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澳洲与山打根关系(Sandakan Anzac Day 2010)

 楼主| 发表于 14-6-2010 09:17 PM | 显示全部楼层

Anzac Day, Sandakan, Borneo 2010
Written by Leslie on 03/06/2010

The Sandakan/Ranau Death Marches 1945

I would like to set the scene for the 2010 Memorial Service at Sandakan.

After the fall of Singapore in WW11, the Japanese shipped some 2,700 Australian and British prisoners of war from Singapore to Sandakan.  Most of the officers were removed to Kuching, reducing the Sandakan Camp population to about 2,400 prisoners.  Their role was to provide forced labour to build an airfield.

With an Allied victory in sight in early 1945, they were forced to march 260km west into the mountains to Ranau.  These marches became known as the ‘Death Marches’ during which 1787 soldiers died.  The terrain was steep, the jungle dense and unforgiving. The majority were sick and injured, rations were poor as was medical attention.   Prisoners were forced to carry 40kg bags of rice for their guards. Those unable to continue were disposed of – shot, bayoneted or left to die by the side of the track.  Those too weak to undertake the Marches died or were killed at Sandakan.  Those who made it to Ranau were also killed.

Six of the 2,400 survived – all Australians.  Two escaped into the jungle, four escaped from Ranau.  Their story remained untold for many years.

ANZAC DAY SERVICE, Sandakan, Sabah 2010

4.30am.  A lighted pathway threaded through the dark leading us to the Obelisk at Sandakan Memorial Park.  Stars filtered through the branches of tall trees as the Islamic call to prayer echoed in the warm stillness.  Australians, Sabahans, Malays, and others unknown quietly took their seats.  Some were adorned in military uniform, some with slouch hats, yet others with medals. Stories of long ago were shared in whispered tones.

As day broke with pink, gold and white clouds, voices were hushed as the candlelit service began.  Each Anthem, Reading, Prayer and Blessing added another layer to this already palpable scene swelling to a poignant and tearful moment as relatives came forward to call the name of their fallen soldier.

Flowers were placed as the sadly haunting voice of Gordon Robert Ellis-Flint, a prisoner of war in Sandakan, sang of ‘Going Home’.

With reverence and respect the Last Post and Reveille rang out and the flags were raised accompanied by the early morning chorus of birds.  Throats were dry with unshed tears as we remembered what happened and thought of other ANZAC services around the world.

I was humbled and honoured to stand on this site as I quietly gave thanks to those who perished in this far away place. Listening to this deeply moving ceremony and watching the pain that has resonated through the decades, I am profoundly aware that the aftermath of war endures.  It does not fade, it does not lessen – it remains forever ‘on hold’.

http://athertonweddings.com.au/b ... ndakan-borneo-2010/

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 楼主| 发表于 14-6-2010 09:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
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”澳洲电台“ 采访2010年山打根Anzac Day纪念日(可在网上收听亡军家属/后裔在当天现场上台介绍的录音)。

Borneo's Sandakan death march commemorated

Updated April 26, 2010 11:34:31
Australians are today continuing to commemorate Anzac Day - the anniversary of the World War One Australian and New Zealand Army Corps landing at Gallipoli in Turkey on April 25, 1915. Yesterday, thousands of people across Australia attended Anzac Day memorials. In Borneo, Australians also remembered those Australian soldiers who died during the Sandakan death march in World War Two. Many describe the marches as the single worst atrocity suffered by Australian servicemen during the second world war.

Presenter: Luke Hunt
Speakers: Steffoni Brackenbury whose father died on Borneo; Ying Chieng whose father died on Borneo; Ron Hatch and George Smith, World War II veterans


http://www.radioaustralia.net.au ... 201004/s2882706.htm

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发表于 19-6-2010 07:58 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 25-6-2010 01:19 AM | 显示全部楼层
够力哦。。anzac day山打根童军就及女童军也出席,可是一张照片也没拍到。。。

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 楼主| 发表于 16-8-2010 10:45 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rhtm 于 16-8-2010 10:51 PM 编辑

山打根纪念日 (Sandakan Day) 8月15日

出版日期: 2010年 08月 16日 (星期一)

