


楼主: xtricky

6。39dota 82英雄详细资料/技能介绍 附图第4页 双语版

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
King Leoric - 骷髅王
King Leoric - Skeleton King

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

Once a noble knight protecting his kingdom, the man was thrown into Hell, where he was ripped apart over and over for centuries. Now, Lucifer has thrown him back onto the soil, corrupted and mindless, as King Leoric, the Skeleton King. He marches on, leading his minions with an unfaltering gaze, knowing only one thing: the orders given to him by the dark lord himself. Able to cripple his opponents with a powerful magical hammer, King Leoric is a major threat on the battlefield. His mighty blade allows him and others in his presence to drain the blood of their enemies. It is said that he is unkillable, and those who are struck down by his hammer don't wake up again.

初始射程 (Base Range):  128   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  54 - 56
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 22   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 18   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 13
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.90   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.70   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.60
风暴之锤 (Storm Bolt) [T]
A magical hammer is thrown at an enemy unit, causing damage and stunning the target for 2 seconds.

一级 - 向目标投掷魔法之锤,造成100点的伤害,并晕眩2秒。
二级 - 向目标投掷魔法之锤,造成150点的伤害,并晕眩2秒。
三级 - 向目标投掷魔法之锤,造成200点的伤害,并晕眩2秒。
四级 - 向目标投掷魔法之锤,造成250点的伤害,并晕眩2秒。
Level 1 - Throws a hammer at an enemy unit, dealing 100 damage and stunning for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Throws a hammer at an enemy unit, dealing 150 damage and stunning for 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Throws a hammer at an enemy unit, dealing 200 damage and stunning for 2 seconds.
Level 4 - Throws a hammer at an enemy unit, dealing 250 damage and stunning for 2 seconds.
吸血光环 (Vampiric Aura) [V]
Nearby friendly melee units gain hit points when they hit enemy units.

一级 - 附近300范围内的近身友方单位在攻击时能吸取所造成伤害5%的生命。
二级 - 附近300范围内的近身友方单位在攻击时能吸取所造成伤害10%的生命。
三级 - 附近300范围内的近身友方单位在攻击时能吸取所造成伤害15%的生命。
四级 - 附近300范围内的近身友方单位在攻击时能吸取所造成伤害20%的生命。
Level 1 - Nearby friendly melee units gain 5% of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.
Level 2 - Nearby friendly melee units gain 10% of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.
Level 3 - Nearby friendly melee units gain 15% of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.
Level 4 - Nearby friendly melee units gain 20% of their attack damage when they hit enemy units.
致命一击 (Critical Strike) [C]
Gives a chance to do more damage on an attack.

一级 - 15%的几率造成1.25倍伤害的致命一击。
二级 - 15%的几率造成1.75倍伤害的致命一击。
三级 - 15%的几率造成2.25倍伤害的致命一击。
四级 - 15%的几率造成2.75倍伤害的致命一击。
Level 1 - Gives a 15% chance to do 1.25 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance to do 1.75 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 3 - Gives a 15% chance to do 2.25 times normal damage on an attack.
Level 4 - Gives a 15% chance to do 2.75 times normal damage on an attack.
重生 (Reincarnation) [R]
When killed, this hero will come back to life.

一级 - 英雄在死亡后会自动复活,获得全额的生命和魔法。
二级 - 英雄在死亡后会自动复活,获得全额的生命和魔法。
三级 - 英雄在死亡后会自动复活,获得全额的生命和魔法。
Level 1 - When killed, this hero will come back to life. Reincarnation has a 300 second cooldown.
Level 2 - When killed, this hero will come back to life. Reincarnation has a 240 second cooldown.
Level 3 - When killed, this hero will come back to life. Reincarnation has a 190 second cooldown.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:55 AM | 显示全部楼层
Lucifer - 末日使者
Lucifer - Doombringer

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

Lucifer was the leader of the Doomguard attack force of the burning legion in the first attack by the dark lord Sargeras. With his original master long gone, Lucifer grants his undying loyalty to the Scourge to finish what his lord once started. Devouring the insignificant for his greed while dissapating the souls of those brave and strong enough to withstand his strength and the heat of his firey haven of burning earth, Lucifer takes no prisoners and makes sure those who persevere through his wrath die by the agonizing and burning pain of Doom itself.

初始射程 (Base Range):  150   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  53 - 69
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 26   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 11   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 16
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 3.20   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 0.90   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.10
吞噬 (Devour) [E]
Swallows an enemy unit for a short period of time, digesting it and dealing minor damage. Each level decreases the cooldown and mana cost and gives bonus gold when the devoured unit is killed.

一级 - 吞噬并消化1个敌方的士兵,对他造成20点/秒的伤害直到他死去。给予额外的10黄金,冷却时间30秒。
二级 - 吞噬并消化1个敌方的士兵,对他造成20点/秒的伤害直到他死去。给予额外的20黄金,冷却时间25秒。
三级 - 吞噬并消化1个敌方的士兵,对他造成20点/秒的伤害直到他死去。给予额外的30黄金,冷却时间20秒。
四级 - 吞噬并消化1个敌方的士兵,对他造成20点/秒的伤害直到他死去。给予额外的40黄金,冷却时间15秒。
Level 1 - Consumes an enemy creep, digesting it and dealing 20 damage per second until it dies. Gives 10 bonus gold when the devoured unit perishes.
Level 2 - Consumes an enemy creep, digesting it and dealing 20 damage per second until it dies. Gives 20 bonus gold when the devoured unit perishes.
Level 3 - Consumes an enemy creep, digesting it and dealing 20 damage per second until it dies. Gives 30 bonus gold when the devoured unit perishes.
Level 4 - Consumes an enemy creep, digesting it and dealing 20 damage per second until it dies. Gives 40 bonus gold when the devoured unit perishes.
焦土 (Scorched Earth) [T]
Blankets the ground in flames, damaging enemies and healing the Doombringer. Also increases Lucy's attack and movement speed.
Lasts 20 seconds

一级 - 以烈焰覆盖大地。焦土对其上的敌方单位/Lucifer造成1点/秒的伤害/回复。提升Lucifer10%的攻击速度和移动速度。
二级 - 以烈焰覆盖大地。焦土对其上的敌方单位/Lucifer造成2点/秒的伤害/回复。提升Lucifer15%的攻击速度和移动速度。
三级 - 以烈焰覆盖大地。焦土对其上的敌方单位/Lucifer造成3点/秒的伤害/回复。提升Lucifer20%的攻击速度和移动速度。
四级 - 以烈焰覆盖大地。焦土对其上的敌方单位/Lucifer造成4点/秒的伤害/回复。提升Lucifer30%的攻击速度和移动速度。
Level 1 - Blankets the ground in flames, causing all opponents who step into the region to take 1 damage a second. Lucy conversely gains 1 health a second while in flames, and 10% increased move and attack speed.
Lasts 20 seconds
Level 2 - Blankets the ground in flames, causing all opponents who step into the region to take 2 damage a second. Lucy conversely gains 2 health a second while in flames, and 15% increased move and attack speed.
Lasts 20 seconds
Level 3 - Blankets the ground in flames, causing all opponents who step into the region to take 3 damage a second. Lucy conversely gains 3 health a second while in flames, and 20% increased move and attack speed.
Lasts 20 seconds
Level 4 - Blankets the ground in flames, causing all opponents who step into the region to take 4 damage a second. Lucy conversely gains 4 health a second while in flames, and 30% increased move and attack speed.
Lasts 20 seconds
死亡 (LVL Death) [V]
Dissipates a piece of a target's soul. Deals 250 bonus damage if the target's level is a multiple of a specific number.

一级 - 打散目标部分的灵魂,造成100点的伤害,如果目标等级是6的倍数,将造成额外的250点的伤害。
二级 - 打散目标部分的灵魂,造成150点的伤害,如果目标等级是5的倍数,将造成额外的250点的伤害。
三级 - 打散目标部分的灵魂,造成200点的伤害,如果目标等级是4的倍数,将造成额外的250点的伤害。
四级 - 打散目标部分的灵魂,造成250点的伤害,如果目标等级是3的倍数,将造成额外的250点的伤害。
Level 1 - Dissipates a piece of a target unit's soul. Deals 100 damage and a bonus 250 damage if the enemy hero's level is a multiple of 6.
Level 2 - Dissipates a piece of a target unit's soul. Deals 150 damage and a bonus 250 damage if the enemy hero's level is a multiple of 5.
Level 3 - Dissipates a piece of a target unit's soul. Deals 200 damage and a bonus 250 damage if the enemy hero's level is a multiple of 4.
Level 4 - Dissipates a piece of a target unit's soul. Deals 250 damage and a bonus 250 damage if the enemy hero's level is a multiple of 3.
末日 (Doom) [D]
The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take damage per second.
Lasts12 seconds.

一级 - 对目标施予末日的惩罚,目标将不能使用技能和道具,受到40点/秒的伤害,持续12秒。
二级 - 对目标施予末日的惩罚,目标将不能使用技能和道具,受到60点/秒的伤害,持续12秒。
三级 - 对目标施予末日的惩罚,目标将不能使用技能和道具,受到80点/秒的伤害,持续12秒。
Level 1 - The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take 40 damage per second for 12 seconds.
Level 2 - The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take 60 damage per second for 12 seconds.
Level 3 - The target unit becomes inflicted with Doom. The afflicted unit cannot cast spells and will take 80 damage per second for 12 seconds.  
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:56 AM | 显示全部楼层
Anub`arak - 地穴刺客
Anub'arak - Nerubian Assassi
英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

Anub'arak was once the greatest champion of the Nerubians, but fell in the Second War of the Spider. He was resurrected by the Lich King Ner'zhul, who promised him eternal undeath in exchange for his unswerving loyalty. His layers of spiked armor are nearly impregnable, causing severe damage to attackers. When threatened, he shoots these spikes through enemies maiming and disorienting them. He channels his dark powers into a bolt of disarming negative energy, and those who witness him blending into the shadows of the frozen tundra have never lived to tell the tale.

