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【转】DotA 6.61b OMG Map

发表于 20-7-2009 01:14 PM | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

新的DotA 6.61b OMG地图,这个地图的特别之处就是英雄拥有每个Hero Random的skill。


Dota 6.61b OMG Map - Dota Allstars 6.61bOMG Mode Map - The Dota 6.61b OMG Mode map is now available fordownload. This map is same as Dota Allstars 6.61b but there is a modeadded in it. You will get random skillset of Heroes in this map, or youchoose to select the skills manually. You can check the download linkand read the quest/guide of this Dota 6.61b OmG mode map.

Dota 6.61b OMG Mode - Dota Allstars 6.61b OMG Map 下载网址:-
Download Dota 6.61b Omg v1.04.w3x (mirror1) - http://rapidshare.com/files/257605240/DotA_6.61b_OMG_v1.04.w3x
Download Dota 6.61b OMG v1.04.w3x (mirror2) - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qdgizwy02jt

The Dota Allstars OMG Mode:-

Dota OMG is the map based on one of latest DotA Allstars map (currently6.61b), with one big change — heroes allowed to have any ability.

There are two ways to change hero's skill set — random or pick. Everyof them can be activated using it own mode, which must be writen withother game modes.

1. Random abilities

When any hero appears in game (was picked or randomed) it gains 3random standart abilities and 1 random ultimate. They are random frompool of avaible abilities and go throught some checks (details below).

- can be activated by typing -ra with other game modes; moreinteresting and fun games are with -ardm mode, so blue player must type-ardmra like gamemode
- compatible with every game mode, except -ad

2. Abilities Draft

Every player can choose 3 standart abilities and 1 ultimate for hishero. Picking goes in a draft style. Abilities can be bought intaverns, which are filled with 66 standart abilities and 22 ultimatesrandomed from pool of avaible abilities.

There are tips for every ability in tavern, which contain its name,main hero (which have this ability in normal game), hotkey, someproperties and list of unstackable abilities. Also there is a cleverchecking system which prevents your hero from learning unstackableabilities and some other bugs.

Draft process.
1. Every player must pick/get a hero. This heroes will be on pause. Ifsomeone leaves without hero, anyone must type -recheck to refresh gameinfo about players. Draft will start when every player gets a hero.
2. When game says about draft start, 8 of 9 taverns will be filled with66 standart abilities and 22 ultimates. Every player has 60 seconds tolearn the assortment of abilities.
3. Draft starts after this time. It goes in 3 phases:
- 1st phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 2nd phase: brown/orange/pink/blue player starts, every player can learn 1 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
- 3rd phase: blue/pink/orange/brown player starts, every player can learn up to 2 standart skills or 1 ultimate on his turn
Every phase goes in well-known 1-2-2-2-2-1 draft order. Every player has 15 seconds for every turn.
If you didn't learn something, you will get money to learn it after all 3 phases.
4. When your hero learns 3 standart skills and 1 ultimate, it will beunpaused and you'll get back your gold status before draft.
After draft ends creeps will go in 1 minute.
Warning! Sometimes you can get a bug with shops, so you can't buyanything. Your hero must get out from buying range and then get back toshops. Please, be patient to this bug. Sorry for it.

- can be activated by typing -ad with other game modes
- uncompatible with -ra, -rd, -cd and -dm modes
There a special game mode Duplicate Abilities (can be activated by typing -da), which allows for players to pick same abilities.

Special commands.
-skills — shows current abilities of your hero with some numbers, which is useful when you found a bug
-banbloodstone (-banbs)(only blue player) — after a lot of games on -raplayers start to annoying, when someone creates a Bloodstone, becauseof it's imbaness in this mode and game becomes boring, so this commandmakes Bloodstone useless, because it gives 4x negative regenerationfrom every charge.
-recheck (only in -ad) — refreshes game info about players
-showprocess (only in -ad)(only blue player) — shows picking abilities process to everyone (who and what picked)

Checking system.
Many abilities in DotA are based on same abilities from Warcraft, andthey have same orders. If 1 hero gets 2 abilities with same orders thenthey will be used at one moment or will work only 1 of them. Because ofthis, when game or player chooses ability, it goes throught specialchecking for compatible of abilities, that already hero has.
Some abilities can be used only on melee or ranged attack, so abilitiesgoes throught hero attack type checking. Also, some abilities takes 2or more active icons after learning, and if there is no more place,some abilities may disappear. To prevent it, there is a checking ofthis.
Totally: your hero will never get uncompatible abilities, will neverget abilities for melee(ranged) attack, if it is ranged(melee), alsoyou will never lose your skills.

This mode might eventually be part of the map, but it is not as simpleas everyone thinks to add to a map that is always being developedbecause of lots of extra things that have to be done. It is easier forme to just add it after a map is published, like with the AI maps. So Iwill just update this one in meantime.


