发表于 7-1-2013 05:30 PM
jeffanb 发表于 7-1-2013 02:49 PM 
发表于 7-1-2013 11:00 PM
jeffanb 发表于 7-1-2013 01:54 PM 
RM800, 买价220k, 那rental yield 就是4.4%, 是有点低, 但也要看单位的状况而定。
没有strata title 的 ...

楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2013 10:51 AM
ShineVille中廉价组屋供申请 逾千人争234单位
■ (右起)沙里尔、王思勇和黄汉伟巡视中廉价组屋ShineVille工地。
■ 加宽工程后从天德园大道方向驶出的车辆,可直接左转至通往亚依淡路,不必再等交通灯。
二零一三年一月八日 凌晨十二时二十九分
槟 州房屋委员会主席黄汉伟行政议员表示,相关组屋楼高24层,共有3房及宽700平方尺,目前工程已经建到13层楼高。虽然发展商没对这计划大肆宣传,但是 申请者闻风而至,积极申请,包括到光大三楼和网上填写申请表格,目前,州房屋部已接获逾千份申请,不过会优先安顿之前居住在当地的住户。
北马新闻ShineVille中廉价组屋供申请 逾千人争234单位

楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2013 11:14 AM
cmdrun 发表于 6-1-2013 05:26 PM 
Aroma Development 在 USM 后的 Starhill, Bukit Gambier有谁知道价钱吗?
计划是Freehold, residential title. Bungalow 很很看头,毕竟在槟岛的有地房产是越建越小,在这种不错的地点还有bungalow 实在很难得。Condo 方面, 据悉面积1500-1700sf, 现在是公开注册而已, 价钱还不清楚。我推测至少要有480psf 起跳吧。依照这个指标单位价都要700k以上。
发表于 8-1-2013 11:24 AM
arte S, Bukit Gambir, Gelugor
1313sqf 有人卖rm900k
发表于 8-1-2013 01:36 PM
sweelim 发表于 8-1-2013 11:24 AM 
arte S, Bukit Gambir, Gelugor
1313sqf 有人卖rm900k
Arte S 的价钱蛮高的。Starhill 比较好,layout 比较实际些。

楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2013 01:48 PM
sweelim 发表于 8-1-2013 11:24 AM 
arte S, Bukit Gambir, Gelugor
1313sqf 有人卖rm900k
Nusmetro 的 Aste S 开始卖了吗? 计划是提呈了但还没批吧?加上州政府正在检讨commercial title 用于residential purpose 的发展计划,会不会批还是个未知数。
看了Rendering, 建筑设计是很炫的,但明显是以办公楼格局作为参考。开放式玻璃窗户是很前卫/美观,但很大程度上并不太适合住宅用途。看到的单位的格局也好像有点差,有圆角,这是很难摆家司的布局。基本上有点The View @ Batu Uban 的感觉。另一个走同样路线的计划是Maritime Suites, 不过那是duplex,而格局是一贯IJM land 的四方形设计。
发表于 8-1-2013 01:52 PM
Bukit Gambier 这一条路就有4个projects - arteS, starhill, nadayu and raffles... 好热闹。。 |

楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2013 02:07 PM
1) 利用手上的买家资料来和发展商谈判,获得介绍费;
2) 骗取买家的定金;
3) 联络卖家问他们要不要卖,介绍买家,从中赚取经纪费。
4) 只是单纯的要获得买家资料。
5) 投资俱乐部。联络买家后向以团购名誉和发展商谈判,获取折扣。
我不排除发展商可能通过一些特定的经纪公司来作marketing agent, 不过就算是这样也应该公开的,而不是私底下进行。对很多人,尤其地产经纪/银行贷款人员来说买家资料是很重要的,别因为这样就轻易的相信别人而把资料送出去。总而言之,这么大的青蛙没有在面前跳的-不要贪心,很多人就是要成为“Early Bird", 而有心人就是用这点来下手,直接向发展商跟进就是了。之前已经有Ivory 的 Penang World City 的案例了,谨慎从事。
本帖最后由 jeffanb 于 8-1-2013 04:12 PM 编辑

