


楼主: 寂寞的小熊


发表于 24-11-2005 10:11 PM | 显示全部楼层



[ 本帖最后由 kpltan 于 24-11-2005 10:39 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报


发表于 24-11-2005 10:16 PM | 显示全部楼层







[ 本帖最后由 kpltan 于 24-11-2005 10:38 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-11-2005 10:21 PM | 显示全部楼层


  1、 艾滋病是一种病死率极高的严重传染病,目前还没有治愈的药物和方法,但可以预防。
  2、 艾滋病主要通过性接触、血液和母婴三种途径传播。
  3、 与艾滋病病人及艾滋病病毒感染者的日常生活和工作接触不会感染艾滋病。
  4、 洁身自爱、遵守性道德是预防经性途径传染艾滋病的根本措施。
  5、 正确使用避孕套不仅能避孕,还能减少感染艾滋病、性病的危险。
  6、 及早治疗并治愈性病可减少感染艾滋病的危险。
  7、 共用注射器吸毒是传播艾滋病的重要途径,因此要拒绝毒品,珍爱生命。
  8、 避免不必要的输血和注射,使用经艾滋病病毒抗体检测的血液和血液制品。
  9、 关心、帮助和不歧视艾滋病病人及艾滋病病毒感染者是预防与控制艾滋病的重要方面。
  ※ 艾滋病的医学全名为“获得性免疫缺陷综合征”(英文缩写AIDS),是由艾滋病病毒(人类免疫缺陷病毒—HIV)引起的一种严重传染病。
  ※ 艾滋病病毒侵入人体后破坏人体的免疫功能,使人体发生多种难以治愈的感染和肿瘤,最终导致死亡。
  ※ 艾滋病病毒对外界环境的抵抗力较弱,离开人体后,常温下只可生存数小时至数天。高温、干燥以及常用消毒药品都可以杀灭这种病毒。
  ※ 感染艾滋病病毒4-8周后才能从血液中检测出艾滋病病毒抗体,但在能测出抗体之前已具有传染性。艾滋病病毒感染者的血液、精液、阴道分泌液、乳汁、伤口渗出液中含有大量艾滋病病毒,具有很强的传染性。
  ※ 已感染艾滋病病毒的人平均经过7-10年的时间(潜伏期)才发展为艾滋病病人。在发展成艾滋病病人以前外表看上去正常,他们可以没有任何症状地生活和工作很多年,但能够将病毒传染给其他人。
  ※ 当艾滋病病毒感染者的免疫系统受到病毒的严重破坏、以至不能维持最低的抗病能力时,感染者便发展成为艾滋病病人,出现有原因不明的长期低热、体重下降、盗汗、慢性腹泻、咳嗽等症状。
  ※ 目前还没有能够治愈艾滋病的药物,已经研制出的一些药物只能在某种程度上缓解艾滋病病人的症状和延长患者的生命。
  ※ 积极接受医学指导和治疗,可以帮助艾滋病病人缓解症状、改善生活质量。
  ※ 至今还没有研制出可以有效预防艾滋病的疫苗。
  2、 艾滋病主要通过性接触、血液和母婴三种途径传播。
  ※ 在世界范围内,性接触是艾滋病最主要的传播途径。
  ※ 艾滋病可通过性交的方式在男性之间、男女之间传播。
