BACTERIA KILLER This medicine can eradicate all the bacteria within a few minutes. Being a environ ...
BACTERIA KILLER (RM15 一罐) This medicine can eradicate all the bacteria within a few minutes.Being a environment friendly green product. It is to use as a sterilizationproduct will break down quickly without any residue. 1 tablet can be used in 1000ml water. . Keep out of reach of children. . Store in a cold and dry place 本鱼室专用鱼缸器具消毒剂~99%杀菌! 绿色高效杀菌和杀病毒能力的消毒药,使用十分安全。易溶于水。在极低的浓度下即能杀死病毒、细菌、原生生物、藻类、真菌和各种孢子及孢子形成的菌体和细菌芽孢;能有效地对抗病毒、细菌和包括鞭毛虫与隐孢子虫等原生生物所引起的囊肿与卵囊。 用法: 在清洗鱼缸前1天或2小时前使用,100公升水使用1粒。如要更好效果可以多放(缸内有鱼或水草不可使用) 洗缸后加入新水即可以放鱼~(最好养好水才下鱼,要养鱼必须养好水先)
Bacteria cure The medicine is effective to all kind fishes and fish fries on body rot caused by para ...
Bacteria cure (RM15 一罐) The medicine iseffective to all kind fishes and fish fries on body rot caused byparasites.body rotting is always observed follow by the parasitic attackand bacteria attack. Dosage: Add per tablet of theproduct once daily to every 20L of water.about 1/3 of water change is requiredbefore the treatment.treat 2-3 days if necessary. Precaution: 1.Do not use it together with strong acid or strong alkaline 2.Remove the activated carbon from the filtration system 3.Keep out of reach of children 本产品彩用超微粉剂科学配方新技术,杀虫致死率在95%以上,杀菌效果在98%以上,对治疗细菌性无名病因死鱼效果更佳,用药后,立即见效。 主治: 车轮虫、斜管虫、指环虫、孢子虫、松藻虫、小瓜虫、轮虫、中华鳋、贝尼登虫、锚头鳋、鱼鲺等虫害,对驱杀纤毛虫效果独特,并能治疗细菌性烂尾,烂身,烂鳃、赤皮、白皮、肠炎、白头、出血等病症。 用法興用量: 每20公升水加入本药丸1粒,每日1次,可连续用2-3天,每次用药前先换1/3的水。 注意事项: 1. 勿与强酸强碱物质一同使用 2. 使用过程取出过滤系统中的活性碳 3. 勿让孩童触摸玩弄
本帖最后由 mkkhaw 于 25-12-2013 10:17 PM 编辑