“We’re excited to continue the partnership between Bethesda and Microsoft, and build on the success of the game add-ons released for Fallout 3 on Xbox LIVE,” said Bethesda’s US PR boss Pete Hines.
“We have no doubt that gamers will be thrilled with seeing a new add-on pack extend their adventures with Fallout: New Vegas on Xbox 360 and Xbox LIVE,” added Microsoft GM product manager for IEB, Matt Barlow.
Felicia Day出席在拉斯维加斯的Fallout: New Vegas launch party。
而且她也是Fallout: New Vegas里的其中一个同伴,Veronica Santangelo。
还有就是Veronica Santangelo会由Felicia Day本人发音。
We have just released an automatic update for the PC version of Fallout: New Vegas that resolves quest and scripting issues. Be sure to restart Steam to ensure the update is downloaded on your next launch of the game. We’re also working hard to make this update available for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of the game as soon as possible, and will let you know as soon as we have the dates they’ll be up.
The issue regarding the PlayStation 3 digital pre-order bonuses has also been resolved. Users should attempt to re-enter the codes to download their bonuses. Should the “80023156″ error continue, we ask that players wait 24 hours before entering the code again. The code should then activate the bonus without any issue.
The Good
- Incredibly huge and detailed world, loaded with stuff to do
- Side quests are mostly terrific and brimming with personality
- Faction reputation system leads to incredible flexibility
- Great atmosphere, in and out of the Vegas Strip
- Your choices have palpable consequences
The Bad
- Absolutely swarming with disastrous bugs
- Some quests are not enjoyable
- Main story isn't compelling
IGN - Fallout: New Vegas Review
IGN Score - 9/10
In New Vegas, the fun Fallout 3 formula is intact, with more polished combat, high-quality side missions, and the exciting setting of the Vegas strip. Unfortunately, the bugs also tagged along for the ride. If Obsidian and Bethesda had polished up the game by fixing the AI, improving the animations or even gotten it to run smoothly, perhaps it would feel less like a giant expansion of Fallout 3 and more like its own game. Be that as it may, Fallout 3 was a great game, so as similar as it is, Fallout: New Vegas is still a fun ride that offers more for fans of the series to enjoy. If you can look past its shortcomings, this is definitely a wasteland worth exploring.
As you may have seen, we released a patch over Steam for PC users last night. While we didn’t release a full changelist, the patch contains quest and scripting fixes. It’s not a minor hotfix, it contains over 200 fixes in all. We are in the final stages of testing this update on both 360 and PS3 and we hope to have them out to users very soon.
We are also pleased to say that we have just released a second fix for PC users to address the autosave and quicksave issues that some people were encountering. That particular issue was never seen prior to release and it was extremely difficult to reproduce reliably, even after the game had launched. In order to fix this problem we have had to disable Steam Cloud functionality. It has been turned off, and we won't turn it back on until we're absolutely sure it will not cause any more problems. Please restart your Steam client to make sure you get the update.