  ※ 性接触者越多,感染艾滋病的危险越大。
  ※ 共用注射器吸毒是经血液传播艾滋病的重要危险行为。
  ※ 输入或注射被艾滋病病毒污染的血液或血液制品就会感染艾滋病。
  ※ 使用被艾滋病病毒污染而又未经消毒的注射器、针灸针或其它侵入人体的器械会传播艾滋病。
  ※ 1/3的感染了艾滋病病毒的妇女会通过妊娠、分娩和哺乳把艾滋病传染给婴幼儿。
  ※ 大部分感染了艾滋病病毒的婴幼儿会在3岁以前死亡。
  ※ 因艾滋病而失去父母的孤儿身心发育会受到影响,还将增加社会的负担。
  ※ 怀疑自己有可能感染艾滋病病毒的妇女应在孕前到有条件的医疗机构作艾滋病病毒抗体检查和咨询。
  ※ 怀疑或发现感染艾滋病病毒的孕妇应到有关医疗机构进行咨询,接受医务人员的指导和治疗。
  3、 与艾滋病病人及艾滋病病毒感染者的日常生活和工作接触不会感染艾滋病。
  ※ 在工作和生活中与艾滋病病人和艾滋病病毒感染者的一般接触(如握手、拥抱、共同进餐、共用工具、办公用具等)不会感染艾滋病。
  ※ 艾滋病不会经马桶圈、电话机、餐饮具、卧具、游泳池或公共浴池等公共设施传播。
  ※ 咳嗽和打喷嚏不传播艾滋病。
  ※ 蚊虫叮咬不传播艾滋病。
  4、 洁身自爱、遵守性道德是预防经性途径传染艾滋病的根本措施。
  ※ 建设精神文明、提倡遵纪守法,树立健康积极的恋爱、婚姻、家庭及性观念是预防和控制艾滋病、性病传播的治本之路。
  ※ 性自由的生活方式、婚前和婚外性行为是艾滋病、性病得以迅速传播的温床。
  ※ 卖淫、嫖娼等活动是艾滋病、性病传播的重要危险行为。
  ※ 有多个性接触者的人应停止高危行为,以免感染艾滋病或性病而葬送自己的健康和生命。
  ※ 青年人要学会克制性冲动,过早的性关系不仅会损害友情,也会对身心健康产生不良影响。
  ※ 夫妻之间彼此忠诚可以保护双方免于感染艾滋病和性病。
  5、 正确使用避孕套不仅能避孕,还能减少感染艾滋病、性病的危险。
  ※ 正确使用质量合格的避孕套不仅可以避孕,还可以有效减少感染艾滋病、性病的危险。每次性交都应该使用避孕套。
  ※ 避孕套预防艾滋病、性病的效果并不是100%,但远比不使用避孕套安全。
  ※ 除了正确使用避孕套,其它避孕措施都不能预防艾滋病、性病。
  ※ 男性感染者将艾滋病传给女性的危险明显高于女性传给男性的危险。妇女有权主动要求对方在性交时使用避孕套。
  6、 及早治疗并治愈性病可减少感染艾滋病的危险。
  ※ 性病患者比没有性病的人容易感染艾滋病。患有生殖器脓疮、溃疡、炎症的人更容易感染艾滋病,并且也容易将病毒传染给别人。因此,迅速治愈各种生殖器感染可以减少感染和传播艾滋病。
  ※ 如怀疑自己患有性病或生殖器感染要及时到正规医院或性病防治所检查、咨询和治疗,还要动员与自己有性接触的人也去接受检查。
  ※ 部分女性感染性病后无明显症状,不易察觉,如有高危行为,应及时去医院检查和治疗。
  ※ 正规医院能提供正规、保密的检查、诊断、治疗和咨询服务。切不可找游医药贩求治,也不要购药自治,以免误诊误治,延长病程,增加感染艾滋病的机会。
