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[美剧]Game Of Thrones 权力的游戏

发表于 28-8-2017 01:21 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
这个ramsay 最近有新作啦。。
Marvel 的 inhumans.. 肯定又是演坏蛋。

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发表于 28-8-2017 01:23 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 50912cmea 于 28-8-2017 01:53 PM 编辑


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发表于 28-8-2017 02:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

07x06 - Beyond the Wall
07x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf



Arya的易容术很好用.. LittleFinger以为奸计得逞,谁知...



Jon才是真正的iron throne传人, Aegon Targaryen
观众终于可以第一次看到Rhaegar Targaryen亮相!
不过据说 Targaryen的惯例,为了保持纯净的家族血统,他们对亲属内部通婚是很正常的习俗,加上Danny已经被诅咒不能够生儿育女,,(只有那个死变态的肥胖作家才想得出来的理由?)

看来下一季,两条火龙得赶快歼灭那个冰龙了,杀伤力太严重了!可能只需要杀了那个Night King就可以,以为是他复活它的?



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发表于 28-8-2017 11:58 PM | 显示全部楼层
Little Finger原以为奸计得逞,那懂自己被摆了一道,终于拿便当走人~


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发表于 29-8-2017 01:22 AM | 显示全部楼层
冰龙真的是bonus 没有冰龙

Euron不懂会不会背叛Cersei 自己坐铁王座
Jamie 自己一个人去 好可怜 不愧是真男人
龙女和雪 啪啪啪 Tyrion的表情很耐人寻味
Sam 终于有点贡献了 原来Bran也有错的时候

GOT不懂会不会拍前传 对疯王那一代故事蛮有兴趣的
下一季就完结了 很不舍

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发表于 29-8-2017 02:16 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 29-8-2017 02:18 AM | 显示全部楼层
RingRingRing 发表于 29-8-2017 01:22 AM
冰龙真的是bonus 没有冰龙

Euron不懂会不会背叛Cersei 自己坐铁王座
Jamie 自己一个人去 好可怜 不愧是真男人
龙女和雪 啪啪啪 Tyrion的表情很耐人寻味
Sam 终于有点贡献了 ...


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发表于 29-8-2017 03:51 AM | 显示全部楼层
RingRingRing 发表于 29-8-2017 01:22 AM
冰龙真的是bonus 没有冰龙

Euron不懂会不会背叛Cersei 自己坐铁王座
Jamie 自己一个人去 好可怜 不愧是真男人
龙女和雪 啪啪啪 Tyrion的表情很耐人寻味
Sam 终于有点贡献了 ...

Tyrion 也喜欢小龙女吧。。。。。

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发表于 29-8-2017 04:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
還好三傻沒有誤入迷途。。 she's really a slow learner!!
也還好 Bran 有好好利用他的特異功能。。
還好 Stark 一家沒有反目

談判的劇情不錯下,只是不知道 Tyrion 跟Cersei 講了什麼,她就這樣改變主意
可是到後面 Cersei 和 Jaime 的爭執又顯得 Tyrion 被騙了。。。

後面其他的劇情其實也沒什麼了。。大家都 expected 的
除了 Jon Snow 的身世終於被劇情坦蕩盪的說出來了
沒想到 Sam + Bran,馬上搞清了事實真相。。
他叫 Aegon Targaryen,就是跟他的哥哥一樣名字啊。

這一季我最喜歡的還是 Arya,第一季滅了 Frey 門,現在又屠了小手指


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发表于 29-8-2017 04:13 AM | 显示全部楼层
Mr.酷 发表于 28-8-2017 11:58 PM
Little Finger原以为奸计得逞,那懂自己被摆了一道,终于拿便当走人~
walker大军下一步应该就是进攻winterfell了吧?不懂龙女和JS是 ...

真的。。 他們真的好想團隊在做 presentation
這是 white walker..
要消滅它。。。 你可以用火。。或者用龍晶。。。

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发表于 29-8-2017 04:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
RingRingRing 发表于 29-8-2017 01:22 AM
冰龙真的是bonus 没有冰龙

Euron不懂会不会背叛Cersei 自己坐铁王座
Jamie 自己一个人去 好可怜 不愧是真男人
龙女和雪 啪啪啪 Tyrion的表情很耐人寻味
Sam 终于有点贡献了 ...



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发表于 29-8-2017 08:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
终于季终了,又要等到明年了。能让我引颈长盼的美剧只有这部GOT和sherlock holmes.