初始射程 (Base Range):  128   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  49 - 53
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 18   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 19   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 18
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.00   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.20   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.10
穿刺 (Impale) [E]
Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake.

一级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成80点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩0.75秒。
二级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成160点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩1.25秒。
三级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成230点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩1.75秒。
四级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成300点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩2.25秒。
Level 1 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 80 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 0.75 seconds.
Level 2 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 160 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 1.25 second.
Level 3 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 230 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 1.75 seconds.
Level 4 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 300 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 2.25 seconds.
法力燃烧 (Mana Burn) [R]
Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns a target enemy unit's mana. Burned mana combust's, dealing damage to the target equal to the amount of mana burned.

一级 - 向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多70点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。
二级 - 向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多120点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。
三级 - 向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多185点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。
四级 - 向目标投射一支反魔法箭,燃烧目标最多260点的魔法,并造成与被燃烧的魔法等量的伤害。
Level 1 - Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns up to 70 points of a target enemy unit's mana. The mana combust's, dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned.
Level 2 - Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns up to 120 points of a target enemy unit's mana. The mana combust's, dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned.
Level 3 - Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns up to 185 points of a target enemy unit's mana. The mana combust's, dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned.
Level 4 - Sends a bolt of negative energy that burns up to 260 points of a target enemy unit's mana. The mana combust's, dealing damage equal to the amount of mana burned.
带刺外壳 (Spiked Carapace) [D]
The Nerubian Assassin forms barbed layers of chitinous armor that increases its defense and returns damage to enemy melee attackers.

一级 - 在身上长出倒刺,增加2点的护甲,反馈10%的伤害给对他进行近身攻击的单位。
二级 - 在身上长出倒刺,增加4点的护甲,反馈20%的伤害给对他进行近身攻击的单位。
三级 - 在身上长出倒刺,增加6点的护甲,反馈30%的伤害给对他进行近身攻击的单位。
四级 - 在身上长出倒刺,增加8点的护甲,反馈40%的伤害给对他进行近身攻击的单位。
Level 1 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 2 bonus armor and returning 10% of melee attack damage to enemies.
Level 2 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 4 bonus armor and returning 20% of melee attack damage to enemies.
Level 3 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 6 bonus armor and returning 30% of melee attack damage to enemies.
Level 4 - Enhances the Assassin's chitinous armor with organic barbs, giving him 8 bonus armor and returning 40% of melee attack damage to enemies.
复仇 (Vendetta) [V]
The Nerubian Assassin turns invisible for a short period of time, and can break his invisibility with an incredibly damaging attack.
Lasts 20 seconds.

一级 - 使地穴刺客进入隐身状态,持续20秒。他打破隐身状态所作的第一次攻击造成225点的伤害。
二级 - 使地穴刺客进入隐身状态,持续20秒。他打破隐身状态所作的第一次攻击造成375点的伤害。
三级 - 使地穴刺客进入隐身状态,持续20秒。他打破隐身状态所作的第一次攻击造成525点的伤害。
Level 1 - The Nerubian Assassin turns invisible for up to 20 seconds. Any attack made while invisible results in a backstab of 225 damage.
Level 2 - The Nerubian Assassin turns invisible for up to 20 seconds. Any attack made while invisible results in a backstab of 375 damage.
Level 3 - The Nerubian Assassin turns invisible for up to 20 seconds. Any attack made while invisible results in a backstab of 525 damage.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:57 AM | 显示全部楼层
Slardar - 鱼人守卫
Slardar - Slithereen Guard
英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

The mighty king of the Naga race, Slardar was awoken from the depths of the sea after the invasion of the Burning Legion. Finding the world consumed by chaos, he found it a perfect opportunity to strike down the hated Night Elves. Allying with the scourge, Slardar uses his immense strength and power to stun and crush his enemies, and his mighty trident can cleave the strongest armor with ease.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  51 - 59
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 21   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 17   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.80   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.90   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.50
冲刺 (Sprint) [T]
Slardar increases his movement speed dramatically, but takes 20% bonus damage.
Lasts 25 seconds.

一级 - 通过冲刺提升10%的移动速度,不过在被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害。
二级 - 通过冲刺提升20%的移动速度,不过在被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害。
三级 - 通过冲刺提升30%的移动速度,不过在被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害。
四级 - 通过冲刺提升40%的移动速度,不过在被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害。
Level 1 - Activate Sprint to gain 10% movement speed, but take 20% bonus damage.
Level 2 - Activate Sprint to gain 20% movement speed, but take 20% bonus damage.
Level 3 - Activate Sprint to gain 30% movement speed, but take 20% bonus damage.
Level 4 - Activate Sprint to gain 40% movement speed, but take 20% bonus damage.
鱼人碎击 (Slithereen Crush) [R]
Slams the ground, stunning and damaging nearby enemy land units. Slows enemy units by 20% for 2 seconds afterwards.

一级 - 猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成50点的伤害,晕眩1秒。之后,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续2秒。
二级 - 猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成75点的伤害,晕眩1.5秒。之后,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续2秒。
三级 - 猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成100点的伤害,晕眩2秒。之后,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续2秒。
四级 - 猛击地面,对350范围内的敌方地面单位造成150点的伤害,晕眩2.5秒。之后,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续2秒。
Level 1 - Slams the ground, dealing 50 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 1 seconds. Afterwards the attack and movement speeds are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Slams the ground, dealing 75 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 1.5 seconds. Afterwards the attack and movement speeds are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Slams the ground, dealing 100 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 2 seconds. Afterwards the attack and movement speeds are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
Level 4 - Slams the ground, dealing 150 damage to nearby enemy land units and stunning them for 2.5 seconds. Afterwards the attack and movement speeds are slowed by 20% for 2 seconds.
重击 (Bash) [B]
Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.

一级 - 在攻击中有10%的几率对目标造成40点额外的伤害,并晕眩1(2)秒。
二级 - 在攻击中有15%的几率对目标造成50点额外的伤害,并晕眩1(2)秒。
三级 - 在攻击中有20%的几率对目标造成60点额外的伤害,并晕眩1(2)秒。
四级 - 在攻击中有25%的几率对目标造成70点额外的伤害,并晕眩1(2)秒。
Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance that an attack will do 35 bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.
Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance that an attack will do 35 bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.
Level 3 - Gives a 20% chance that an attack will do 35 bonus damage and stun an opponent for 1 second.
Level 4 - Gives a 25% chance that an attack will do 35 bonus damage and stun an opponent
伤害加深 (Amplify Damage) [G]
Amplifies physical damage against enemy units by reducing their armor.

一级 - 通过降低目标5点的护甲使目标受到更多的物理伤害。
二级 - 通过降低目标10点的护甲使目标受到更多的物理伤害。
三级 - 通过降低目标15点的护甲使目标受到更多的物理伤害。
Level 1 - Amplifies damage by reducing the target's armor by 5.
Level 2 - Amplifies damage by reducing the target's armor by 10.
Level 3 - Amplifies damage by reducing the target's armor by 15.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
Akasha - 痛苦女王
Akasha - Queen of Pain

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

Akasha is one of the many souls claimed by the blade, Frostmourne. Raised to serve the Lich King as a Banshee, she desired to become pure substance once more. Driving deep into the forests, she was able to subdue and possess a Succubus minion. Rightly bearing the title, Queen of Pain, she enjoys nothing more than inflicting massive damage on her foes, using both the poisonous strikes of her succubus host and the vicious howls retained from her Banshee nature. Akasha breaks her enemies’ eardrums with torturing screams, some so loud they manifest into powerful waves that ripple across the lands, shattering all in their wake.

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  40 - 48
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 16   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 18   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 19
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.70   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.00   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.50
暗影突袭 (Shadow Strike) [D]
Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

一级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成50点的初始伤害,10点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
二级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成70点的初始伤害,20点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
三级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成70点的初始伤害,40点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
四级 - 向目标投掷淬毒匕首,造成100点的初始伤害,50点/3秒的后续伤害,持续15秒。短时间内降低目标的移动速度。
Level 1 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 50 initial damage, and 10 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 2 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 70 initial damage, and 20 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 3 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 70 initial damage, and 40 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 4 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 100 initial damage, and 50 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
闪烁 (Blink) [B]
Short distance teleportation that allows one to move in and out of combat.
Costs 60 mana.

一级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。12秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1000。
二级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。9秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1075。
三级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。7秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1150。
四级 - 短距离瞬间移动的能力让英雄在战场出入自如。5秒的冷却时间。最小距离200,最大距离1150。
Level 1 - Teleports a short distance, allowing you to move in and out of combat. 12 second cooldown.
Level 2 - Teleports a short distance, allowing you to move in and out of combat. 9 second cooldown.
Level 3 - Teleports a short distance, allowing you to move in and out of combat. 7 second cooldown.
Level 4 - Teleports a short distance, allowing you to move in and out of combat. 5 second cooldown.
痛苦尖叫 (Scream of Pain) [F]
The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream, damaging nearby enemies.

一级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对400范围内的敌方单位造成85点的伤害。
二级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对450范围内的敌方单位造成165点的伤害。
三级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对475范围内的敌方单位造成225点的伤害。
四级 - 痛苦女王发出锐利的尖叫,对500范围内的敌方单位造成300点的伤害。
Level 1 - The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream damaging nearby enemies. Each scream does 85 damage.
Level 2 - The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream damaging nearby enemies. Each scream does 165 damage.
Level 3 - The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream damaging nearby enemies. Each scream does 225 damage.
Level 4 - The Queen of Pain lets loose a piercing scream damaging nearby enemies. Each scream does 300 damage.
超声冲击波 (Sonic Wave) [W]
Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals heavy damage to all units in a line.

一级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成290点(340点)的伤害。
二级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成430点(530点)伤害。
三级 - 放出一道强大的声波,对一条直线上的敌方单位造成600点(725点)的伤害。
Level 1 - Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals 290 damage to all enemies in a line.
Level 2 - Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals 430 damage to all enemies in a line.
Level 3 - Creates a gigantic wave of sound which deals 600 damage to all enemies in a line.