【山打根十五日訊】澳洲總督昆廷布賴斯表示,透過一年一度的8月15日山打根紀念日所舉辦的活動,將可以將不同地區的人士集結在一起共享同一個歷史,並且像朋友般分享眞實的人類歷史故事。 "山打根紀念日應該是一個可以讓人們回顧歷史、將過去的歷史事跡銘記於心的平臺,並且將之傳達于下一代。" 昆廷布賴斯是於今早7點半,前往山打根北路7哩二戰紀念公園出席山打根紀念日之山打根死亡之旅65周年慶時這麼表示。出席今早活動的嘉賓包括了州副首席部長兼靑年及體育部部長拿督彭恩榮及夫人、州旅遊、文化及環境部長的拿督馬希迪曼俊、山打根市議會主席山打根佔士黃、英國駐馬來西亞副最高專員雷伊基雷斯、伊羅普拉區州議員區錦華、三腳石國會議員拿督蔣國華等。 于2008年就任澳洲總督的昆廷布賴斯還說,透過類似的活動將可以拉近澳洲與馬來西亞的關係,並且在65年後一起學習及領悟二戰所帶來的敎訓。 昆廷布賴斯也希望二戰結束65年後的今天,人類可以吸取歷史的敎訓、珍惜奉公守法的社會及享受當下的生活形勢,以便眞正從山打根死亡之旅之中學習。 她認爲二戰時期山打根死亡之旅的事跡,帶出了人類生活的必須要有元素,即個人價値觀、勇氣、自我克制、謙卑、犧牲、、伸塑性、自信等,以便體現人與人之間相處、維護人類尊嚴及個人價値的重要性。 另一方面,昆廷布賴斯對投入馬來亞二戰戰綫的14萬來自馬來亞、印度、英國、澳洲軍人做出的貢獻表示讚揚,並對在二戰中犧牲的軍人深表惋惜。 她也對2700多名戰俘經歷260多公里死亡之旅的苦痛及折磨深表痛心,並感激當時候冒死接濟戰俘的本地沙巴漢。


出版日期: 2010年 08月 16日 (星期一)

【山打根十五日訊】澳洲女總督昆廷布賴斯斯今早在山打根出席《血兄弟Blood Brothers》新書發佈會,並與本州副首席部長兼靑年及體育部部長拿督彭恩榮一道向山打根市民,推介這本以二戰戰俘與山打根人民關係、眞實經歷為題材的史實書籍。 《血兄弟Blood Brothers》是由澳洲籍女作家lynette ramsay silver所撰寫,書籍裏頭不僅擁有眞實故事,更收錄了1940年代一系列珍貴的圖冊。 爲了讓更多人注意《血兄弟Blood Brothers》,有關單位也在今早的新書發佈會上,免費贈送該書于本州5個單位惠存,其中就包括了山打根市議會、沙巴森林局、山打根州立圖書館、沙巴州旅遊、文化及環境部及國家檔案局。 今早活動原定由州首席部長拿督斯里慕沙阿曼出席主持,惟因首長目前人在海外,而轉由副首長彭恩榮出席。出席今早活動的人士包括了州旅遊、文化及環境部長的拿督馬希迪曼俊、山打根市議會主席山打根佔士黃、英國駐馬來西亞副最高專員雷伊基雷斯等。 彭恩榮代讀首長的講詞時指出,圖文並茂的《血兄弟Blood Brothers》不僅紀錄了澳洲、紐西蘭二戰戰俘的辛酸歷程,更可以反映出當時候沙巴人民受到外來人強硬統治的境況。 他認爲二戰期間歷史的演進,促使沙巴、澳洲及英國共享着同一段歷史,並且透過一系列軍人聯合沙巴漢奮勇抗戰的事跡,拉近彼此的關係。 首長還說,除了透過每年舉辦紀念活動,如山打根日等來加強兩國間的聯係,將二戰時期値得紀念的故事紀錄下來並傳送出去,將能夠使更多人民,尤其是年輕一群輕鬆去瞭解眞實的歷史背景。 慕沙阿曼也對于當年于1945年5月27日遇害的28名社會領袖深表同情,並促請人民緊記北婆羅州自願者力量抗爭時所作出的貢獻,以便二戰時期流傳下來的歷史,可以繼續傳承多65年。