  ※ 怀疑自己感染了艾滋病病毒时,应尽早到有条件的医疗卫生单位去做艾滋病病毒抗体检查和咨询。
  7、 共用注射器吸毒是传播艾滋病的重要途径,因此要拒绝毒品,珍爱生命。
  ※ 吸毒是一种违法行为,不仅严重危害吸毒者自己的健康和生命,也危害家庭和社会。
  ※ 远离毒品可以最大限度地避免因吸毒感染艾滋病。
  ※ 与他人共用注射器吸毒的人感染艾滋病的危险特别大。
  ※ 不共用注射器、使用清洁注射器或消毒过的注射器,可以有效地减少吸毒传播艾滋病的危害。
  ※ 与注射毒品的人性交容易感染艾滋病。
  8、 避免不必要的输血和注射,使用经艾滋病病毒抗体检测的血液和血液制品。
  ※ 依法无偿献血,杜绝贩血卖血,加强血液检测是保证用血安全的重要措施。
  ※ 对血液和血液制品进行严格的艾滋病病毒抗体检测,确保用血安全,是防止艾滋病经采供血途径传播的关键措施。
  ※ 应尽量避免不必要的输血和注射,使用血浆代用品和自身血液是安全用血的措施之一。
  ※ 必须输血时要使用经过艾滋病病毒抗体检测的血液和一次性或经过严格消毒的输液器。
  ※ 严格执行各项有关消毒的规章制度是防止艾滋病经血液传播的重要环节。儿童预防注射要使用一次性注射器,如没有条件,则必须作到一人一针一管一用一消毒。
  ※ 医务人员和特种行业(酒店、旅馆、澡堂、理发店、美容院、洗脚房等)服务人员所用的刀、针和其它易刺破或擦伤皮肤的器具必须经过严格消毒。
  9、 关心、帮助和不歧视艾滋病病人及艾滋病病毒感染者是预防与控制艾滋病的重要方面。
  ※ 艾滋病病人及感染者的参与和合作是艾滋病预防与控制工作的一个重要组成部分。
  ※ 对艾滋病病人及感染者的歧视不仅不利于预防和控制艾滋病,还会成为社会的不安定因素。
  ※ 艾滋病病毒感染者是疾病的受害者,应该得到人道主义的同情和帮助。
  ※ 家庭和社区要为艾滋病病人及感染者营造一个友善、理解、健康的生活和工作环境,鼓励他们采取积极的生活态度、改变高危行为、配合治疗,有利于提高病人及感染者的生命质量、延长生命,也有利于艾滋病的预防与控制工作和维护社会安定。
  ※ 艾滋病在全世界,特别是在发展中国家迅速蔓延。我国艾滋病流行已进入快速增长期。
  ※ 如不能及时、有效地控制艾滋病的流行,将会对国家的社会、经济发展造成严重影响。
  ※ 建立政府领导、多部门合作和全社会共同参与的艾滋病预防与控制体系,形成有利于艾滋病防治的社会环境是控制艾滋病流行的重要成功经验。
  ※ 我国预防控制艾滋病的策略是预防为主、宣传教育为主、动员全社会参与、实行综合治理。
  ※ 宣传教育和改变危险行为的艾滋病预防措施已被证明是有效的。
  ※ 每个人都有权且必须懂得预防艾滋病的基本知识,避免危险行为,加强自我保护。
  ※ 人人都应该把懂得的艾滋病预防知识告诉其他人。
  ※ 向青少年宣传预防艾滋病、性病的知识,开展学校性教育,保护青少年免受艾滋病、性病的危害,是每个家庭、每个学校、每个社区和全社会的共同责任。

