真.终级探险大满贯 (True Adventure Grand Slam)
发表于 9-3-2013 09:54 AM
探险家 发表于 9-3-2013 08:35 AM
如果是从Nepal爬上Mount Everest, 我所知道的是需要自己徒步去Everest Base Camp, 然后需要用1~2月的时间 ...
结果你的手指还保住吗? |
发表于 9-3-2013 10:47 AM
探险家 发表于 9-3-2013 08:35 AM
如果是从Nepal爬上Mount Everest, 我所知道的是需要自己徒步去Everest Base Camp, 然后需要用1~2月的时间 ...
楼主 |
发表于 9-3-2013 11:11 AM
q(T_T)p 发表于 9-3-2013 10:47 AM
指甲里面可看到黑红色的积血, 除了双手的小指可以用以外, 剩下的只要碰一下就感到很痛, 所以什么都做不了.....
下山后几天就好了, 手指还在.....
其实我觉得问题就出在我绑鞋带, 因为我没有绑双重结, 所以徒步时鞋带一直松, 我一直大大力的拉, 所以就变这样了, 这和以前我在冬季做苦工时一样.....另外还有一个问题是我用的登山杖握把的位置是金属制的, 所以即使有用手套寒气都让我的手指感到刺痛, 以前哈尔滨的零下20-30度我可以把手插进口袋里, 所以没有问题, 徒步时太强调拿登山杖了, 所以一直暴露在外即使有穿手套, 如果觉得手指有点不对, 应该赶快买热水来侵, 也可能是高原反应使到手指更容易Frostbite.....最近也买了新的登山杖来解决这问题, 开始冲冷水澡, 可能以后还要冲冰水澡, 然后去外面给雨淋一两小时来训练自己的抗寒能力....
哈尔滨旅游的零下20~30度, 和高原徒步的零下5~5度, 真的是有差别, 我后悔太小看这问题了, 没有准备好..... 本帖最后由 探险家 于 9-3-2013 11:15 AM 编辑
发表于 9-3-2013 04:24 PM
发表于 9-3-2013 04:39 PM
楼主 |
发表于 9-3-2013 07:42 PM
q(T_T)p 发表于 9-3-2013 04:24 PM
淋雨有没有效果我也不懂, 只是知道如果穿湿湿的衣会觉得冷到发抖, 所以干脆去给雨淋看看, 有效果的话才来通知, 雷不要打到我就行了......
对, 风速也是一个原因......本来不需要戴帽子和手套的户外会因为开始刮风而造成耳朵和手指刺痛......
高原徒步零下10~15度 哈尔滨零下20~零下30度
1. 早上起身从睡袋爬出来时, 外面是超级冷, 房间没有暖气 1. 早上从酒店的床爬出来, 外面很暖和, 房间有暖气
2. 徒步时都在户外行走, 一直处在冷的环境 2. 走走一下可以进去有暖气的建筑物
3. 手不可能一直放进口袋里, 需要拿登山杖, 登山时可能需要拉绳子 3. 手可以一直发进口袋取暖
4. 即使可以洗澡, 冲凉房都是冷的, 水太热弄得雾气重可能会出高反 4. 一直给热水冲取暖都没事
总之就是高原我会长时间处在冷的环境, 有暖气也不会暖到让我觉得幸福.....而哈尔滨却能让我喘口气, 特别是晚上回酒店休息时..... |
发表于 9-3-2013 08:37 PM
探险家 发表于 9-3-2013 08:16 AM
那个是西藏那边的Base Camp, 坐Bus可以到.....
原來如此...因為我11月中會到尼泊爾徒步到EBC,所以想多收集些資料.謝謝兩位大大! |
楼主 |
发表于 9-3-2013 09:57 PM
发表于 10-3-2013 11:23 AM
发表于 10-3-2013 11:24 AM
楼主 |
发表于 10-3-2013 01:28 PM
发表于 10-3-2013 04:10 PM
q(T_T)p 发表于 9-3-2013 04:39 PM
http://blo ...
