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有哪为大哥对Trend Micro的中小型公司版熟悉的,请介绍一下它的优缺点.谢谢!!

发表于 7-11-2004 08:50 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

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发表于 9-11-2004 12:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
desbp 于 7-11-2004 20:50  说 :

我也在找相关知料。。。。以前旧公司有用过 PC-Cillin desktop & Wiruswall, 好处是每年更新 是 当时售价的 25%。 不过因是安装在各别电脑, 软体 Update 较麻烦。

我刚找到 它的server version, 还在等他们的达赴。你可到这里看看

http://www.trendmicro.com/en/pro ... aluate/overview.htm

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 楼主| 发表于 10-11-2004 02:30 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 12-11-2004 01:06 AM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 13-11-2004 11:53 AM | 显示全部楼层


那你個人覺得Trend Micro怎樣???

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发表于 14-11-2004 11:53 AM | 显示全部楼层
我刚从Macfee换过来PC-cillin Internet Security。
不会拖慢电脑的速度,而且是all in one,方便管理。
我的trial version过期后打算帮公司买2005版。

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发表于 16-11-2004 10:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
misia 于 14-11-2004 11:53  说 :
我刚从Macfee换过来PC-cillin Internet Security。
不会拖慢电脑的速度,而且是all in one,方便管理。
我的trial version过期后打算帮公司买2005版。
2005版加了很多功能,有ant ...

我有看了Symantec Client Security 2.0 好像也不错。

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gohbsing 该用户已被删除
发表于 16-11-2004 11:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
是否选择SMB版还得看公司有多少computer.如果有上百架computer,又有email,internet就最好选择enterprise版.SMB版得分别购买server,desktop,email,internet的license.enterprise版则能让你用一种license同时使用server,desktop,email,internet防毒软件.如果数目够大还可以把价钱压低.而且enterprise版也比较少可能出现software bug.
Implementation方面,最好使用central server来控制所有的Antivirus Server, client, email protection, internet protection. 由central server来push down virus definition file,定期扫描,中毒警示,desktop client登入安装等等.

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发表于 17-11-2004 09:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
desbp 于 10-11-2004 14:30  说 :


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发表于 17-11-2004 09:17 AM | 显示全部楼层
gohbsing 于 16-11-2004 23:29  说 :
是否选择SMB版还得看公司有多少computer.如果有上百架computer,又有email,internet就最好选择enterprise版.SMB版得分别购买server,desktop,email,inte ...

gohbsing 说的很对和祥细。。。因为我没有Email Server. Enterprise 板本 对我比较没华算。 我应该会考量 Trend Micro Client server suite for SMB 和 Symantec Client Security. 我只有30架电脑而Symantec SCS 2.0 有我须要得implement.

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 楼主| 发表于 26-11-2004 12:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

谢 谢 各 位!!

其 实 经 过 小 弟 个 人 的 比 较, 觉 得kaspersky 非 常 不 错, 价 钱 也 便 宜,  又 有 效。 因 为 有 客 户 要 防 毒 软 件。  做 了 很 多 比 较, 最 后 我 选 择 了  推 荐KASPERSKY。。

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 楼主| 发表于 26-11-2004 01:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
matrix2003 , 如 果 你 有 兴 趣 购 买 也 可 以 聊 聊。  我 发 觉 效 果 上KASPERSKY 很 不 错。

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发表于 28-11-2004 05:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
desbp 于 26-11-2004 13:04  说 :
matrix2003 , 如 果 你 有 兴 趣 购 买 也 可 以 聊 聊。  我 发 觉 效 果 上KASPERSKY 很 不 错。

kaspersky, 我没用过, 不清楚它的功效。 你不访短消息我他的价钱。

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aztech 该用户已被删除
发表于 28-11-2004 09:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
Increase Your Protection!
OfficeScan 6.5 is an integrated desktop security solution designed to protect against a multitude of threats

1)    Antivirus Protection- file based and network based

2)    Network Virus Scanning and Elimination
•Scan for network viruses using signature based approach at the TCP/IP level
•Scan for unknown virus threats by monitoring 9 attack specific signature, known to be used by malicious viruses
•Drop infected network packets before they reach the client

3)    Protection against -- Spyware, Adware, Dialer, Password Attacks, Jokes

4)   Enterprise Client Firewall
•Enable or disable ports and prevent communication (inbound/outbound)
•Scanning of both inbound/outbound packet for malicious threats or unauthorized
•    access to the desktop
•Provide the basic security needs of enterprise customers today

* Officescan 6.5 Corporate Standard Edition only has item 1 & 2.

* Officescan 6.5 Corporate Enterprise Edition consists of item 1, 2, 3 & 4.