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-11-2005 10:44 PM | 显示全部楼层


1、急性感染期 窗口期也在这个时间。HIV侵袭人体后对机体的刺激所引起的反应。病人发热、皮疹、淋巴结肿大、还会发生乏力、出汗、恶心、呕吐、腹泻、咽炎等。有的还出现急性无菌性脑膜炎,表现为头痛、神经性症状和脑膜刺激症。末梢血检查,白细胞总数正常,或淋巴细胞减少,单核细胞增加。急性感染期时,症状常较轻微,容易被忽略。在被感染2—6周后,血清HIV抗体可呈现阳性反应。此后,临床上出现一个长短不等的、相对健康的、无症状的潜伏期。

  2、潜伏期 感染者可以没有任何临床症状,但潜伏期不是静止期,更不是安全期,病毒在持续繁殖,具有强烈的破坏作用。潜伏期指的是从感染HIV开始,到出现艾滋病临床症状和体征的时间。艾滋病的平均潜伏期,现在认为是2-10年。这对早期发现病人及预防都造成很大困难。

  3、艾滋病前期 潜伏期后开始出现与艾滋病有关的症状和体征,直至发展成典型的艾滋病的一段时间。这个时期,有很多命名,包括“艾滋病相关综合症”、“淋巴结病相关综合症”、“持续性泛发性淋巴结病”、“艾滋病前综合症”等。这时,病人已具备了艾滋病的最基本特点,即细胞免疫缺陷,只是症状较轻而已。主要的临床表现有: A.淋巴结肿大 此期最主要的临床表现之一。主要是浅表淋巴结肿大。发生的部位多见于头颈部、腋窝、腹股沟、颈后、耳前、耳后、股淋巴结、颌下淋巴结等。一般至少有两处以上的部位,有的多达十几处。肿大的淋巴结对一般治疗无反应,常持续肿大超过半年以上。约30%的病人临床上只有浅表淋巴结肿大,而无其他全身症状。 B.全身症状 病人常有病毒性疾病的全身不适,肌肉疼痛等症状。约50%的病人有疲倦无力及周期性低热,常持续数月。夜间盗汗,1月内多于5次。约1/3的病人体重减轻10%以上,这种体重减轻不能单纯用发热解释,补充足够的热量也不能控制这种体重减轻。有的病人头痛、抑郁或焦虑,有的出现感觉神经末梢病变,可能与病毒侵犯神经系统有关,有的可出现反应性精神紊乱。3/4的病人可出现脾肿大。 C、各种感染 此期除了上述的浅表淋巴结肿大和全身症状外,患者经常出现各种特殊性或复发性的非致命性感染。反复感染会加速病情的发展,使疾病进入典型的艾滋病期。约有半数病人有比较严重的脚癣,通常是单侧的,对局部治疗缺乏有效的反应,病人的腋窝和腹股沟部位常发生葡萄球菌感染大疱性脓庖疮,病人的肛周、生殖器、负重部位和口腔黏膜常发生尖锐湿疣和寻常疣病毒感染。口唇单纯疱疹和胸部带状疱疹的发生率也较正常人群明显增加。口腔白色念珠菌也相当常见,主要表现为口腔黏膜糜烂、充血、有乳酪状覆盖物。 其他常见的感染有非链球菌性咽炎,急性和慢性鼻窦炎和肠道寄生虫感染。许多病人排便次数增多,变稀、带有黏液。可能与直肠炎及多种病原微生物对肠道的侵袭有关。此外,口腔可出现毛状白斑,毛状白斑的存在是早期诊断艾滋病的重要线索。

  4、典型的艾滋病期 有的学者称其为致死性艾滋病,是艾滋病病毒感染的最终阶段。此期具有三个基本特点: 严重的细胞免疫缺陷 发生各种致命性机会性感染。 发生各种恶性肿瘤。 艾滋病的终期,免疫功能全面崩溃,病人出现各种严重的综合病症,直至死亡。


[ 本帖最后由 kpltan 于 24-11-2005 10:53 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-11-2005 11:33 PM | 显示全部楼层


  (1)近期内(3-6个月)体重减轻10%以上,且持续发热达38℃一鲈乱陨希?BR>  (2)近期内(3-6个月)体重减轻10%以上,且持续腹泻(每日达3-5次)一个月以上。


  二、 继发性免疫缺陷病,皮质激素,化疗,放疗后引起或恶性肿瘤等继发免疫疾病。

使用道具 举报

发表于 24-11-2005 11:43 PM | 显示全部楼层


[ 本帖最后由 misia 于 24-11-2005 11:44 PM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

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发表于 26-11-2005 02:55 AM | 显示全部楼层