本身对EverestBC没什么兴趣,因为我希望可以登上珠峰。 |
发表于 10-3-2013 07:56 PM
发表于 10-3-2013 08:03 PM
ibelieveindevil 发表于 10-3-2013 04:10 PM
楼主 |
发表于 10-3-2013 10:12 PM
q(T_T)p 发表于 10-3-2013 07:56 PM
其实,我觉得啦,象生活在赤道上的我们,想训练抗寒能力的话,好象有点难,象在大马半岛最冷的地方就是云 ...
游泳我觉得是最重要的, 因为可以提高肺活量, 听说效果比跑步还好, 下个星期我就可以知道是不是事实了..... 挑战Everest是长期的作战, 所以心脏要好, 不然心脏负荷不了就Bye Bye了....提高肺活量也对高原反应有点帮助.....
爬过Everest的人给的建议是每天跑步一小时, 需要跑上坡路和下坡路, 比例我就忘了, 可能是三天跑上坡路, 一天跑下坡路.....然后还要锻炼上半身的力量来应付背12~15kg的东西..... |
发表于 10-3-2013 10:45 PM
楼主 |
发表于 10-3-2013 10:47 PM
ibelieveindevil 发表于 10-3-2013 04:10 PM
小时候的我就喜欢爬爬跳跳, 也有曾经想过爬上世界最高峰, 中学时带头做鬼(反正跑不掉第二带头鬼)爬很危险的门进去蓝球场打球, 结果离开时朋友手臂被插破, 整片白色的脂肪还掉下来, 造成给我留下后遗症, 几年后都不敢再爬爬跳跳.....直到中五后就一直想登上金山, 可惜挑战几次都不成功, 因为身边都是意志薄弱的人, 只是抱着去玩玩的心态, 又不要锻炼, 到了一半就提议放弃, 而且还不只一次, 还是同样的人(复数), 直到十年前才和有心要上的人成功登上金山, 下来后脚是痛到一星期不能走路, 对爬山就再也没有兴趣了, 一来也是因为金山需要请山导, 二来是我Diving的梦想终于达成了.....直到几年前在Cari看到Stephenling的Nepal徒步游记才发现可能可以找到我心目的香格里拉, 可是当年的金山已经让我很痛苦了, 高原徒步我办得到吗? 因此才会去神山体验看看, 当时锻炼到很够力, 因此爬神山还算轻松, 只是过后却有了错误的观念造成自己以错误的方式去准备Nepal徒步, 结果是失败了.....还没去徒步前, 我还想过可能有一天我会去攻Everest, 可是徒步中我彻底的了解到我不可能做得到, 才53XXm的徒步已经让我剩半条命了, 连EBC都没有本事走到.....
今年九月可能会再去Nepal徒步, 目标只是EBC & Kalapattar(55XXm), 不知道我能成功吗? 我的心态会不会又有变化? 重燃对Everest攻顶的热诚?
楼主 |
发表于 10-3-2013 10:53 PM
这是我所知道的Expedition Everest Itinerary.....