楼主 |
发表于 8-1-2013 02:53 PM
道路提升是好事,但为什么要发展商来负责? IJM Land Jelutong 大道的U-Turn, 建议中SP Setia's Sg Nibong和Tg bungah的道路,连重点计划的海底隧道,Gurney-jelutong,Air Itam-jelutong 连接道路,都要卖地给发展商来挣钱。建廉屋/提升道路都要发展商来负责,不言而喻,价钱都转嫁给买家了,发展商可不是做慈善的。发展商做了又关你州议员什么事,需要拿人家屁股来贴金吗?这样造成发展商权利越来越大,商议的时候很多时候都要看他们脸色了。
年底前全面擴建 天德園大道增至6車道
北馬地方07/01/2013 15:18
轉寄 列印 字体:.
黃漢偉(左)帶領記者參觀Shineville Garden房屋計劃,旁為王思勇。
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发表于 8-1-2013 10:15 PM
jeffanb 发表于 8-1-2013 02:53 PM 
道路提升是好事,但为什么要发展商来负责? IJM Land Jelutong 大道的U-Turn, 建议中SP Setia's Sg Nibong和 ...
我们的税金是给了国阵中央政府,州政府只能卖地给发展商换取建设基本设施。 |

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2013 10:26 AM
davidbill 发表于 8-1-2013 10:15 PM 
的确如此。只要中央不拨款到槟城,州政府只能利用别种管道来挣钱,来支持提升设施计划,否则人民将会对他们失去信心。不过挣钱的方法如卖地皮,转嫁责任到私人界如发展商身上等等并不是可持续性的方针,长远还是会失败的 - 还有多少地皮来卖? 私人界也已经怨声载道了, 这就是槟城的难处。

