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本帖最后由 isaachiew 于 9-4-2010 01:33 PM 编辑
上次ENDWAR說過M4A1殺傷力不足. 干嘛? 想影射我們買錯槍嗎?我也不喜歡M4A1﹐因為容易JAM。
我想講的是﹐SAR-21也好不到哪裡去。5.56mmx45 子彈本來就是這樣。別以為SAR-21很厲害。而且﹐你在侮辱你的美國大哥啊﹐小弟弟!
There are seven problems with the SAR-21 and its carbine form.
The biggest one is that it cannot be used by left-handed people. It's of a bullpup design, see, and if lefties use it, empty brass will fly into their face. There's no conversion for left-handed people right now, so left handed people have to use their left eye to aim, and fire from their right shoulder. It's highly unnatural…hell, I tried doing it once, and damned near sprained my neck. According to a left-handed soldier, it took him dozens of live-fire sessions before he could hit one target.
"The next is its so-called safety. It has two safety…buttons, I guess, a little like the Thompson M1921 and its successors…though it really should be called 'Auto Ordnance'. Anyway, the safety device is at the rear end of the handguard. It can be engaged and disengaged just by pushing the protruding end. The second button is really a fire selection switch. However, the bloody thing's in the stock, so you have to take your left hand off the handguard to switch between semiautomatic and full auto. In a firefight, the delay is long enough to get you killed, especially if you're ambushed. I prefer the M16's safety: it's very instinctive and very fast.
"The third problem is with the sights. It uses a 1.5x sight that is pre-zeroed at the factory, and is one of the best sights I've ever seen. However, there are no good iron sights, just the pistol sights mounted on the 1.5x sight. I mean, for CQB, you can use the crude sights, but what if the optical sight breaks in open combat? Frankly speaking, you'll be screwed. Also, in cold weather, the sights will fog up…and the same thing will happen if you fire sixty rounds through it at full auto. An assault rifle should be able to be used in all weather conditions, not just in some.
"The fourth is its laser sight. The bloody thing can be knocked out of true just by a hard blow to the handguard. Imagine what would happen in wartime.
世界上有哪個軍隊放雷射燈在步槍上﹖新加坡, 為何﹖因為太多人視力不好。用LASER比較方便。
"The fifth problem is that it's incompatible with the M203 grenade launcher we're using. Now, a modified version called the CIS 40 has to be built so that the SAR-21 can be fitted with a grenade launcher. Hell, a laser sight is incorporated into the CIS 40, since it blocks off the original one.
"The sixth problem is with the MMS. I mean, standard issue MMS carbines come with a CCTV (closed circuit television) fitted on its accessory rail, a HWS (Holographic Weapon Sight) on top of the CCTV, a pistol grip, a bipod, and another CCTV fitted on the accessory rail below the barrel…the handguard has to be removed, Ding, in case you're wondering. It's replaced with some sort of platform built of polymer and fitted with that rail. If necessary, the bipod can be replaced with a laser. Now, that makes three or four sights that you have to zero to point of aim. That's bloody tedious. Plus, the CCTVs only work if they're connected to a wearable computer, which is connected to some sort of monitor fitted to the soldier's helmet. That adds weight, and reduces peripheral vision in CQB.
"The final problem follows. The gun is of a bullpup design, right? So is the MMS. Now, it's touted to be able to fire around corners with the CCTV equipped, right? If the corner turns to the right, you've got a problem. The ejection port is facing you, and is in your face or chest. If you pull the trigger, that's where the brass will land. And, in accordance with Murphy's Law, the brass casing may land inside your clothing, and you'll have to remove it before it burns a hole in either your or your uniform, or both. For conventional arms, the ejection port is facing your arm or the wall, so it's not so bad."
That's why we don't use the SAR-21 or the MMS unless necessary. I'd rather stick with our M4A1s.