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 楼主| 发表于 16-8-2010 10:57 PM | 显示全部楼层
出版日期: 2010年 08月 16日 (星期一)

【山打根十五日訊】沙巴州首席部長拿督斯里慕沙阿曼建議將二戰山打根死亡之旅的歷史事跡,納入到我國、澳洲、英國及紐西蘭的敎育課程綱要內,以便讓各地靑年知曉個中歷史。 "雖然二戰死亡之旅已經過去了65年,但我相信山打根將會繼續成爲此段歷史主要傳承點,以便與其他地區分享此段極具意義的歷史。" 州副首席部長兼靑年及體育部部長拿督彭恩榮是在今天早上,代表首長出席山打根紀念日之山打根死亡之旅65周年慶,並代讀首長的講詞。 此外,首長讚揚沙巴本地人在二戰時接濟戰俘舉措的同時,也希望新時代的沙巴人緊記該段歷史,以便塑造一個互相諒解及珍惜的和平社會。 慕沙阿曼也促請人民深思發動戰爭的意義,並認爲一旦一方沉不住氣發動戰爭,將導致人類失去自由及造成更多人命傷亡。 慕沙阿曼感激澳洲總督昆廷布賴斯答允前來山打根出席山打根紀念日之山打根死亡之旅65周年慶活動,並認爲此刻為兩地一起分享歷史進程,正視戰爭可造成家破人亡的機會。


出版日期: 2010年 08月 16日 (星期一)

【山打根十五日訊】澳洲首位女總督昆廷·布賴斯於今早10點45分,前往參觀山打根紅山頂二戰殉難華僑紀念碑及獻花圈,並聆聽紀念碑事跡及山打根在二戰期間淪陷的悲壯歷史過程。 二戰殉難者家屬兼山打根中華商會法律顧問拿督丘家綿也在澳洲總督昆廷·布賴斯抵步後,向總督講述紀念碑的歷史事跡。 一道前往紅山頂二戰殉難華僑紀念碑出席活動的嘉賓還包括了州副首席部長兼靑年及體育部部長拿督彭恩榮及夫人、州旅遊、文化及環境部長的拿督馬希迪曼俊、山打根市議會主席山打根占士黃、山打根中華商會理事長謝鶴議、秘書長黃天發等商會理事。 澳洲總督昆廷·布賴斯、彭恩榮及謝鶴議依序在紀念碑前獻花鞠躬後,謝鶴議就向總督介紹出席活動的山打根中華商會理事。 在紅山頂二戰殉難華僑紀念碑的整個活動在短短約十五分鐘內結束,大夥兒也趁機與澳洲總督昆廷·布賴斯在紀念碑合照留念。 據悉,一九四五年五月二十七日殉難華僑紀念碑是紀念在二次世界大戰期間被日軍集體屠殺的山打根華裔領袖。日軍於1942年1月19日佔領山打根,為期3年8個月,並以鐵蹄行動展開統治,衆多無辜人民慘遭屠殺。 此外,日軍在二戰和平前夕的1945年5月27日,在山打根北路一哩紅橋路口的春光園附近河邊,集體屠殺了華裔忠良,當中就包括了兩位山打根中華商會前任理事長關潤軒及關洛明、戰時籌賬會主席丘金鈡先賢。 這些被屠殺的先賢被埋在九個深坑中,且在和平後由山打根中華商會將散亂的骨骸,盛裝在數個瓦缸內埋置在殉難華僑紀念碑地底下。


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 楼主| 发表于 16-8-2010 11:08 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rhtm 于 16-8-2010 11:10 PM 编辑

Sandakan forged closer bonds
Ron Corben
August 15, 2010

Australia's Governor General, Quentin Bryce, speaking at a service marking the 65th anniversary of the death marches at Sandakan during World War II, says Australians and Malaysians have overcome appalling adversity to build closer bonds between the communities.

