楼主 |
发表于 13-10-2009 09:40 PM
It is confirmed there will be at least one new squad in the campaign.
A librarian named Jonah will be in the campaign early on.
Relic describes him as a powerful spellcasting unit with the ability to equip tomes, hoods, and relics that grant and augment psychic powers.
他將會是一個強大的施法單位,並有可以裝備書卷,hood (這不太懂,兜帽?)和增加技能的聖物.
I see a picture of a techmarine (fighting a juggernaut with a sm dreadnought in the background) but i'm not sure if it's in the campaign or multiplayer.
There will be 15 missions with 13 having choices that will corrupt your team or keep them pure.
Corruption level effects what gear and traits you can have.
A zero level of corruption being completely pure gives bonuses against chaos units as well.
You can apparently become completely corrupt and i think all heroes can be fully corrupted.
Examples are a pure thaddeus with holy fervor (again good against daemons), tested avitus (battle lust: lessens energy regen. but gives health and energy per kill), tainted force commander (cower before me: massive knockback to anything in range and reduces nearby enemies damage output), and lost tarkus (plague aura [replaces tactical advance]: immune to suppression, drastically lowers damage he receives, and deals poison damage around him). Each of those examples are from lowest corruption (pure) to highest corruption (fully tainted).
以上為在純潔至完全被污染狀態時thaddeus 能有的技能.
There is also wargear for only pure (blade of the unrelenting (level 27): 157 dam./sec., +50 dam. vs chaos, grants limited invulnerablity, and +15 armor rating to allies and it provides a force shield when low on health that drains energy instead of health) and only tainted (barding of hate (level 22): armor rating 77, +145 health, +4% sight range, grants reactive strike, and combat vigor and melee strikes vs. wearer trigger a powerful reactive strike that damages attacker and gives energy to wearer).
The mission details is that mission 1 is planet aurelia emerges from the warp.
任務詳細:任務一將會是行星aurelia(這是名字?) 在次元空間中浮現.
It also mentions eliphas and that chaos dreadnought mission except there's a part where 4 squads of chaos marines teleport in near a relay to screw you over.
這也描述eliphas和那混沌無畏的任務.除此之外,有一部分是有4個csm 小隊傳送至一座發送器的附近去阻止你.
Annoying non-story based missions are being taken out i think.
They mentioned they'd do something about it. They mentioned predators clearing a drop zone for your marines.
I also see a picture of an interesting new pointy chaos predator (chaos and pointy go together well), a chaos lord with a scalded face, a very clawy chaos dreadnought, a chaos dread with a claw and missile launchers with a skeleton cage on top, and a chaos terminator lord.
我看到有尖刺的混沌掠食者(混沌和尖刺結合得很好),一個臉帶燙傷的混沌領主,一座很clawy 的混沌無畏,一座有動力爪和導彈發佈器,頂部有骨籠混沌dread,和一個混沌終結者領主.
Chaos is also described as being the most durable side PC Gamer has fought.
So that should help reinforce your chaos fans ideas that chaos marines are better than normal space marines.
這將有支持混沌眾們,csm 比sm棒 的想法
That's the bulk of information in the article.
Most of the useful information that we don't know about yet anyway.
I kind of wish there was more but at least we've got a librarian now Smiling. I'd like to test him out.
我希望這會有更多,但最少我們有一只在微笑的librarian.我很想試用一下 |