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舉債來投資 MEGAN 值得嗎 ? (九)

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发表于 4-6-2007 11:55 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kitkatlow 于 4-6-2007 11:52 PM 发表
rm 0.35 以下 西北風任吹

哇... 現在的價位... 只有這個啊.. ?
還再過一陣子還是這樣, 是不是大家相約一起到山上吃西北風啊 ?

使用道具 举报


发表于 4-6-2007 11:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 tn728202 于 4-6-2007 11:54 PM 发表


我是很小很小很小的股東... 我是等吃大餐的那個

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-6-2007 03:33 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 8years 于 4-6-2007 10:35 PM 发表


   有人说,别人不输,我怎么赚? 这是残酷面,所以孤独是应该的,大家一起潜水去。

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-6-2007 03:42 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 霉暗股托 于 3-6-2007 09:18 PM 发表


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发表于 5-6-2007 08:39 AM | 显示全部楼层


什么神啦 股托啦


没有人讲光碟了啊 ???

使用道具 举报

发表于 5-6-2007 08:46 AM | 显示全部楼层
拓展高毛利光碟產品有成 錸德放量漲停
2007/06/04 09:36 中央社

(中央社記者管中維台北2007年6月4日電)光碟片大廠錸德科技(2349)拓展高毛利光碟產品,日前宣布通過高倍速雙層DVD DL 16X認證,近期股價走強,今天開高後放量衝上漲停。

錸德繼宣布通過可重覆讀寫藍光碟片認證後,5月底再宣布通過高倍速雙層DVD DL 16X認證。錸德表示,根據國際市調機構BOC最新資料,錸德在高階高毛利的DVD DL市場占有率約50%。錸德並表示,拓展高階光碟產品將有助毛利改善。





中環電腦展主打藍光系列光碟 anyX行動影音基地台首度亮相
2007/06/04 19:40 鉅亨網

【鉅亨網記者王雅慧/台北‧ 6月 4日】 中環2323(TW)今(4)日表示,今年台北國際電腦展 (Computex Taipei)會展上不僅將展出次世代 HD與BD藍 光系列、DVD全系列的光碟產品以及電腦族愛用的USB Flash drive 隨身碟,同時也將隆重介紹即將在台上市 的anyX行動影音基地台。

中環指出,隨著各式各樣高畫質數位影音產品的推波助瀾,儲存容量是一般 DVD光碟片六至十倍的藍光光 碟早已蓄勢待發,今年台北國際電腦展會上,除了藍光光碟產品之外,己通國際認證容量為8.5GB單面雙層8倍 速DVD+R DL、光速寫碟片 (Light Scribe Disc)等利基型光碟及電腦族必備的USB Flash drive 隨身碟等產品 皆可在展場上一覽無遺。

中環繼去年 6月獲得HD DVD-R藍光光碟片認證後, 今年4月「2倍速 BD-R SL(單面單層)藍光碟片」也順利 通過國際大廠A級實驗室認證。

近年來,以經營影音內容及數位媒體為核心事業的 中環集團,旗下發展 DVB-H行動電視服務平台的子公司 「DAWN TV動視科技」 已順利取得南區行動電視試播執 照,此外,由中環翁明顯董事長親自命名的anyX行動影 音基地台,也將是焦點產品之一。

中環表示,anyX隱喻著anytime、anywhere、 anynetwork 、anydevice…,其角色就如同家庭網路中的「多媒體影音服務基地台」,使用者安裝時只要連結 家裏面的有線電視訊號線和網路線,就能以3G手機、 PDA或筆記型電腦等設備,透過3G、HSDPA、xDSL、 WiMAX 等傳輸方式,隨時隨地觀看自己家中的電視頻道、DVD,甚至居家老人孩童看護等影音資訊!

AnyX也可望進一步連結中環集團旗下的影視娛樂資 源,提供消費者包括中藝、中環娛樂、得利影視、亞藝 影音及動視科技所帶來的影音加值服務。


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发表于 5-6-2007 08:46 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1327 四伯爽 的帖子


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发表于 5-6-2007 09:38 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1329 origen 的帖子



不过印度是众神论的 也是很复杂的哦

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发表于 5-6-2007 09:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 小时候胖不是胖 于 5-6-2007 03:33 AM 发表

只要相信有人玷污基本面就可以了,你的LCL一战显得出你很有自己独立思考能力。那些人只懂得 ...





