您好,我們不知道還有甚麼辦法可以作出以下投訴,只想任何深愛動物的善心幫幫忙...本人替事主,Louis Chan (016 3838633) 尋求您的幫助,希望您可以share出去讓您身邊的人知道這件事:
Klinik Haiwan Melaka ( Melaka Pets Clinic ) Tel: 06-2830002 ,
Doctor: Jeyaseelan Arasoo ( h/p: 013- 6302205 )
我小狗因为睾丸有点和普通狗不一样既一颗在体外一颗在体内,所以医生在注射麻醉药前有找了一下体内的睾丸但找不到。在没有任何身体检查的情况下医生给小狗注射了麻醉药。当时小狗的情况还算稳定,心跳正常我也看见它有在眨眼。 医生开始动手术我在外等着,不久医生叫我进去说体外的睾丸已经切除但是体内的找不到,我请医生再详细检查。 过不久医生再叫我进去说体内睾丸找到了也成功切除。这时我看见医生再次给小狗注射药物(我不肯定是什么但是我想应该是麻醉药)这时小狗开始呼吸困难,有用力的在呼吸着舌头也呈褐色。我开始紧张并问医生需要做些什么吗?可以做些什么吗?因为小狗呼吸很微弱,医生也同意这点但是他却什么都没做只是用力的拉着小狗的舌头说让空气可以顺利进去小狗体内帮助呼吸。。但是,小狗已经没办法呼吸了。这时一旁的护士开始埋怨说小狗身上为什么那么多瘙子?医生接着说身上太多瘙子不适宜动手术我当时很气,我问他你不是医生吗?为什么手术前没有做检查??他既然回答我说不是每一只狗动手术前都会做检查!这是什么??这医生没有医德,罔顾生命!
所以我很希望您们可以帮助我刊登以让更多人知道这一个没有医德,疏忽,罔顾生命和不负责任的医生。除了揭发他的不专业外也希望其他爱狗的人不要将狗交给这无德的医生医治!我有拍下医生的诊所和他本人照片希望您们可以帮助我。除了SPCA , MVC 请问还有什么有力的单位可以协助我呢?求求您们教我如何做...
小狗手术前的视频: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbCUrClWQb8
小狗手术中视频: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMK5NYASODc&feature=youtu.be
I am writing to create awareness about Dr Jeyaseelan Arasoo (h/p: 013-6302205) for negligence and unprofessional conduct leading to the death of my beloved dog. For the sake of your beloved pet DO NOT GO TO Klinik Haiwan Melaka (Melaka Pets Clinic, tel: 06-2830002)
My beloved dog just die in this vet hands because of his unprofessional. Pls share out for this negligence veterinary.
My puppy appears to be in perfect good condition, very active and happy before the operation, I have my video for it. The puppy has a different condition, because it has a retained testicle and another one outside its body, so, before the operation, the vet try to locate the retained one but failed and without any furthers body checkup, the vet anaesthetize the puppy, it is still stable at the time, with a normal heart beat, I can still seeing its eyes blinking, so I wait outside the operation room when the veterinary started the operation.
Not long after that, the vet call me into the room and I was told the outer testicle has remove but he is still failed to locate the retain one, I ask him to check again. Later when I was asked to get in again, I was told the retained testicle is located and removed, and at this point I saw the vet injected drugs again (I am not sure what it is, but I thought it is for anaesthetize purpose) and my puppy started to suffer a difficulty in breathing, it was trying so hard to breath and its tongue started to change into brownish color. I was started to get nervous and ask for advice, because the puppy has a very weak breathing. the vet agree that, but he doesn’t do anything for assistance, only pulling its tongue and say this helping air get in easily, but the puppy is already suffocated, and only at this time the assistant (the nurse) complaint and ask why there is so many flea on the body, so the vet echo that it shouldn’t conduct the operation because it has too much of flea, I was on emotion and ask why he never do any checkup before the operation? Isn’t him a professional veterinary? To one’s surprise he answered me “not every dog I will check before operation” he say. This is the ethic of a veterinary? Treating lifes carelessly?
I keep asking him to do at least something, because the nurse say it still has some weak pulse, and he take some drugs in his drawer and injected the puppy again, later than I was told the puppy is gone. Die because of the fleas sucking off its blood, and causing uncomfortable. I can’t accept that explanations.
So, I sincerely wish you to give a big helping hand to take action toward this negligence, irresponsible, handling life recklessly and unethical veterinary. This is not only for disclose his act of unprofessional, also to urge the pet lovers to avoid treatments for their pets from this veterinary, let my beloved DD be the last victim from him, and I demand an acceptable response and compensation from him but not a fail excuse which to swipe the issue under the carpet. I have the clinic and the veterinary’s photo, please, help me for that.
Thank you.
Before operation video link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbCUrClWQb8
During operation video link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BMK5NYASODc&feature=youtu.be
本帖最后由 ngetnget 于 28-2-2014 06:28 PM 编辑