


楼主: c56733

【TOPGLOV 7113 交流专区】顶级手套

发表于 11-1-2008 12:15 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 阿圆 于 11-1-2008 11:02 AM 发表
用private placement 所得到的钱, 当时是RM8.xx, 来买RM5.xx 与RM6.xx 的股, 还不错嘛。要到期的ESOS的股数都给他买回来了,所以,这次ESOS完全没有影响到股东的利益。

private placement , RM8.xx , 現在 RM6.xx , 配售股東的利益受損.

ESOS 價 < 市價 ,  又用公司的錢買回, 價差由公司Account流進他人Account, 股東的利益受損.

ESOS, 票數增加, EPS沖稀, 股價下調, 股東的利益受損.

使用道具 举报


发表于 11-1-2008 12:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
Top Glove于31/12/2007准备的"Corporate Updates & Presentation":

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发表于 11-1-2008 12:24 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 743# 的帖子

我觉得公司花了太多的钱了来回购股票,而回购股票也导致我们没机会知道Top Glove在多数投资者的眼里到底值多少钱。

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-1-2008 12:37 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 11-1-2008 12:24 PM 发表
我觉得公司花了太多的钱了来回购股票,而回购股票也导致我们没机会知道Top Glove在多数投资者的眼里到底值多少钱。

沒錯, 宁願它把錢拿來還債或收購 (同業/橡膠園), 不然也可以回饋給股東(股息).
可是, 它卻拿來買回ESOS的票, 很明顯是圖利某些人

我不同意, ESOS 是拿來獎勵員工, 因為每年公司還是會給花紅.
用這種方法來獎勵, 即沒效果又浪費公司的現金.

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-1-2008 12:56 PM | 显示全部楼层


1. 有便宜的工厂等待被收购?
2. 收购工厂带来的盈利进步会比较快?
3. 投资者喜欢并购的消息?

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-1-2008 01:02 PM | 显示全部楼层

2008-01-10 12:10





















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Follow Us
发表于 11-1-2008 01:41 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 Mr.Business 于 11-1-2008 01:02 PM 发表

2008-01-10 12:10


頂級手 ...


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发表于 11-1-2008 01:54 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 748# 的帖子




[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 11-1-2008 01:56 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 11-1-2008 02:26 PM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 loyaltoad 于 10-1-2008 08:08 AM 发表
2008 大内幕:Topglove 要收购 LATEXX 了!!!

LATEXX的票数是82.4 million股,市价RM0.795,要买下整个Supermax至少要花RM65.508 million,Top Glove会买她吗?

(7064)  14:10:33
Last Done0.795
Day High0.840
Day Low0.765
Best Buy0.000
Best Sell0.000

[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 11-1-2008 02:30 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 11-1-2008 02:28 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 11-1-2008 02:33 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 754# 弹煮 的帖子

变成了直接收购胶手套厂。猜猜Top Glove会买哪间公司?LATEXX今天起3.5 sen就是因为这传言?我以为Top Glove买LATEXX的可能性不大哦,LATEXX不算便宜嘛。

使用道具 举报

发表于 11-1-2008 02:57 PM | 显示全部楼层

回复 755# 的帖子


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发表于 12-1-2008 01:37 AM | 显示全部楼层
Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Date of buy back:09/01/2008
Description of shares purchased: Ordinary Shares of RM0.50
Total number of shares purchased (units):110,400
Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.100
Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.350
Total consideration paid (RM):680,290.00
Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units):110,400
Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units):0
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units):4,535,600

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-1-2008 01:38 AM | 显示全部楼层
Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Date of buy back:11/01/2008
Description of shares purchased: Ordinary Shares of RM0.50
Total number of shares purchased (units):33,000
Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.150
Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.250
Total consideration paid (RM):204,090.00
Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units):33,000
Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units):0
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units):4,568,600

使用道具 举报

发表于 12-1-2008 10:35 PM | 显示全部楼层

Q&A with Top Glove, Supermax execs:
Glove makers upbeat despite challenging environment
Top Glove Corp executive chairman/chief executive officer Tan Sri Dr Lim Wee-Chai and Supermax Corp Bhd executive chairman and group managing director Datuk Seri Stanley Thai speak about the year ahead and challenges faced by the glove-making industry
Published: 2008/01/12

QUESTION: What would be the main challenges for your industry this year?