每天平均18宗新病例 我国有2万5千爱滋童











使用道具 举报

发表于 26-11-2005 05:41 AM | 显示全部楼层

1.0 Introduction
"For there to be any hope of success in the fight against HIV/AIDS, the world must join together in a great global alliance."
Kofi Annan
Secretary-General of the United Nations

The disease of AIDS has hauled the human kind for decades. This disease was first found in late 1970’s and early 1980’s. AIDS is mainly a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Its transmission is via body fluids that harbour the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV). HIV is a slow-acting virus able to produce itself using a genetic material from the cells of its host. As with many other viral disease agents, such as the common cold, it readily mutates, making the development of a vaccine or a treatment very difficult indeed.  HIV virus will deteriorate human’s body immune system. It does not kill people directly but it open the way for other infections that do kill. Up till today, 22 million have died of AIDS so far but that over 36 million are infected by this devil disease.
In this piece of work, I would like to specially deal with how International Human Rights Law protects HIV/ AIDS affected children. The number of children affected by HIV/AIDS throughout the world is increasing dramatically since the widespread of the disease.
2.0 Definition
Children affected by HIV/AIDS are defined as children: i) who have HIV/ AIDS; ii) whose parents are sick or have died of AIDS; iii) whose siblings, relatives or friends have the disease or have died; iv) whose households are stressed by children from another family who have been orphaned by AIDS; v) who are at high risk of infection, such as those who live on the street.  
2.1 Statistic
-There are now about 2.2 million children under the age of 15 are currently infected with HIV around the world, 95% of whom live in the developing world.
-Half a million children under the age of 15 died of AIDS-related illnesses in 2004.  The overwhelming majority of these children were born to mothers infected by HIV, acquiring the virus in the womb.
- 14 million children under the age of 15 have lost one or both parents to AIDS. By 2010, this number is expected to exceed 25 million.
-There are estimated 0.64 million children newly infected with HIV last year.
-Orphans infected by HIV have a shorter live which most of them will not live to their teen age.
-Africa has the greatest proportion of children who are orphans. 34 millions children in sub-Saharan Africa were orphans, one third of them due to AIDS. By 2010, they will be an estimated amount of 42 million of orphans.
- According to UNAIDS, the number of orphans will continue to rise, reaching 40 million by 2010. Even if rates of new infections levelled off, mortality rates would not plateau until around 2020 because of the unusually long HIV incubation period. The proportion of orphans will therefore remain unusually high for several decades—at least until 2030.

2.2 Issues
AIDS affected children face threats to normal human development beyond those of survival. The deprivation of consistent care, interpersonal and environmental stimulation in children critical early years of life leads to measurable increases in malnutrition, mortality, and morbidity.  A child who affected by AIDS has to experienced all sort of loos, suffering long before their parents death. The fact that AIDS is a sexually transmitted disease, and therefore can be spread between father and mother. Once the orphans lose one of them, it is very likely to loss another. Therefore, the orphans have to assume the role of a parent including caring for ill-parents, farming, looking after siblings, and acting as a breadwinner for the household. The fact that the orphan live through his parents pain and suffering, and also seeing his parents die of AIDS, leave the children psychological effect and thus often suffer from depression and stresses. Beside, children who orphan by AIDS are often discriminated. Furthermore, due to the fact that children affected by HIV is either have to assume parents role in the very young age or too ill, they were often denied the chance for education. This is because children are withdrawn from the school in order to care for their parents and young members of the family. They are often engaged in income generated activities. This resulted in child labour, which in turn an international issue. Unskilled orphans were vulnerable to exploitation in the labour market and being force into the worst form of child labour. Beside, orphans right to medical attention are also a worrying issue in the under developing country. For young children who are HIN-positive early in life in the thirty-four developing countries hardest hit by AIDS, survival expectations are very short.