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发表于 20-7-2009 01:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
Dota 6.61b 03地图- Dota Allstars 6.61bOMG模式地图-在Dota 6.61b 03模式地图现已fordownload 。这张地图是一样的Dota Allstars 6.61b但有modeadded中。您将获得随机skillset英雄在此地图,或youchoose选择手动技能。您可以检查阅读下载linkand 追求/导游这一Dota 6.61b 03模式地图。

Dota 6.61b 03模式- Dota Allstars 6.61b 03地图下载网址: -
下载Dota 6.61b 03 v1.04.w3x ( mirror1 ) - http://rapidshare.com/files/257605240/DotA_6.61b_OMG_v1.04.w3x
下载Dota 6.61b 03 v1.04.w3x ( mirror2 ) - http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?qdgizwy02jt

dota - 6.61b - 03
03 Dota Allstars的模式: -

Dota 03是地图的基础上的一个最新的DotA Allstars地图( currently6.61b ) ,有一个大的变化-英雄允许有任何的能力。

有两种方法可以改变英雄的技能-随机或挑选。 Everyof他们可以用它激活自己的模式,必须是书面的withother游戏模式。

1 。随机能力

当英雄出现在任何游戏(被选为或randomed )有收益3random旗能力和1个随机最终。他们是随机frompool的发布的能力,去思考一些检查(详情如下) 。

-可以被激活输入罗与其他游戏模式; moreinteresting和有趣的游戏与- ardm模式,使蓝色的球员必须型ardmra像gamemode

2 。能力草案

每个球员可以选择3旗能力和1个最终的hishero 。分拣不用草案中的风格。能力可以购买intaverns ,这是充满了66旗能力和22 ultimatesrandomed由一批发布的能力。

有能力的秘诀在每一个酒馆,其中载有其姓名,主要英雄(有这种能力在正常游戏) ,热键, someproperties和清单unstackable能力。也有一个cleverchecking制度,防止您的英雄学习 unstackableabilities和其他一些错误。

1 。每个球员必须接/得到一个英雄。这将是英雄暂停。 Ifsomeone叶片无英雄,任何人都必须输入,检查刷新gameinfo关于球员。草案将启动时,每个球员得到了英雄。
2 。比赛时说,有关草案开始, 8 9酒馆将填补with66旗能力和22 ultimates 。每个球员有60秒tolearn了各种各样的能力。
3 。草案在这个时候开始。不言而喻3阶段:
4 。当你的英雄学习的技能和3旗1最终,它将beunpaused ,你会回来的黄金地位之前的草案。
警告!有时候,你可以得到一个错误的商店,所以你不能buyanything 。你的英雄必须摆脱购买范围,然后回来toshops 。请耐心等待这个错误。很抱歉的。

- uncompatible与罗, ,路,光盘和糖尿病模式
有一个特别的游戏模式复制能力(可通过输入达) ,允许玩家选择相同的能力。

- banbloodstone ( - banbs ) (只蓝色播放器) -之后,很多游戏的raplayers开始厌烦,当有人创造了血, becauseof它imbaness在此模式下,游戏变得乏味,所以这commandmakes鸡血石无用的,因为它使4负 regenerationfrom一切费用。
,重新检查(仅在广告) -刷新游戏信息的球员
- showprocess (仅在广告) (只蓝色播放器) -显示采摘能力过程的每一个人(谁和什么选择)

许多能力DotA是基于同样的能力从魔兽andthey具有相同的命令。如果1英雄获得2能力同订单thenthey将被用于在一个时刻或将只有1人。由于ofthis ,游戏或播放时,选择的能力,不用想specialchecking为兼容的能力,已经英雄了。
有些能力只能用于不等的混战或攻击,因此abilitiesgoes认为英雄的攻击类型检查。另外,一些能力采取更积极的图标2or学习后,如果没有更多的地方,一些能力可能会消失。为了防止它,有一个检查ofthis 。
完全:您的英雄永远不会uncompatible能力,将neverget能力混战(范围)的攻击,如果它是介于(混战) , alsoyou永远不会失去你的技能。


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发表于 20-7-2009 01:31 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 20-7-2009 01:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
很搞笑对吧 但我觉的很新鲜因为都不知hero skill是什么

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 楼主| 发表于 20-7-2009 01:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 2# 随便啦 的帖子


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发表于 20-7-2009 07:29 PM | 显示全部楼层
请问这是collided map吗?

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 楼主| 发表于 20-7-2009 07:34 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 6# sh3nl0n9 的帖子

不是 只是由其他的玩家设计出来的map

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发表于 20-7-2009 07:51 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 7# HHG|-jAcK-| 的帖子


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 楼主| 发表于 20-7-2009 08:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 8# sh3nl0n9 的帖子


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发表于 21-7-2009 10:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
如果是这样的话,那为什么hero的movement speed会不一样

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 楼主| 发表于 21-7-2009 10:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
-ra是random ability
-ad是ability draft

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发表于 21-7-2009 05:40 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 21-7-2009 06:33 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 爱你一辈子 于 21-7-2009 17:40 发表

dota map lo但是random skill d

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发表于 21-7-2009 08:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 21-7-2009 08:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-7-2009 01:23 AM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 22-7-2009 06:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
-ad是ability draft当然不能动咯。。我还没试过 type -ad

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发表于 22-7-2009 11:48 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 22-7-2009 02:00 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 17# HHG|-jAcK-| 的帖子


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发表于 23-7-2009 12:54 AM | 显示全部楼层

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