Proposed Itinerary Mount Everest Expedition:
Day 1. Arrive in Kathmandu (1300m). Transfer to Hotel
Day 2. In Kathmandu: shopping and restaurants. O/N Hotel
Day 3. Fly to Lukla (2860m) and trek to Phakding (2650m)
Day 4. Trek to Namche Bazaar (3450m)
Day 5. Rest and acclimatization in Namche
Day 6. Trek to Tyangboche (3830m)
Day 7. Trek to Dingboche (4348m)
Day 8. Rest and acclimatisation at Dingboche
Day 9. Trek to Lobuche (4900m)
Day 10. Trek to Gorak Shep (5180m)
Day 11. Trek to Mount Everest Base Camp (5300m)
Day 12. Rest, organization at Base Camp
Day 13. Rest, organization
Climbing Mount Everest:
Day 14. Climb partway to camp 1 at 5800m. Return to Base Camp
Day 15. Rest in Base Camp
Day 16. Climb to Camp 1 at 6100m. Return to Base Camp
Day 17. Rest in Base Camp
Day 18. Climb to Camp 1 and sleep there
Day 19. Explore route to Camp 2, at 6800m and return to Camp 1 and sleep there
Day 20. Return to Base Camp
Day 21. Rest in Base Camp
Day 22. Rest in Base Camp
Day 23. Rest in Base Camp
Day 24. Climb to Camp 1 and sleep there
Day 25. Climb to Camp 2 and sleep there
Day 26. Rest in Camp 2
Day 27. Explore route to camp 3 7300m, return to Camp 2 and sleep there
Day 28. Return to Base Camp
Day 29. Rest in Base Camp
Day 30. Rest in Base Camp
Day 31. Rest in Base Camp
Day 32. Climb to Camp 1 and sleep there
Day 33. Climb to Camp 2 and seep there
Day 34. Rest in Camp 2
Day 35. Climb to Camp 3 and sleep there
Day 36. Descend to Camp 2 and sleep there
Day 37. Descend to Base Camp or Gorak Shep
Day 38 to 40. Descend to lower Village and rest there
Day 41. Return to Base Camp
Day 42. Rest in Base Camp
Summit Attempt: (weather permitting)
Day 41 to 61 - Climbing period and Summit attempt
Day 62. Pack up Camp 2
Day 63. Return to Base Camp
Day 64. Pack up Base Camp
Day 65. Pack up Base Camp
Day 66. Trek down to Pheriche
Day 67. Trek down to Tyangboche
Day 68. Trek to Namche, Teahouse or camping
Day 69. Trek to Lukla
Day 70. Flight to Kathmandu.
Camp 1: 20000ft. (6,400m)
This camp 1 is situated at the flat area of endless snow deep crevasses and mountain walls. Because of the Sun's reflection from this place we get warm and heating ambience at this place. In the night we listen the deep murmuring cracking sounds of crevasses beneath our tent. These are the areas where we have to walk to reach camp 2.
Camp 2. 21000ft. (6,750m)
This camp 2 is situated at the height of the 21000ft, which is located at the foot of the icy mount Lhotse wall though where we have to go ahead. Weather is here is good but bad clouds roll in from the low range of the Himalayan valleys to the bottom of our camp two. But wind here some times seems very violent enough to destroy our tents. After climbing these palaces we reach camp 3.
Camp 3. 22300ft. (7,100m)
Camp 3 is located at the height of 22300ft, adjoining to mount Lhotse wall. After climbing the 4000ft. Lhotse wall by using fixed rope and with prior acclimatization it leads us to camp 4. Also on the way we have to ascend the steep allow bands (lose, down -slopping and rotten limestone). From their crossing short snowfield the route moves ahead up the Geneva Spur to the east before finishing the flats of the south col. (Another wells name meaning Saddle of pass). Oxygen should probably be use above base camp 3 incase of needed to the climbers.
Camp 4. 26000ft. (8,400m)
Now we are on camp 4 which located at the height of 26000ft; it is the last camp of the Expedition. From here summit is about 500m, distance far. This is the final and dangerous part of the climbing. This place is besieged by ferocious and violent winds. The normal best way to reach the summit is via the narrow South - East Ridge and it precedes the South Summits 28710ft. From here the way is easy to reach at the summit of the Everest 29028ft; and late Sir Edmond Hillary and l Tenzing Norge Sherpa used this route in 1953.
楼主 |
发表于 10-3-2013 11:44 PM
看过几个Itinerary都是类似这样的来来回回, 天数也差不多一样..... 本帖最后由 探险家 于 10-3-2013 11:54 PM 编辑
发表于 11-3-2013 03:36 AM
q(T_T)p 发表于 10-3-2013 08:03 PM
奈何在KL工作我并没有很 ...
其中注意到的是准备功夫的重要性。其实很多山是一个人在半年集训后就能登上的,7summits 中有五个就是这样的。然而安排锻炼和行程时间是相当辛苦的,也就是说,半年前就要准备好。我们不是退休人士或专业登山家的呢,都有诸多不便。如果能早早安排好行程,绝对事半功倍 |
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