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发表于 8-5-2010 06:58 PM
WANAKA 发表于 8-5-2010 12:48 PM ![](http://cforum2.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
![](http://www.hauesa.org.tw/images/hauesa_high_class.gif) |
发表于 9-5-2010 10:37 AM
他是我最赏识。。。。 |
发表于 9-5-2010 10:46 AM
噫!当年佛学西来,中化道学甚能容佛入弘中华,道胸德怀,融纳自如;那么今天之佛门,为什么反不能容让于道,与之相容并存?难道,这是佛祖大道之本义?当然,骂道门是“外道”的释子,虽是不少,可毕竟还不能代表佛家,我相信这也不会是佛门所有达者们的观点,因为达悟之人已证大道,还会作如是说?这大道,哪会有什么学派呢?这里,我不过是因为听了如许言指,借此以稍舒这不平而已。 |
发表于 10-5-2010 03:20 PM
请问陆锦川是真实 ...
WANAKA 发表于 9-5-2010 10:37 AM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
他直接把现代气功批评地一文不值,舌抵上腭,意守丹田。 |
发表于 11-5-2010 08:09 AM
raymondlim 发表于 10-5-2010 03:20 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
那么“意守丹田”这个词到底对不对呢 ?
我们平常人的感觉都在皮肤的表层,往里面你是感觉不到的,所以必须由老师给你点。点到这个位置以后,你意守在这里。意到气到,气盛了以后,气有余,便是火,就产生了火,这才能开始炼丹。这一步功夫就称为"筑基”,也就 是奠定了一个炼丹的基础
http://bbs.renlong.com.cn/viewthread.php?tid=163253 |
发表于 11-5-2010 09:28 AM
本帖最后由 洁净清新 于 11-5-2010 10:06 AM 编辑
I find the discussion on 丹田 very interesting, let's further discuss on this! If you find my understanding is not correct, I would appreciate it if you all could correct me.
我们的身体里面的奇经八脉有不同的function。有一些channels 是特别用来reserve qi的,比如任督二脉(form two channels of the奇经, qi reservoir)。For example, there are some locations at the 任脉 where qi can accummulate,such as会阴、气海、坍zhong、印堂等。
通常qi channels flow to the limbs (which form the八脉, the八脉channels connect to internal organs too)cannot store qi, they are meant to regulate qi in our whole body as well as internal organs.百会(located at the top of the head)、劳宫(located at the palms)and涌泉(located at the feet)are normally called "gates",which connect the energy of our body to the surroundings. There are all together five "gates".
Basically, not only the Taoists talks about丹田. Even the yogi or yoga practitioners talk about chakras [which are the power centres of prana ("breath",气)], which I think the location of chakras are exactly the same as 丹田。I find the Indian's yoga concept and theories are surprisingly similar to the Chinese qigong. |
发表于 11-5-2010 11:34 AM
That should be no questions about qi store in 丹田 or chakras.
We should put more focus in "form qi" or "formless qi" during practicsing qi gong.
with form qi gong we use mind to control qi's direction which is not correct way.
Whereas formless qi gong is let the qi direct the movement which mention by Master 陆锦川. His theory of Tai Chi is very deep & useful which previously should kept as top secret. |
发表于 11-5-2010 11:53 AM
本帖最后由 raymondlim 于 11-5-2010 11:54 AM 编辑
意守丹田,作为一种修为的方法,近年来在 ...
WANAKA 发表于 11-5-2010 08:09 AM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
当然,控制身体温度不只是丹田位置,意守方法,呼吸,手印,和其他方法也是控制火候。 |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:03 PM
回复 47# WANAKA
I see I see...
If I am not mistaken, I think you are referring to zi fa dong gong, is it?
Previously I practice zi fa dong gong too... There is no mention of dan tian in zi fa dong gong. Yes, you are correct, no need to emphasise on putting your mind on the dan tian. It is the qi that naturally generates movements and help your body achieve balance.
I think different practitioners (or even the same practitioner) incorporate different methods to achieve their different objectives. Therefore, we can find some people use mind to focus and direct, some people just let go... |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:13 PM
本帖最后由 洁净清新 于 11-5-2010 12:18 PM 编辑
Based on my experience, dan tian does exist....I would like to share one real life story.
When I was young, I practiced zhan zhuang. One day, my master stood directly in front of me to correct my posture. My master is a perfectionist, always correct my posture. Then suddenly I could feel my master dan tian, a very tiny spot at the lower abdomen....like a guli, vibrating and shrinking, very powerful....Actually, my master's dan tian at that time directly pointed to my own dan tian at lower abdomen and make my dan tian shrink too.
However, my dan tian is not small, is as big as an egg, but not powerful at all.... |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:14 PM
I see I see...
If I am not mistaken, I think you are referring to zi fa dong gon ...
洁净清新 发表于 11-5-2010 12:03 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Exactly. Zi Fa gong is emphasis on formless & let it nature qi.
But when we need to help someone for qi treatment we need to use mind to direct the said qi.
How brother feel when practising "Zhi Fa Gong"? how long been practised?
But Master 陆锦川 is more than qi gong as well as "zhi fa gong".
Is called 性命双修。。
Qi gong fans MUST read. |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:21 PM
陆锦川 has written 5 very important book which MUST read by qi gong fans.
I been read many qi gong book & his the best & easy to understand.
"Zhi Fa gong" is clearly explained by professor Taiwan Lin where we can buy from market.
