咯。。你要什么level的答案? |
发表于 23-4-2006 05:43 PM
down metal group 1
1)number of electron shell increases
2)shielding effect of electron shell increases
3)radius of atom increases
Thus, Group 1 metal loses electron more easily,and they are less likely to attract electron.The electrostatic force of attraction between the electron and the metal cation becomes weaker down group 1.
So, the intermolecular forces in metal decreases down group 1. Weaker intermolecular forces = weaker bonding = hardness decreases
[ 本帖最后由 kensai 于 23-4-2006 05:46 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 23-4-2006 06:45 PM
2) 我觉得只要讲
when going down group 1 , the volume and the relative molecular mass of group 1 metal increases .But the volume increases more than the relative molecular mass causing the density ( p = m/V) to decrease as going down group 1 . So the hardness will decrease .
** 我想 group 1 metal 越密( dense ) , 那 metal 就会比较硬吧? |
发表于 23-4-2006 08:17 PM
原帖由 dunwan2tellu 于 23-4-2006 06:45 PM 发表
2) 我觉得只要讲
when going down group 1 , the volume and the relative molecular mass of group 1 metal increases .But the volume increases more than the relative molecular mass causing the densi ...
本人觉得,density 不能完全解释hardness
我觉得,hardness比较依赖bonding, 一个东西容易断就要看那个bonding够不够强,不是看他的mass/volume够不够大。
如果根据你讲的, 为什么magnesium 会比sulphur 硬呢?
首先,mg 和 s 都是同一个period, 所以 volume 是差不多一样,但是重量就 s 比 mg 多 5u (u=unified atomic mass).所以density of sulphur> density of magnesium
density of magnesium = 1738kg/m3,Mohs hardness =2.5
density of sulphur = 1960kg/m3,Mohs hardness =2.0
理论来讲sulphur density 比较高,所以sulphur比较硬,
但是现实生活里magnesium 就比 sulphur 硬,这又如何解释呢?
再给一个例子,同样是carbon,但diamond 和 grahite(算perpendicular force的 硬度) 的 硬度就有天颜之别,这又是为什么呢??这都是因为bonding 的问题
不过,无论如何,density用来讲解hardness 在某个条件上是被接受的,他的前提是被比较的element必须要有similar 的 bonding.
为什么呢?因为如果density(密度)也高,就表示每个ion 就比较接近,然后bond 就会变得更强!
因为bond energy = charge/( ionic radius^2),radius越小,bond energy 就越强!所以就越硬!
所以density可以被用来解释bond energy,然后就联系到 hardness,
不过如果 被比较的element 有不同的bonding structure 的话,就不可以用density 来解释了。
不要觉得我是变态的喔! |
发表于 23-4-2006 09:17 PM
kensai ,
刚刚check 后,觉得你的应该没错。
Group 1 metal 的 bond 是 metallic bond , 而 metallic bond 的强度和 no of electron valens & atomic radii 有关。
由于都是 group 1 ,所以 electron valens 一样。不过 when going down group 1 , the size of metallic atom increases due to the increase in number of orbital with electron .所以他的 atomic radius increases 从而产生 weaker attractive force between positive ions & the sea electron ,所以拥有weaker bond .而 stronger bond 意味着 他们很坚硬。
[ 本帖最后由 dunwan2tellu 于 23-4-2006 09:18 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 24-4-2006 10:19 PM
原帖由 blade 于 18-4-2006 07:07 PM 发表
1)How does metal conduct electricity & heat?Explain.
2)Why the hardness of group 1 metals(from periodic table) decreases down the group?
谢了....!!:kis ...
1.Metal have delocalised electrons.These delocalised electrons can conducte electricity.因为有mobile electrons 所以有current有current就会有电流. |
发表于 26-4-2006 02:02 PM
Metal conduct electic
The electron band structure found in metals where electron states are available above and adjacent to filled states.
The energy corresponding to highest filled state at 0 K is called fermi energy
For conduction to occur, there must be available free electrons that participate in the flow with energies > fermi energy
Metal conduct heat
Heat conduction in metals are by lattice vibration wave(phonons) and free electrons. the sum of these two is equal to the total heat conduction.
Atoms in solids are constanly vibrating at very high frequencies and with relatively small amplitudes. The vibartions of adjacent atoms are coupled by virtue of the atomic bonding .This causes lattice wave which propagate through crystal at velocity of sound.The vibrational thermal energy for a material consists of a series of these elastic waves. Only certain energy values are allowed and a single quantum of vibration energy is called phonons.Metals are extremely good conductors of heat because of large numbers of free electrons that participate in thermal conduction.
[ 本帖最后由 GeR 于 26-4-2006 02:03 PM 编辑 ] |
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