Tropicana Bay Residences @Penang World City
楼主 |
发表于 7-10-2013 01:52 PM
上星期终于去 sign loan offer 了, 最终决定和 Maybank 拿个不过不失的配套. 不是最好, 也不是最坏的. Agent 也送了我一个旅行袋.
闲聊时候, 问他这 project 进度如何(因为发现 ivory 和他蛮好, 有 fair 都会叫他去), 他说价格又进一步上了(剩下的单位), Block E 听说平均价格会在 900 psf.
他也说最近他们这一行会更小心, 因为之前除了乱来的人, 不法之徒做假证件, 文件来骗 loan. 一年里被揭发的已经有 80++ 单, 而且数目不小. 拿了钱就失踪. 现在不懂哪里下了开刀令, 一旦发现, 连 agent 也需要上法庭, 因为他们是审核客户资料的第一门嵌, 需要做一些基本的查证如打去人事部等等. 如果查证不到的, 有可能是假的. 已经有一个被控了, 人人自危. (毕竟之前有些为了赚钱, 可能闭一只眼睛, 但很多心知肚明的)
我在想, 如果有天某人的 loan 被 reject, 也有可能是你公司的人事部不配合吧.
楼主 |
发表于 29-11-2013 09:24 PM
Good respond to Tropicana Bay Residences launch, first phase of RM10bil Penang WorldCity
Tropicana Bay Residences, the first phase of the RM10bil Penang WorldCity (PWC), has been selling briskly since it opened for booking in February.
A total of 85% of its 906 condominium units have been snapped up, generating RM540mil for the developer Tropicana Ivory Sdn Bhd (TISB).
TISB is a joint venture company formed by Tropicana Corporation Bhd and Ivory Properties Group Bhd.
Tropicana founder and executive vice-chairman Tan Sri Danny Tan Chee Sing said PWC, developed on prime freehold land of 41.5ha, was conceptualised to combine the quiet charm of island living with the convenience of a vibrant city life.
“Since the special preview of Tropicana Bay Residences early this year, we are pleased that it has recorded an 85% take-up rate.
“We are encouraged by the positive response and happy to commence this waterfront development.
“We believe this integrated development that consists of residential towers, office blocks, recreational and retail offerings, a wellness centre, a hotel as well as an international school will further add vibrancy to Penang’s economic landscape,” he said at the groundbreaking of PWC at Bayan Mutiara.
Present at the event were state Housing, Town and Country Planning Committee chairman Jagdeep Singh Deo, Ivory chief executive officer Datuk Low Eng Hock, Tropicana chief executive officer Datuk Yau Kok Seng, Tropicana managing director Datuk Dickson Tan and TISB managing director Datuk Andy Khoo.
Low said the ground-breaking ceremony marked the beginning of an amazing phase.
“There is a lot of construction to do and we are still on a mission to set a new benchmark in urban living as well as provide comfortable luxury green homes for our first batch of privileged buyers,” he said.
Low said that over the last few years, Penang had emerged as a property hub, catching the attention of both Malaysians and foreigners alike.
“The property market in Penang is expected to see further growth with the current population of Penang standing at 1.61 million.
“The population is expected to increase by 40% in 2020.
“One-third of this total consists of those aged 25 to 44, thus pointing towards constant demand for residential property,” Low said.
Strategically located within Bayan Mutiara, PWC will be an integrated waterfront city at the gateway of Penang island, right off the Penang Bridge.
It is in the eastern part of the Tun Dr Lim Chong Eu Expressway and in the vicinity of Sungai Nibong. It can be easily accessed from George Town and from the Penang International Airport. - By David Tan (The Star)
发表于 3-12-2013 09:56 PM
楼主 |
发表于 10-5-2014 01:58 PM
2014 May 收到 CC copy , Ivory send letter to lawyer firm. confirm 全部银行贷款弄好了没有. 看来可能开始要打桩了. |
楼主 |
发表于 10-5-2014 01:59 PM
kyai 发表于 3-12-2013 09:56 PM
Tropicana Bay Residences @ Penang World City (Video Clip)
Quality not ...
没问题. Penang world city website 最近开起来不做了, 可以去那边看看... |
发表于 12-5-2014 12:27 AM
New update information:
Increase Price RM 3,000 if compare than Feb 2014.