Mrs Bryce, addressing dignitaries, former POWs and families under blue skies and a canopy of green foliage, thanked the local people for their support of POWs during the three-and-half years to 1945 of the occupation in Sabah by the Japan Imperial Army.

"During this time of appalling adversity and shameful conduct, Sabahans (Sabahans) and Australians dug deep to rise above it. Together, they vanquished fear and loathing in all their manifestations and, in their place, chose generosity and love," she said.

The morning service brought together families and representatives from Malaysia, Australia and Britain marking the day, August 15, 1945, when the last POW at the Sandakan camp, an Australian, was killed by beheading.

The POW camp and peoples of Sandakan suffered during the Japanese army's occupation, viewed by historians as a gross example of deliberate and calculated brutality and atrocity.

Only six Australians survived out of the 2434 Australian and British POWs at Sandakan who had been sent to build a military runway that was later abandoned as allied forces bombed the airfield and nearby town.

From early 1945 the Japanese forced-marched 1000 soldiers 260km through the Borneo jungles to the small town of Ranau, many already weak from insufficient rations, dysentery, malnutrition, and skin ulcers.

The remaining 400 POWs perished at Sandakan. Almost all died either from malnourishment or were murdered, their skeletal remains later recovered along the trail.

Only six POWs, all Australians who had fled into the jungles, survived due to help from local villagers.

The former POWs' testimony later exposed the extent of the brutality of the occupation forces.

The service on Sunday included Australian survivors Leslie Bunny Glover, a Lieutenant in the Australian Infantry Force, and Russell Erwin, from the Eighth Australian Division (AIF). Both had lived after all officers were transferred in 1943 to Kuching, the capital of the neighbouring state of Sarawak.

Besides the Kokoda Track in Papua New Guinea and Anzac Cove at Gallipoli in Turkey, Mr Glover says more public attention needs to be given to Sandakan.

"This was a bigger disaster than any of them. It's only now that things are starting to come out. Not only this camp, but the town; you take the photos of the old town flattened (by allied bombing). And (the locals) suffered terribly and I never forget that," Mr Glover told AAP.

The brutality of the Japanese occupation forces was kept officially quiet immediately after the war.

Mr Erwin held in his emotions as he read a book passage of the "caring concern" soldiers felt to those who were more sick that was "ennobling as this place was degrading, in the tenderness and love that the slightly fitter showed for the weaker in the protection that the slightly stronger gave the starving victims... "

The Chief Minister of Sabah, Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Haji Aman, in a speech read on his behalf, said the ceremonies provided "a deeper renewed understanding of the precariousness of freedom and peace".

"As we remember the prisoners of war and all other fallen heroes who came to help us, we must also honour local communities who took the risk and lost their lives in helping those Allied soldiers," Datuk Seri Musa said.

After the service, Mrs Bryce oversaw the launch of the book, Blood Brothers, by Sydney author Lynette Silver, which focuses on the bonds developed between the POWs and the local community.

Massacres and atrocities had also been committed against the local population; on occasions entire families of the local people were brutally killed.

Mrs Bryce said the book helps draw attention "to the people of Sabah who, as pawns in coveted territory, endured horrific violence and destruction, and loss of life, livelihood and community, at the merciless hands of the occupying forces".

"They risked their lives, their livelihood; they cared for the escapees, for the survivors in every way they humanly could. It's a remarkable story of a friendship, indeed a love across nations," Mrs Bryce told journalists.

澳洲雪梨晨鋒報新聞網 (The Sydney Morning Herald)
http://news.smh.com.au/breaking- ... 20100815-124rn.html

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 楼主| 发表于 25-10-2010 09:18 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rhtm 于 25-10-2010 09:21 PM 编辑

2010年8月15日“山打根纪念日”。澳洲第25任总督(现任)昆廷·艾丽斯·路易丝·布赖斯(Quentin Alice Louise Bryce)为澳洲最高代表,澳洲首次有最高政府代表出席此典礼。和每年4月25日的ANZAC DAY仪式是一样的,只不过8月15日的庆典不用那麽早爬起来,因为庆典都在早上7点或8点开始。ANZAC DAY就是在天亮之前5点举行。

