One of the greatest civilizations ever known, and one of the most mysterious in history, could possibly hold one of the many keys to the 2012 phenomenon. So what do the early Egyptians have to do with the Year 2012?
There are two sources of information related to the Egyptian doomsday prophecy: the Book of the Dead and the Kolbrin Bible.
Just as with the Mayans, the ancient Egyptians were master astronomers. Watching and charting the skies for phenomena that would foretell impending events was an important and accepted way of life for them. Chapter 17 of The Egyptian Book of the Dead makes reference to two critical events. An astronomical sign appeared to the Egyptians in the year 9792B.C., that caused them great concern. The celestial event was the the retrograde motion of the planet Venus through the constellation Orion. What is important to note is that there are only two dates when Venus will be in retrograde through Orion while the earth’s pole precession is the same; 9792B.C and 2012A.D.!![](
Orion had incredible significance for the Egyptians in that Orion represented Osiris in the sky. During 9792B.C. and with Venus in retrograde, an “event” occurred that caused “… the sun to rise at a new horizon.” Disturbingly, the text goes on to say that “The sun moved from his wonted course, twice rising where it now sets and twice setting where it now rises.” , and “The Old Lion turned around.”
Unless the references to the sun rising where it once set are completely misunderstood, this could only mean that either the earth changed its rotation or a pole shift occured. If either of these actually happened, there would have been dire consequences for the human race living at the time. Which is exactly what the ancient Egyptians described.