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 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:58 AM | 显示全部楼层
Bone Clinkz - 骷髅射手
Bone Clinkz - Bone Fletcher

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

An elvish archer in life; a nightmare in death. With only his arrows left of his past life, he exists now only to perfect his archery. He moves like the wind, shooting his flaming arrows just as fast, and isn't above sacrificing the Scourge's own soldiers for his purposes.

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  37 - 43
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 15   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 22   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 16
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.60   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 3.00   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.55
扫射 (Strafe) [T]


Fire a large number of arrows in a short time period.
Lasts 10 seconds.

一级 - 提升20%的攻击速度。
二级 - 提升40%的攻击速度。
三级 - 提升60%的攻击速度。
四级 - 提升80%的攻击速度。
Level 1 - Causes this unit to attack 20% faster for 10 seconds by firing a volley of arrows in rapid-fire fashion.
Level 2 - Causes this unit to attack 40% faster for 10 seconds by firing a volley of arrows in rapid-fire fashion.
Level 3 - Causes this unit to attack 60% faster for 10 seconds by firing a volley of arrows in rapid-fire fashion.
Level 4 - Causes this unit to attack 80% faster for 10 seconds by firing a volley of arrows in rapid-fire fashion.
灼热之箭 (Searing Arrows) [R]



Increases the damage of the Hero's attack by adding fire. If you learn this during wind walk the first time, you will lose the invisibility.

一级 - 附加10点额外的伤害。
二级 - 附加20点额外的伤害。
三级 - 附加30点额外的伤害。
四级 - 附加40点额外的伤害。
Level 1 - Adds 10 bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired.
Level 2 - Adds 20 bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired.
Level 3 - Adds 30 bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired.
Level 4 - Adds 40 bonus fire damage to an attack, but drains mana with each shot fired.
疾风步 (Wind Walk) [W]


Turn invisible for a period of time, increasing movement speed.

一级 - 使英雄隐身并提升7%的移动速度。
二级 - 使英雄隐身并提升14%的移动速度。
三级 - 使英雄隐身并提升21%的移动速度。
四级 - 使英雄隐身并提升28%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Become invisible for 20 seconds, increasing movement speed by 7%.
Level 2 - Become invisible for 25 seconds, increasing movement speed by 14%.
Level 3 - Become invisible for 30 seconds, increasing movement speed by 21%.
Level 4 - Become invisible for 35 seconds, increasing movement speed by 28%.
死亡契约 (Death Pact) [E]


Kills a target friendly unit, returning a percentage of its life.

一级 - 吞食一个友方士兵,吸收他55%的生命。
二级 - 吞食一个友方士兵,吸收他95%的生命。
三级 - 吞食一个友方士兵,吸收他135%的生命。
Level 1 - Eats a friendly unit, absorbing 55% of its hit points.
Level 2 - Eats a friendly unit, absorbing 95% of its hit points.
Level 3 - Eats a friendly unit, absorbing 135% of its hit points.
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 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 01:59 AM | 显示全部楼层
Darkterror - 虚空倜?/font>
Darkterror - Faceless Void

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

They say he was once human, but his background is shrouded in darkness, even to himself. What we know is that he was thrown into the Void between worlds and has emerged with the power of manipulating time. He can freeze his enemies in time and avoid hits by traveling a split-second back in time, right before receiving the blow. He can briefly rip apart the fabric of space-time to freeze both allies and opponents around him, yet remain free himself to act. It is rumored that he can instantly strike any man in a legion of soldiers, but nobody sees him move...

初始射程 (Base Range):  128   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  44 - 50
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 21   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.20   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.65   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.50
时间漫游 (Time Walk) [W]
Quickly moves to a target location and slows the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path for 3 seconds.

一级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位10%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。
二级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位20%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。
三级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位30%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。
四级 - 迅速移动到一个地点,降低目标区域内(范围300)所有敌方单位40%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续3秒。
Level 1 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 10% for 3 seconds. 700 cast range.
Level 2 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 20% for 3 seconds. 900 cast range.
Level 3 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 30% for 3 seconds. 1100 cast range.
Level 4 - Quickly moves to a target location or unit, slowing the movement and attack of all units at the end of its path by 40% for 3 seconds. 1300 cast range.
回到过去 (Backtrack) [R]
Whenever damage is received, Faceless Void moves a moment back in time to try to dodge that damage. Can backtrack both physical and magical attacks.

一级 - 有10%的几率闪避一切攻击。
二级 - 有15%的几率闪避一切攻击。
三级 - 有20%的几率闪避一切攻击。
四级 - 有25%的几率闪避一切攻击。
Level 1 - 10% chance to Backtrack.
Level 2 - 15% chance to Backtrack.
Level 3 - 20% chance to Backtrack.
Level 4 - 25% chance to Backtrack.
时间锁定 (Time Lock) [E]
Gives a chance that an attack will do bonus damage and lock a unit in time for 1 second.

一级 - 在攻击中有10%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的40点的伤害。
二级 - 在攻击中有15%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的50点的伤害。
三级 - 在攻击中有20%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的60点的伤害。
四级 - 在攻击中有25%的几率将目标锁定在时间中,持续1(2)秒,并造成额外的70点的伤害。
Level 1 - Gives a 10% chance that an attack will do 40 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second.
Level 2 - Gives a 15% chance that an attack will do 50 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second.
Level 3 - Gives a 20% chance that an attack will do 60 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second.
Level 4 - Gives a 25% chance that an attack will do 70 bonus damage and lock an opponent for 1 second.
时间结界 (Chronosphere) [C]
Faceless Void creates a rip in spacetime causing all units in that area to become trapped for its duration. Faceless Void has a mysterious connection with spacetime that causes him to be unaffected by the sphere. Casting range increases per level. 1 second casting time.

一级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续3秒。
二级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续4.5秒。
三级 - 使结界内的时间停止,持续6秒。
Level 1 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 3 seconds with 500 Casting range. 1 second casting time.
Level 2 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 4.5 seconds with 600 Casting range. 1 second casting time.
Level 3 - Stops the progress of time for all units the area. Lasts 6 seconds with 700 Casting range. 1 second casting time.
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 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
Viper - 冥界亚龙
Viper - Netherdrake

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

A malicious Drake tamed by the Lich King himself, Viper is a fierce, acid-spitting beast whose speed and agility surprises the most hardened of warriors. Cursing himself into a maddened rage, Viper charges into battle without regard of his own safety. His salivary glands produce stinging poison that causes enemies to writhe in pain, severely damaging their nerves. Be careful when facing this powerful monster...its dark silhouette may be the last thing you will ever see.

初始射程 (Base Range):  575   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  47 - 51
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 21   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.90   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.50   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.80
狂热 (Frenzy) [R]
Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.

一级 - 提升英雄25%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到5%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
二级 - 提升英雄50%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到10%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
三级 - 提升英雄75%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到15%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
四级 - 提升英雄100%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
Level 1 - Causes this unit to attack 25% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 5% more damage.
Level 2 - Causes this unit to attack 50% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 10% more damage.
Level 3 - Causes this unit to attack 75% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 15% more damage.
Level 4 - Causes this unit to attack 100% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 20% more damage.
毒性攻击 (Poison Attack) [C]
Coats Viper's attack with poison. Slows movement and attack speeds and lasts 2 seconds.

一级 - 降低目标10%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成6点/秒的伤害。
二级 - 降低目标20%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成12点/秒的伤害。
三级 - 降低目标30%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成18点/秒的伤害。
四级 - 降低目标40%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成24点/秒的伤害。
Level 1 - Slows movement and attack speeds by 10% and deals 6 damage per second.
Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Slows movement and attack speeds by 20% and deals 12 damage per second.
Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Slows movement and attack speeds by 30% and deals 18 damage per second.
Lasts 2 seconds.
Level 4 - Slows movement and attack speeds by 40% and deals 24 damage per second.
Lasts 2 seconds.
腐蚀外表 (Corrosive Skin) [E]
Viper's body is covered with poison. Any unit that attacks it becomes infected. Reduced movement and attack speed and minor damage for 3 seconds. The poison also absorbs some of the damage from spells.

一级 - 攻击Viper的单位会受到毒素的侵蚀,降低5%的攻击速度和移动速度,受到5点/秒的伤害,持续3秒。毒素同时提高Viper5%的魔法抗性。
二级 - 攻击Viper的单位会受到毒素的侵蚀,降低10%的攻击速度和移动速度,受到10点/秒的伤害,持续3秒。毒素同时提高Viper10%的魔法抗性。
三级 - 攻击Viper的单位会受到毒素的侵蚀,降低15%的攻击速度和移动速度,受到15点/秒的伤害,持续3秒。毒素同时提高Viper15%的魔法抗性。
四级 - 攻击Viper的单位会受到毒素的侵蚀,降低20%的攻击速度和移动速度,受到20点/秒的伤害,持续3秒。毒素同时提高Viper20%的魔法抗性。
Level 1 - Units that attack Viper get 5% speed reduction and 5 damage per second for 3 seconds. Reduces magical damage by 5%.
Level 2 - Units that attack Viper get 10% speed reduction and 10 damage per second for 3 seconds. Reduces magical damage by 10%.
Level 3 - Units that attack Viper get 15% speed reduction and 15 damage per second for 3 seconds. Reduces magical damage by 15%.
Level 4 - Units that attack Viper get 20% speed reduction and 20 damage per second for 3 seconds. Reduces magical damage by 20%.
蝮蛇突袭 (Viper Strike) [V]
Strikes with a vicious bite, slowing movement and attack speeds significantly and dealing poison damage over time.
Lasts 5 seconds.

