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本人母親因為多年前當別人的擔保人,以及當別人信用卡的附屬卡持有人,而該人則生意失敗欠下銀行錢沒辦法還,導致母親也被判入窮籍,無法再出國。如今時隔多年,已經十餘年了,不知是否還是不能出國?曾聽說進 bankrupt list 超過十年就會被除名,真有此事嗎?如果是被除名了,是否表示可以申請護照出國了呢?如果還沒被除名,那該要怎麼處理才能再帶老媽子出國啊?要到什麽地方/什麽部門,找誰幫忙處理啊?如果有心想要處理,是要怎樣做呢?是不是每個月多少都要依據能力償還一點才有可能讓老媽子出國啊?
老媽子已經年過半百,卻幾乎不曾出國旅行,真的很希望能讓母親到國外旅行,所以希望有辦法能夠處理這件事情~ 懇請哪位大大若對這方面有所瞭解的話,可以跟小弟分享分享~ 感激不盡~ |
发表于 27-9-2010 12:05 PM
張菲倩律師表示,一般上,一個人被法庭判入窮籍長達五、六年後,便可以前往財政部屬下的報窮局(jabatan Insolvency http://www.insolvensi.gov.my/)詢問。
布城報窮局總部電話為:03-8885 1000,雪州報窮局分局電話03-5512 4309。
The Director General of Insolvency (DGI) has power to discharge a bankrupt by issuing a certificate to such effect. What are the conditions that needs to be fulfilled by the bankrupt for this method of discharge ?
The conditions are as follows:
The bankruptcy case has been administered at least five years from the date of the Receiving Order and Adjudication Order.
The entire property of the bankrupt has been realized.
The Bankrupt has proven a continuously good conduct during the term of administrating his case
Only bankrupt with a good conduct can be considered for a discharge.
Good conduct means:
Good co-operation as and when required by any officer of MdI;
Upon being adjudged a bankrupt, he will attend to the MdI’s office immediately when required to do so;
Have submitted a complete Statement of Affairs within a stipulated time given by MdI;
Regularity in making payments or monthly contribution;
Compliance with the DGI’s and Court order;
Compliance with all the restrictions under section 38 of Bankruptcy Act 1967;
Submitting an Income and Expenditure Statements every six months;
Informing the Department of any changes of address and income; and
Did not make any direct payment to the creditors.
Declaration of dividend
Discharge can only be given to bankrupt if there is dividend to be declared among the creditors.
Special case
A bankrupt’s discharge can also be considered on a special case that leads to the bankrupt’s inability to contribute further into his bankruptcy estate and these are: with the condition the 3 conditions is complied with
health problem/prolong illness (supported by medical report); and
too old (70 years old and above).
However, the bankrupt must have shown a good conduct prior to the suffering / illness.
http://www.insolvensi.gov.my/ind ... mid=586&lang=ms |
发表于 29-12-2010 01:52 PM
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