


楼主: 幸福老姑婆


发表于 8-8-2024 03:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 02:57 PM

1. 技术基础设施

我不懂英文, 你看下ChatGPT说的 :-

Smaller teams or individual traders can find success with trading strategies that don't require the high-speed execution of traditional HFT. Here are some approaches and strategies that can be viable:
  • Algorithmic Trading: Developing and implementing algorithms that trade based on specific criteria, such as technical indicators or statistical patterns, can be a good start. These algorithms can operate at a lower frequency and still be effective with proper backtesting and optimization.
  • Quantitative Trading: This involves using mathematical models and statistical techniques to identify trading opportunities. While quantitative trading can be complex, it doesn't always require ultra-low latency. Models can be developed and tested with historical data before being applied in live markets.
  • Swing Trading: This strategy involves holding positions for several days to weeks, aiming to profit from short- to medium-term price movements. It relies less on high-speed execution and more on market analysis and timing.
  • Statistical Arbitrage: This involves identifying and exploiting price inefficiencies between related securities. While some forms of statistical arbitrage require high-frequency execution, simpler versions can be implemented with less demanding technology.
  • Machine Learning Models: Leveraging machine learning algorithms to predict price movements or identify trading signals can be effective. These models can be trained on historical data and used for decision-making without the need for high-frequency trading.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Using natural language processing to analyze news and social media sentiment can provide trading signals. This approach requires processing and analyzing large amounts of unstructured data but doesn't necessarily demand real-time execution.
  • Event-Driven Strategies: These involve trading based on specific events, such as earnings reports, economic data releases, or geopolitical events. This approach focuses on the timing of trades around these events rather than speed.
  • Long-Term Investment Strategies: Although not trading in the traditional sense, adopting a systematic approach to long-term investing based on fundamental analysis can also be profitable. This approach involves less frequent trading and more focus on the underlying value of investments.

In all cases, risk management and continuous evaluation of strategies are crucial. Starting with lower-frequency approaches allows smaller teams to build expertise and gradually scale their operations as they gain more experience and resources.


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发表于 8-8-2024 03:20 PM | 显示全部楼层



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发表于 8-8-2024 05:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 02:47 PM


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发表于 8-8-2024 06:06 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 05:50 PM
仙家淋要打脸我的话,就直接把他们的什么Priemierer户口或者$5/0.1秒的收入拿来扁我,一直在pusing和siam ...

仙家淋都是一样自称it 高手和投资达人。

但是简单的常识却搞错,被duk 爆错处就pusing。


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发表于 8-8-2024 06:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 05:50 PM
仙家淋要打脸我的话,就直接把他们的什么Priemierer户口或者$5/0.1秒的收入拿来扁我,一直在pusing和siam ...

马华狗糧仔, 开两个户口演戏不累吗? 先证明你那张烂图和交易记录才來bb叫, 一直扯别的没用啦 !

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发表于 8-8-2024 09:30 PM | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 8-8-2024 06:06 PM
仙家淋都是一样自称it 高手和投资达人。

但是简单的常识却搞错,被duk 爆错处就pusing。

他们讲到自己多厉害,炒美股,割韭菜,等到我show我的paper gain和银行户口的两个comma,一个就是pusing去玩option,这就好笑了,option是给那些没资金的玩,这是任何金融学都提到的,偏偏这小丑就不知道,另一个就转去马华了。这马华可是万灵丹,以$5/0.1秒赚钱的速度,16年了竟然没有一个两个comma的户口?我还以为我会被扁呢,结果是马华又中招。唉,马华真可怜,在政坛给建厕所为荣的政棍扁,在论坛给仙家淋扁,太可怜了。

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发表于 8-8-2024 09:46 PM | 显示全部楼层
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发表于 8-8-2024 09:53 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 9-8-2024 12:20 AM 编辑
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 09:30 PM
他们讲到自己多厉害,炒美股,割韭菜,等到我show我的paper gain和银行户口的两个comma,一个就是pusing ...

笑死人了, 马华仔的烂P图放两个comma这么少吗? 我还可以P成3个comma啦 !

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发表于 9-8-2024 05:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 09:30 PM
他们讲到自己多厉害,炒美股,割韭菜,等到我show我的paper gain和银行户口的两个comma,一个就是pusing ...