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2013 05:00 PM

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2013 05:11 PM

楼主 |
发表于 9-1-2013 05:33 PM
Reka Indah 的 Orchardville:
Agensi : Majlis Perbandaran Pulau Pinang, P.Pinang
No. Rujukan Projek : MPPP/OSC/PB ( 5481 )/ 13 (LB)
Kategori Projek : A - Projek Biasa
Jenis Pemajuan : A - Perumahan
Rancangan Tempatan (RT) : Tiada RT (Rancangan Tempatan)
Bil Tarikh Permohonan Borang4 : Jenis Permohonan Tkh Lulus
1. 09-Jan-2013 B1 (Pelan Bangunan (PB)) (1 hari)
发表于 10-1-2013 02:03 AM
发表于 10-1-2013 06:22 PM
http://www.iproperty.com.my/news ... chanting-properties
Penang’s Enchanting Properties
With numerous projects set to take off or be completed in Penang this year, the Pearl of the Orient’s real estate market has much to look forward to
Posted Date: Jan 03, 2013
By: Ong Xin Ying
With numerous projects set to take off or be completed in Penang this year, the Pearl of the Orient’s real estate market has much to look forward to. - By Ong Xin Ying
Penang has always been a hotspot, particularly in terms of its property market, and this trend is showing no signs of changing if the numerous 2013 forecasts are any indication. This is largely due to its stable government, as well as comprehensive transportation and communications systems, two key elements in encouraging rapid development and strong economic growth that make it a prime destination for businesses.
The state also benefits from being able to boast a level of natural beauty, ranging from lush greenery to beautiful beaches, which few other places can compete with. This breath-taking scenery makes for a wonderful backdrop for the quintessential dream home, which is further accentuated by Penang’s rich historical background and culture.
Here are some of the developments that are bound to excite Penang’s property buyers and investors alike all year long for 2013.
Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd (MRCB)
• Batu Ferringhi Residences
Set to occupy approximately 3.34 acres of Batu Ferringhi, Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd’s (MRCB) Batu Ferringhi Residences will offer its future tenants a life of luxury and unmatched pleasures. Nestled on the fringe of one of Penang’s most famous beach areas, residents will be treated to an uninterrupted view of the Andaman Sea, as well as easy access to nearby restaurants and tourist attractions.
With a planned total built up area of 417,403 sq ft comprising 17 boutique villas and 48 condominium units, the development aims to seamlessly merge itself with the local landscape and waterfront in its bid to stay true to its location’s identity. Being a MRCB project, the development will incorporate an environmentally sustainable integrated design, reflecting the developer’s commitment to creating green buildings.
• Penang Sentral
Another attractive offering by MRCB, this integrated mixed commercial development worth an estimated RM3 billion is set to finally take off in 2013 after a 4-year delay. Stretched across 9.6ha of Butterworth, the project will feature a transport terminal that caters to buses, ferries, taxis, trains and the projected monorail station.
Similar to the company’s pride and joy that is Kuala Lumpur Sentral in Brickfields, the terminal will be integrated and surrounded by the project’s residential, commercial and retail components. Since the development was first proposed, more green elements have been added to the original plan in line with the growing demand for energy efficient buildings from international and local buyers.
UEM Group
• Penang Second Bridge
This massive infrastructure project is undoubtedly a major addition to Penang’s transportation connectivity. It measures a total of 24km and connects Batu Kawan on mainland Seberang Prai to Batu Maung on the island. The bridge is a joint project between UEM Group Malaysia’s subsidiary UEM Builders Sdn Bhd and China Harbour Engineering Company, a subsidiary of the China Construction & Communications Group.
First proposed in the Ninth Malaysia Plan, delays caused construction work to only begin in late November 2008. While the official completion date is slated to be September 2013, a report in October 2012 stated that the project was ahead of schedule by approximately two months. Once completed, the bridge is expected to significantly reduce congestion on the first bridge.
S P Setia Bhd
• Setia Sky 8 @ Setia Pearl Island
Having established itself as one of Penang’s preferred developments, Setia Pearl Island by developer S P Setia Bhd will gain a new level of grandeur with the addition of the company’s upcoming condominium project Setia Sky 8. Occupying the land where Setia Pearl Island’s former clubhouse was located, residents will be able to enjoy a wonderful view of their surroundings without any worries of it being obstructed by future developments.
Setia Sky 8 comprises 534 freehold units spread across three condominium blocks, with unit sizes ranging from 1,100 sq ft to 2,000 sq ft. Aside from sharing in Setia Pearl Island’s existing benefits that include ease of accessibility and a host of amenities, the project will also come equipped with a selection of facilities that will make it a most desirable place to live.
• The Breeze @ Setia Pearl Island
Yet another anticipated addition to S P Setia’s Setia Pearl Island development is The Breeze. The development, measuring 7.6ha, is the last piece of undeveloped land at Setia Pearl Island.
Bearing an estimated development value of RM350 million, it will integrate both low- and high-rise housing units. The development comprises 450 units bearing a price tag of RM500,000 and above, and has a projected launch date sometime in the third quarter of 2013.
• Setia Eco Forest