[ 本帖最后由 kaiyet 于 26-11-2005 06:07 AM 编辑 ]

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发表于 26-11-2005 06:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
3.0 United Nations Response
3.1 Convention on the Right of The Child
The basic rights pertaining orphans affected by AIDS/ HIV were set out in the Convention on the Right of The Child. There are three Article in the Convention are important in relation to AIDS affected children namely, Art6, Art 24 and Art 25. In Art6 of the Convention states that 1) States Parties recognize that every child has the inherent right to life. 2) States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child. This Article ensures the basic right to life for an orphan, and states parties have an obligation to survival and development of an orphan. Whereas Art 24(1) requires the state parties to ensure that all the children to have access to medical attention and ensure that no one can deprived a child from accessing the highest attainable medical standard. Art 24(2) requires the state parties to try their best to diminish child mortality, and to provide the primary medical attention to children. Beside, the stat parties need also provide clean drinking water and combat the inherent problem of malnutrition. Educating people on the knowledge of the disease seems important concerning child health and nutrition. Thus, state parties has an obligation to educate all segment of the society in relation to child health, hygiene and sanitation.  Furthermore in the Article, the state parties are to develop preventive health care, guidance for parents and family planning education and services. In relation to AIDS affected children, Art 24 has guaranteed the basic right for children who infected by HIV to seek medical care and attention. Art 25 states ‘States Parties recognize the right of a child who has been placed by the competent authorities for the purposes of care, protection or treatment of his or her physical or mental health, to a periodic review of the treatment provided to the child and all other circumstances relevant to his or her placement.’
3.2 Declaration of Commitment on HIV/AIDS
Through the United Nation, the global community has emphasised the seriousness of the orphan crisis in sub-Saharan Africa and the urgent need for government action. In June 2001, the United Nation General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS paid special attention to children orphaned and made vulnerable by AIDS and set a specific goal for declaration commitment countries to achieve. These goals are:
i) By 2003, develop and by 2005 implement national policies and strategies to: build and strengthen governmental, family and community capacities to provide a supportive environment for orphans and girls and boys infected and affected by HIV/AIDS including by providing appropriate counselling and psycho-social support; ensuring their enrolment in school and access to shelter, good nutrition, health and social services on an equal basis with other children; to protect orphans and vulnerable children from all forms of abuse, violence, exploitation, discrimination, trafficking and loss of inheritance;
ii) Ensure non-discrimination and full and equal enjoyment of all human rights through the promotion of an active and visible policy of de-stigmatization of children orphaned and made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS;
iii) Urge the international community, particularly donor countries, civil society, as well as the private sector to complement effectively national programmes to support programmes for children orphaned or made vulnerable by HIV/AIDS in affected regions, in countries at high risk and to direct special assistance to sub-Saharan Africa;
In order to achieve the global goal that agreed to in the Declaration, there are five fronts that needed strong action from the committed countries, namely, a) strengthening the capacity of families; b) strengthening community based responses; c) ensuring access to essential services for orphans; d) ensuring that the government protect the most vulnerable children; e) raising awareness to create a supportive environment for children affected by HIV/AIDS.
a)Extended family relationships are the first and most important source of support for household affected by HIV/AIDS. By establishing a stronger relationship with the relative of the orphans, the relatives are be able to support the orphans household expenses without the need for the orphan withdrawn from schooling to engage in income generated activities. Therefore, strengthening the capacity of the extended family is a vital part of this front. For example, in Kenya, Malawi and Uganda, the Trickle Up Program provides extended families with additional income to support children orphaned by HIV/AIDS, funding the families for medical care and school fees for the orphans. Besides, improving the economic capacity of households through seed funding for small business and methods to improve agricultural efficiency could enhance the capacity of an AIDS affected family.  Furthermore, providing counselling to orphans and their parents, training standby guardians could prepare the orphans to face the worst.
b) When families are not being able to provide for the basic needs of the children, then the eyes have to turn to community. NGO is playing a vital role here, for example, organisation such as Save the Children has established a systematic approach in community based responses. Private sector and government establish a district AIDS committee which support the village AIDS committee, visiting regularly those families affected by AIDS. They also work to ensure children schooling right by persuading the parents the importance of continued schooling to a child. Another good example of community based protection of orphans is Thailand. The monks in Thailand provide a care centre for orphans who either lost their parents or were infected by the disease.
c) Ensuring access to essential services for orphans. Education is the essential in this head. Everything possible should be done to ensure that all children are enrolled and stay in school.  Government can reduce school fees in helping. For example, In Burkina Faso, 3,500 children orphaned by AIDS began school this week, thanks to a pilot project supported by the National HIV/AIDS Commission.  Education is important for children psychosocial development. Schools can provide children with a safe, structured environment, emotional support from the teacher, and the opportunity to interact. Besides, safe water and sanitation are vital for orphans and their families.
d) Ensuring the government protect the most vulnerable children. National government has the responsibility to protect children and ensure their well being. The government can do this by legislating relevant legislation, and set up an independent judiciary that can protect children from being abused and discriminate.
e) Raising awareness to create a supportive environment for orphan. For example, Zambia has held a series of national workshops, which the participants agreed to build new partnerships, coalitions and networks. UNAIDS, here has taken a main role, UNAIDS and the OHCHR have held workshops for representatives of both human rights and HIV to identify mechanism to promote a human rights agenda relevant to HIV/ AIDS and how human rights can be mainstreamed into HIV/ AIDS.

