KaySea: Powerlifter新手日记 (Off Season: Sheiko #29)
楼主 |
发表于 19-1-2014 12:04 PM
Week 2, Day 3, Thursday - 16/1/2014
Deadlift + Lower Body
70%, 110kg x 3
80%, 125kg x 3
90%, 140kg x 3
Squat, 5 sets of 15
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, 4 sets of 15
Standing Calf Raise, 4 sets x failure
楼主 |
发表于 19-1-2014 12:06 PM
Week 2, Day 4, Friday - 17/1/2014
Bench Press + Upper Body
Bench Press
70%, 55kg x 3
80%, 65kg x 3
90%, 72.5kg x 3
Pull Up, 5 sets of 10
Reverse Grip Incline Barbell, 5 sets of 10
Dumbbell Incline Curl, BFR x 4
Rope Extension, BFR x 4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise, 5 sets of 12-15
楼主 |
发表于 19-1-2014 07:58 PM
发表于 19-1-2014 10:22 PM
发表于 19-1-2014 11:41 PM
KaySea 发表于 19-1-2014 07:58 PM
楼主 |
发表于 27-1-2014 11:05 PM
Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 1, Monday - 20/1/14
Squat + Lower Body
70%, 90kg x 3
80%, 105kg x 3
90%, 117.5kg x 3
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, BFR x 4 sets
Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 2, Thursday - 23/1/14
Overhead Press + Upper Body
Overhead Press
75%, 35kg x 5
85%, 40kg x 3
95%, 42.5kg x 1
Chin Up, 5 sets of 10
Reverse Grip Incline Barbell, 5 sets of 10
Incline Dumbbell Curl, 5 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 5 sets of 10
Face Pull, 3 sets of 10
Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 3, Friday - 24/1/2014
75%, 117.5KG x 5
85%, 132.5KG x 3
95%, 147.5kg x 1
Cycle 2, Week 3, Day 4, Saturday - 25/1/2014
Bench Press + Upper Body
Bench Press
75%, 60kg x 5
85%, 67.5kg x 3
95%, 77.5kg x 2
Pull Up, 5 sets of 10
Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 1, Monday - 27/1/2014
Squat + Lower Body
75%, 97.5kg x 5
85%, 110kg x 3
95%, 122.5kg x 2, 130kg x 2
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, BFR x 4 sets
Week 4 不打算 deload, 反正也只能练两三天而已...
Cycle 3 用回 Cycle 2 poundage.. Cycle 2 schedule 太乱了
楼主 |
发表于 30-1-2014 10:10 AM
Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 2, Wednesday - 29/1/14
Bench Press + Overhead Press + Upper Body
Bench Press
65%, 50kg x 5
75%, 60kg x 5
85%, 65kg x 5, 65kg x 7
Overhead Press
65%, 30kg x 5
75%, 35kg x 5
85%, 40kg x 5
Pull Up, 5 sets of 10
Reverse Grip Incline Dumbbell Press, 5 sets of 10
Incline Dumbbell Curl, BFR x 4sets
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
楼主 |
发表于 30-1-2014 11:20 PM
Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 3, Thursday - 30/1/2014
Squat + Lower Body
65%, 85kg x 5
75%, 100kg x 5
85%, 110kg x 6
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, 5 sets of 15
发表于 1-2-2014 02:27 PM
楼主,5/3/1是不建议3 days straight的不是吗? lower body workout时你有没有加入abs workout?? 本帖最后由 lucas1168 于 1-2-2014 02:28 PM 编辑
楼主 |
发表于 1-2-2014 11:49 PM
lucas1168 发表于 1-2-2014 02:27 PM
楼主,5/3/1是不建议3 days straight的不是吗? lower body workout时你有没有加入abs workout??
abs我放rest day 练..
发表于 2-2-2014 04:39 AM
KaySea 发表于 1-2-2014 11:49 PM
abs我放rest day 练..
楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2014 12:21 PM
lucas1168 发表于 2-2-2014 04:39 AM
focus在训练的intensity吧,毕竟这不是high volume training..
楼主 |
发表于 2-2-2014 12:46 PM
Cycle 2, Week 4, Day 4, Sunday - 2/2/2014
65%, 100kg x 5
75%, 115kg x 5
85%, 130kg x 5, 130kg x 3
Squat, 5 sets of 10
Barbell Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
楼主 |
发表于 10-2-2014 05:56 PM
Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 1, Tuesday - 4/2/14
Overhead Press + Upper Body
Overhead Press, 3 sets of 5
65%, 30kg x 5
75%, 35kg x 5
85%, 40kg x 6
Pull Up, 4 sets of 10
Incline DB Row, 2 sets of 10
Reverse Grip Incline BB Press, 5 sets of 10
BB Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
DB Laterak Raise, 4 sets of 10-12
Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 2, Thursday - 6/2/14
Squat + Lower Body
Squat, 3 sets of 5
65%, 85kg x 5
75%, 100kg x 5
85%, 110kg x 6, 120kg x 3
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Exntension, % sets of 15
Leg Extension, 5 sets of 10
Standing Calf Raise, 5 sets of 15
Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 3, Friday - 7/2/14
Bench Press + Upper Body
Bench Press, 3 sets of 5
65%, 52.5kg (50kg) x 5
75, 60kg x 5
85%, 67.5kg (70kg) x 8
Incline DB Row, 5 sets of 10
RG Incline BB Press, 5 sets of 10
BB Curl, 5 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
Face Pull, 3 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 1, Day 4, Saturday - 8/2/14
Deadlift + Lower Body
Deadlift, 3 sets of 5
65%, 100kg x 5
75%, 117.5kg(120kg) x 5
85%, 132.5kg(130kg) x 7
Squat, 4 sets of 8-10
Back Exntesion, 4 sets of 15
Leg Extension, 3 sets of 15
发表于 11-2-2014 12:45 PM
KaySea 发表于 10-12-2013 11:56 PM
Fasting 时不建议饮用bcaa/amino acids。。
因为amino acids 合成变成protein, 如果在fasting期间摄取bc ...