A mixed development project worth around RM1.1 billion, this S P Setia creation in Tanjung Bungah will, without a doubt, be a hot topic in the northeast district of Penang Island. A development of the high-end variety, it will consist of a mix of landed properties and luxury condominiums.
All in all, Setia Eco Forest has a total of 1,000 units up for grabs with prices ranging from RM600 per sq ft to RM700 per sq ft with the selling price amounting to RM700,000 and above. True to its name, the project will embody a green concept similar to the company’s existing development Setia Green, which carries a distinctive eco-living theme. Additionally, S P Setia will build a connecting road linking the project’s north area and Jalan Chan Siew Teong.
• The Qbees
Another project by S P Setia scheduled to be launched in 2013 is The Qbees, a luxury condominium project taking up residence in the established township of Teluk Kumbar. Sprawled across 1.2ha of prime land, the development will consist of 98 freehold condominium units with built-up areas ranging from 1,000 sq ft to 14,00 sq ft. Bearing an indicative price tag of RM500 per sq ft with the final price ranging approximately RM500,000 to RM700,000, the project is expected to be launched in the second half of this year.
• The Peak
Also taking advantage of its strategic location within a noteworthy township is S P Setia’s The Peak in Sungai Nibong. Comprising 341 condominium units spread across two blocks, the project is unique as it has a facade that varies from floor to floor and unit to unit, thus creating an illusion of randomness in regards to its appearance.
Another defining feature of the development is its tension swimming pool, which creates a 4-storey high waterfall that serves as the entrance statement to the project. The Peak is expected to be launched early 2013.
Sunway Bhd
• Sunway Cassia (Phase 2)
This offering by Sunway Bhd promises prospective residents their very own tropical haven, and it is not an empty one. The project’s location in Batu Maung gives it an environment rich with lush greenery that is highlighted by the six thematic gardens and parks within the development.
All units in Phase 2 are 3-storey terrace houses that feature wide window openings for airy ventilation and are divided into two types. There are 43 units of Adenia, which have a gross floor area of 3,028 sq ft, and 16 units of Boronia, which have a gross floor area of 3,341 sq ft. The development enjoys the added bonus of being a short distance away from the soon to be completed Penang Second Bridge.
• Sunway Wellesley (Phase 2)
Launched in August 2012, the first phase of Sunway Wellesley in Bukit Mertajam is a collection of 31 units of 3-storey shop offices featuring modern contemporary spaces and a striking facade that is an attractive boon to businesses.
Phase 2 of this impressive development will be a mix of upmarket residential and commercial properties, and is expected to be unveiled to the public in the first quarter of 2013.
Mah Sing Group
• Southbay City
The commercial component of Mah Sing Group’s Southbay integrated township, this project is sprawled over a 34.5-acre site in Batu Maung. It is modelled after noteworthy seaside properties across the world such as the Darling Harbour in Sydney and Canary Wharf in London.
The freehold mixed development contains restaurants, residential suites, a retail mall, two blocks of hotels and other commercial and recreational attractions. It has an estimated completion date in early 2013 and, when combined with the rest of the Southbay project, will have a total GDV of RM1.35 million.
Ideal Property Sdn Bhd
• Imperial Two
Scheduled to be launched in the second quarter of 2013, the second phase of the Imperial One project by Ideal Property Sdn Bhd will comprise properties bearing expected price tags ranging from RM400,000 to RM550,000. It is expected to be located close to its sister project, which is a 768-unit condominium development built on a 9.1-acre site in Sungai Ara.
• Ideal Vision Park
Early 2013 is the planned launch date for the first phase of Ideal Property’s Ideal Vision Park development. A RM1.5 billion mixed development scheme, it will comprise a total of 1,945 units of commercial and residential properties, as well as 550,000 sq ft of availablecommercial space.
Worth a grand total of RM300 million, the development’s high-rise residential and commercial units will each cost between RM400,000 and RM600,000. Four more phases of the project have been planned, which will be launched in stages in 2014 and 2015.
IJM Land Bhd
• Penang Waterfront Convention Centre
The second half of 2013 will see work begin on the Penang Waterfront Convention Centre (PWCC), Penang’s own alternative to the existing renowned convention centres in Southeast Asia. The project is a joint effort between local developer IJM Land Bhd and Singaporean company Suntec International and is worth approximately RM5 billion.
The commercial precinct will occupy 102 acres of land next to the Penang Bridge and will be developed in stages across seven to eight years. Aside from the convention centre itself, the development will also comprise a shopping centre, four hotels and an international business district. |
发表于 10-1-2013 10:40 PM
iskandar 新project聚店面,办公楼,公寓与高级公寓于一体,在medini,legoland那里,有兴趣了解的可以pm我

楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2013 11:04 AM
babytaro 发表于 10-1-2013 06:22 PM 
http://www.iproperty.com.my/news/6161/penang-s-enchanting-pr ...
很不错的资讯,谢谢分享 |

楼主 |
发表于 11-1-2013 11:06 AM
lohkm84 发表于 10-1-2013 10:40 PM 
iskandar 新project聚店面,办公楼,公寓与高级公寓于一体,在medini,legoland那里,有兴趣了解的可以p ...
是Mahsing 的Meridin 吗? 有资料请在这里分享。 你是经纪,banker, 还是mahsing的员工? |
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