Lim: Gloves, being necessity items in the healthcare industry will always be in demand in the global market. The demand for gloves globally is estimated at 135 billion pieces per annum and is still growing at the rate of 10 to 12 per cent per annum. This is a very encouraging growth for the industr y.

The rapid growth is due to the higher healthcare and hygiene standards that are being practised in emerging countries in Eastern Europe, Middle East, Latin America and East Asia. For Top Glove, we are always expanding and target to increase our world market share to 30 per cent by December 2008.

Our major challenge at this moment would be a shortage in the supply of natural gas for the industry to expand further, and as there are plans by the government to increase gas price, we suggest that the government gives a deep thought to the increase as it will affect all industries.

We are of the opinion that the privilege of using gas at the present price should be continued to ensure competitiveness.

The government’s plan to develop rubber plantations in Kelantan is good, but this plan should not be developed purely for the rubber wood industry but to cater to the need for latex usage as well.

There are not many industries in Malaysia that can be the world’s champion, therefore it is important that consideration and proper planning are introduced to ensure that this status is maintained. A master plan should be drawn up to ensure continious success in the rubber glove industry.

Thai: In the globalised world that our industry is in, the main challenges we face in the glove industry are:

# Continuous volatility of material costs such as commodity prices; the volatility of natural rubber latex prices and synthetic latex prices.

# Volatility of US dollars against the ringgit

# Volatility of fuel costs.

# Shortage of middle management professional managers in Malaysia.

Q: How do you plan to overcome these challenges?

Lim: We are looking at setting up our own biomass plant to cater for our requirements and we hope that the government will introduce effective measures to curb the rising cost of palm kernel shell, empty fruit bunch, wood chips and other sources for the usage in the biomass plants.

This is because we foresee that once there is a demand in such energy sources we will have a situation whereby the demand will be more than supply. Being a manufacturer, any increase in costs will have an immediate and direct adverse impact on our bottom lines.

As we have close and good working relationship with our existing customers, we have always enjoyed the benefit of mutual business understanding whereby we will share any cost increase with our customers. Similarly, any increase in the natural gas price, we would partially pass the cost to them.

Thai: We have been working under these challenges — such as managing the volatility of commodity prices and fluctuation of foreign exchange — all the time, and we have been quite good in managing these costs which directly hit our bottom line.

However, the new challenge that has emerged is the shortage of middle management professional managers in Malaysia. This is affecting all industry sectors and businesses in Malaysia.

We see an exodus of professionals such as accountants, marketing personnel and engineers. They are being lured to more lucrative, better incentives and less restrictive overseas careers advancement.

Countries that are benefiting from the brain drain in Malaysia are China, Vietnam, India, Singapore and certain Middle Eastern countries. English and Mandarin speaking managers are being lured to China and Vietnam. Accountants and financial managers are being recruited in Singapore for oversea postings. Professional managers are being recruited to work in the Middle East where they are not taxed.

We have foreseen this and since 2000, we have started opening up overseas marketing offices and distribution centres in the US, Canada, Brazil, Europe and Australia and a manufacturing facility in Vietnam.

Q: What are the trends that could shape your industry this year?

Lim: Gloves have been in use for the past 100 years and have acted as a barrier of protection from diseases. Being an important and necessary item in the healthcare industry, the demand is growing consistently as individuals all over the world are more concern on improving healthcare standards.

This trend has become prominent, in view of the demand of our gloves from countries like the former Eastern Europe bloc which has joined the European Union.