M4A1不過是DIRECT INPINGEMENT所導致的可靠性問題。只要換成M468就可以鳥。。。。。不過我們馬來西亞買錯新槍了。應該買HK468的。 不然你們買以色列的CORNER SHOT好了。
http://www.fanfiction.net/s/2178322/1/Rainbow_Six_Cross_Training |
发表于 9-4-2010 06:13 PM
发表于 9-4-2010 06:57 PM
其实Sar 21 还有很多改进的空间,谦受益,满朝损。sar21 不方便左手和安全/单发/连发 的缺点在新加坡航空展推出的sar 21A上作了很多改良。U100都出到第五代了。MK5 。有缺点并不可怕,固步自封才要不得。 |
发表于 9-4-2010 07:08 PM
回复 3# thesun
发表于 10-4-2010 10:33 AM
m4容易卡彈???我笑了 |
发表于 10-4-2010 12:59 PM
发表于 10-4-2010 05:32 PM
回复 5# wenjin1988
宅男,如果没有适当的清理,尤其是 round chamber 和 detonator pin,保证你开 25-30 发子弹后肯定卡弹或者 misfire. |
发表于 10-4-2010 06:23 PM
新加坡大街上。随便拉一个本地男人,最少都开过上千发子弹。马国人和我们谈枪,真枪都不知有几个摸过,全都是纸上谈兵。 |
发表于 10-4-2010 07:12 PM
发表于 10-4-2010 07:32 PM
好彩没有,我最怕去靶场了,天没亮就要出发,zeroing , 300m walkdown ,300m rundown
day shoot 完了还要nightshoot, 射不好还要重来,搞到半夜回兵营还要擦枪。
对你们这些老百姓,开枪很刺激很好玩。对我们这些当过兵的却是苦差事。你不懂得啦。 |
发表于 10-4-2010 08:22 PM
发表于 10-4-2010 08:46 PM
本帖最后由 thesun 于 10-4-2010 08:48 PM 编辑
你又没有试过Sar21,没有做过比较,你又知M16比较好。我开过两种枪。别人我不知道但我用Sar21 成绩比较好。开枪爽?那是你没试过Breaching exercise,同时点燃两只bangalore torpedo的那种感觉。platoon live firing ,saw 在你身边 45度斜坡往上冲,tracer bullet 从你身边飞过。
300m run down 最基本新兵都要通过的。 |
发表于 10-4-2010 08:58 PM
回复 12# thesun
小弟请教,这种xar-21,会解体吗? |
发表于 10-4-2010 09:02 PM
m16a1已经过时了吧~现在不是在用M4A1? |
发表于 10-4-2010 09:27 PM
回复 7# soonpeng-
“上次ENDWAR說過M4A1殺傷力不足. 干嘛? 想影射我們買錯槍嗎?我也不喜歡M4A1﹐因為容易JAM。”
发表于 10-4-2010 09:35 PM
楼主 |
发表于 10-4-2010 09:54 PM
好彩没有,我最怕去靶场了,天没亮就要出发,zeroing , 300m walkdown ,300m rundown
day shoot 完了还要n ...
thesun 发表于 10-4-2010 07:32 PM
還有﹐你們的森林跟我們的森林比起來根本就是游樂場。 進去裡面分分鐘都會發生意外﹗單單蚊子蒼蠅水蛭都夠逼瘋你。還沒提到山豬老虎大象蛇。。。。。。 |
发表于 10-4-2010 10:00 PM
马来的森林和文莱的原始森林比还差一点,新加坡当兵的最少要去三个国家,文莱是其中一个 |
发表于 10-4-2010 10:02 PM
thesun 发表于 10-4-2010 10:00 PM
可悲,做军人做到训练都要寄人篱下 |
发表于 10-4-2010 10:25 PM
你又没有试过Sar21,没有做过比较,你又知M16比较好。我开过两种枪。别人我不知道但我用Sar21 成绩比较好。 ...
thesun 发表于 10-4-2010 20:46
小弟是以 M16 和 Steyr AUG 来做比较, SAR 我没用过。。。 |
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