一级 - Viper恶毒地撕咬目标,降低目标40%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成60点/秒的伤害。
二级 - Viper恶毒地撕咬目标,降低目标60%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成100点/秒的伤害。
三级 - Viper恶毒地撕咬目标,降低目标80%的攻击速度和移动速度,造成145点/秒的伤害。
Level 1 - Gives a vicious viper bite to an enemy unit. Deals 60 damage per second and slows movement and attack speeds by 40%.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Gives a vicious viper bite to an enemy unit. Deals 100 damage per second and slows movement and attack speeds by 60%.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 3 - Gives a vicious viper bite to an enemy unit. Deals 145 damage per second and slows movement and attack speeds by 80%.
Lasts 5 seconds.
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 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:01 AM | 显示全部楼层
Razor - 复仇电魂
Razor - Lightning Revenant

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):

Razor is lightning incarnate. It is a living being, capable only of unleashing it's tremondous electrical power to anything and everything nearby. The only indication of sentience from it is it's ability to control its surges, which never seems to actually strike any it would call friend. Like it's namesake, it cuts to the bone, with speed and accuracy, sometimes jumping from one thing to another. It's unnatural form gives it speed, and a thirst for blood. It is a force to be reckoned with, and only the strong dare face it.

初始射程 (Base Range):  550   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  37 - 39
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 22   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 14
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.90   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.50   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.80
狂热 (Frenzy) [R]
Increases attack speed for 20 seconds, at the cost of taking additional damage.

一级 - 提升英雄25%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到5%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
二级 - 提升英雄50%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到10%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
三级 - 提升英雄75%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到15%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
四级 - 提升英雄100%的攻击速度,不过被攻击时受到20%额外的伤害,持续20秒。
Level 1 - Causes this unit to attack 25% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 5% more damage.
Level 2 - Causes this unit to attack 50% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 10% more damage.
Level 3 - Causes this unit to attack 75% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 15% more damage.
Level 4 - Causes this unit to attack 100% faster for 20 seconds, but you take 20% more damage.
连环闪电 (Chain Lightning) [H]
Hurls a bolt of damaging lightning at a target enemy that jumps to nearby enemies. Each jump deals less damage.

一级 - 放出一道能连续跳跃3次的闪电,对第一目标造成75点的伤害。以后的每次跳跃都将减弱闪电15%的伤害。
二级 - 放出一道能连续跳跃5次的闪电,对第一目标造成150点的伤害。以后的每次跳跃都将减弱闪电的伤害。
三级 - 放出一道能连续跳跃7次的闪电,对第一目标造成225点的伤害。以后的每次跳跃都将减弱闪电15%的伤害。
四级 - 放出一道能连续跳跃9次的闪电,对第一目标造成290点的伤害。以后的每次跳跃都将减弱闪电15%的伤害。
Level 1 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 3 times, dealing 75 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 2 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 5 times, dealing 150 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 3 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 7 times, dealing 225 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
Level 4 - Calls forth a bolt of lightning that bounces up to 9 times, dealing 290 damage on the primary target. Each jump deals less damage.
邪恶执著 (Unholy Fervor) [U]
Increases the movement speed and life regeneration rate of Razor.

一级 - 提升Razor3%的移动速度和0.5点/秒的生命回复速度。
二级 - 提升Razor5%的移动速度和1点/秒的生命回复速度。
三级 - 提升Razor8%的移动速度和1.5点/秒的生命回复速度。
四级 - 提升Razor10%的移动速度和2点/秒的生命回复速度。
Level 1 - Increases Razor's movement speed by 3% and life regeneration rate by 0.5 hp/sec.
Level 2 - Increases Razor's movement speed by 5% and life regeneration rate by 1 hp/sec.
Level 3 - Increases Razor's movement speed by 8% and life regeneration rate by 1.5 hp/sec.
Level 4 - Increases Razor's movement speed by 10% and life regeneration rate by 2 hp/sec.
风暴召唤 (Storm Seeker) [K]
Summons a storm that permenantly follows Razor. Every few seconds, it strikes Razor's enemies with savage lightning bolts.

一级 - 每隔3.25秒都会用闪电攻击靠近Razor的敌方目标,造成60点的伤害。范围500。
二级 - 每隔3.25秒都会用闪电攻击靠近Razor的敌方目标,造成90点的伤害。范围550。
三级 - 每隔3.25秒都会用闪电攻击靠近Razor的敌方目标,造成120点的伤害。范围600。
Level 1 - Lightning strikes enemies that are close to razor every few seconds, dealing 60 damage.
Level 2 - Lightning strikes enemies that are close to razor every few seconds, dealing 90 damage.
Level 3 - Lightning strikes enemies that are close to razor every few seconds, dealing 120 damage.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:02 AM | 显示全部楼层
N`aix - 食尸鬼
N'aix - Lifestealer

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
There once was a man in Lordaeron so consumed by greed that he was beyond remorse. Eventually caught trying to steal Prince Arthas' sacred ring, he was tried and hanged. Yet his body, so corrupted by his desire to steal, had risen by itself in the form of a monstrous ghoul. So came into being N'aix, his old name long forgotten: the embodiment of lust and greed, bent on stealing the life of every living creature he encounters.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  4.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  39 - 49
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 15   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 26   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.40   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 4.05   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.50
盛宴 (Feast) [F]
N'aix restores some of his life force by eating flesh.

一级 - N'aix籍由每次攻击回复10%攻击伤害的生命。
二级 - N'aix籍由每次攻击回复20%攻击伤害的生命。
三级 - N'aix籍由每次攻击回复30%攻击伤害的生命。
四级 - N'aix籍由每次攻击回复40%攻击伤害的生命。
Level 1 - N'aix regains part of his hit points with each attack, gaining 10% of his damage with each attack.
Level 2 - N'aix regains part of his hit points with each attack, gaining 20% of his damage with each attack.
Level 3 - N'aix regains part of his hit points with each attack, gaining 30% of his damage with each attack.
Level 4 - N'aix regains part of his hit points with each attack, gaining 40% of his damage with each attack.
毒针 (Poison Sting) [T]
Naix's attacks sting, adding a slight poison-based damage and significantly slowing movement speed.
Lasts 2 seconds.

一级 - 造成2点/秒的伤害,降低目标10%的移动速度。
二级 - 造成4点/秒的伤害,降低目标20%的移动速度。
三级 - 造成7点/秒的伤害,降低目标30%的移动速度。
四级 - 造成10点/秒的伤害,降低目标40%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Deals 2 poison damage per second for 3 seconds and slows speed by 10%.
Level 2 - Deals 4 poison damage per second for 3 seconds and slows speed by 20%.
Level 3 - Deals 7 poison damage per second for 3 seconds and slows speed by 30%.
Level 4 - Deals 10 poison damage per second for 3 seconds and slows speed by 40%.
代谢性狂热 (Anabolic Frenzy) [Z]
Increases the attack speed and movement of N'aix.

一级 - 增加N'aix10%的攻击速度和3%的移动速度。
二级 - 增加N'aix20%的攻击速度和5%的移动速度。
三级 - 增加N'aix30%的攻击速度和7%的移动速度。
四级 - 增加N'aix40%的攻击速度和9%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Increases N'aix's attack speed by 10% and movement speed by 3%.
Level 2 - Increases N'aix's attack speed by 20% and movement speed by 5%.
Level 3 - Increases N'aix's attack speed by 30% and movement speed by 7%.
Level 4 - Increases N'aix's attack speed by 40% and movement speed by 9%.
狂暴 (Rage) [R]
Shrugging off magic spells as if they were insects, Na'ix closes in on his prey, poison oozing from his jaws and a maddened rage in his eyes...

一级 - N'aix变得不可理喻得狂暴,免疫魔法,增加10点的攻击力,持续10秒。
二级 - N'aix变得不可理喻得狂暴,免疫魔法,增加15点的攻击力,持续15秒。
三级 - N'aix变得不可理喻得狂暴,免疫魔法,增加20点的攻击力,持续20秒。
Level 1 - N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining 10 bonus damage for 10 seconds.
Level 2 - N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining 15 bonus damage for 15 seconds.
Level 3 - N'aix goes into a maddened rage, becoming immune to magic spells and gaining 20 bonus damage for 20 seconds.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:03 AM | 显示全部楼层
午夜酒馆(Midnight Tavern)

Terrorblade - 灵魂守卫
Terrorblade - Soul Keeper

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Terrorblade is the twin brother of the Anti-Mage. Both of Night Elf descent, Terrorblade was drawn in by the powers of the Undead, plunging deeper into the abyss of no return, growing large, gargoyle-like wings to symbolise his breaking from the Night Elf world. Having mastered the art of image-creation and soul manipulation, he has the ability to transform into a fearsome and terrifying demonic form, obtaining the powers to hurl energy at his opponents. Large moonblades slashing, he is one to fear on the battlefield.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.5
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  320   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  48 - 54
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 15   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 22   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.90   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 3.20   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.75
灵魂汲取 (Soul Steal) [E]



Strangles the soul of a target enemy unit and extracts bits and pieces of it.
Lasts 8 seconds.

一级 - 汲取20点/秒的生命,持续8秒。
二级 - 汲取40点/秒的生命,持续8秒。
三级 - 汲取60点/秒的生命,持续8秒。
四级 - 汲取80点/秒的生命,持续8秒。
Level 1 - Crushes and extracts a target's soul, absorbing 20 hit points per second from it. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 2 - Crushes and extracts a target's soul, absorbing 40 hit points per second from it. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 3 - Crushes and extracts a target's soul, absorbing 60 hit points per second from it. Lasts 8 seconds.
Level 4 - Crushes and extracts a target's soul, absorbing 80 hit points per second from it. Lasts 8 seconds.
魔法镜像 (Conjure Image) [C]


Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals damage. Lasts 30 seconds.

一级 - 镜像拥有本体25%的攻击力。
二级 - 镜像拥有本体35%的攻击力。
三级 - 镜像拥有本体45%的攻击力。
四级 - 镜像拥有本体55%的攻击力。
Level 1 - Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals 25% damage. The images take 300% damage.
Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 2 - Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals 35% damage. The images take 300% damage.
Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 3 - Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals 45% damage. The images take 300% damage.
Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 4 - Creates a copy of Terrorblade which deals 55% damage. The images take 300% damage.
Lasts 30 seconds.
变身 (Metamorphosis) [T]


Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful Demon with a ranged attack.

