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PHP Web Programming 交流

allice05 该用户已被删除
发表于 12-4-2006 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
为什么我的 Dreamweaver 无法连接上MySQL PHP 的Database.
我认为我在Manage site 里的 Testing server setting 没错.
我使用的是 Dreamweaver 8 和 AppServ 2.4.5 来制造PHP网页编程.


HTTP error code 404 not found.Here are some posible reason for the problem.
1)There is no Testing server running on the server machine.
2)The testing server specified for this site does not map to the http://localhost/_mmServerScripts/MMHTTPDB.php URL. Verify that URL prefix maps to the root of the site.

site name:ckweb
server technology: php Mysql
Local root folder: C:\AppServ\www\ckweb\
Testing server
Acess: local/network
Remote folder:\AppServ\www\ckweb\
Test URL of site root folder: http://localhost
Remote Info
Check in / check out: Disable

MySQL connection Info:
connection name: data
MYSQL server: localhost

when i click on select database botton the error mention above occour.
I don't know where i did wrong.
I cannot start my project if unable to connect dreamweaver with MYSQL PHP server database.
I had create the database previously name ckweb and nothing i found is wrong.
Hope asking for help from those who are profession in this web programming area.
waiting for feedback.


使用道具 举报


发表于 12-4-2006 02:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
你尝试uninstall AppServ 2.4.5 然后install 其他的software.看是否可以。

我的dreamweaver link 不到database....
"An unidentifed error has occurred"

用dreamweaver 8 和 phptraid
后来uninstall phptraid 再改用easyphp.问题就解决了。。
原因是version support 不到。
http://chinese.cari.com.my/myfor ... ge=1&highlight=

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-4-2006 10:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
我也是用着AppServ 2.4.5 这个version。AppServ is a package that include the Apache webserver, PHP and MySQL. Once you have installed this package, it will auto help to configure and make a bridge between the apache, PHP & MySQl. It's quite easy to use.

当你install过后,你只需把所有的file (e.g. testing.php) 存入 C:\appserc\www\ 里就行了!
(备注:make sure u install in C:\ drive, else the path will b different with the above path)

To start testing ur site>> http://localhost/testingfile.php
***还有,如你要查看你的apache web server 是否installed properly, 你可用
http://localhost 来试试。假如,有画面显示
The AppServ Open Project - 2.5.4a for Windows 的话,代表你已经成功了。

接着,你可单击 phpMyAdmin Database Manager Version 2.6.2-pl1 。 它会连接到MySQL (PhpMyAdmin)那里去,so you can start creating your database.

这是不关dreamweaver 的问题。记得, install 的时候,the default setting for the port is 80. if you dun have any other web server like IIS, the just use the default setting, else you have to change the port to 89.

(either the IIS port is 80 or the Apache port is 89) Otherwise, both web server have the same port, the there will b a problem occurred.

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-4-2006 12:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
除了dreamweaver,你们还有用什么来code php的?
哪些features会是理想的php coding tool?
1)syntax highlight
2)可以打华文的 (notepad不能够)
3)可以save as php file的,我打了在notepad, save as index.php,那个file 会变成index.php.txt,真的是。。。

使用道具 举报

allice05 该用户已被删除
 楼主| 发表于 13-4-2006 01:16 AM | 显示全部楼层


Dreamweaver无法连上 local testing server database 是不是因为 design-time and run-time connections 内出现问题? 还是Dreamweaver无法 load appserver version 2.4 以上的问题, 因 Dreamweaver 只可 refer to local server in load oldest version of appserver when attempt to connect to the database in newest version appserver software.
我在网络上看到一篇关于Dreamweaver design-time and run-time connections的文章.

http://www.macromedia.com/cfusio ... dex.cfm?id=tn_16566

使用道具 举报

发表于 13-4-2006 06:09 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 alenn 于 13-4-2006 12:03 AM 发表
除了dreamweaver,你们还有用什么来code php的?
哪些features会是理想的php coding tool?
1)syntax highlight
2)可以打华文的 (notepad不能够)
3)可以save as php file的,我打了在notepad, save as ind ...

1) other than dreaweaver, there is IDE software called phpdesigner. It also similar to dreaweaver such as syntax highligh, FTP funtion(e.g. core FTP, cuteFTP)

2)dreamweaver and notepad also allow u to type and save chinese text. May b the method that u used was wrong. U can try use the njstar to input the chinese text and save it. If u 1 2 read the file, u have to open the njstar again. Else u can put this tag on the top of ur source code>>

<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">

This code will help u to set the browser default encoding type.

3)When u save the .php, u type the >> filename.php (if u r using notepad) select Text document , encoding type : ANSI

使用道具 举报

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发表于 13-4-2006 10:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
I can type in window xp, can read chinese words as well.
I've tried to save the content in the notepad (consists of chinese words) as Unicode encoding type, it really works. However, it still remained as a text file with .php.txt extension.What's wrong with that?
请问Unicode, Unicode big endian, UTF-8如何区分?

[ 本帖最后由 alenn 于 13-4-2006 10:29 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 26-4-2006 08:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
当然啦!you have to select All files, n then the encoding type > UTF-8, type the filename > testing.php

sure u can get the testing.php =P

使用道具 举报


发表于 30-4-2006 07:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 alenn 于 13-4-2006 12:03 AM 发表
除了dreamweaver,你们还有用什么来code php的?
哪些features会是理想的php coding tool?
1)syntax highlight
2)可以打华文的 (notepad不能够)
3)可以save as php file的,我打了在notepad, save as ind ...

i m using PHP Designer 2005, is free.
but whether can type chinese or not... i duno..

使用道具 举报

发表于 7-5-2006 03:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 alenn 于 13-4-2006 12:03 AM 发表
除了dreamweaver,你们还有用什么来code php的?
哪些features会是理想的php coding tool?
1)syntax highlight
2)可以打华文的 (notepad不能够)
3)可以save as php file的,我打了在notepad, save as ind ...

小弟是用 dev-php 的, interface 很干净利落, 蛮好用地

使用道具 举报

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