查看: 1495|回复: 11
那天,我去CIMB Jalan Semantan Damansara Heights办理一些事情,将身份证交给保安人员,取回后发现身份证已被破坏,身份证边缘被撕开,我心里很生气。我的身份证原本是完好的。现在想起来,就生气。请问,我有哪些途径告他们呢?他们的行为是否能够被法律所制裁呢?
可惜。我没有原本完好身份证作为证据。现在皮夹里,留着令人看了难过的身份证。 |
发表于 1-5-2009 05:02 PM
发表于 1-5-2009 09:46 PM
回复 1# 无邪 的帖子
保安人员是没权力扣押我们的 IC,
给驾照就可以了。 |
楼主 |
发表于 2-5-2009 08:01 PM
他们既然扣留了,也破坏了,那我有什么办法告他们?还是我惟有硬咽下这口难受的气,自认衰?我始终不服气啊。那时我没有其他证件给他们。如果驾照给他们了,他们也一样有权利破坏我们的证件?如果法律哪一条可以告他们,我想尝试法律的途径来消消心中的气。他们太嚣张了!!! |
楼主 |
发表于 7-5-2009 03:11 PM
发表于 7-5-2009 06:21 PM
原帖由 烏鴉 于 1-5-2009 09:46 PM 发表
保安人员是没权力扣押我们的 IC,
但是很多私人企业,学校,等等的保安厅都会要求我们拿IC换准证的。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-5-2009 08:49 AM
我的身份证被破坏了。我很不甘心。我很不甘心。我想借助法律的途径来为我讨回公道。我太生气了。 |
楼主 |
发表于 8-5-2009 12:55 PM
[ 本帖最后由 无邪 于 8-5-2009 09:49 PM 编辑 ] |
楼主 |
发表于 8-5-2009 09:47 PM
各位律师。帮帮我出口气。我身上的身份证令我感到没有尊严。好像我不再是马来西亚人。我不想将这样的事跟马来人民族主义挂钩。我只是想要心里平衡些。我如果吞下这口气,又想有一个漂亮的身份证,那我得要报失,然后再做新的,这股闷气一直闷在胸口,难受死了。蓄意破坏身份证,是否有罪呢?保安人员根本没权利撕开我的身份证。马来西亚的身份证MY CARD,一看就知道是真的,很难造假。怎么那些保安人员这样作弄我。气死我了—— |
发表于 10-5-2009 07:01 PM
刑事毁坏(Criminal Damage),保安人员无权扣留身份证,而他们扣留了已属犯法。但楼主需要提呈给法庭的证据是你的身份证原本是无损的,然而你无法证明这一点,在证据不足的情况下,法律很难站在你这一边。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2009 12:56 PM
原帖由 泰美思の觉醒 于 10-5-2009 07:01 PM 发表
刑事毁坏(Criminal Damage),保安人员无权扣留身份证,而他们扣留了已属犯法。但楼主需要提呈给法庭的证据是你的身份证原本是无损的,然而你无法证明这一点,在证据不足的情况下,法律很难站在你这一边。
[ 本帖最后由 无邪 于 11-5-2009 01:04 PM 编辑 ] |
发表于 15-5-2009 04:17 PM
National Registration Act 1959 (Act 78) and Regulations
In exercise of the powers conferred by section 6 of the National Registration Act 1959 the Minister makes the following regulations:
8. Power to require the production of identity card within protected area or protected place.
Any authorized officer as defined by the Protected Areas and Protected Places Act 1959 may in his discretion require any person entering or found within any protected area or protected place to produce his identity card or his Government multi-purpose card, as the case may be, and upon being satisfied with the identity of that person, shall return the identity card or the Government multi-purpose card to him, and thereafter issue a temporary identity pass or permit for so long as such person remains within such area or place.
8A. Detaining an identity card of another person is an offence.
It shall be an offence punishable under regulation 25 for any reason, not being an officer referred to under subregulation 7(1) to unreasonably detain any identity card other than his own.
No unauthorized persons, including security guards, are allowed to retain the MyKads (identity cards) of other people. Only those authorized by the National Registration Department, like the police and immigration officers, can do so, said National Registration Department director-general Mohd Abdul Halim Muhammad.
He said that the National Registration Act clearly states that only authorized personnel could ask visitors to show them their MyKads for identity verification and recording purposes. The MyKads must be returned to the visitors immediately, he said.
"The law states clearly that any security personnel who retains another person’s MyKad is committing an offence and liable to be charged under the Act."
Abdul Halim told The Star this when asked to comment on complaints from several readers that security officers in public buildings and gated communities retained their MyKads before allowing them to enter.
"Even departments like the Road Transport Department must get the authority card from NRD to request for MyKads in the process of their work or enforcement," he said. |
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