一级 - 持续30秒。
二级 - 增加50点的生命,持续40秒。
三级 - 增加100点的生命,持续50秒。
四级 - 增加150点的生命,持续60秒。
Level 1 - Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack.
Lasts 30 seconds.
Level 2 - Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack with 50 bonus hit points.|nLasts 40 seconds.
Level 3 - Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack with 100 bonus hit points.|nLasts 50 seconds.
Level 4 - Transforms Terrorblade into a powerful demon with a ranged attack with 150 bonus hit points.|nLasts 60 seconds.
灵魂隔断 (Sunder) [R]


Sunder severs the soul from both Terrorblade and a target hero, then exchanges them, carrying part of the units' life forces. The percentage hit points of each unit are switched with the souls. Some hit points must remain on enemy heroes.

一级 - 交换双方生命值的百分比,目标英雄至少保留33%的生命。
二级 - 交换双方生命值的百分比,目标英雄至少保留28%的生命。
三级 - 交换双方生命值的百分比,目标英雄至少保留23%的生命。
Level 1 - Severs the soul from another hero and exchanges its life force with your own. The percentage hit points of each unit swap. If used on an enemy hero, he cannot be lowered beneath 33% hit points with Sunder.
Level 2 - Severs the soul from another hero and exchanges its life force with your own. The percentage hit points of each unit swap. If used on an enemy hero, he cannot be lowered beneath 28% hit points with Sunder.
Level 3 - Severs the soul from another hero and exchanges its life force with your own. The percentage hit points of each unit swap. If used on an enemy hero, he cannot be lowered beneath 23% hit points with Sunder.
版本历史 (Change Log):

[ 本帖最后由 xtricky 于 25-11-2006 02:25 AM 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:04 AM | 显示全部楼层
Leshrac the Malicious - 受折磨的灵魂
Leshrac the Malicious - Tormented Soul

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):


Torment around me.
Torment in me.
Torment be with me.
And let us conquer our foes.
They do not understand our pain.
Do you?
Not a soul can.
And for that,
We shall make them feel the torment...
The torment that inhabits my

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  300   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  1.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  45 - 49
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 14   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 13   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 26
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.50   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.70   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 3.00
撕裂大地 (Split Earth) [T]
Splits the earth under your enemies feet. Deals damage and stuns for a short duration.

一级 - 撕裂敌人脚下的大地。造成70点的伤害,晕眩1.25(0.75)秒。
二级 - 撕裂敌人脚下的大地。造成140点的伤害,晕眩1.5(1.5)秒。
三级 - 撕裂敌人脚下的大地。造成210点的伤害,晕眩1.75(2.25)秒。
四级 - 撕裂敌人脚下的大地。造成290点的伤害,晕眩2(3)秒。
Level 1 - Splits the ground right out from beneath your enemies. Deals 70 damage and stuns for 1.25 seconds.
Level 2 - Splits the ground right out from beneath your enemies. Deals 140 damage and stuns for 1.5 seconds.
Level 3 - Splits the ground right out from beneath your enemies. Deals 210 damage and stuns for 1.75 seconds.
Level 4 - Splits the ground right out from beneath your enemies. Deals 290 damage and stuns for 2 seconds.
恶魔赦令 (Diabolic Edict) [C]
Saturates the area around Leshrac with magic, causing random explosions to enemies. AoE of 500. Lasts 8 seconds.

一级 - 每秒释放4次脉冲,每次脉冲造成12.5点的伤害,持续8秒,总计造成400点的伤害。
二级 - 每秒释放4次脉冲,每次脉冲造成25点的伤害,持续8秒,总计造成800点的伤害。
三级 - 每秒释放4次脉冲,每次脉冲造成37.5点的伤害,持续8秒,总计造成1200点的伤害。
四级 - 每秒释放4次脉冲,每次脉冲造成50点的伤害,持续8秒,总计造成1600点的伤害。
Level 1 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 12.5 damage. Total 800 damage.
Level 2 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 25 damage. Total 1200 damage.
Level 3 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 37.5 damage. Total 400 damage.
Level 4 - Releases 4 pulses every second, and each pulse deals 50 damage. Total 1600 damage.
闪电风暴 (Lightning Storm) [G]
Calls a lightning storm that hits nearby enemies.

一级 - 召唤一片闪电风暴攻击附近的敌方单位。造成80点的伤害,跳跃2次。每次跳跃减弱闪电5%的伤害。
二级 - 召唤一片闪电风暴攻击附近的敌方单位。造成145点的伤害,跳跃3次。每次跳跃减弱闪电5%的伤害。
三级 - 召唤一片闪电风暴攻击附近的敌方单位。造成205点的伤害,跳跃4次。每次跳跃减弱闪电5%的伤害。
四级 - 召唤一片闪电风暴攻击附近的敌方单位。造成265点的伤害,跳跃5次。每次跳跃减弱闪电5%的伤害。
Level 1 - Calls a Lightning Storm that strikes multiple nearby enemies. Deals 80 damage and hits two targets.
Level 2 - Calls a Lightning Storm that strikes multiple nearby enemies. Deals 145 damage and hits three targets.
Level 3 - Calls a Lightning Storm that strikes multiple nearby enemies. Deals 205 damage and hits four targets.
Level 4 - Calls a Lightning Storm that strikes multiple nearby enemies. Deals 265 damage and hits five targets.
脉冲新星 (Pulse Nova) [V]
Summons a Pulse Nova every second to damage nearby enemies.

一级 - 启动脉冲新星,每秒造成周围敌方单位66点(88点)的伤害。
二级 - 启动脉冲新星,每秒造成周围敌方单位100点(133点)的伤害。
三级 - 启动脉冲新星,每秒造成周围敌方单位144点(177点)的伤害。
Level 1 - Activate Pulse Nova to damage nearby units for 66 damage every seconds.
Costs 20 mana per second.
Level 2 - Activate Pulse Nova to damage nearby units for 100 damage every seconds.
Costs 40 mana per second.
Level 3 - Activate Pulse Nova to damage nearby units for 144 damage every seconds.
Costs 60 mana per second.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
Kel`Thuzad - 巫妖
Kel'Thuzad - Lich

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Forcibly raised from the dead by the Lich King to serve as his elite magical guard, the Lich has the burning cold of Northrend in his realm of control. Evoking numerous freezing blasts, his talent in life still remains in death. Delving into the essence of cold magic, he has the power to cause ice to condense into an orb that bounces from foe to foe, causing tremendous pain in its wake. Sacrificing his allies for magical power, the Lich is a murderer without a trace of warmth.

初始射程 (Base Range):  500   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  1.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  37 - 49
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 18   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 18
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.55   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.00   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 3.25
霜冻之星 (Frost Nova) [V]
Blasts enemy units around a target enemy unit with a wave of damaging frost that slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.

一级 - 冷冻爆炸打击目标及其周围的单位,造成75点的伤害,并对目标造成额外的50点的伤害。冰冻效果减慢敌人的移动和攻击速度,持续4秒。
二级 - 冷冻爆炸打击目标及其周围的单位,造成100点的伤害,并对目标造成额外的100点的伤害。冰冻效果减慢敌人的移动和攻击速度,持续4秒。
三级 - 冷冻爆炸打击目标及其周围的单位,造成125点的伤害,并对目标造成额外的125点的伤害。冰冻效果减慢敌人的移动和攻击速度,持续4秒。
四级 - 冷冻爆炸打击目标及其周围的单位,造成150点的伤害,并对目标造成额外的175点的伤害。冰冻效果减慢敌人的移动和攻击速度,持续4秒。
Level 1 - Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals 50 target damage and 75 nova damage. Cold damage slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 2 - Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals 100 target damage and 100 nova damage. Cold damage slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals 125 target damage and 125 nova damage. Cold damage slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
Level 4 - Blasts enemy units with a wave of frost that deals 175 target damage and 150 nova damage. Cold damage slows movement and attack rates for 4 seconds.
霜冻护甲 (Frost Armor) [F]
Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds armor and slows attacking melee units for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.

一级 - 为友方目标制造一个霜冻护甲,增加2点的护甲,并且对护甲进行近身攻击的敌人将被减速2(3)秒。
二级 - 为友方目标制造一个霜冻护甲,增加4点的护甲,并且对护甲进行近身攻击的敌人将被减速2(3)秒。
三级 - 为友方目标制造一个霜冻护甲,增加6点的护甲,并且对护甲进行近身攻击的敌人将被减速2(3)秒。
四级 - 为友方目标制造一个霜冻护甲,增加8点的护甲,并且对护甲进行近身攻击的敌人将被减速2(3)秒。
Level 1 - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds 2 armor and slows melee units that attack it for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 2 - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds 4 armor and slows melee units that attack it for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 3 - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds 6 armor and slows melee units that attack it for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.
Level 4 - Creates a shield of frost around a target friendly unit. The shield adds 8 armor and slows melee units that attack it for 2 seconds.
Lasts 25 seconds.
邪恶祭祀 (Dark Ritual) [D]
Sacrifices a target friendly unit to convert its hit points into mana.

一级 - 牺牲一个友方士兵,将他15%的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。
二级 - 牺牲一个友方士兵,将他30%的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。
三级 - 牺牲一个友方士兵,将他45%的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。
四级 - 牺牲一个友方士兵,将他60%的生命值转化为自己的魔法值。
Level 1 - Sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 15% of its hit points to your mana.
Level 2 - Sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 30% of its hit points to your mana.
Level 3 - Sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 45% of its hit points to your mana.
Level 4 - Sacrifices a nearby friendly unit to restore 60% of its hit points to your mana.
连环霜冻 (Chain Frost) [C]
Releases a jumping breath of frost that jumps 6 times.