楼主 |
发表于 15-2-2014 11:26 AM
daimon 发表于 11-2-2014 12:45 PM
我在leangain看到禁食期间可以喝bcaa,现在你怎么说我混乱了 ...
lean gain 的是dr. john berardi, 我分享的是dr. jim stoppani。。
就看你自己要跟哪一个咯。。 |
楼主 |
发表于 15-2-2014 11:02 PM
Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 1, Monday - 10/2/14
Overhead Press, 3 sets of 3
70%, 32.5kg (30kg) x 3
80%, 35kg x 3
90%, 42.5 (45kg) x 5
Chin Up,5 sets of 10
RG Incline BB Press, 5 sets of 10
DM Pullover, 5 sets of 10
BB Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10-15
Face Pull, 3 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 2, Wednesday - 12/2/14
Squat, 3 sets of 3
70%, 90kg x 3
80%, 105kg x 3
90%, 117.5kg (120kg) x 4
Deadlift, 4 sets of 10
Leg Extension 4 sets of 10-15
Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 3, Friday - 14/2/14
Bench Press, 3 sets of 3
70%, 55kg x 3
80%, 65kg x 3
90%, 72.5kg (75kg) x 6
Incline DB Row, 5 sets of 10
Incline DB Press, 5 sets of 10
DB Pullover, 5 sets of 10
BB Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 2, Day 4, Saturday - 15/2/14
Deadlift, 3 sets of 3
70%, 110kg x 3
80%, 125kg x 3
90%, 140kg x 5, 140kg x 4
Squat, 5 sets of 8
Back Extesion, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, 4 sets of 10
楼主 |
发表于 23-2-2014 10:21 PM
Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 1, Monday - 17/2/14
Overhead Press
75%, 35kg x 5
85%, 40kg x 3
95%, 42.5kg x 2
Inlcine DB Row, 5 sets of 10
Flat DB Press, 5 sets of 10
DB Pullover, 5 sets of 10
Inlcine DB Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 2, Wednesday - 19/2/14
75%, 117.5kg (120kg) x 5
85%, 132.5kg x 3
95%, 147.5kg (150kg) x 2
Squat, 4 sets of 8
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, BFR x 4 sets
Standing Calf Raise, 3 sets of 100
Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 3, Thursday - 21/2/14
Bench Press
75%, 60kg x 5
85%, 67.5kg x 3
95%, 77.5kg x 2
Incline DB Row, 5 sets of 10
Incline DB Press, 5 sets of 10
DB Pullover, 5 sets of 10
Cable Curl, 4 sets
Rope Extension, 4 sets
Lateral Raise, 4 sets
Cycle 3, Week 3, Day 4, Friday - 22/2/14
75%, 97.5kg x 5
85%, 110kg x 5
95%, 122.5kg x 2
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension 5 sets
发表于 2-3-2014 03:19 AM
楼主 |
发表于 2-3-2014 10:33 PM
Cycle 3, Week 4, Monday, Day 1 - 24/2/14
Overhead Press
40%, 17.5kg (20kg) x 5
50%, 22.5kg x 5
60%, 27.5kg x 5
Incline Dumbbell Row, 5 sets of 10
Incline Barbell Press, 5 sets of 10
Dumbbell Pullover, 5 sets of 10
Incline Dumbbell Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 10
Lateral Raise, 4 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 4, Wednesday, Day 2 - 26/2/14
40%, 62kg x 5
50%, 77.5kg x 5
60%, 92.5kg x 5
Box Squat, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension, 4 sets of 15
Standing Calf Raise, BW/100 x 4
Cycle 3, Week 4, Thursday, Day 3 - 27/2/14
Bench Press
40%, 32.5kg x 5
50%, 40kg x 5
60%, 46.5kg x 5
Incline Dumbbell Row, 5 sets of 10
Incline Barbell Press, 5 sets of 10
Dumbbell Pullover, 5 sets of 10
Incline Dumbbell Curl, 4 sets of 10
Rope Extension, 4 sets of 15
Lateral Riase, 4 sets of 10
Cycle 3, Week 4, Saturday, Day 4 - 1/3/14
40%, 52.5kg x 5
50%, 65kg x 5
60%, 80kg x 5
Deadlift, 5 sets of 10
Back Extension, 5 sets of 15
Leg Extension 5 sets of 10
Cycle 3 END
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