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发表于 26-11-2005 06:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
In 2003, UNAIDS published the General Comment 3: HIV/ AIDS and the Rights of the Child which objectives are i)to strengthen the identification and understanding of all the human rights of children in the context of HIV/AIDS; ii) to promote the realisation of human rights of children in the context of HIV/ AIDS as guaranteed under the Convention on the rights of the Child; iii)to identify measures and good practices to increase the level of implementation by the States of rights related to the prevention of HIV/ AIDS and the support, care and protection of children infected with or affected by this pandemic; iv)to contribute to the formulation and promotion of child oriented Plans of Action, strategies, laws, policies and programmes to combat the spread and mitigate the impact of HIV/ AIDS at the national and international level.  This General Comment is the first ever  General Comment on AIDS issued by a Treaty Monitoring Mechanism and was subsequently adopted by the committee on the Rights of the Child in January 2003. The General Comment commented that the right in the general principles of the Convention on the Right on the Child-the right to non-discrimination, the rights of the child to have her/his interest to be a primary consideration, the right to life, survival and development and the right to have her/his views respected should be the guiding themes in the consideration of HIV/ AIDS at all levels of prevention, treatment, care and support.
i) Art 2: The right to non-discrimination
Children of parents living with HIV/AIDS are often the victims of discrimination as they are often to be assumed to be infected. Discrimination was seen as a root of orphan being denied access to health care, education, and social care. In addition to that, it was also commented that discrimination against infected children has resulted in their abandonment by their family, community and society. Art 2 of the Convention obliges state parties to ensure all the rights under the Convention without discrimination of any kind, and ‘irrespective of the child’s or her or his parents’s or legal guardian’s race, colour, sex, language, religion, political, or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin, property, disability, birth or other status’. ‘Other status here was being interpreted to include HIV/AIDS status of the child or her/his parents.
ii)Art 3:  Best Interests of the Child
Art 3 states ‘ In all actions concerning children, whether undertaken by public or private social welfare institutions, courts of law, administrative authorities or legislative bodies, the best interests of the child shall be primary consideration’. Thus creating an obligation on the state parties in relation to HIV/AIDS, the child should be the primary concern to the pandemic, adapting strategies to children’s right and needs.
iii) Art 6: The right to survival, life and development
Everyone has the right not to have their right arbitrary taken. State obligation to realise the right to survival, life and development also highlights the need to give careful attention to sexuality as well as to the behaviours and life style of children.

