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舉債來投資 MEGAN 值得嗎 ? (九)

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发表于 8-6-2007 08:20 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1678 ThermoFisher 的帖子


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发表于 8-6-2007 08:31 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1681 siaolee2000 的帖子





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发表于 8-6-2007 08:36 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 8-6-2007 08:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
料比金鵬集團更嚴重 媒岸控股驚爆7億假賬 - Friday, June 08, 2007





傳出假帳疑雲的分別是媒岸控股的兩家子公司,即Memory Tech私人公司和新加坡的MJC;在這起個案中,Monteiro & Heng旗下與澳洲夥伴合作的Ferrier Hodgson MH私人公司,以及普華永道分別受委調查上述兩家公司的財務。最後的調查報告,預計將在6至8周後出爐。

根據交易所公佈的會計調查報告,Memory Tech虛構交易對象、誇大買賣數額,甚至宣布已明知無法落實的償還期限,其帳目與實際情況出現很大落差。




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发表于 8-6-2007 08:42 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1681 siaolee2000 的帖子


不过通常他们见到老千时,他们却会送钱给老千 因为老千不会再他头上写“我是老千“,他们只会写“我是好人“

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发表于 8-6-2007 08:44 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 8-6-2007 08:50 AM | 显示全部楼层
回复 #1682 8years 的帖子



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发表于 8-6-2007 08:50 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1682 8years 的帖子




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发表于 8-6-2007 08:59 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1687 ThermoFisher 的帖子






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发表于 8-6-2007 09:00 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ThermoFisher 于 8-6-2007 08:50 AM 发表
回复 #1682 8years 的帖子

你说的我都明白,但并不表示他的这些行为是值得大家去学习,你说他是我们的"典范",我就非常反感,你会这样去教育你的下一吗?虽然我们知道"无商不奸",但那并不是说我们会容许 ...




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发表于 8-6-2007 09:03 AM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 8-6-2007 09:06 AM | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 kitkatlow 于 8-6-2007 09:07 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 8-6-2007 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
Company Name        :        MEGAN MEDIA HOLDINGS BERHAD
Stock Name         :        MEGAN
Date Announced        :        07/06/2007

Type        :        Reply to query
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID        :        IJ-070607-37071
Subject        :        Additional Information for Public Release (07/06/07)

Contents :

Further to Megan Media Holdings Berhad's ("the Company") announcement on 6th June 2007 on the Interim Findings of the Investigative Accountants ("IA"), the Company has, pursuant to an enquiry from Bursa Malaysia, additional information to provide pertaining to the background of the investigative work being undertaken by Ferrier Hodgson MH Sdn Bhd ("Ferrier Hodgson").

Following the meetings of 7th May 2007 and 11th May 2007 with the Creditor Banks, the Company working with its Specialist Advisors, Sage 3 Capital Sdn Bhd ("Sage 3"), had proposed the appointment of Investigative Accountants to investigate what its Specialist Advisors viewed as highly suspicious and irregular transactions. Pursuant to those meetings, the Creditor Banks proposed the appointment of Ferrier Hodgson as IA for the Malaysian operations. PricewaterhouseCoopers, who were initially appointed by the Company as Independent Financial Advisors ("IFA") to its wholly owned subsidiary, MJC Private Limited ("MJC") in Singapore, have more recently been appointed as the Interim Judicial Managers ("IJM") (appointed as per Announcements dated 1st June 2007 and 5th June 2007) will have responsibilities for managing and conducting investigations into the affairs of MJC in Singapore.

Concurrently, the Company with assistance from its Specialist Advisors, has successfully conducted its own investigations into certain transactions and misstatements in the financial statements relating to inventories in the last three (3) quarters ending with Quarter ended 31/01/07. These investigations have proven to be conclusive and indicate the deliberate falsification of the Company's performance by overstating inventory values. The extent of the falsification is deemed to be material. These findings resulted in the suspension of the Financial Controller on 6th June 2007. The Financial Controller and others are now assisting the Company and the IA in unraveling other aspects of the Company's transactions with particular emphasis on its trading business.

The Company and its Specialist Advisors have continuously updated the Regulators on its findings, with both Bursa Malaysia and the Securities Commission being kept informed. No member of the current Board (i.e. w.e.f. 8th June 2007) has been in any way implicated in the findings of the IA. At the Board meeting of 7th June 2007, the Board has resolved that upon conclusion of the investigations, it will be forwarding the relevant report and finding, appropriately documented, to the competent authorities to consider prosecutory proceedings. The Board has also resolved that it will use all available avenues under civil proceedings to recover the monies lost as a result of the irregularities.

The following are detailed responses to the queries raised by Bursa Malaysia on 7th June 2007:-
1. To identify items in the financial statements that have been misstated and to quantify the misstated amount thereof

      The Company, its Specialist Advisors, and the IA have identified that the following items have been misstated:-
      Consolidated Income Statement

· Revenue as a result of transactions with fictitious trading customers
· Cost of Sales as a result of transactions with fictitious trading suppliers and overstatement in inventories

      Balance Sheet

· Inventories as a result of misstatement of closing stock balances which in some quarters have been inflated by as much as RM100 Million
· Trade receivables as a result of fictitious trade debtors for the amount of RM334,299,536.93 as at 31st January 2007
· Other receivable and prepayments which relates to prepayment of deposits of RM211 Million for 13 production lines which appears to be fictitious

2. Details of the financial statements and financial period which are or will be affected by the misstatement and/or the interim findings

      Based on the findings to date, the Company, its Specialist Advisors and the IA have identified the following periods where financial statements were misstated:-
      Consolidated Income Statement

· Revenue and Cost of Sales for all financial periods dating back to at least FY 2005
· Cost of Sales as a result of misstatement of inventories for financial quarters ending 31st July 2006, 31st October 2006 and 31st January 2007

      Balance Sheet

· Inventories for financial quarters ending 31st July 2006, 31st October 2006 and 31st January 2007
· Trade receivables for periods as far back as FY 2005
· Other receivable and prepayments for FY 2006 and all subsequent quarterly reports

3. Details of the undisclosed related party transactions including names of related parties and the value/consideration involved for these transactions

      The related party is Info-Logi Canada Inc., a customer of the trading business that had purported sales transaction of RM21.4 Million with the Company in the 3rd quarter of FY2007. The Company has been trading with this customer in prior financial periods.