一级 - 释放一股跳跃6次的霜冻,每次跳跃造成280点(370点)的伤害,第一次弹射同时造成0.01秒的晕眩。
二级 - 释放一股跳跃6次的霜冻,每次跳跃造成370点(460点)的伤害,第一次弹射同时造成0.01秒的晕眩。
三级 - 释放一股跳跃6次的霜冻,每次跳跃造成460点(550点)的伤害,第一次弹射同时造成0.01秒的晕眩。
Level 1 - Summons a chain of Frost that bounces 6 times against enemy units, dealing 280 (370) damage to each.
Level 2 - Summons a chain of Frost that bounces 6 times against enemy units, dealing 370 (460) damage to each.
Level 3 - Summons a chain of Frost that bounces 6 times against enemy units, dealing 460 (550) damage to each.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:05 AM | 显示全部楼层
Krobelus - 死亡先知
Krobelus - Death Prophet

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of Death Sayers. Her belief in the ways of death and the perfect harmony it brings has given her dead spirit a chance to wreak havoc among the chaotic living. She uses her abilities to call upon carnivorous bats and long dead spirits to lay to rest all who still pump blood through their veins. She augments her powers through the use of witchraft, and she is able to make opponents gape in fear, losing the focus needed to cast spells. She is devoted to death in all it's aspects, and would see all turned to ash.

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  280   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  1.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  39 - 51
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 14   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 20
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.80   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.40   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 3.00
食腐蝠群 (Carrion Swarm) [R]
Sends a horde of bats to damage enemies.

一级 - 招唤一群蝙蝠对一条直线上的每个敌人造成100点的伤害。
二级 - 招唤一群蝙蝠对一条直线上的每个敌人造成175点的伤害。
三级 - 招唤一群蝙蝠对一条直线上的每个敌人造成250点的伤害。
四级 - 招唤一群蝙蝠对一条直线上的每个敌人造成300点的伤害。
Level 1 - Sends a horde of bats to deal 100 damage to each enemy unit in a cone.
Level 2 - Sends a horde of bats to deal 175 damage to each enemy unit in a cone.
Level 3 - Sends a horde of bats to deal 250 damage to each enemy unit in a cone.
Level 4 - Sends a horde of bats to deal 300 damage to each enemy unit in a cone.
沉默魔法 (Silence) [E]
Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells.

一级 - 阻止250(200)范围内的敌方单位使用技能,持续3秒。
二级 - 阻止250(275)范围内的敌方单位使用技能,持续4秒。
三级 - 阻止250(350)范围内的敌方单位使用技能,持续5秒。
四级 - 阻止250(350)范围内的敌方单位使用技能,持续6秒。
Level 1 - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for 3 seconds.
Level 2 - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for 4 seconds.
Level 3 - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for 5 seconds.
Level 4 - Stops all enemies in a target area from casting spells for 6 seconds.
巫术精研 (Witchcraft) [C]
食腐蝠群 - 降低冷却时间和魔法消耗。
沉默魔法 - 降低冷却时间和魔法消耗。
驱使恶灵 - 增加恶灵的数量。
Increases the potency of each of Krobelus's spells:
Carrion Swarm - Decreases cooldown and mana cost.
Silence - Decreases cooldown.
Exorcism - Increases the number of Spirits summoned.
Passively increases movement speed.

一级 - 提升Krobelus使用巫术的能力。降低食腐蝠群Carrion Swarm的冷却时间和魔法消耗;降低沉默魔法Silence的魔法消耗;增加驱使恶灵Exorcism所能召唤的恶灵的数量。提升2%的移动速度。
二级 - 提升Krobelus使用巫术的能力。降低食腐蝠群Carrion Swarm的冷却时间和魔法消耗;降低沉默魔法Silence的魔法消耗;增加驱使恶灵Exorcism所能召唤的恶灵的数量。提升4%的移动速度。
三级 - 提升Krobelus使用巫术的能力。降低食腐蝠群Carrion Swarm的冷却时间和魔法消耗;降低沉默魔法Silence的魔法消耗;增加驱使恶灵Exorcism所能召唤的恶灵的数量。提升6%的移动速度。
四级 - 提升Krobelus使用巫术的能力。降低食腐蝠群Carrion Swarm的冷却时间和魔法消耗;降低沉默魔法Silence的魔法消耗;增加驱使恶灵Exorcism所能召唤的恶灵的数量。提升8%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Improve's Krobelus's other abilities. Carrion Swarm costs less mana and cools down quicker; Silence has a smaller mana cost; and Exorcism summons more Spirits. Also passively increases movement speed.
Level 2 - Improve's Krobelus's other abilities. Carrion Swarm costs less mana and cools down quicker; Silence has a smaller mana cost; and Exorcism summons more Spirits. Also passively increases movement speed.
Level 3 - Improve's Krobelus's other abilities. Carrion Swarm costs less mana and cools down quicker; Silence has a smaller mana cost; and Exorcism summons more Spirits. Also passively increases movement speed.
Level 4 - Improve's Krobelus's other abilities. Carrion Swarm costs less mana and cools down quicker; Silence has a smaller mana cost; and Exorcism summons more Spirits. Also passively increases movement speed.
驱使恶灵 (Exorcism) [X]
Unleashes evil spirits to attack your enemies.

一级 - 释放5(6/7/8/9)个恶灵攻击敌方单位与建筑。
二级 - 释放10(11/13/14/16)个恶灵攻击敌方单位与建筑。
三级 - 释放16(16/18/20/23)个恶灵攻击敌方单位与建筑。
Level 1 - Unleashes evil spirits to attack your enemies. Summons 5(6/7/8/9) ghosts.
Level 2 - Unleashes evil spirits to attack your enemies. Summons 10(11/13/14/16) ghosts.
Level 3 - Unleashes evil spirits to attack your enemies. Summons 16(16/18/20/23) ghosts.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
Lion - 恶魔巫师
Lion - Demon Witch

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
With control over the terrible powers of the demon lord Archimonde, Lion is a feared and respected enemy on the battlefield. Once a wizard of Dalaran, he ventured deeper into the unknown arts and became corrupted by the iron will of the Frozen Throne. He is a powerful disabler, able to afflict all sorts of curses onto an enemy and has achieved the zenith of demon magics.

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  280   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  1.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  42 - 48
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 16   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 22
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.70   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.50   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 3.00
穿刺 (Impale) [E]
Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake.

一级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成60点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩0.5秒。
二级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成130点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩1秒。
三级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成200点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩1.5秒。
四级 - 用巨爪猛击地面,向一条直线上射出带刺的卷须,造成260点的伤害,并将敌方地面单位抛向空中,晕眩2秒。
Level 1 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 60 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for .5 seconds.
Level 2 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 130 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 1 second.
Level 3 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 200 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 1.5 seconds.
Level 4 - Slams the ground with massive claws, shooting spiked tendrils out in a straight line, dealing 260 damage and hurling enemy ground units into the air in their wake, stunning them for 2 seconds.
妖术 (Voodoo) [D]
Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter, disabling special abilities.

一级 - 将敌方单位变成小动物,他将不能攻击、使用技能或物品,只拥有基础护甲以及缓慢的移动速度。持续1秒。
二级 - 将敌方单位变成小动物,他将不能攻击、使用技能或物品,只拥有基础护甲以及缓慢的移动速度。持续2秒。
三级 - 将敌方单位变成小动物,他将不能攻击、使用技能或物品,只拥有基础护甲以及缓慢的移动速度。持续3秒。
四级 - 将敌方单位变成小动物,他将不能攻击、使用技能或物品,只拥有基础护甲以及缓慢的移动速度。持续4秒。
Level 1 - Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter for 1 seconds.
Level 2 - Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter for 2 seconds.
Level 3 - Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter for 3 seconds.
Level 4 - Transforms an enemy unit into a random critter for 4 seconds.
法力汲取 (Mana Drain) [R]
Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking mana from it every second.
Lasts 5 seconds.

一级 - 汲取敌方单位15点/秒的魔法。
二级 - 汲取敌方单位30点/秒的魔法。
三级 - 汲取敌方单位50点/秒的魔法。
四级 - 汲取敌方单位70点/秒的魔法。
Level 1 - Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking 15 mana per second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 2 - Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking 30 mana per second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 3 - Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking 50 mana per second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
Level 4 - Absorbs the magical energies of a target enemy unit by taking 70 mana per second.
Lasts 5 seconds.
死亡一指 (Finger of Death) [F]
Instantly rips at a target, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals massive damage.

一级 - 在一瞬间撕裂目标,折腾得死去活来,造成500点(600点)的伤害。
二级 - 在一瞬间撕裂目标,折腾得死去活来,造成650点(800点)的伤害。
三级 - 在一瞬间撕裂目标,折腾得死去活来,造成850点(1025点)的伤害。
Level 1 - Tears at an enemy, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals 500 (600) damage.
Level 2 - Tears at an enemy, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals 650 (800) damage.
Level 3 - Tears at an enemy, attempting to turn it inside-out. Deals 850 (1025) damage.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:06 AM | 显示全部楼层
Lesale Deathbringer - 剧毒术士
Lesale Deathbringer - Venomancer

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
For those obsessed with death, poison is a necessary study. However, Lesale went a step too far. He experimented upon himself with various toxins and chemicals so that he could learn the secrets of death. These twisted his mind and mutated his body into a hideous creature which embodies an immense hatred for all things pure. He can strike an enemy with a concentrated shot of poison or even spread a toxic gas throughout an entire area, severely weakening beast and human alike.

初始射程 (Base Range):  450   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  3.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 敏捷 / Agility   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  46 - 48
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 18   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 22   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.85   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.60   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.75
暗影突袭 (Shadow Strike) [D]


Hurls a poisoned dagger which deals large initial damage, and then deals damage over time. The poisoned unit has its movement speed slowed for a short duration.

一级 - 造成50点的初始伤害,10点/3秒的后续伤害。
二级 - 造成70点的初始伤害,20点/3秒的后续伤害。
三级 - 造成70点的初始伤害,40点/3秒的后续伤害。
四级 - 造成100点的初始伤害,50点/3秒的后续伤害。
Level 1 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 50 initial damage, and 10 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 2 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 70 initial damage, and 20 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 3 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 70 initial damage, and 40 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
Level 4 - Hurls a poisoned dagger at a target enemy unit, dealing 100 initial damage, and 50 damage every 3 seconds for 15 seconds. The poison slows the movement speed of the targeted unit for a short duration.
毒刺 (Poison Sting) [T]


Adds poison damage to this hero's normal attacks, slightly slowing movement speeds.
Lasts 7 seconds.