5.0 The Role of UNICEF
"When it comes to caring for the children and families affected by HIV/AIDS, political leaders are major leaders at the local and national levels. They are trusted, their networks reach people, and they care," said Per Engebak, UNICEF’s Regional Director for Eastern and Southern Africa in Cape Town, South Africa where more than 150 senior African and European Parliamentarians convened to discuss how parliamentarians can address the impact of the AIDS pandemic on children. "UNICEF is eager to work even more closely with parliamentary groups to battle this daunting foe. Members of parliament must address the issue of orphans as a matter of urgency – they have the ability and power to halt the waves of further degradation.”  
As a key branch of United Nations to protect children rights, HIV/ AIDS affected children is one of the primary concerns of UNICEF due to the fact that the epidemic undermining so many basic child rights set out in the Convention on the Rights of the Child. In protecting the rights of the HIV/ AIDS affected children, UNICEF is working with governments to help them create national policies, laws and action plans to meet the goals they have committed to. Besides cooperating with national government, UNOCEF also collaborate with various NGO and religious group to strengthen the network to care for those children infected or affected by the disease. For example, in South East Asia, UNICEF collaborates with the Buddhist monk across the Mekong area in order to improve care for children affected by the disease. In Africa, UNICEF has worked with a few church based organisations in Zambia raising money to pay for their school fees and part of their household expenses.  Furthermore, UNICEF has work with drugs companies and persuade them to reduce the price so that the HIV parents are afford to buy the drugs and lived longer. It was said that if parents can maintain their health, they are better able to care for the children. UNICEF also help government in building a better health care system to provide drugs for the treatment of opportunistic infections. UNICEF also does their best in maintaining the orphans maintaining in the community or to be raised by their relative. Beside, UNICEF also provide counselling to help the orphan who went through the death of their parents and suffering from depression.

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发表于 26-11-2005 06:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
6.0 Conclusion: The Challenge Ahead
In 2004, an estimated 640,000 children became infected with HIV and over half a million children died of AIDS in 2004 meaning that there are more to come in the future, In 2010, there will be an estimated figures of 40 million orphan signified that there is still a huge challenge ahead in the future in protecting the children right affected by HIV/ AIDS.
Although almost all the United Nations member states has ratified the Convention on the Right of Children, however, enforcement is a big query to the under develop country especially the most heavily infected sub-Saharan Countries. In the under developed countries, lacks of financial became the main obstacle in enforcing the convention relating to orphans. The government may not have sufficient financial power to facilitate health care service which is the most important part in battling against violation of orphan’s right. Furthermore, the adequacy of the legislation in the national level may also hinder the protection of orphans’ rights.
In conclusion, as United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan said, the world must work together in battling against the impact that brought by this disease.

1. Barnett, Tony and Blaikie Piers ‘AIDS in Africa: Its Present and Future Impact’(1991) Belhaven Press

2. http://www.hri.ca/children/aids/factsheet_detail.shtml

3. Gaborone, Botswana,  Report on the Technical Consultation on Indicators Development for Children and Made Vulnerable, by UNAID and UNICEF (2003)

4. http://www.avert.org/

5. http://www.unicef.org

6. http://www.ecdgroup.com/

7. ‘Africa’s Orphaned Generation’ (2002), Unicef

8. General Comment 3: HIV/ AIDS and the Rights of the Child

9. Williamson., John, ‘Finding a way Forward: Principle and Strategies to Reduce the Impacts of AIDS on Children and Families’(2000)

10. Haigh, Richard and Harris, Dai, ‘AIDS, a Guide to the Law’, 2nd edn Routledge (1992)

author:Kaiyet, LEE
copyright reserved, give credit to the author~

[ 本帖最后由 kaiyet 于 26-11-2005 06:21 AM 编辑 ]

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宣布了死亡时间后,我挽着MACHIK的手,machik向我道谢, 我无言。

这是我第一次杀人, 哦, 后来就习惯了。。。。


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