仙家淋都是一样的,头头吹到自己几geng几geng, 被问到口哑哑就pusing,duk 爆他讲错又pusing讲在团队里面,其他部门的事不知道。

一个真正geng 的人,就算不是自己负责的part 也会知道。只有在最低层,知少少扮代表仙家淋才会讲团队的事情他不知道。

被人duk 爆用notepad run hft 就好笑了。

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发表于 9-8-2024 06:39 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 9-8-2024 06:56 AM 编辑
金国金 发表于 9-8-2024 05:40 AM
仙家淋都是一样的,头头吹到自己几geng几geng, 被问到口哑哑就pusing,duk 爆他讲错又pusing讲在团队里面 ...
就算不是自己负责的part 也会知道

马华仔这句就笑死人了, 一个coder根本不须要知道这些什么account名稱, 这些开什么户口都是管理finance的人做, 你的说法就好比要求一家公司里负责工程进度的工程师要知道怎样去管理公司的银行户口或开了什么银行户口!   别笑死人啦!

马华仔可怜到拿notepad当成HFT程序, 证明你一点都不懂HFT, 画面大几倍的program正在运行跑着却假装看不到, 只会拿一个做external记录用途的notepad转移话题瞎扯说成是HFT program, 这些就是低端马华仔的专长 !

再次拆穿低端马华仔的手法 !


马华仔无法反驳了? 先去跑步了 !


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发表于 9-8-2024 07:40 AM | 显示全部楼层
xinkafei 发表于 8-8-2024 09:30 PM
他们讲到自己多厉害,炒美股,割韭菜,等到我show我的paper gain和银行户口的两个comma,一个就是pusing ...

讲到自己几geng 开volvo, 问他打油的洞在左边或右边,他答不出,又pusing.

可能他只负责吹,平时打油不是他的部门,他tak tau.


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发表于 9-8-2024 07:46 AM 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层
金国金 发表于 9-8-2024 05:40 AM
仙家淋都是一样的,头头吹到自己几geng几geng, 被问到口哑哑就pusing,duk 爆他讲错又pusing讲在团队里面 ...

我还等着看人如何P图一张三个comma的户口和两个comma的paper gain来看看。我要带老婆和孩子去吃风了,你慢慢去duk这些仙家淋。

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发表于 9-8-2024 07:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
lcw9988 发表于 9-8-2024 06:39 AM
马华仔这句就笑死人了, 一个coder根本不须要知道这些什么account名稱, 这些开什么户口都是管理finance的 ...

继续吹,讲到自己有团队,有finance,那么多部门,结果hft machine 不是在公司跑,而是在家里。
hft 最重要就是latency 你知道是啥? 家里可以解决Latency ?

The technology stack in HFT … On the outset, HFT is about buying in one market and quickly selling in another market for a small profit. And we do this a million times a day. The trick is to very quickly cancel all our bids when one of them gets filled.

Malaysia, home to the largest number of listed companies in Southeast Asia, has generally been more of a domestic market. For High Frequency Trading (HFT) to happen, there needs to be multiple exchanges so that the traders can use the information they obtained from one exchange to act on their trade in the other exchange. In Malaysia, or most Asian markets, there is only one exchange operating in each country. For Malaysia, Bursa Malaysia is the sole exchange operator. Therefore, with this restriction, it seems almost impossible for HFT to happen in Malaysia.

不好现在又Pusing 说你是玩外国股。


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发表于 9-8-2024 09:05 AM | 显示全部楼层

https://www.bursamalaysia.com/tr ... n_services/overview

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发表于 9-8-2024 09:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 9-8-2024 09:21 AM 编辑
金国金 发表于 9-8-2024 07:59 AM
继续吹,讲到自己有团队,有finance,那么多部门,结果hft machine 不是在公司跑,而是在家里。
hft 最重 ...

我没说过我们的速度能和大公司比, 反而我一直強調要想办法增加速度, 我在这里也曾出价十万给谁能把算法速度增加50%的人, 你要接这个单吗? 不会? 马华仔不会就不要装 !

