我们站在一起,却没有方向和目标地思考着、想象彼此的脸庞。我不知道,我多么希望我可以说些什么,也许你也是这么想的? 我们只是一直保持沉默,即使我的心在飞,像一只得到天空的小鸟,你看不见、你不知道。
后来她来了然后把你叫出去。我则留在小房间里,不动声色地听着你们的对话,隔着毛玻璃都变模糊的语言。 “你们在干嘛?” “我也不想的啊,是她自己找我的。” 所以我是那个没有节操的女生咯?哎,我一直以来都不是懂得害羞的人。
“那你要怎么处理?” “……”我听不见了,我听不见关于你说会如何处理我,隔着毛玻璃我看见你硕大的身影背对着我。 背影都模糊不清了,你的冷漠有什么好可惜的呢? 然后我就醒了,留下一枕的惆怅和失落。 继续在梦中自作多情总好过醒过来,自觉矫情。
We were standing right beside each other, but we did not say anything. We did not have any conversation, we were staying as quiet as we could. I wish that I had something to start up a conversation, maybe he had thought about it too, but still we remained silent as if we were in a library, we were forbidden to speak. Then she came. "What are you trying to do?" "I didn't mean to stay here, but she asked me to." Did I ask him? To him, I was the kind of girl who cannot restrain myself from asking for love? Well, maybe he is correct, I have never learnt to be shy and girly.
"So, what are you going to do?" "......" I couldn't hear the rest of the conversation, the sound was not clear as it was blocked by a door, his figure view from the back was blurred.
After a while, I woke up from that dream, realised the sorrow still remains. If only I could continue the dream, it was better when dreaming as I would not find myself as fragile as a glass.