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aztech 该用户已被删除
发表于 28-11-2004 09:59 PM | 显示全部楼层
Comparison for Client Server Suite for SMB and Client Server Suite for Enterprise Product       

SMB                                                     Enterprise
Client Server Suite - 1 Product 1 installation        Client Server Suite - OSCE & SP - 2 Products 2 installation
Client Server Messaging Suite - 1 Product 1 installation        Client Server Messaging Suite - OSCE, SP & SMEX - 3 Products 3 installation
Integrated Damage Cleanup Services        Option to subscribe to Damage Cleanup Services
Integrated Content Filtering        Option to buy IMSS & IWSS
Integrated Anti Spamming (if buy CSM & ISVW SMB)        Option to buy Spam Prevention Solution (SPS)
No Outbreak Prevention Policy        Option to subscribe to Outbreak Prevention Services
Maximum users is only 250 users        Unlimited
Microsoft Based Environment only        Multiple Platform
Can work on Windows SBS        Unable to work on Windows SBS
Non EPS ready        EPS Ready
Neatsuite SMB        Neatsuite Enterprise Edition II
Example of 10 users        Damage Cleanup Services (DCS)

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aztech 该用户已被删除
发表于 28-11-2004 10:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2004 05:34 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kaspersky Antivirus for Workstations

Main Functions

Real Time Protection - The background virus-interceptor Monitor permanently resides in your Wintel workstation’s memory, checking for viruses in files (including the archived) while they are started, created or copied, and also in the memory of started programs. The program comprehensively controls all the file operations preventing virus attacks.

Filtering Viruses Out Of Email - Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Wintel workstations automatically and in real time checks for viruses in all incoming and outgoing messages. Since the program supports all the major e-mail database formats (MS Outlook, MS Outlook Express, MS Exchange, Eudora, MS Mail, Pegasus Mail, Netscape Mail, JSMail, MIME, The BAT), it reliably protects against viruses in mail message storage locations. The built-in Mail Checker efficiently deletes viruses from e-mail messages, and completely recovers the original.

Comprehensive control over e-mail messages - Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Wintel workstations automatically checks for viruses in all elements of incoming and outgoing messages in the message body, embedded OLE objects, attached files (including archived or compressed files) and other messages of any nesting level.

Protecting against macro-viruses - Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Wintel contains special modules controlling macro-instructions that are executed. The unique macro control technology using the concept of behavior blocker allows the program to prohibit macro-viruses from being executed.

Monitoring data-integrity - Inspector, the Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Wintel workstations built-in integrity checker traces all changes on the local computer in background where appearance of new, deletion and modification of existing files and more. The program implements the control by calculating mathematical values known as checksums or CRC values (for Cyclic Redundancy Code) for disk sectors and files, and subsequently checking these against the existing copy of appropriate file/sector. If a virus-incidental action (such as unauthorized changes in a file or the system registry) is detected, the module allows removal of the malicious code and recovery of the original disk contents.

Protecting data storage locations - The anti-virus Kaspersky AV Scanner allows for the comprehensive check of local and network drive contents on-demand. You may run your scanner manually or schedule its start using Kaspersky AV Control Centre included in the package.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2004 05:35 PM | 显示全部楼层
Intercepting script-viruses - To protect the user from script-viruses the package uses the built-in Script Checker module that completely solves this problem by integrating itself as a filter in-between the script-virus and its handler. This enables you to check for viruses in any script before it is executed.

Centralized deployment and management - Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Wintel is completely integrated in the unique system of anti-virus protection management. Kaspersky Administration Kit enables you to centrally install and control Kaspersky Anti-Virus for NT Server from any (including the remote) computer; to define a timetable and an order in which the modules must be started so as to automatically retrieve and enable anti-virus database updates via the Internet. It is also to broadcast notifications on virus attacks and to review virus-check logs on workstations and control access rights to change the program configuration.

Automated updating - The Kaspersky AV Updater module allows for automated updating of anti-virus databases containing virus and remedy definitions, and of the software package components.

Universal boot system - The product contains the built-in Rescue Disk Set module which a boot system that allows you to restore your PC at work in case it has been completely disabled as the result of a virus attack. Rescue Disk Set creates a set of Linux-based bootable diskettes with pre-installed Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Linux. This allows you to perform a "clean boot" and to restore infected hard disks with all the commonly used file systems at once such as FAT (DOS), FAT32 (Windows 95/98), NTFS (Windows NT/2000), HPFS (OS/2), EXT (Linux).

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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2004 05:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
Kaspersky 每年更新 是 当时售价的 70%。Upgrade With New version.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-11-2004 05:48 PM | 显示全部楼层
Requirements for Kaspersky Antivirus for Workstations

Software requirements         Hardware requirements
Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME
•        Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher
•        No other antivirus programs installed, including other Kaspersky Labs products         •        150MHz Intel Pentium processor (or compatible)
•        32MB of RAM (64MB recommended)
•        72MB available on HDD to install, 23MB to run
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0
•        Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 6a or higher
•        Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher
•        No other antivirus programs installed, including other Kaspersky Labs products         •        150MHz Intel Pentium processor (or compatible)
•        48MB of RAM (64MB recommended)
•        72MB available on HDD to install, 23MB to run
Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional
•        Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher
•        No other antivirus programs installed, including other Kaspersky Labs products         •        150MHz Intel Pentium processor (or compatible)
•        64MB of RAM (96MB recommended)
•        72MB available on HDD to install, 23MB to run
Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition/Professional
•        Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 SP2 or higher
•        Service Pack 1 or later
•        No other antivirus programs installed, including other Kaspersky Labs products         •        300MHz Intel Pentium processor (or compatible)
•        128MB of RAM (more recommended)
•        72MB available on HDD to install, 23MB to run

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