发表于 28-4-2010 01:43 PM
纠正带 。。。没看过呀!那有得买啊 。。。 8字脚,会不会影响健康的啊?
斷羽鳥 发表于 28-4-2010 01:35 PM
年老的時候太胖了,就不能走路。。。 |
发表于 28-4-2010 02:44 PM
纠正带 。。。没看过呀!那有得买啊 。。。 8字脚,会不会影响健康的啊?
斷羽鳥 发表于 28-4-2010 01:35 PM
後腿的大腿會抖嗎。。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 28-4-2010 09:22 PM
嗯..candos也是會吠 趴在門口那種,但是也還不會咬人pun
haha,我的toy型GSD ><
話說我也怕我家的8字.但是上次breeder來的時候,并沒有說什么 |
发表于 29-4-2010 12:49 PM
本帖最后由 lazypapa 于 29-4-2010 12:51 PM 编辑
回复 1503# 破破烂烂
看來你的 breeder 算不錯下
*真的不打算捉它去 training? |
楼主 |
发表于 29-4-2010 10:01 PM
lazypapa,恩咯 時隔幾月都會打來問candos最近怎樣了.
不知道,看媽媽的意思吧 |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:33 AM
lazypapa,恩咯 時隔幾月都會打來問candos最近怎樣了.
破破烂烂 发表于 29-4-2010 10:01 PM
再不教就和當初買它回來用意不 ngam 了 |
发表于 30-4-2010 12:55 PM
买SHOWLINE的狗当WORKINGLINE可以吗?谁可以教我下。。。谢谢~ |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:26 PM
我刚刚买了一只, 今天才拿回家。可是他的耳朵只有一边站起来, 卖主说过多一个月就会站起来, 是吗? 他还有两天就两个月了。 |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:42 PM
楼主 |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:43 PM
lazypapa,呵呵呵 我想是吧
魔王,等别人回答你,因为我连自己养的是什么line 我都不懂
Eason,什么名字哦? 我家candos来我家的时候就刚好3个月,那时候耳朵就站着了的. |
楼主 |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:46 PM
发表于 30-4-2010 09:47 PM
回复 1510# 破破烂烂
卖主说这是纯进口的孩子, working line, 暂时还没取名字。 我家里有一只黄金, 叫vitas, 这德犬想叫它vegas |
发表于 30-4-2010 09:51 PM
eason1618 发表于 30-4-2010 09:42 PM
颜色算漂亮吗? |
楼主 |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:01 PM
Eason,看得出你vitas fan.
我不会看颜色或是身上肢体形状的好坏 不过在我眼里还是很漂亮的颜色呢.
candos3个月的时候 整身都乌漆抹黑的 后来6月大的时候才换色.
但我还是好怀念小时候的candos 顽皮,脾气也很古怪
有些地面比较滑反而会导致脚会坏 也会变8字脚.
有时候candos偷跑进来 会知道他惦着脚走路 很幸苦的
记得多帮你家小德牧拍多点照片 还是video
因为他们真的长得好快,现在看回以前那些照片 眼泪就想溢出来 感触啊! |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:18 PM
Just for sharing :
GERMAN LINES: The German Lines tend to have a blockier head, are heavier in build, and are bred more for workability than the American Show Lines
There are two separate catagories for the German Bred Dog: The "German Working Line" and the "German Show Line".
German Working Line: DDR (East German), Czechoslovakian Lines (Czech)
The German Working Lines are bred for traits involving their ability as working dog rather than their appearance, so their appearance can vary. Dogs from working lines have a very high energy level, and have been bred to have a natural drive for protection, tracking, and obedience. They are bred for consistent temperament, working drive, and intelligence. These dogs make wonderful family companions, but because of their high energy level are best suited for a very active family or a family who enjoys working their dogs. Lots of daily excerise and training to do some sort of job is recommended to avoid destructive or behavioral problems. They excel as military and police dogs, and some are trained as assistance dogs and service dogs. The most common colors for the working lines are sables, but they also come in black and red, black and tan, and bi-colors, as well as solid black .
West German Show Line
The West German Show Line is the breed type most popular in Germany. They are bred for competition in the show ring, but also must have working titles (Sch). The West German Show Lines tend to be more anglulated, and do not seem to have as much working or prey drive as the working line gsd. They make wonderful family companions, but they do need lots of daily exercise and need training to do a job of some sort to avoid behavioral or destructive problems. They perform well as herding, service, search and rescue, guide dogs, and therapy dogs. The most common colors are black and red, but they also come in colors of black and tan, sable, bi-colors and black.
American Show Line
The American Show Lines are bred for the AKC show ring They tend to have a much sharper angulation in the hindquarters, and are longer and leaner than the German Lines. The American show lines seem to be less active, and are softer in their temperament than the German Lines. They make a wonderful family companion, especially for a first time owner, and also make good therapy dogs, as well as service dog. The most common colors are black and tan, black and red, sables, bi-colors, and blacks.
English Line German Shepherd
English Line dogs are descended from old lines imported into the British Isles. They are heavier in bone, are longer in body, have beautiful shoulders, an even top line, and are calm in temperament, and they vary in drive. The English Line GSDs make wonderful family companions, especially for a first time owner, and perform well as therapy dogs, guide dogs and service dogs. The most common colors are black and tan, black and red, sables, bi colors, and blacks |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:19 PM
回复 1514# 破破烂烂
呵呵, 我的朋友圈里很少会知道vitas这号人物, 你很不错!
我买德犬目的是要他顾家, 不会把它放在家里。 现在vitas在家里, 他就在外面。
如果时间允许的话, 我一定会post照片给大家分享。
你要多多指教! |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:22 PM
回复 1515# 爱狗者
那麻烦你看看我的是属于哪一类?我真的无头绪, 全都任那家伙吹! |
楼主 |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:32 PM
发表于 30-4-2010 10:34 PM
working line會比較小。。。。
show line會比較大骨骼,然後比較friendly... |
发表于 30-4-2010 10:39 PM
回复 1517# eason1618
哎喲,我那里会看,你太瞧得起我了,我只是会copy paste 那 article 吧了。不过我知道working line GSD
多数是 sable or black colour,和要看她的pedigree / bloodline, 价钱都在 RM4K 以上。 |
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