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大马天下论坛 该用户已被删除
发表于 5-6-2007 10:37 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-6-2007 10:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
Funai enters BD arena

Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Japanese manufacturer Funai has declared its intention to introduce a Blu-ray Disc player for OEM distribution by the end of the year. Funai's pricing has had a strong impact on other formats, and it is expected that the same could happen again with high definition media.

Funai currently markets players under its own brand names (Funai, Symphonic and Sylvania in the US); however, the company said there are no plans to market the player under its own name and products will be for OEM distribution only. Sources expect the retail price to be around $500, which is between $300-500 less than current standalone BD players in the US, and is more on a par with the PlayStation 3, which is currently having a huge impact on software sales.

The company is a favourite supplier for Wal-Mart, winning a Billion Dollar Supplier Prize in 2006, and distribution through this retail giant could mean that BD player success would mirror that of DVD products for Funai, which has an estimated 52% of the DVD player/recorder market in the US. Although the company has not ruled out an HD DVD player, the current focus appears to be on Blu-ray.

http://www.oto-online.com/index. ... d=442&Itemid=44


BD up at Sony DADC

Wednesday, 30 May 2007
Sony DADC in the US has announced that it has shipped 2.5 million 50-GB Blu-ray Discs since beginning production last fall, and is in the process of increasing its capacity further to keep up with the demand from studios.

"Due to the high demand for 50-GB Blu-ray product we will continue to add lines and capacity throughout the year," said Michael Mitchell, EVP and general manager. "Sony DADC is in the process of doubling its BD-50 output and by the fall peak season will have an annual capacity of over 30 million discs."

Jim Twiggs, VP, strategic development, Sony DADC, added: "We are experiencing ever-increasing interest in BD-50 product from all genres, markets and studios, both large and small, and we have seen title planning requests that include multiple BD-50 discs in one package."

http://www.oto-online.com/index. ... d=440&Itemid=44


PS3 boosting BD sales in Europe

Wednesday, 30 May 2007
In a reversal of fortune, HD DVD no longer appears to be the format of choice for the European consumer - in the few weeks since the release of PS3 in the region, BD supporters are claiming a huge gain in market share.

Prior to the release of the PS3 in Europe, HD DVD was comfortably outselling Blu-ray discs on a weekly basis, the Blu-ray Disc Association said, but now, BD has gained a 64% share on the year and consistently outsells HD DVD weekly. Recent weekly data showed Blu-ray having a sales ratio of 3:1 over HD DVD, a ratio Blu-ray in the US managed only once, with the release of Casino Royale.

The BDA claims this hints at BD in Europe rising to the same levels of popularity as in Japan, where it has 96% of the HD movie market.

"Unfortunately, we find ourselves in the middle of a confusing period with two rival formats trying to establish themselves," said David Walstra, vice chairman of the BDA European Promotions Committee. "However, these figures are clear and irrefutable. There is clear evidence of a strong and growing trend towards BD throughout Europe.

"Yes, it is early days, but still the market trend is clear for all to see. "What is impressive is that Blu-ray Disc is achieving this performance with just three players currently available to consumers. This summer will see many more players launched from a range of CE equipment manufacturers and this will increase consumer choice and decrease player price in a market which is set to grow significantly this year."

http://www.oto-online.com/index. ... d=444&Itemid=42


Bright future for DVD recordable

Wednesday, 23 May 2007
Recent research indicates that though the consumer DVD recorder market experienced smaller-than-expected growth in 2006, the volume of DVD recorders shipped worldwide in 2011 should reach 59 million units.

According to IMS Research, digital video recorders currently have the advantage of being deployed by pay-TV operators at relatively low cost in North America, Western Europe, and some parts of Asia-Pacific. However, optical disc is expected to gain momentum due to several factors that will enhance current usage models and value propositions for burning elaborate, menu-driven DVDs from a consumer DVD recorder.

"The convergence of digital tuners, large HDDs, HDMI and IEEE 1394 ports into a single device will appeal to consumers interested in upgrading their home entertainment system with a high-end DVD recorder," said analyst Mark Meza.

Key factors that are expected to drive mass adoption of consumer DVD recorders include better editing control, easy-to-use authoring and menu-creation features, ubiquitous playability of discs on any DVD playback device, up-conversion of legacy DVD to 1080p, DVR-like user interfaces, and the continuing price erosion of major DVD recorder components. The increasing amount of HD content is also expected to drive adoption of blue-laser DVD recorders, especially in countries with established HD digital terrestrial TV (DTT) platforms, such as the US.