Similar effect is also felt from countries in the Latin America region.

In developed countries, hygiene awareness has also increased the demand for the usage of gloves in the non-medical sector such as the food, cosmetic and automobile industr ies.

With the threat from bio-terrorism like anthrax, usage of gloves has surged tremendously as new users like Customs, postage workers and courier services have started to use gloves in their daily working activities. As a glove manufacturer, we always ensure that the quality of our products meet international standards.

Thai: All that I hope to see is that the government continues to improve the public delivery system, especially at the local government level.

Building a new factory and getting the approval from various government departments remains a nightmare, wasting precious time and incurring unnecessary costs in dealing with local government departments.

Q: What are the prospects for your industry this year?

Lim: We are optimistic on the glove business and are increasing our targeted world market share to 30 per cent by December 2008.

Currently, it is at 23-24 per cent of the world market share, with our production capacity of 28.6 billion pieces per annum from 18 factories.

Moving forward, we are looking at a two-prong growth strategy; firstly, vertical growth, whereby we are giving due consideration to move downstream to ensure that we give good service and fast feedback to our targeted customers by setting up more marketing offices over seas.

In this competitive business environment, it is always good if we can respond immediately to our customers and clients. The management is also looking at synergistic acquisitions such as rubber plantations that will ensure that we have enough supply of raw materials for our own consumption.

Meanwhile, our horizontal growth is more into expanding our products range in line with our “One Stop Glove Sourcing Centre”.

Such a strategy will enable us to increase our market share with the availability of various types of products.

Besides that, our presence in China will also enable us to tap for opportunities that can synergise with our distribution channel.

In order to increase our organic growth by building new factories, we are on the lookout for any good glove companies that we can acquire to further improve Top Glove ’s performance.

We are also expecting the demand for gloves to be strong this year as it is a necessary item in healthcare industry and demand from countries in Eastern Europe, Latin America is growing strongly, in view of their improved hygiene standards and requirements.

Thai: The disposable medical gloves industry is recession-proof.

The prospects remain good and we remain upbeat that the glove industry will continue to grow.

We have seen high demand growth in the hygiene sector especially in the food services outlets and meat processing sector.

Q: How will your industry be affected by the expected rise in fuel and electricity this year?

Lim: If the government proceeds with the plans to increase the fuel and electricity prices this year, it will have an impact on our manufacturing cost as this area forms about 10 per cent of our production cost.

As we mentioned earlier, any increase in cost will be shared partially with our customers due to the good working relationship that we have built over the years.

Thai: So long as Malaysia remains globally and regionally competitive of its fuel and utility costs, we are able to pass down the cost increase to the consumers without losing our global market share.


[ 本帖最后由 Mr.Business 于 12-1-2008 10:39 PM 编辑 ]

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发表于 13-1-2008 02:49 PM | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 13-1-2008 05:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
随着Supermax向Nitrile glove的专利权拥有者Tillotson妥协后,情况不知道有没有变?林博士的其中一个打算可能是赔钱了事,扩建和买原料供应公司都要钱,看来是不会发红股的吧?

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-1-2008 12:13 AM | 显示全部楼层

回复 761# 留下眼镜 的帖子


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发表于 14-1-2008 08:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 34350 于 14-1-2008 12:13 AM 发表

發紅股不會增加現金資本吧?  和發展和擴建應該沒啥么關係....
主觀的認為它甚麼都好, 不是太好吧..

使用道具 举报

发表于 14-1-2008 07:17 PM | 显示全部楼层
Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement
Date of buy back:14/01/2008
Description of shares purchased: Ordinary Shares of RM0.50
Total number of shares purchased (units):118,900
Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.050
Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM):6.200
Total consideration paid (RM):724,155.00
Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units):118,900
Number of shares purchased which are proposed to be cancelled (units):0
Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units):4,687,500

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