Facebook 支持率猛挫!
報告指,民主行動黨的臉書 “聽眾” 從今年一月最高峰的 4百6十萬,猛挫至今的 1百10萬,被公正黨的 1百80萬 和 回教黨的 1百60萬遠遠拋離後頭!!!
Lack of interest in DAP on Facebook coincided with allegations of corruption against Lim Guan Eng, a survey by Politweet found. File picture shows Lim and members of the media posing outside his house during an impromptu tour in March 2016. — Picture via Facebook/LimGuanEng -
See more at: http://m.themalaymailonline.com/malaysia/article/dap-loses-facebook-crown-to-pkr-falls-below-pas
DAP loses Facebook crown to PKR, falls below PAS | Malaysia Today
PKR and PAS have overtaken DAP as the opposition parties receiving the most interest on Facebook, according to a new Politweet survey charting its continued decline on the social media platform.
The social media researcher found that the audience for DAP was now just 1.1 million Facebook users or just under a quarter of its previous peak of 4.6 million in January this year. PKR is now the opposition party with the largest audience on Facebook with 1.8 million users expressing interest in it, while PAS is second with 1.6 million.
從檳城公正黨議員不支持填海計劃而被打壓、解僱開始, 至砂拉越州選舉和公正黨自己人打自己人, 再到貪污買屋子案被提控上庭 。。。
民主行動黨的聲望被一系列的不當決策拖垮, 最後還犯上人民最憎恨的『貪污』, 遭到決定性致命一擊!