发表于 16-10-2012 05:54 PM
connectkey 发表于 16-10-2012 03:37 PM 
发表于 17-10-2012 06:35 PM
有 list 也没用,不晓得那里来的人, 还没开始卖, 就被人买光了。  |
发表于 17-10-2012 10:08 PM
jeffanb 发表于 15-10-2012 10:53 PM 
绿肺公园, 腳車專道, 这些都是好消息,都集中在沿海一带,也是我一贯看好的地区。
梦想, 理想的是, 可以天气好的骑脚车上班. 问题是, 就是到了 QB , 假设要上大道到 motorola 就好.. 也是很危险的一段路程. 但有好的开始..也是不错的.
最近看到市区很多骑脚车的人, 乐也融融的出游, 真的觉得, 这才是适合人生活的地方.!
发表于 29-10-2012 05:26 PM
不知Jeff大大可以解释投资房产到底需要付多少的费用。因为没买过房产所以怕很多Hidden Cost.
1) 屋子的头期 ( Purchase Price x 10% )
1) Interest during construction period ( 通常很多发展商都会Bear )
2) Legal fees & S&P ( 通常是屋子Purchase Price X 3% )
3)MRTA ( 屋子的Insurance )
4) Memorantum Of Transfer ( 这个是卖屋子才要付的)

楼主 |
发表于 5-11-2012 04:43 PM
发表于 5-11-2012 07:34 PM
Gardens Ville, 你怎么看? |
发表于 5-11-2012 08:59 PM

楼主 |
发表于 6-11-2012 03:43 PM
seoklikee 发表于 5-11-2012 07:34 PM 
Gardens Ville, 你怎么看?
Garden Ville-在sg ara, relau 这地带的新房产计划很多,价钱都定在400psf左右,严格来说还算是较可负担的价位。地点自然不如沿海一带,但还是比air itam之类较内陆的地点好。居民方面也看到很多年轻的打工一族开始到这里置业,加上快速发展的商业发展计划,自住来说长远还是有前景的。
但以租金投资的话,我觉得还是有局限。400k的产业应该要租RM2k以上,说高不高,说低也不低,但还是需要外国人市场才行。但这地带不是外国人的首选,这是不争的事实。想要flip的话,短期内恐怕回酬没有那么高,毕竟竞争大,加上没有外国人加持。 |

楼主 |
发表于 6-11-2012 04:09 PM
我个人还是建议投资在沿海的房产 - 这些发展都近大路或大道,交通较便利。尤其那些接近商场/未来商场的计划更应该留意。依我个人经验,外国租客偏好沿海区,尤其是商场隔壁的,较容易出租。沿海的计划的appreciation rate也非常的好,就连leasehold的也不例外。我早前有推荐过n-park, gurney park, gold coast, summer place, times square 等等,那时候的价钱已经算高但短短的两年内还是持续上升。如gold coast,那时候还有<500k的,现在~1200sf要>=600k. summer place ~400k (1000sf), 现在要价>=500k. 这两个计划都是leasehold 的. Times Square ~450k, 现在有全修的单位卖了>600k. 如果当初有人,以投资性质,不选择买GC 或 summer place 而买了fiera vista, golden triangle, sierra residence, the arena 等等,可能就不是那么明智的选择。总而言之,地点和周围发展很重要。只要符合重点,那些处在好地点的计划还是有高需求,价值会继续的上升,就算现今的价位已经趋高。投资在二三线地点的房产单纯的因为售价较便宜,或因为是新计划,会有风险。
发表于 6-11-2012 10:34 PM
The Uban Residence subsale 1846 sq (全修和全家具),卖家开价RM850k,值得买吗?
每个月管理费要 RM400.
未来Bayu Mutiara Penang World City 的发展可以推动 The Uban Residence 的房价吗 ?
发表于 6-11-2012 11:04 PM
请问LZ ,parkview 值得买?多少钱买比较值得?目前哪里的屋值得买? |

