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突击冒出的新一代神机Sony A6500 (a6300用户擦泪!)

发表于 7-10-2016 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
让用户静候了两年终于获得更新的 APS-C 旗舰 Sony A6300,想不到这么快就必须卸下王者的地位,由搭载机身五轴防抖的 α6500 所递补上!没错,小编心目中认为最应该加入的规格「五轴防抖」,终于正式登上了 Sony APS-C 感光元件的 E 接环机身 -- 根据原厂搭配无镜头防抖的 55mm F1.8 ZA 镜头的测试下,可以提供 5 级防抖的强大稳定度(作为参考,全幅的 A7II 官方所公布的级数为 4.5 级)。继续阅读更多介绍。
虽说大部分其余的规格包括 24.2MP 像素、最高 ISO 51,200、4K 录影(由 6K 像素读出)、11fps 连拍、425 点对焦点、0.05 秒的 4D 对焦系统、防尘防雾与更升级的电子观景器分辨率等规格都与 A6300 几乎一致。不过这次 A6500 除了在 UI 的部分跟上了 A99 II 的新版界面外,也有加入新的 Slow and Quick 录影模式。

此外,A6500 这次还提供了更直观的屏幕触控对焦功能(没错,屏幕终于也可以触控了),支持快速通过屏幕来选择对焦点的直观使用方式,改进了以往超难用的对焦点选择方式,可说是完全击中了小编认为 A6000 乃至于 A6300 的规格缺憾。小编还注意到了以往的无线连接机能 NFC + WiFi 功能之外,还新增了对蓝牙的支持,可以在与 PlayMemories Mobile app 后,像手机取得正确的时间以及位置信息。

既然「补完」了规格,显然不意外地 A6500 的售价肯定不会比之前才涨价过的 A6300 要便宜(就是贵上加贵的意思)。预计将会在 11 月上市的 A6500 的单机售价为人民币 9,799 元(约 NT$46,000 / HK$11,400),整整高出了 A6300 目前的订价三千人民币啊...

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 楼主| 发表于 7-10-2016 10:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 Max陈国兴 于 7-10-2016 11:04 AM 编辑


A) The buffer has been significantly increased, allowing the camera to shoot at 11 frames per second for around 300 JPEGs or 100 Raw+JPEG frames. Sony says this (presumably in combination with the additional processing power) also helps it offer a faster image review when you've been shooting large bursts.
It can shoot 4K video much like the a6300 but with the touchscreen allowing touch-to-pull-focus. The AF drive speed during video shooting can be controlled for smooth focus transitions. This autofocus ability is maintained across all the camera's video modes, including 1080/120p capture.
Beyond that, the camera's video capabilities are very similar to those of the a6300: UHD 4K  at up to 100Mbps from 6K readout, meaning roughly 1.54x oversampling in each dimension (2.4x overall). The camera can also capture Full HD (1080) at up to 120p which is now offered as part of a feature that allows the camera to offer anything from 1fps to 120fps capture, for playing back as anything from 60x high speed to 1/5th speed slow motion.
Sadly, Sony is making no promises of improved rolling shutter, compared with the a6300 (suggesting it's a sensor read-out limitation, rather than one of processing).
Like the a6300, the a6500 has a mic input but no headphone socket.
The camera's menu has also been updated, which the company says will make it easier to search and navigate. At present, it does not appear that the camera can shoot uncompressed Raw.

B) The a6500 is now the company's top-end APS-C camera, sitting above the a6300. It makes use of the same copper-wired 24MP sensor with 425 on-sensor PDAF points but gains a faster (LSI) processor to allow high speed operation. Sony also promises improved processing at high ISO settings, thanks to this new LSI.





使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 7-10-2016 11:06 AM | 显示全部楼层

C) The camera gains 5-axis image stabilization which continues to work in both stills and video. The system is rated as offering 5 stops of stabilization, by CIPA standard testing.
When used in conjunction with stabilized 'OSS' lenses, the in-lens stabilization takes over correction of the axes that is can stabilize, though Sony makes no claims for this adding to the degree of stabilization offered.

D) It also gains a touchscreen for faster operation, particularly in terms of AF point positioning. The rear screen works as a touchpad if you're holding the camera to your eye.





使用道具 举报

发表于 8-10-2016 06:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
a6300 retail RM4999 a6500肯定5k+ 这个价钱可以上a7ii 了
我觉得sony 受到fuji,canon 的压力了才那么快更新,现在a6000 body 才RM16xx而已,非常值得入手。


参与人数 1人气 +3 收起 理由
Max陈国兴 + 3 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 31-12-2016 04:40 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
请问那里找1600 的A6000 body呢? 我在找着入手

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