This device is special design to old citizen, it is comewith: 1) Very bright torch 2) Keying or dialingpronunciation when you dial any number, so that the old citizen could listen towhat their type, instead of looking into the screen. 3) Big and clearnumber pad 4) Big font size 5) Speaker itself isvery loud 6) Very durable, comewith impact resistant design, it is reinforced for drop protection 7) Anti-dust 8) Radiation-proofmobile 9) SOS emergency call,could set up to 3 emergency number 品牌 Model: Sanmeng 三盟
型号 Model Type: S908
标准配置 Come with: 1 battery(1000mAh), charger, cable, instruction, headset
卡 Sim Card: SingleCard 单卡
颜色Colour: Yellow, white, green 黄色/白色/绿色
外观尺寸Size: 120 x 54 x 16mm
主屏参数Screen: 1.65 inch, colour screen, 128 x 60, 1.65寸65536色TFT,屏幕分辨率:128x60
重量Weight: 0.12 kg
来电铃声Ringtone: midi, mp3 supported, 40和弦,支持将mp3铃声设置为来电铃声
支持语言Language supported: simplified chinese and English only, 简体中文、英文
内存大小Capacity : micro-SD card slot supported 支持TF卡扩展
音乐播放Music Player: support mp3 music 支持mp3音乐播放
FM 收音Radio: Yes 支持FM收音(无需耳机直接外放)、大功率扬声器,音质震撼
SOS求助功能SOS function: Yes 支持
手电筒Torch light: Yes 支持
手机定位GPS: Yes 支持
Thisdevice is special design to old citizen, it is come with:
1) Very bright torch 超强高亮手电筒,夜再黑也不怕
2) Keying or dialing pronunciation when you dial any number, so that the oldcitizen could listen to what their type, instead of looking into the screen.
3) Big and clear number pad
4) Big font size
5) Speaker itself is very loud
6) Very durable, come with impact resistant design, it is reinforced for dropprotection
7) Anti-dust
8) Radiation-proof mobile
9) SOS emergency call, could set up to 3 emergency number
Graba bargain until the last stock!
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