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2012 09:56 AM
Plenitude 买了komtar旁的一块地,将会进行综合性计划。但地价有点惊人,1.1 acre for 33mil, 如果资料正确的话,这可是接近700psf, 比ASIA GREEN 买QUEENSBAY 地的400PSF高很多。不用说,肯定是超高价发展。
Plenitude targets RM300m GDV sales for FY13
By Ho Ching-Ling of theedgeproperty.com
Monday, 05 November 2012 12:57
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 5): Property developer Plenitude Bhd is targeting to achieve RM300 million in gross development value (GDV) sales, despite delays in its property launches for the financial year ending June 30, 2013.
Speaking to reporters after the group's annual general meeting Monday morning, Plenitude executive chairman Elsie Chua said the group is planning to launch 638 units of residential properties next year with a total GDV of RM313 million.
"We are still cautiously optimistic moving forward, but we are already looking at launching two phases in Puchong, serviced apartments in Johor Bahru and one more in Sungai Petani," Chua said.
However, Chua noted that unexpected delays in obtaining regulatory approvals have pushed back Plenitude's property launches to early next year.
"We are still in the midst of obtaining approvals and there have been some delays. Hopefully, we can launch our Puchong development sometime by April next year," she said.
While this small-cap property developer has kept a relatively low profile, Plenitude's recent acquisition of the 1.1 acre land adjacent to Komtar in Penang could draw some attention to the group and it's plans for the prime Georgetown land.
"This will be quite an interesting project for us. We recently bought the land for RM33 million. We're still working out the details on our plans for it but it will be a mixed commercial development," Chua added.
As at June 30, 2012, Plenitude's land bank size stood at around 1,797 acres while total current and future GDV is estimated to be around RM6.3 billion.
Another thing worth highlighting about Plenitude is that the group is in a net cash position, something that is not often present in other property developers.
"Unlike other property developers in the market, this company basically has no gearing. We think holding cash especially during uncertain times in the economy is a good thing especially when a sudden opportunity to increase our land bank size appears," said William Tan Yew Ngee, the group's executive director.
The group has a cash and cash equivalent position of RM355.4 million and nil borrowings as at June 30, 2012. Net asset per share stood at RM3.13.

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2012 09:57 AM
Setia Pinnacle 接受booking 了。有兴趣得的人可以留意一下。 |

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2012 10:02 AM
miki8282 发表于 6-11-2012 11:04 PM 
请问LZ ,parkview 值得买?多少钱买比较值得?目前哪里的屋值得买?
Bukit Jambul 的Parkview 吗?租金rm1500 左右吧,以此推算,300-350k 是可以接受的价位。至于那个地点可以投资,大学/college附近或沿海一带的都可以考虑。 |

楼主 |
发表于 7-11-2012 10:18 AM
游记分享 发表于 6-11-2012 10:34 PM 
The Uban Residence subsale 1846 sq (全修和全家具),卖家开价RM850k,值得买吗?
Uban residence 是很低密度的计划 - 优点是privacy, 缺点是泳池小了点,还有附近行走路程内没有什么商业店屋之类的。价钱方面~450psf, 全修和家具,还算可以接受。但你的出发点是什么?自住还是投资? 自住的话喜欢就好,但可以和The view和Putra Marine 比较一下,也需要向经纪确定这单位之前有没有发生过什么事故。投资的话因为面积大,所以总额也相对高,较不符合经济模式。850k需要出租超过RM4000才划算,很有难度,以其用同样价钱来买两间可以容易出租,有>5% 回率的房产。
至于Penang World City 会带起Uban residence 吗,很难说。毕竟Uban residence 已经很接近Queensbay了, 但也不一定有很高的影响,毕竟不在脚程内。说实在的,如果你能负担850k的价位,又希望能近penang world city 靠这个因素来升值的话,Putra Marine 可能是更好的选择。
发表于 7-11-2012 04:54 PM
谢谢您对Uban residence的分析.
那您看好The Wave (Dato Keramat) 和 86 Avenue Residence (Perak Lane) 吗?
目前我从发展商问到的价钱是 :
The Wave : about RM730k (1310sq) - commerical title, 只是 1 个 car park
86 Avenue Residence : 672k (1469sq) - 只算是 high end apartment, 有 3 个 car park
目前主要是自住,不过将来有升值的空间的话,那会更好.... |