According to Meza, "Recording a full-length HD movie and its accompanying high-resolution audio component onto a disc is no longer confined to blue-laser media, due to the emergence of multi-layered, high-storage capacity red-laser media that is expected to give both Blu-ray Disc and HD DVD recordable media some competition in cost-sensitive applications."

http://www.oto-online.com/index. ... d=422&Itemid=42


Microsoft: protesting too much about Blu-ray?

Wednesday, 23 May 2007
In the face of continued rumours that Microsoft will allow Xbox 360 support of Blu-ray as well as HD DVD, a Microsoft representative has gone on blog record to completely refute this possibility. The following comments were posted on Gamerscoreblog, written by members of Microsoft's Games Global Marketing team.

"Just want to clear up a few things surrounding several erroneous stories regarding alleged comments from Peter Moore about Xbox 360 supporting Blu-ray. Simply put... These reports are completely incorrect."

The comments continue: "Some online media outlets have picked up this story and are citing internet speculation of an alleged Associated Press story that does not exist, along with comments taken out of context from a story in ITmedia that appeared back in January. This information is being reported as news and as a result of a recent interview, neither of which are true.

"In an interview with ITmedia back at CES in January of this year, Peter said Xbox 360 has the flexibility to adapt to consumers' needs, allowing Microsoft to add features as consumers demand them - as evidenced by the offering of the HD DVD Player as an accessory.

"It is important to understand the context in which that statement was made. We firmly stand behind the HD DVD format as the best choice for consumers. Current reports indicating that Microsoft has a back-up plan which includes Blu-ray support are incorrect. We're fully committed to HD DVD and have absolutely no plans to support other optical formats.

"That's it."

http://www.oto-online.com/index. ... d=425&Itemid=42

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发表于 5-6-2007 10:55 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1332 大马天下论坛 的帖子



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发表于 5-6-2007 11:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
Sony cuts Blu-ray player price                                                                               
                                                                                                                                                                          Peter Svensson in New York                        | June 05, 2007               

                                            WITHdominance of the high-definition market still up in the air, Sony isincluding a small surprise with the new Blu-ray disc player it isshipping in the US this week: a price tag $US100 ($120) lower thanpreviously announced.
                 When Sony announced the BDP-S300 player in February, it put the price at $US599, but it has now set a list price at $US499.
That means the new player costs half of what the company's firstBlu-ray player cost when it launched just six months ago - probably oneof the fastest price declines in the consumer electronics industry. Thenew player has essentially the same capabilities as the older BDP-S1but is smaller.
The price cut is due to falling production costs and the growingdemand for Blu-ray products, vice president of Sony Electronics' homeproducts division Chris Fawcett said.
Sony has been undersold in the market for high-definition discplayers by Toshiba, which created the rival HD DVD format. Its playersare now selling for less than $US300, 14 months after Toshiba's firstplayer appeared in US stores.
Neither Blu-ray nor HD DVD players have caught on strongly withconsumers, who have been waiting for the market to settle on one of theformats. But dropping prices for players and HDTV sets in more homesmean a big showdown between the discs may be looming this Christmas.
Hollywood studios are split on the issue, but Blu-ray has the strongest support.
Most people buying Blu-ray discs are apparently buying them fortheir Sony PlayStation 3 game consoles. The cheapest version of theconsole costs $US499, but its game-oriented wireless controller andrelatively loud fan makes it a less than ideal movie player.


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发表于 5-6-2007 11:27 AM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 5-6-2007 11:36 AM | 显示全部楼层

虚则实之,实则虚之..有趣, 有趣

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发表于 5-6-2007 12:09 PM | 显示全部楼层


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发表于 5-6-2007 12:14 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1338 kitkatlow 的帖子

奇怪,星期五進 20 大,這兩天又沒有交易量,居然沒有什麼賣壓,真奇怪。

[ 本帖最后由 ZheHui 于 5-6-2007 12:27 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 5-6-2007 12:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 ZheHui 于 5-6-2007 12:14 PM 发表


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发表于 5-6-2007 12:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 kitkatlow 于 5-6-2007 12:09 PM 发表



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发表于 5-6-2007 12:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 #1340 阿S 的帖子


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