一级 - 造成5点/秒的毒性伤害,持续7秒。
二级 - 造成10点/秒的毒性伤害,持续7秒。
三级 - 造成15点/秒的毒性伤害,持续7秒。
四级 - 造成20点/秒的毒性伤害,持续7秒。
Level 1 - Deals 5 poison damage per second for 7 seconds and slows speed slightly. Does not stack.
Level 2 - Deals 10 poison damage per second for 7 seconds and slows speed slightly. Does not stack.
Level 3 - Deals 15 poison damage per second for 7 seconds and slows speed slightly. Does not stack.
Level 4 - Deals 20 poison damage per second for 7 seconds and slows speed slightly. Does not stack.
瘟疫守卫 (Plague Ward) [W]


Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward is immune to magic.
Lasts 40 seconds.

一级 - 守卫拥有75点的生命,11点的攻击力。
二级 - 守卫拥有200点的生命,21点的攻击力。
三级 - 守卫拥有325点的生命,32点的攻击力。
四级 - 守卫拥有450点的生命,42点的攻击力。
Level 1 - Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward has 75 hit points, is magic immune, and deals 11 damage.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Attacks land and air units.
Level 2 - Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward has 200 hit points, is magic immune, and deals 21 damage.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Attacks land and air units.
Level 3 - Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward has 325 hit points, is magic immune, and deals 32 damage.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Attacks land and air units.
Level 4 - Summons an immobile serpentine ward. The ward has 450 hit points, is magic immune, and deals 42 damage.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Attacks land and air units.
剧毒新星 (Poison Nova) [V]


Creates a ring of noxious poison that damages enemy units over a 12 second period.

一级 - 对周围的目标造成36(58)点/秒的毒性伤害,持续12秒。
二级 - 对周围的目标造成58(81)点/秒的毒性伤害,持续12秒。
三级 - 对周围的目标造成81(108)点/秒的毒性伤害,持续12秒。
Level 1 - A ring of poisonous gases surrounds the Venomancer, damaging nearby enemy units for 36(58) damage per second over 12 seconds. Poison Nova generally only works if you are standing still when you cast it.
Level 2 - A ring of poisonous gases surrounds the Venomancer, damaging nearby enemy units for 58 (81)damage per second over 12 seconds. Poison Nova generally only works if you are standing still when you cast it.
Level 3 - A ring of poisonous gases surrounds the Venomancer, damaging nearby enemy units for 81 (108)damage per second over 12 seconds. Poison Nova generally only works if you are standing still when you cast it.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报


 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:07 AM | 显示全部楼层
Magnus - 半人猛犸
Magnus - Magnataur

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Maybe the most tremendous being on the Scourge, Magnus is a power to be reckoned with. Trained from birth to become a potent warrior, he is now at the peak of his strength. The Magnatuar鈥檚 giant axe can cleave paths through his enemies, and create a bone-breaking shockwave the ripples through the ground. Further strengthened by a demonic magic that enhances his attacks, he can crush enemies with shocking ease. His greatest power, though, is the ability to create an immensely strong magnetic field, sucking in helpless foes to meet their end.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  315   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  49 - 61
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 21   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 15   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 17
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.75   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.80   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.65
震荡波 (Shock Wave) [W]
A wave of force ripples out from the Hero, causing damage to land units in a line.

一级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成75点的伤害。
二级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成150点的伤害。
三级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成225点的伤害。
四级 - 英雄发射出一道震荡波,对一条直线上的地面单位造成300点的伤害。
Level 1 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 75 damage to land units in a line.
Level 2 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 150 damage to land units in a line.
Level 3 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 225 damage to land units in a line.
Level 4 - A wave of force ripples outward, causing 300 damage to land units in a line.
授予力量 (Empower) [E]
Increases attack damage for a friendly unit.

一级 - 提升一个友方单位15%的基础攻击力。
二级 - 提升一个友方单位30%的基础攻击力。
三级 - 提升一个友方单位45%的基础攻击力。
四级 - 提升一个友方单位60%的基础攻击力。
Level 1 - Gives a friendly unit a 15% bonus to their damage.
Level 2 - Gives a friendly unit a 30% bonus to their damage.
Level 3 - Gives a friendly unit a 45% bonus to their damage.
Level 4 - Gives a friendly unit a 60% bonus to their damage.
巨力挥击 (Mighty Swing) [T]
Magnus' halberd swings in a mighty arc, damaging all enemies in a fairly wide circle. Targets beside the primary take less damage.

一级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成12%的溅射伤害。
二级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成25%的溅射伤害。
三级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成37%的溅射伤害。
四级 - Muagnus的长矛划出一道弧线,对周围所有的目标造成50%的溅射伤害。
Level 1 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 12% of the primary damage.
Level 2 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 25% of the primary damage.
Level 3 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 37% of the primary damage.
Level 4 - When Magnus attacks, his halberd swings in a large arc, damaging all nearby units for 50% of the primary damage.
两极反转 (Reverse Polarity) [V]
Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby enemies to his position and stuns them with a powerful slam, dealing damage.

一级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成150点的伤害,晕眩2(3)秒。
二级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成225点的伤害,晕眩3(4)秒。
三级 - 通过某种未知的力量,将460范围内的敌方单位牵引到Magnus的身边。造成300点的伤害,晕眩4(5)秒。
Level 1 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 150 damage and stunning them for 2 seconds.
Level 2 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 225 damage and stunning them for 3 seconds.
Level 3 - Through some unknown property of matter, the Magmataur sucks all nearby units to his position. He stuns them with a powerful stomp, dealing 300 damage and stunning them for 4 seconds.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
Visage - 死灵飞龙
Visage - Necrolic

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Brought back to unlife by a vicious Harpy Queen, this once proud Wyvern was turned into a Visage of it's former self. Corrupted by chaos, Visage is a now a master of death; the unholy chill of the grave driving him into killing frenzies. Empathic to souls, he can consume fresh souls to heal, bond them to share damage and animate souls of his dead brethren into corpses to fight by his side.

初始射程 (Base Range):  600   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  285   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  1.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 智力 / Intelligence   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  33 - 43
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 17   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 17   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 19
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 1.75   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.00   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 2.45
黄泉颤抖 (Grave Chill) [G]
Visage drains the life from a target, slowing its attack and move speed. He then gets bonuses equal to those drained.

一级 - Visage从目标身上抽取生命的元气,降低目标8%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒;他自己相应提升8%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续15秒。消耗110点的魔法。
二级 - Visage从目标身上抽取生命的元气,降低目标16%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒;他自己相应提升16%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续15秒。消耗120点的魔法。
三级 - Visage从目标身上抽取生命的元气,降低目标24%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒;他自己相应提升24%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续15秒。消耗130点的魔法。
四级 - Visage从目标身上抽取生命的元气,降低目标32%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续10秒;他自己相应提升32%的攻击速度和移动速度,持续15秒。消耗140点的魔法。
Level 1 - Visage drains the life from a target, causing it to lose 8% of its attack speed and 8% of its move speed. Visage then gains 8% bonus attack speed and 8% bonus movement speed.
Level 2 - Visage drains the life from a target, causing it to lose 16% of its attack speed and 16% of its move speed. Visage then gains 16% bonus attack speed and 16% bonus movement speed.
Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 3 - Visage drains the life from a target, causing it to lose 24% of its attack speed and 24% of its move speed. Visage then gains 24% bonus attack speed and 24% bonus movement speed.
Lasts 10 seconds.
Level 4 - Visage drains the life from a target, causing it to lose 32% of its attack speed and 32% of its move speed. Visage then gains 32% bonus attack speed and 32% bonus movement speed.
Lasts 10 seconds.
灵魂超度 (Soul Assumption) [T]
Adds extra damage to attacks. Units killed while under the effect of Soul Assumption will give Visage life.
Orb effect

一级 - 在攻击中附加10点额外的伤害,如果在时效内(2秒)杀死目标,Visage可以恢复10点的生命。消耗5点的魔法。
二级 - 在攻击中附加20点额外的伤害,如果在时效内(2秒)杀死目标,Visage可以恢复20点的生命。消耗10点的魔法。
三级 - 在攻击中附加30点额外的伤害,如果在时效内(2秒)杀死目标,Visage可以恢复30点的生命。消耗15点的魔法。
四级 - 在攻击中附加40点额外的伤害,如果在时效内(2秒)杀死目标,Visage可以恢复40点的生命。消耗20点的魔法。
Level 1 - Adds 10 bonus damage to attacks. If a unit is killed while using Soul Assumption the caster will gain 10 life.
Level 2 - Adds 20 bonus damage to attacks. If a unit is killed while using Soul Assumption the caster will gain 20 life.
Level 3 - Adds 30 bonus damage to attacks. If a unit is killed while using Soul Assumption the caster will gain 30 life.
Level 4 - Adds 40 bonus damage to attacks. If a unit is killed while using Soul Assumption the caster will gain 40 life.
守墓人的斗篷 (Gravekeeper's Cloak) [G]
Causes any damage taken by visage to be reflected onto all enemies in a 600 AoE.

一级 - Visage将7%的所受伤害反弹给600范围内的所有敌方单位。
二级 - Visage将14%的所受伤害反弹给600范围内的所有敌方单位。
三级 - Visage将21%的所受伤害反弹给600范围内的所有敌方单位。
四级 - Visage将28%的所受伤害反弹给600范围内的所有敌方单位。
Level 1 - Deflects 7% of damage taken onto a 600 AoE.
Level 2 - Deflects 14% of damage taken onto a 600 AoE.
Level 3 - Deflects 21% of damage taken onto a 600 AoE.
Level 4 - Deflects 28% of damage taken onto a 600 AoE.
怨灵复生 (Raise Revenant) [V]
Raises a revenant from a corpse. Resists spell damage by 33%.

