Classification | Detail | Fees (per person, based on one way adult fare) |
Refund period | within 60 days after departure of a reserved | refund is made after corresponding refund fees |
Cancellation | from the time of reservation till 7 days before departure | no fees apply |
from 7 days till 24 hours before departure | 5,000KRW |
from 24 hours before departure till after departure | 10,000KRW |
Itinerary Change | from the time of reservation till 7 days before departure | no fees apply |
from the time of reservation till 1 hour before departure | 5,000KRW |
Name Change | from 7 days till 1day before departure | 10,000KRW |
Checked baggage | Up to 15 kg per person | no fees apply |
Excess baggage | - | 2,000KRW per kilogram |
Additional fee of 2,000KRW is imposed by Eastar Jet airport branch office or Eastar Jet Reservation Center |
Discounted fares are already discounted prices. No other discounts are valid with this offer |
All time periods stipulated above are based on departure time of the flight you reserve |
Redemption Terms and Conditions | ① If changes or cancellations are made within 24 hours after reservation |
② If a customer has already paid fees for change itinerary, and requests another itinerary change on the same route again within the same day.
(applicable to changes made after October 8th, 2009) |