Balance Unit – TOTAL Phase 1A = 79 unit
Block A – 21 unit
455ft2 = 6 unit ; 615ft2 = 9 unit ;
455ft2 with Garden = 3 unit ; 615ft2 with Garden = 1 unit ; 1020ft2 = 1 unit ; 1320ft2 = 1 unit
Block B – 4 unit
615ft2 = 1 unit ;
615ft2 with Garden = 1 unit ; 1020ft2 = 1 unit ; 1320ft2 = 1 unit
Block C – 7 unit
615ft2 = 4 unit ;
615ft2 with Garden = 2 unit ; 1590ft2 = 1 unit
Block D – 6 unit
615ft2 = 2 unit ;
615ft2 with Garden = 2 unit ; 1020ft2 = 1 unit ; 1320ft2 = 1 unit
Block E – 41 unit
872ft2 = 24 unit ; 980ft2 = 16 unit ;
872ft2 with Garden = 1 unit
92% already sale out … Just Balance 8 % unit only
Refer to the “Sticker Game”
Block A balance got 21 unit .. All is facing to WEST ….
Many people think will be Noise or Drain or Sunset or Highway ………..
Block E balance got 41 unit .. I Think is $$$$$ problem.
Block E Level 6, Sale Price RM889,900 for 980ft2…. RM908/ft2 before any discount
Compare with
Block A Level 6, Sale Price RM873,900 for 1045ft2…. RM836/ft2 before any discount
Block E is more expensive 8%-9% if compare to Block A-D…….. before any discount
VIEW also is a reason. Majority Face North East Finish lo … left Balance 2 unit only .. Another Balance 39 unit is Face South East.
Sea view lo … Will have little bit only when Full Package Complete after 10 Year …..
But anyway, for Developer can Sale >60% already earn $$$$. OK lo…….
For Block F, what i know is affordable unit. Price between RM 400 k – RM 500 K (++Additional Item lo). But don’t know what is the built up area. Still need final confirm by developer. |
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发表于 12-5-2014 11:29 AM
kyai 发表于 12-5-2014 12:27 AM
New update information:
Increase Price RM 3,000 if compare than Feb 2014.
Balance Unit – TOTAL Ph ...
里面说得很有理. Block E 卖不卖都是价钱而已. 卖得便宜, 早期的买家不高兴. 卖得贵, 大家要借房贷的还真要点斤两才行.
Block A 如果向大马路的, 没有比较便宜的价钱, 大家宁可买向泳池的还是别的 block. 夕照的就算向泳池最好也三思. 电费会让你哭. 最近自己家房间因为夕照, 即使只是晚上每间(三间房)开冷气.一个月电费都接近四百了.
发表于 12-5-2014 11:36 AM
caoyun 发表于 12-5-2014 11:29 AM
里面说得很有理. Block E 卖不卖都是价钱而已. 卖得便宜, 早期的买家不高兴. 卖得贵, 大家要借房贷的还真 ...
楼主 |
发表于 12-5-2014 11:44 AM
饼干及面包 发表于 12-5-2014 11:36 AM
Haiz 这是我之前烦恼的地方.
向海的 - 被人抢完(bulk purchaser)或太贵的买不起
向大大大马路的 - 不要
结果剩下两个选择 (还是必须在 5 分钟里选, 因为抢的人全部拿支票再抢..)
1)有漂亮的泳池, 低低低楼, 夕照
2)没有泳池, 低楼, 面东, 没有向大路, 没有特别景色.
最后选了二.. 因为怕夕照热死我. 但想到晚上看不到海, 看不到泳池还是挺遗憾的. 未来只好到顶楼欣赏了.
**话说他们的泳池设计, 看起来是很多个而且很新颖的. 期待中..
发表于 12-5-2014 11:53 AM
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发表于 12-5-2014 01:28 PM
饼干及面包 发表于 12-5-2014 11:53 AM
要看美美的海景。。。。。。每年省下来的供期,拿去 ...