一级 - 从尸体中复活出怨灵,拥有350点的生命,29点的攻击力,飞行单位,33%的魔法抗性。
二级 - 从尸体中复活出怨灵,拥有550点的生命,39点的攻击力,飞行单位,33%的魔法抗性。
三级 - 从尸体中复活出怨灵,拥有800点的生命,49点的攻击力,飞行单位,魔法免疫。
Level 1 - Progenerates a revenant from a corpse. Has 350 hit points and deals 29 damage. Takes 33% less damage from spells.
Can summon 5 revenants.
Level 2 - Progenerates a revenant from a corpse. Has 550 hit points and deals 39 damage. Takes 33% less damage from spells.
Can summon 6 revenants.
Level 3 - Progenerates a revenant from a corpse. Has 800 hit points and deals 49 damage. Spell Immune.
Can summon 7 revenants.
版本历史 (Change Log):


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:08 AM | 显示全部楼层
Nessaj - 混沌骑士
Nessaj - Chaos Knight

英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
A disciple of Mithras, the God of Chaos, Nessaj has utilized the powers bestowed upon him to further the cause of Chaos and Evil. He stands opposed with all his might against the powers of Order and Good. He uses his ability to call upon chaotic energy to damage and stun an enemy for a random length of time in conjunction with his power to rip holes in space to instantly strike down all that stand against him. His powers culminate into the terrifying Phantasm, creating 3 avatars of himself who do full damage to all those who oppose him, confusing the battlefield and wreaking havoc amongst the foces of Good.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  325   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  46 - 76
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 21   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 14   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 16
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.90   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 2.10   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.20
混乱之箭 (Chaos Bolt) [C]
A mysterious energy bolt is thrown at an enemy. It stuns for a random amount of time, ranging from 1 to 5 seconds. Deals random damage between 1 to 200.

一级 - 向目标投射一支神秘的魔法箭,随机造成1-2秒的晕眩和1-200点的伤害。
二级 - 向目标投射一支神秘的魔法箭,随机造成1-3秒的晕眩和1-200点的伤害。
三级 - 向目标投射一支神秘的魔法箭,随机造成1-4秒的晕眩和1-200点的伤害。
四级 - 向目标投射一支神秘的魔法箭,随机造成2-4秒的晕眩和1-200点的伤害。
Level 1 - Throws a mysterious energy blob at an enemy, stunning for a random amount of time between 1-2. Deals random damage between 1 to 200.
Level 2 - Throws a mysterious energy blob at an enemy, stunning for a random amount of time between 1-3. Deals random damage between 1 to 200.
Level 3 - Throws a mysterious energy blob at an enemy, stunning for a random amount of time between 1-4. Deals random damage between 1 to 200.
Level 4 - Throws a mysterious energy blob at an enemy, stunning for a random amount of time between 2-4. Deals random damage between 1 to 200.
闪烁突袭 (Blink Strike) [B]
Teleports to an enemy and strikes at it, dealing bonus damage.

一级 - 瞬间移动到敌方单位身边对他进行攻击,造成30点额外伤害,冷却时间30秒。
二级 - 瞬间移动到敌方单位身边对他进行攻击,造成60点额外伤害,冷却时间20秒。
三级 - 瞬间移动到敌方单位身边对他进行攻击,造成90点额外伤害,冷却时间10秒。
四级 - 瞬间移动到敌方单位身边对他进行攻击,造成120点额外伤害,冷却时间5秒。
Level 1 - Teleports near a target unit and attacks it, dealing 30 bonus damage.
Level 2 - Teleports near a target unit and attacks it, dealing 60 bonus damage.
Level 3 - Teleports near a target unit and attacks it, dealing 90 bonus damage.
Level 4 - Teleports near a target unit and attacks it, dealing 120 bonus damage.
致命一击 (Critical Strike) [R]
Nessaj's mojo gives him a chance to deal bonus damage.

一级 - 11%的几率造成1.5倍伤害的致命一击。
二级 - 11%的几率造成2倍伤害的致命一击。
三级 - 11%的几率造成2.5倍伤害的致命一击。
四级 - 11%的几率造成3倍伤害的致命一击。
Level 1 - Gives an 11% chance of dealing 1.5 times damage on an attack.
Level 2 - Gives an 11% chance of dealing 2 times damage on an attack.
Level 3 - Gives an 11% chance of dealing 2.5 times damage on an attack.
Level 4 - Gives an 11% chance of dealing 3 times damage on an attack.
幻象 (Phantasm) [T]
Summons several copies of the Chaos Knight from alternate dimensions. The illusions deal full damage, but take extra damage.
Lasts 20 seconds.

一级 - 混乱骑士制造1个自身的幻象,幻象拥有本体全部的攻击力,不过受到200%的伤害。
二级 - 混乱骑士制造2个自身的幻象,幻象拥有本体全部的攻击力,不过受到250%的伤害。
三级 - 混乱骑士制造3个自身的幻象,幻象拥有本体全部的攻击力,不过受到300%的伤害。
Level 1 - The Chaos Knight summons a copy of himself from an alternate dimension. It deals full damage, but takes twice normal damage.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 2 - The Chaos Knight summons 2 copies of himself from an alternate dimension. They deal full damage, but take 2.5 times normal damage.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 3 - The Chaos Knight summons 3 copies of himself from an alternate dimension. They deal full damage, but take triple normal damage.
Lasts 20 seconds.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 25-11-2006 02:09 AM | 显示全部楼层
Banehallow - 狼人
Banehallow - Lycanthrope

  英雄介绍 (Hero Introduction):
Banehallow is an avatar of bestial fury created by the scourge. For years he has dwelled in the dark forests of the world, hunting innocents that wander therein. Now he is called to aid his masters. He revels in blood and battle, using his wolfish persona to draw the feral beasts to his side and imbue his allies with his flesh-shredding strength. He is also unnaturally quick and agile. Some say he can even transform into a giant wolf, giving him more durability and the speed to gouge and maim with near impunity.

初始射程 (Base Range):  100   |   初始攻击间隔 (Base Attack Time):  1.7
初始移动速度 (Base Move Speed):  295   |   初始防御 (Base Armor):  2.0
基本属性 (Primary Attribute): 力量 / Strength   |   初始攻击力 (Base Damage):  53 - 57
初始力量值 (Base Strength): 22   |   初始敏捷值 (Base Agility): 16   |   初始智力值 (Base Intelligence): 15
力量增长系数 (Strength Growth): 2.75   |   敏捷增长系数 (Agility Growth): 1.90   |   智力增长系数 (Intelligence Growth): 1.55
召狼 (Summon Wolves) [V]
Summons 2 Spirit Wolves to fight the Lycanthropy's enemies.
Lasts 45 seconds.

一级 - 召唤2只精灵狼,拥有400点的生命。
二级 - 召唤2只精灵狼,拥有500点的生命,致命一击的能力。
三级 - 召唤2只精灵狼,拥有600点的生命,致命一击与击晕的能力。
四级 - 召唤2只精灵狼,拥有700点的生命,致命一击、击晕与永久隐身的能力。
Level 1 - Summons 2 Wolf companions for 45 seconds. Each wolf has 400 hp.
Level 2 - Summons 2 Wolf companions for 45 seconds. Each wolf has 500 hp and Critical Strike.
Level 3 - Summons 2 Wolf companions for 45 seconds. Each wolf has 600 hp, Critical Strike, and Bash.
Level 4 - Summons 2 Wolf companions for 45 seconds. Each wolf has 700 hp, Critical Strike, Permenant Invisibility, and Bash.
嗥叫 (Howl) [W]
An eerie howl grants an inner strength to all nearby friendly units.
Lasts 20 seconds.

一级 - 嗥叫增加周围友方单位8%的基础攻击力。
二级 - 嗥叫增加周围友方单位16%的基础攻击力。
三级 - 嗥叫增加周围友方单位24%的基础攻击力。
四级 - 嗥叫增加周围友方单位32%的基础攻击力。
Level 1 - Gives friendly nearby units a 8% bonus to damage with a wicked howl.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 2 - Gives friendly nearby units a 16% bonus to damage with a wicked howl.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 3 - Gives friendly nearby units a 24% bonus to damage with a wicked howl.
Lasts 20 seconds.
Level 4 - Gives friendly nearby units a 32% bonus to damage with a wicked howl.
Lasts 20 seconds.
野性之心 (Feral Heart) [E]
Increases the movement speed and attack speed of the Lycanthropy.

一级 - 提升狼人15%的攻击速度和3%的移动速度。
二级 - 提升狼人19%的攻击速度和6%的移动速度。
三级 - 提升狼人23%的攻击速度和9%的移动速度。
四级 - 提升狼人27%的攻击速度和12%的移动速度。
Level 1 - Increases the Lycanthropy's movement speed by 3% and attack rate by 15%.
Level 2 - Increases the Lycanthropy's movement speed by 6% and attack rate by 19%.
Level 3 - Increases the Lycanthropy's movement speed by 9% and attack rate by 23%.
Level 4 - Increases the Lycanthropy's movement speed by 12% and attack rate by 27%.
变身 (Shapeshift) [F]
A Full Moon curdles the blood of the Lycanthropy. He transforms into a Wolf with extra damage, hit points, Critical Strike, and bonus movement and attack speeds.

一级 - 狼人变身为狼,得到100点额外的生命,提升攻击速度和移动速度,拥有致命一击的能力。
二级 - 狼人变身为狼,得到200点额外的生命,提升攻击速度和移动速度,拥有致命一击的能力。
三级 - 狼人变身为狼,得到300点额外的生命,提升攻击速度和移动速度,拥有致命一击的能力。
Level 1 - Shapeshifts the Lycanthropy into a powerful Wolf with 100 bonus hit points, Critical Strike, and bonus movement and attack speeds.
Lasts 40 seconds.
Some item abilities may not work in Shapeshifted form.
Level 2 - Shapeshifts the Lycanthropy into a powerful Wolf with 200 bonus hit points, Critical Strike, and bonus movement and attack speeds.
Lasts 50 seconds.
Some item abilities may not work in Shapeshifted form.
Level 3 - Shapeshifts the Lycanthropy into a powerful Wolf with 300 bonus hit points, Critical Strike,and bonus movement and attack speeds.
Lasts 60 seconds.
Some item abilities may not work in Shapeshifted form.
版本历史 (Change Log):

使用道具 举报

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