PETALING JAYA - A group of men made off with an automatic teller machine (ATM) at a petrol station in Shah Alam. In the 5.30am incident on Wednesday (Dec 30), four men broke into the shop at the station by smashing the glass panel with a hammer.The men then subdued two Bangladeshi workers before using the hammer to break open the front of the ATM.Deputy Shah Alam district police chief Supt Nek Zaidi Zakaria said the men tied a rope around the safe inside the ATM and pulled it out using a lorry."There was about RM270,000 (S$89,000) cash in the ATM at the time of the robbery."They also took RM700 from the cash register," he said yesterday.He said all the men had their faces covered with helmets and caps.He said the heist lasted for 15 minutes before the suspects fled the scene."Investigations are still ongoing and the estimated losses are still being evaluated," he said, adding that the case is being investigated under Section 395 and 397 of the Penal Code for gang robbery
(沙亞南30日訊)位於沙亞南U16區迪奈阿南的一間油站提款機今日清晨遭匪徒第4度爆竊,這回6名戴頭盔匪出動1輛羅里,以繩索強拖提款機,再盜走所有現款,損失暫時不詳。 匪徒用繩索綁著提款機,再用羅里強行拖拽,把整個MEPS提款機錢箱爆開,盜走所有現款。(圖:星洲日報) 據油站的孟加拉籍員工沙希杜爾(22歲)表示,案發時約清晨5時。當時,有6名匪徒駕著一輛3噸羅里,手持巴冷刀上門,先以鐵條敲破玻璃,然後進入店裡用刀要脅他和另外一名員工乖乖就範。 他對星洲日報記者說,他們倆躲在一邊,眼睜睜地看著匪徒,以繩索綁著提款機,再用羅里強行拖拽,把整個MEPS提款機錢箱爆開,盜走所有現款。 “這次,已是油站提款機第4次被人爆竊了。”