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发表于 29-8-2017 09:34 AM | 显示全部楼层
N@S@M@XxX 发表于 29-8-2017 02:16 AM

你说的和 leak 出来的所有 season 8 script 一样:

http://www.desinerd.co.in/game-o ... sode-1-leak-script/



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发表于 29-8-2017 10:07 AM | 显示全部楼层

Episode 1:
Jamie is convinced by Tyrion to join forces with Danys army. Cersei loses another child and after knowing of Jamies betrayal she goes completely insane ordering the closure of  Kingslanding and its filling it with Wildfire, like Aerys the Mad once did. She intends to burn down the entire city with everyone inside it.

Bran and Sam tell Jon of his past, and that his real name is Aegon Targaryen rightful son of Rhaegar and Lyanna. Jon doesn't believe or understand at first but then Bran explains to him it all and Sam tells him all he knows of his real father's secret past. He is elected King of Westeros by all who witness it and Dany is happy for him. Upon his discovery he bends the knee to Dany again and asks her in marriage. She accepts.

Meanwhile Cersei with the help of Qyburn start to fullfill their plan, she orders the City Watch to fill the sewers of the capital with crates which they do not knowing, contain Wildfire. She'll burn the city before anyone fighting for that whore queen comes near it.

Episode 2:
Greyworm and the Unsullied along with the lords of the North fight the army of the Dead at Deepwood Motte (House Glover seat) alongside the Watch and Wildlings which eventually falls to the Others. Dolorous Edd and Grey Worm are killed in battle by one of the White Walkers who GWorm manages to dispatch. Missandei receives the news and retreats herself quietly to her quarters.

Arya, Sansa, Brienne and the rest of the northern armies who didn't perish fight the dead at Winterfell but are also beaten by the Armies of the White Walkers. Brienne is wounded but manage to escape with Arya. Sansa sacrifices herself to fight off a Giant who was after them and ends up killed. Arya is heartbroken and Brienne shocked cause she couldnt help.

Jon reunites with Arya and altough he's happy by that the momment is shortlived when he  receives the news of his sister's death and alongside Brienne and Arya he swear an oath to destroy the Night King and all of his creations.

Episode 3:
The NK invades Pyke  and the Army of the Dead follow suit, they are now able to walk through a breach on the sea which frozen up forming a bridge, and swarm the Iron Islands.
Euron fights the NK who hits him but his armor and Axe are made of Valyrian Steel.
Euron manages to strike a blow to the NK who bleeds blue blood but isnt killed. Euron manages to escape with his fleet to meet with Danys army at the Fingers. He tells them the NK can't be killed by Valyrian Steel alone.

The Vale defended by Robin Arryn, a kid, and the few Knights and Lords who survived the Fall of Winterfell, alongside Martell, Tarly, and Baratheon armies fight  the wights who come and drop endlessly from the mountainsides and the fewer who survive retreat to Wolfswood. Gendry is among the living. Robin is killed.

Melisandre retuns from Essos bringing various of the High Priests/ses to make a final complicated fire Ritual to Rh'llor, the Lord of Light, asking him to take their life in exchange for burning the dead that are coming and are by their doors. They sacrifice themselves in an explosion that makes fire rain from the skies like meteors similiar to the Doom of Valyria that will burn the entire Wolfswoods killing almost half of NKs undead army with them.

Episode 4:
Its Midday in the Long Night clock and as the dead march and so the Sun fades.
The Dothraki armies form a belt to defend the Reach under Jon Snow's command. The NK soon arrives with Viserion and quickly dispatches the horselords into oblivion.

Brandon tries to talk to the NK by doing something he never imagined he'd have to, he tries to warg into Viserion and surprisingly he succeeds. The Night King appears into the vision alongside with him and explains why he's doing all of this. The NK takes him back into time showing Bran his defeat to Azor Ahai's army, and showing him that when he used Lbringer and defeated him, he dispelled the CotFs magic making him.. [BIG SPOILER] remember who he was again.. he was in fact brandon Stark, son of Ned stark Lord of Winterfell. Bran breaks free from that nightmare and Sam asks if he's okay, he replies
"Yes, but there's something I must do".

Alongside Jon Snow, Jamie, Tyrion, Tormund and Jorah.. Dany joins the fight at the Reach.
After besting Drogon outta the sky, Drogon falls dropping Dany far away from his grip.
The Night King then sends Undead Viserion away from battle to find Bran whos being protected by Sam at the God's Eye.
Upon losing his mother and big brother of sight, Rhaegal starts unleashing hell upon both living and dead armies. Jon orders a retreat under Jaime's advise. Jon agrees and asks Jorah and Tormund to come with him after her.