也对.. 去找无敌海景的 hotel
楼主 |
发表于 1-7-2014 07:21 AM
Oriental Daily , 24 June 2014
| | | | | (摈城23日讯)玮力产业集 团扩大公司规模,整装待发随时进 军南马。
该集团从原址Birch House搬 迁至槟岛时代广场第二期,办公 楼也从1万7077平方尺扩展至10万 6377平方尺,共四层楼髙,展销廊 的规模相当庞大。 展
望未来,玮力产业集团首 席执行员拿督刘永福周一出席常年 股东大会后表示,只要玮力在北马 和槟城做到家喻户晓,名声远扬, 集团就会扩大业务进攻南马市场。
「我们最近也和吉隆坡和柔佛的几个地主进行洽谈,都取得了 正面回应。 一旦有定案,我们会在 适当时候作出宣布。
关于Aspen Vision Land有限公 司(玮力拥49%股权)和Ikano Ptd Ltd联营的荅都加湾宜家家居(20 英亩)和商业广场(55英亩)发展 项目,他透露,与槟州发展机构签 署的买卖及发展合约正在拟定中。
这项合资综合性发展计划 (Ikano占20% , AVL占80% )占地 170英亩。 总土地发展面积达245 价值4亿8400万令吉。
'我们的协议还有部分条款 ,相信不久后就能进行签署。
他也说,集团即将推出会员 卡作为回馈忠实客户,购屋者可在 他们举办的回馈活动上,特别享受 到尊贵优惠及折扣。
至于人民广场发展计划,他 指出,关于收购该项目土地的租 赁和开发权,集团和Plaza Rakyat 有限公司有条件收购与修复的协议 (ARA),目前展延的程序正在进 行中 。
「我们需要更多时间来商讨 这项协议的先决条件,而最后的展 延曰期为6月4曰。 」
他补充,集团已向吉隆坡市 长提出建议,特别关注那些已经缴 付抵押金给前发展商的购屋者们, 希望能够协助他们解决苦恼。
此外,他指出,由玮力集团 和丽阳机构联营的Tropicana Ivory Sdn Bhd ,主要为发展槟州世界城 项目计划。 尤其在Phase 1A取得空 前成功后,他们计划于年尾推出 Phase 3A 。
「Phase 1A的销售额超过 90% ,因此我们决定幵放下一期房 屋项目,以满足市场曰益增长的需 求0我们已经提呈Phase 3A的规划 图测,包括771平方尺至1403平方 尺的豪华公寓,共473间;450平方 尺至650平方尺的可负担房屋,共 159间。 」。
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发表于 1-7-2014 11:31 AM
饼干及面包 发表于 12-5-2014 11:36 AM
楼主 |
发表于 2-7-2014 02:12 PM
babytaro 发表于 1-7-2014 11:31 AM
再说,如果你的单位高,应该也是听不到。:lovelin ...
我的 PWC 好了后, 我一定要去泡池泡到够够, 即使不会游泳, 也要去玩水. 看他们 marketing 的把泳池说到很漂亮呢.
只差没有 jacuzzi swimming pool, 不然每天放工都去. 哈..
话说要高到听不到的应该都要十多楼了吧, 不然有人笑说话应该很清楚.现在最好的泳池应该是 one sky 的, 我看过, 诺大的泳池常常只有一两个人在用, 酷毙了, 真的极少是自住的.
发表于 12-7-2014 02:43 PM
caoyun ... TNB start lo ...
Shouse we create a FB to keep track ...
IT will help us next time want to claim any Delay lost or Bank Claim ..
How you think ?? |
楼主 |
发表于 13-7-2014 12:06 PM
kyai 发表于 12-7-2014 02:43 PM
caoyun ... TNB start lo ...
Shouse we create a FB to keep track ...
可以, 但是觉得应该让比较有经验的买家来开.(或比较有勇有谋的)哈...
而且要防止有心人来做乱不容易, 需要常看管. (你知道的, 那英文版面那边很多人来散发负面情绪而已)如果你有开, 记得告诉我, 我会加入的.
我觉得随着 interest 开始上了, 当务之急应该是快点存钱给四年后的我们, 利息那边很大条.
我还是觉得 PWC 应该没那么早开工, Ivory 应该在快马加鞭把他们的 citi residence 弄好, 再来弄这个. 一个一个来吧! |
发表于 16-7-2014 07:52 PM
发表于 20-7-2014 09:24 AM
发表于 20-7-2014 09:24 AM
楼主 |
发表于 20-7-2014 02:31 PM
haan 发表于 20-7-2014 09:24 AM
看追求的是什么吧, 很多东西是要付出代价的. 除了一些真的挺有钱的, 其他的如我们都是负上 35 ~ 40 年贷款.
当你心中有想要的东西时候, 你会去努力得到它, 付出多少血与泪, 才能得到多少回报.
至于值不值得, 也是看个人.
我可以每天三餐总共不花超过 RM8 来解决, 不买 iphone, 开车接近十多年才换. 为的就是很多人传说中的岛民心态, 要在槟岛买到一间自己认为至少满意的小窝, 哪怕只有 500 sf, 700 sf, 那都是自己的梦想, 是一步一脚印走出来的.
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