发表于 25-9-2012 10:00 AM
最近想玩回 本来是看到Legend Patch开始了
所以心血来朝想开一个角色来玩(虽然我是错过了Legend Event)
但是万万没想到在login page里竟然出现"Your maple ID is temporary suspended and suspected you are in hacking or any illegal action, account will reactive during x-x-2014"
我就真的傻眼 我最后一次login也是3/4月 是在Legend Patch之前的
就觉得奇怪 就尝试login我的Asiasoft password帐户
可以进去 我就尝试更改密码 结果还是不能
就尝试进入另外一个maple ID 却能login
但是心里不甘心 毕竟里面有几十M的meso和装备(虽然不多)
就填表格投诉 并要求上面的给予我关掉我的帐户的理由
第二天 就收到Asiasoft的email
Dear KuroTaiki,
Please be informed that Identity Verification is required in order to proceed with the process of unblocking your Asiasoft Passport. Please kindly scan a copy of your National ID(clearly showing the IC number and all required information) and email all details to verification@asiasoftsea.net.
Please kindly include in the purpose of the verification (to unblock Asiasoft Passport)
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
Product Support Officer,
Asiasoft Product Support Division
Asiasoft will never send you any attachments or ask for your password. For contact information, please visit our website
我得付RM12 而且你之前的所有Maple的资料包括items, meso, cash等等将会清楚掉
我就回复他们 并大骂他们说"你们关掉我的户口 我还得付RM12来请求你们来unblock, 成功unblock但是所有资料将消失, 那我unblock来干什么?"
之后他发现到我申请帐号的时候是用假身份证, 结果我所有的Maple ID和Asiasoft account完全不能进去
Dear Player,
In response to your query, please note that your Passport and games account has been temporarily suspended for verification purpose. We will unable to release your account without identity verification.
As informed in previous email, Asiasoft verification process is strictly based on National ID. According to Asiasoft Passport’s Terms and Conditions, you are required to provide true, accurate and complete information about yourself during registration. Asiasoft may deny you access to the Site in the event that your information is untrue, inaccurate or incomplete.
As your account has been registered with fake National ID, we will unable to proceed to verify your account with provided National ID.
Hope that this clarifies any doubt on the matter.
CSO Munira
Asiasoft Online Customer Service Division
对Asiasoft超失望啊![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/mad.gif) ![](static/image/smiley/default/2.gif) |