And even prof. Lin also said he respect to 陆锦川.. |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:23 PM
本帖最后由 WANAKA 于 11-5-2010 12:24 PM 编辑
The sensitivity or feeling during practising qi gong although is interesting but not encourage to declare public which may caused intentionally other to follow which is not the real qi's direction. |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:26 PM
本帖最后由 洁净清新 于 11-5-2010 12:27 PM 编辑
回复 51# WANAKA
Different masters have different approach. Some masters specifically use qi transmission technique, massage technique, etc. to cure patients, like what my master previously did to me.
Some masters can also use his own qi to trigger zi fa dong gong in their patients' body and let the patients' own qi to do the healing....Sometimes patients practice zi fa dong gong themselves, if the master wants the patients to speed up the recovery, he can transmit qi to the patient and the patient sways and moves more vigorously in zi fa dong gong to clear qi channel blockages.
But I think practitioners should be more cautious sometimes...the mind must be aware and has confidence that everything is under control. And also the zi fa dong gong cleansing process must not be too fast and deep until the practitioner feel extremely bad. Progress slowly and steadily is quite important. |
发表于 11-5-2010 12:31 PM
Different masters have different approach. Some masters specifically use q ...
洁净清新 发表于 11-5-2010 12:26 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Totally agreed. Especially when come to a certain stage of practising "zhi fa gong" is dangerous & need someone to guard. I remember during 2 week of practsing "zhi fa gong" my body doing self spinning about 2 hours non -stop for 2 weeks which is the most difficult part i faced & been falled down few time. |
发表于 11-5-2010 01:50 PM
本帖最后由 洁净清新 于 11-5-2010 02:33 PM 编辑
回复 55# WANAKA
Haha. Do you practice at public park?
I do not practice zi fa dong gong anymore. Zi fa dong gong may seem simple (but not easy) superficially, but actually the practice and concept is actually not as simple as commonly thought and written by the articles on the webpages.
I am more extra careful now as I find there is a grave hidden danger in zi fa dong gong...If a practitioner is careless, zi fa dong gong can create greater problems and imbalance which the practitioner is not aware of. Sometimes even experienced practitioners are not mindful enough to heed the warnings and their state of mind when practising and then they make really big mistakes...
Honestly speaking (no offence), I find there is a big missing link...somewhere is incomplete in the method itself. I know there is a problem when the practitioner proceed to a certain level, but I am still not very confirmed about the root cause of the problem...I will share with you next time once I find out. Or maybe Sifus 华侨 and Wanaka can help to clear my doubts on this?
We are very fortunate as there is a lot of good qi gong documentation and articles have been shared over the world through traditional and electronic media. It is even more fortunate that we Chinese, still have chances to read read first hand the Chinese articles written by many experienced masters. Furthermore, there are still a lot of people know Classical Chinese (文言文) and many research and interpretations has been done on those old qi gong documents.
The situation is different in yoga. Yoga texts and classics are in Sanskrit. Sanskrit is not a common language in the Indian society, not many people know how to read Sanskrit. Those who know Sanskrit are mostly Hindu priests. What I can do for the moment is to research on the writtings of some yoga gurus and practitioners who know English. I find a lot of similarity in yoga and qigong when I crosscheck the theories and concepts of these two arts eventhough their ways of practicing is very different. |
发表于 11-5-2010 03:16 PM
Haha. Do you practice at public park?
I do not practice zi fa dong gong anym ...
洁净清新 发表于 11-5-2010 01:50 PM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
Yes Im been practise "Zhi Fa gong" at public park when i reached a stage that movement is soft & gentle.
Is really wasted if give up from practising this qi gong.
Although this qi gong did give many adnormal(un-usual)movement which may mis-understand by those new practiser. But if u really study the theory & concept in more detail that is no hidden danger.
Qi gong MUST practise in "qi gong condition" with no mind of controlling otherwise that qi gong is so called physical exercise rather than exerise internal qi.
U will find really interesting in practising where at beginning stage the movement is very interesting from hand, leg movement ,spinning, hand can collect qi from tree, eye can turning clock & anti clock..tai chi.ect....
If u really qi gong fan, after study many qi gong book, majority those master aware of the exist of "zhi fa gong" where they may named it differently.
Anyway , most important of practise qi gong is for health. The latest qi gong after many years of human try and formed this kind of qi gong is the best way so what for we don't follow?
No matter what name of qi gong is it the concept is the hint & to gain the maximum benefits from it.
Qi gong is collection of human experince where they been go in the wrong ways & now we all benefits by choosing the best way. |
发表于 11-5-2010 03:17 PM
本帖最后由 WANAKA 于 11-5-2010 03:37 PM 编辑
anyway what is ur worry about "zhi fa gong"?
Brother do make use of "chinese translator", this forum only allow using chinese.....
otherwise our statements will be deleted.
Do continous sharing & caring.
The "chinese translator" can find from the upper icon, the chinese word input can use english to tranlate, very easy... |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2010 06:44 PM
WANAKA 发表于 9-5-2010 10:37 AM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
是有"道家太极门"这个说法, 是所谓三宗五祕密之一。
不过也有一些传统门派否认有这种宗派。 |
楼主 |
发表于 11-5-2010 07:00 PM
WANAKA 发表于 11-5-2010 08:09 AM ![](http://cforum6.cari.com.my/images/common/back.gif)
内丹功讲究丹田的大有人在,武当張三丰就有"调息凝神入气穴"的说法,气穴即是丹田。全真教、龙门派、南派丹道都有丹田说法。 |
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