4. Nature of relationship with Philips, the amount due and implications that may arise in relation to Philips and status of negotiations to date

      The Company's wholly owned subsidiary, Memory Tech Sdn Bhd ("MTSB"), is a licensee of technology patents which are owned by Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V. ("Philips"). MTSB, due to current financial and cashflow constraints, is unable to pay the licensee fees. The IA report estimates that the amount due and owing is approximately USD500,000 to USD700,000. The IA is of the view that if the monies are not paid, Philips may terminate the license to use its patented technology rendering MTSB to be not able to sell its manufacturing products without infringing Philip's patents.
      To date, Philips has not rescinded the license agreements and the Company has requested for a meeting with Philips to resolve this matter. The Company intends to make payments for on-going CD-R and DVD-R discs manufactured since 1st May 2007.

5. Details of trading business that MTSB was involved in and the date of cessation of the trading business

      The trading business relates to purported purchases of recordable media such as VHS, CD-R, CD-RW, DVD-R, DVD-RW and HD-DVD from several suppliers in Hong Kong and Singapore, and purportedly sold to customers in Canada, United Kingdom, Hong Kong S.A.R., People's Republic of China and South Korea. The Company under the new management ceased all operations relating to the trading business as at 30th April 2007.

6. Details of the impact on the financial statements issued by the Company which are affected by the misstatement and/or the interim findings

      The attached schedule illustrates the adjustments for the financial statements for the quarter ended 31st January 2007 based on the findings of the Company, its Specialist Advisors and the IA's. However, it does not include the likely adjustments in its wholly-owned subsidiary, MJC for trade debtors, revenue and cost of sales. Further, the announcement of 6th June 2007 had stated that fixed assets of RM585 Million require further investigation and the realizable value is unknown. The Company will endeavor to determine the full extent of the impact on its financial statements by working closely with the IJM, IA and its auditors.

Query Letter content :
We refer to your Company's announcements dated 6 June 2007, in respect of the
aforesaid matter.
In this connection, kindly furnish Bursa Securities with the additional
information for public release:-
1) To identify items in the financial statements that have been misstated and
to quantify the misstated amount thereof;
2) Details of the financial statements and financial period which are or will
be affected by the misstatement and/or the interim findings;
3) Details of the undisclosed related party transactions including names of
related parties and the value/consideration involved for these transactions;
4) Nature of relationship with Philips, the amount due and implications that
may arise in relation to Philips and status of negotiations to date;
5) Details of trading business that MTSB was involved in and the date of
cessation of the trading business; and
6) Details of the impact on the financial statements issued by the Company
which are affected by the misstatements and/or the interim findings.

Please furnish Bursa Securities with your reply immediately.
Yours faithfully

Senior Manager, Issuers
Listing Division
Group Regulations
copy to:- Mr. Chung Tin Fah, Securities Commission (via fax)

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发表于 8-6-2007 09:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
"The Board has also resolved that it will use all available avenues under civil proceedings to recover the monies lost as a result of the irregularities."


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发表于 8-6-2007 09:11 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1691 siaolee2000 的帖子





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发表于 8-6-2007 09:22 AM | 显示全部楼层

[ 本帖最后由 Hansik 于 8-6-2007 09:23 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 8-6-2007 09:26 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 origen 于 8-6-2007 09:07 AM 发表
Company Name        :        MEGAN MEDIA HOLDINGS BERHAD
Stock Name         :        MEGAN
Date Announced        :        07/06/2007

Type        :        Reply to query
Reply to Bursa Malaysia's Query Letter - Reference ID        :        IJ-070607-3707 ...



6.        Details of the impact on the financial statements issued by the Company whichare affected by the misstatement and/or the interim findings
    The attached schedule illustrates the adjustments for the financial statements for the quarter ended 31st January 2007 based on the findings of the Company, its Specialist Advisors and the IA's. However,it does not include the likely adjustments in its wholly-owned subsidiary, MJC for trade debtors, revenue and cost of sales. Further,the announcement of 6th June 2007 had stated that fixed assets of RM585Million require further investigation and the realizable value is unknown. The Company will endeavor to determine the full extent of the impact on its financial statements by working closely with the IJM, IA and its auditors.

Adjusted 3rd Quarter FY2007 Financial Report (For illustration only)在这里

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 8-6-2007 09:52 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 8-6-2007 09:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 khokhokho 于 7-6-2007 08:41 PM 发表

5093 是最好的見証,你應明我講什麼吧。


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发表于 8-6-2007 09:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 猪先生2 于 7-6-2007 09:07 PM 发表

对!对!他们当年勇给老鼠咬了,哈哈,对了,CARI你们是时候翻开VIS给你们的忠告,还有当年批评他的小人们,全部给我一字行站出来磕头认错!:@ :@ :@ :@  


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发表于 8-6-2007 09:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 猪先生2 于 8-6-2007 06:57 AM 发表



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