如果你不懂英文就去translate :-

Smaller teams or individual traders can find success with trading strategies that don't require the high-speed execution of traditional HFT. Here are some approaches and strategies that can be viable:
  • Algorithmic Trading: Developing and implementing algorithms that trade based on specific criteria, such as technical indicators or statistical patterns, can be a good start. These algorithms can operate at a lower frequency and still be effective with proper backtesting and optimization.
  • Quantitative Trading: This involves using mathematical models and statistical techniques to identify trading opportunities. While quantitative trading can be complex, it doesn't always require ultra-low latency. Models can be developed and tested with historical data before being applied in live markets.
  • Swing Trading: This strategy involves holding positions for several days to weeks, aiming to profit from short- to medium-term price movements. It relies less on high-speed execution and more on market analysis and timing.
  • Statistical Arbitrage: This involves identifying and exploiting price inefficiencies between related securities. While some forms of statistical arbitrage require high-frequency execution, simpler versions can be implemented with less demanding technology.
  • Machine Learning Models: Leveraging machine learning algorithms to predict price movements or identify trading signals can be effective. These models can be trained on historical data and used for decision-making without the need for high-frequency trading.
  • Sentiment Analysis: Using natural language processing to analyze news and social media sentiment can provide trading signals. This approach requires processing and analyzing large amounts of unstructured data but doesn't necessarily demand real-time execution.
  • Event-Driven Strategies: These involve trading based on specific events, such as earnings reports, economic data releases, or geopolitical events. This approach focuses on the timing of trades around these events rather than speed.
  • Long-Term Investment Strategies: Although not trading in the traditional sense, adopting a systematic approach to long-term investing based on fundamental analysis can also be profitable. This approach involves less frequent trading and more focus on the underlying value of investments.
In all cases, risk management and continuous evaluation of strategies are crucial. Starting with lower-frequency approaches allows smaller teams to build expertise and gradually scale their operations as they gain more experience and resources.

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发表于 9-8-2024 09:15 AM | 显示全部楼层
JamesWongSC 发表于 9-8-2024 09:05 AM
直接在BURSA的交易服务器上交易,就肯定不会有延迟。或者使用交易所提供的低延迟API接口进行交易,可能需要 ...

有想过用BURSA的, 但不可行的, 这样很快会被发现, 虽然HFT不違规, 但当他们要针对你时, 可以利用这个做借口, 我们宁愿慢一些少赚一些也不冒险 ! 你猜到我们用什么了?

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发表于 9-8-2024 09:27 AM | 显示全部楼层
lcw9988 发表于 9-8-2024 09:15 AM
有想过用BURSA的, 但不可行的, 这样很快会被发现, 虽然HFT不違规, 但当他们要针对你时, 可以利用这个做借 ...


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发表于 9-8-2024 09:28 AM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 lcw9988 于 9-8-2024 09:31 AM 编辑
金国金 发表于 9-8-2024 09:18 AM
就算链接bursa 服务器,也要非常靠近服务器才可以减少延迟。而且hft 是因为外国有几个交易market, 他们可 ...

一看你的回复就知道你不懂了, 韭菜下单买卖有快到0.001秒吗? 不如你说0.0000001秒? 笑死 !

我们和大公司比当然慢很多, 但我们的速度已足够割相对很慢很慢的韭菜, 无法反驳只会说我们比谁慢很多, 做不了 . . . blah blah . .  .你怎样知道比大公司慢一些就赚不了? 你做过吗? 还是拿网上文章来吹?


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发表于 9-8-2024 09:30 AM | 显示全部楼层
JamesWongSC 发表于 9-8-2024 09:27 AM
这次我赞同, 这个是对的

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发表于 9-8-2024 09:32 AM | 显示全部楼层
lcw9988 发表于 9-8-2024 09:15 AM
有想过用BURSA的, 但不可行的, 这样很快会被发现, 虽然HFT不違规, 但当他们要针对你时, 可以利用这个做借 ...

所有交易都是通过bursa 进行。

有想过用BURSA的, 但不可行的, 这样很快会被发现, 虽然HFT不違规



还有, 大量交易的佣金是可以nego的, 你小屁孩又不懂吗?

既然你可以nego 大量交易的佣金。bursa 不知道你在进行大量交易?

@xinkafei 来看笑话


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