Rhaegal lands on Harrenhal's tower and keeps screeching and roaring after his mother and guide-brother. Tyrion has an idea and goes after the dragon. Upon arriving, he walks the haunted halls alone until the main tower where Rhaegal lies. when he reaches the top Rhaegal is completely lost. he calls for him, Rhaegal doesn't see at first but then he smells him. He goes down ready to scorch him, tyrion lifts his arms in defense but then Rhaegal stops and just keeps staring at him. Tyrion gives that cheapchattering of him to Rhaegal and puts his hand on him. Rhaegal screeches lightly and gently acept the pat. Tyrion then has the stupidest idea..

Episode 5:
Viserion arrives at the God's Eye and under the NK's command quickly dispatches the guards covering Bran. The Ice dragon gets close to Bran but when he's about to kill him surprisingly he doesn't. he picks up Bran into his claws and upon this Samwell picks up Heartsbane and manages to strike a blow into the dragons scales wounding him. the dragon whips his tail tossing Sam deep into the lake of the Isle of Faces

Jorah finds Dany and carries her to safety  Jon, and Tormund are caught up by a party of White Walkers and wights while looking for her. They manage to fight the party of wights off but they're far outnumbered. Tormund tells the cocksucker to flee and go look for his queen while he goes for the general. Jon reluctantly accepts, tells him it was a pleasure to have fought alongisde him. Tormund tells him that if he dies to go for him first cause he doesn't want his mythical cock to wither away with time. They hug each other and Jon leaves in a horse. tormund then fights an epic battle with the general who by the end outmanages and kill him. The White Walker turns Tormund into one of their horsemen.

Viserion arrives at the NK's place bringing Bran to him. Bran says he now knows why he's doing all of this, there was once a truce between Men and the WW and they broke that truce by slaughtering their kind and building the Wall. The Night King goes to him and touch him showing that the White Walkers were there in the world before even the Children or the Giants came into place. He shows Bran that Bran/Himself have being travelling back in time from age to age trying to revert the wheel of time by whispering in Mad King Aerys ear to burn them all, by telling Brandon the Builder to build the Wall and avert the death of all that's living, and by travelling too far in time stay living with the CotF which he eventually fell in love with, specially with the one Leaf.. he got strained and lost and couldn't or wouldn't go back. He tries to tell her that Men are not all evil, and when Men came and destroyed her family and killed almost all of her kind she went desperate with sorrow and grief and went on to their only hope available.. Then bran reverts back to his present self and tells the Night King.. "Us.."
Bran then tries to appeals to the NK humanity telling him(self) that there might be still good on him. The NK then grabs him by the arm and starts trying to change him like he did with the little baby.. Bran tries to resist but the NK's will is too powerful.
When Bran's about to give up...
Tyrion, mounting Rhaegal, arrives grabbing Bran by his claw and scorching fire in Viserion who gets disoriented. The NK screeches, mounts viserion and follows suit..
Tyrion asks if he's okay, and Bran replies. I'm okay but I need to do one more thing. I need you to take me to the beginning of it all..

Meanwhile, Jon reunites with Dany and Jorah. he asks if she's okay and she answers yes. They kiss and Jorah realizes he's lost his love forever..

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发表于 29-8-2017 10:20 AM | 显示全部楼层
喵喵國小喵喵 发表于 2-6-2015 10:23 AM


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发表于 29-8-2017 11:31 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 zoidx_chung 于 29-8-2017 11:32 AM 编辑



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发表于 29-8-2017 01:18 PM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
ICEMAN2011 发表于 28-8-2017 02:58 PM

07x06 - Beyond the Wall
07x07 - The Dragon and the Wolf



Arya的易容术很好用 ...


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发表于 29-8-2017 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
nakatabp 发表于 29-8-2017 04:14 AM


听说冰墙有魔法哦 没有冰龙
他们好像只能等海结冰才能绕路过 是不是jek

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发表于 29-8-2017 02:56 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 29-8-2017 03:07 PM | 显示全部楼层
Takashi 发表于 29-8-2017 08:20 AM
终于季终了,又要等到明年了。能让我引颈长盼的美剧只有这部GOT和sherlock holmes.


话说我不是很明白三傻为何突然转变要杀了小指头?她早已知道是小指头背叛了她的父亲也间 ...

很明顯是 Bran 看到他過去做的壞事
Bran 把過去不為人知的事情都一探究竟了
John Arryn的死,Lysa 的死,Lysa 寫的信,那把匕首的主人等等.。


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