楼主 |
发表于 8-11-2012 10:24 AM
游记分享 发表于 7-11-2012 04:54 PM 
谢谢您对Uban residence的分析.
那您看好The Wave (Dato Keramat) 和 86 Avenue Residence (Perak Lane) ...
自住自己喜欢就好。投资的话我觉得The Wave 会比较好。综合形的发展越来越普遍,也越来越令人人接受和喜爱。现在较年轻的一群都喜欢住在接近商场的地点,第一方便,第二有"life-style, 第三可以避开交通阻塞的问题-日常购物,用餐等等可以不用开车。在这程度上,Thw Wave 是肯定强过86 avenue 的。Penang Times Square phase II, Phase III, 和phase IV的商场计划都在筹备中,未来还有提升和进步的空间。如phase II 的entertainment city, 就是不错的计划,可以吸引年轻人到那里消费。所以前景来说PTS也比较出色。The Wave 也会比较容易出租,已经有市场了。

楼主 |
发表于 8-11-2012 10:49 AM
1)Southbay Plaza/City - Batu Maung
2) Queensbay (QB Mall, Baystar, Bay avenue, Bay Garden)
3) Penang World City (residential, retail, office, hospital etc)
4) Hunza's Bayan Baru Development
5) Bayan city by seal - Bayan Baru (JUSCO?, Elite Heights)
6) Setia Pearl Island - Sg Ara (Landed, reflection, the wave, the breeze, triangle etc)
7) The Light Waterfront - Jelutong (Linear, point, collection, future commercial, convention centre,
theatre, Hotels etc)
8) Metro East - Udini(Tesco, E-gate, Bayswater, Platino, pearl regency, Vertiq)
9) New New Promenade - Jelutong (Nautilus, The Spring, Summer Place, Lot-28, Maritime Square)
10) Penang Times Square (Birch series, The wave, phase I, II, III shopping mall, phaaw IV hotel)
11) 4 seasons Park - Air Itam (condo, giant, shop lots)
12) sunshine tower by suiwah - Air itam (Retail, SOHO, Business Hotel, Serviced Apartment)
13) Gurney Paragon - Gurney Drive (condo + mall)
14) City Mall + residence - Tg Tokong
15) Island Plaza + 118@ Island Plaza
16) Seri Tankung Pinang - Tg Tokong (tesco, landed, service suites, condo, straits quay etc)
17) Asia Green @ Queensbay
其他小型的还有D'piazza, golden triangle, The arena, The promenade, Straits Garden等等,不能尽数。不太清楚情况的就有Ideal 的 "The One".
本帖最后由 jeffanb 于 12-11-2012 02:05 PM 编辑

楼主 |
发表于 8-11-2012 11:36 AM
1)Gold Coast, Putra place, Putra Marine, Villa Emas (Queensbay, Penang World City)
2) Gurney Park,Gurney Villa, Belle Vista, Mutiara Villa (Gurney Plaza, Gurney Paragon)
3) Tg Park, Jazz residence, The brezza, Sky Marinox - City Mall, Island Plaza, STP
与其投资在二三线地点的新房产,我觉得更值得把重点放在这些二手房产上。 |
发表于 8-11-2012 12:41 PM
您介绍的Putra Marine看起来蛮不错的..只是我们比较喜欢free hold的..
Central Park 目前价钱是 ~RM850k, 您觉得如何 ? 算起来大概 RM330 /sq... |
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