65th Anniversary of the Sandakan-Ranau Death Marches


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 楼主| 发表于 23-1-2011 02:20 PM | 显示全部楼层
每年接近4月25日前,在澳洲和纽西兰政府指定机构或私人旅行社,都会在几个国家的澳新军牺牲地,举行追思纪念日,或办团再重游当年英勇军人牺牲地。当然也包括我国马来西亚沙巴州山打根,著名的“死亡行军”(Sandakan Death March)。我有朋友是这个特别旅程的专业导游,费用不便宜,要RM3000-4000多一人,都是最少一个星期以上的配套。大多数只有外国人或牺牲军人的亲属后辈才会参加。


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发表于 18-2-2011 05:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
下次有机会再去burwood一定去看看这个sandakan memorial。

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 楼主| 发表于 7-4-2011 11:31 PM | 显示全部楼层

出版日期: 2011年 04月 07日 (星期四)

【本報山打根六日訊】十二名來自澳洲的學生將在下週一(十一日)抵山打根,一了他們多年欲完成二戰時期惡名昭彰的山打根蘭瑙"死亡之旅"的心願。 該批學生,包括四名來自澳洲中北部的原住民,乃獲得三名當地國會議員及部長的贊助,前來當年的北婆羅洲,一嚐"死亡之旅"的那種滋味,以激發他們日後的鬥志,同時也讓二戰死去的該國戰士的精神得到認同及表揚。 同時前來根埠的包括該國國防事務部長傑遜格麗亞,後者預料將會帶同澳洲學生以步行方式完成該項壯舉。 山打根蘭瑙"死亡之旅"全程二百公里,在一九四五年該事件中參與死亡之旅的澳洲戰俘只有六人生還,其中十五人,包括國會議員林羅拔奧傑士素的祖父約翰隊長,在太平洋凱旋二週後即遭日軍殺害。另一方面,傑遜部長也將於週日(十日)中午出席七哩翠林園澳軍紀念公園舉行的一項私人追悼會,預料當地二戰時期罹難的根埠忠良遺屬也會受邀請參加。


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发表于 21-4-2011 09:39 PM | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 22-4-2011 03:38 PM | 显示全部楼层

Sandakan Mateship Trek - Nine News (18 April 2011)


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 楼主| 发表于 22-4-2011 11:05 PM | 显示全部楼层

Sandakan Track - Nine News Feature - April 17 2011


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 楼主| 发表于 24-4-2011 11:42 PM | 显示全部楼层
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Mr Jason Clare 澳洲国防物资部长(Minister of Defence Materiel)2011 Sandakan Mateship Trek个人网页分享(照片)。

http://www.jasonclare.com.au/eve ... ship-trek-2011.html

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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2011 11:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
本帖最后由 rhtm 于 26-4-2011 11:54 PM 编辑

2011年4月25日山打根澳纽军团日追悼儀式(Sandakan Anzac Day 2011)新闻


出版日期: 2011年 04月 26日 (星期二)

【本報山打根廿五日訊】二百名來自澳洲及本地人士出席今日凌晨五時假七哩翠林園澳洲公園舉行的追悼儀式。 靑年及體育部長拿督彭恩榮代表首席部長拿督斯里慕沙阿曼出席上述追悼會,澳紐方代表為格烈。 彭氏說,除澳紐軍人在二戰時期壯烈犧牲外,我們的人民亦不惜冒生命危險予那些陷困境的盟軍協助包括供給食物,藥物和藏身處。 他說,我們記得那些在地下工作和提供情報建立他們秘密的電台者,希望歷史的陳跡能喚起年輕一代,如維繫每年今日追念精神。


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 楼主| 发表于 5-3-2012 10:56 PM | 显示全部楼层
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Sandakan Spirit - Sandakan Death March


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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2012 11:37 AM | 显示全部楼层


