这首歌可算历史上最性感的圣诞歌了, 最初在1953年由黑人女歌手Eartha Kitt首唱,诙谐中带着性感,大受欢迎 。后来又有无数女星翻唱, 比较著名的有麦当娜87年的翻唱,还有一个流传甚广的网络版,盛传是当年梦露所唱 ,而其实是Cynthia Basinet在1997年一个晚会上翻唱的。不过Cynthia这个版本的声线非常妩媚动人, 基本上符合 了人们对梦露的想象,可以说和当年的Eartha首唱版本各有千秋,不相上下。 让我们看看美国上个世纪50年代性感拜金女对圣诞老人的白日梦愿望列表吧,嘿嘿, 都是好东西呢:裘皮披肩, 54 年的天蓝色福特敞蓬跑车,游艇,白金矿的所有权,签好名的空白支票,蒂芬尼的饰品,还有。。。介指一枚 。
Santa baby, just slip a Sable under the tree for me;
Been an awful good girl, Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight
Santa baby, a '54 convertible too, light blue;
I'll wait up for you, dear; Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.
Think of all the fun I've missed;
Think of all the fellas that I haven't kissed;
Next year I could be just as good... if you check off my Christmas list Santa baby, I want a yacht and really that's not a lot;
Been an angel all year; Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa honey, one little thing I really need...
The deed... to a platinum mine, Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight.
Santa cutie, and fill my stocking with the duplex and checks;
Sign your 'X' on the line, Santa cutie,
and hurry down the chimney tonight.
Come and trim my Christmas tree with some decorations bought at Tiffany's;
I really do believe in you;
Let's see if you believe in me...
Santa baby, forgot to mention one little thing... A ring...
I don't mean on the phone; Santa baby,
So hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry down the chimney tonight
Hurry, tonight!
本帖最后由 astroboy22 于 9-12-2014 06:47 AM 编辑