【亞庇廿四日訊】今早亞庇市政廳前的紐澳兵團烈士紀念碑、擠滿了身著各色端莊整齊制服的人群,他們是大馬及澳洲軍警代表;彼等於該處舉行了簡單莊嚴的獻花儀式,以悼念為自由作戰而陣亡的二戰烈士。 副首席部長拿督于墨齋醫生代表沙州政府,為這項常年追悼儀式獻上花圈,以示對日軍佔領時期,駐紮本州的澳紐兵團、本地抗日部隊和軍警人員作出的犧牲致敬。 警察銅樂隊號角手於早上八時卅分依時吹奏行軍哀歌"安息曲"(last post),哀悼長埋於土的二戰烈士;曲終,副首長、澳領事、沙州秘書、市長代表、三軍代表,依次於紀念碑前獻上花圈。 獻花禮成,號角手再吹起行軍中代表著新一天、新希望的"復甦曲"(rouse);此曲原為軍隊行軍紮營時,在清晨時分吹起,藉著柔和的號角聲,呼喚軍士,養精蓄銳,重振旗鼓。 另一方面,今早七時,澳洲駐馬領事馬庫伯為一項跑步紀念活動舉行了開跑揮旗禮;起跑點是獨立操場,以順時鐘方向,繞著菠蘿山路,路經首長官邸,下坡轉回獨立操場,全程四公里。 大清早到場參與跑步的多數為中學生,以及另外一些民眾,人數約三百人,交警也出動了警車,開路維持交通秩序;活動在早上八時,所有參與人士回到終點之後,宣告結束。 這項名為"莫忘烈士"(lest we forget run)的常年活動,是由澳洲田徑會和退休作戰人員聯會,自〇四年開始於本州開始舉辦,以喚起民眾,時刻銘記保家衛國的烈士。



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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2012 11:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
Anzac Day commemorates victories and personal sacrifices

26th April, 2012

SANDAKAN: Anzac Day is not just a commemoration of the victories or defeats of the Australian and New Zealand armed forces at war but also to remember the individual, ordinary men and women, Australian, Malaysian, British, New Zealand and many more, who were prepared to make personal sacrifices, for the freedom and quality of life that we enjoy today.

“In particular, we must also acknowledge the bravery and selflessness, and the suffering, of the local Sandakan population during the Japanese’s occupation of Sabah in World War II,” Australian High Commissioner Miles Kuppa said in his address at the Sandakan ANZAC Day Dawn Service yesterday.

During the occupation of Sabah, 28 local community leaders were murdered, 16 per cent of the community were killed, and their land, homes and resources were decimated, Kuppa added.

“They suffered too during the Allied bombing that preceded liberation. The casualties, those killed and wounded, were considerable,” he said.

Sabahans provided the six Australians who survived the death marches with nourishment, shelter and safety. Without their assistance, those six men, who defied the odds in escaping, may not have ultimately survived, Kuppa continued.

“And so we come to celebrate the special friendships that have grown out of these tragic events. We come to commemorate the fellowship that has grown between the families of the fallen and the survivors, and the friendships between our countries,” he said.

Kuppa said Australia’s strong historical ties with Malaysia were cemented on the battlefields of World War Two, the Malayan Emergency and the Confrontation.

Beyond those soldiers who lived and died here in Sandakan, we are also reminded of the sacrifices of over 20,000 Australian defence personnel who served elsewhere in Sabah, and in Malaya, Sarawak, and Singapore, during World War II.

More than 1,800 Australians were killed in battle, 1,400 were wounded, and more than 15,000 became prisoners of war, with many taken to Sandakan.

“We are also reminded of the 86 Australian and New Zealand troops who lost their lives during the Emergency and the ‘Konfrontasi’ or Confrontation,” Kuppa added.

“We have also served together, more recently, in far-flung places such Lebanon and East Timor under the United Nations flag. This strong mutual history forms the bedrock of Australia’s and New Zealand’s defence relationships with Malaysia. Of course we now Australian, New Zealand and Malaysian armed forces serve together in Afghanistan,” said Kuppa.

“So as dawn approaches and we reflect quietly, we recall the valiant contribution of our fallen soldiers, their enduring legacy and the gift of freedom they gave us, the benefits of which, sadly, they were never able to share,” Kuppa said during the service at the Sandakan Memorial Park.

Also present was Minister of Industrial Development Datuk Raymond Tan Shu Kiah.


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 楼主| 发表于 26-4-2012 09:34 PM | 显示全部楼层





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