发表于 27-8-2012 03:01 PM
我不难过 发表于 27-8-2012 02:38 PM ![](static/image/common/back.gif)
现在他搞到阴谋论出来,要说某某有钱人主使他这样骗钱。。酱紫下去不懂会演变到怎样。但希望大家不会因为 ...
It is with great sadness that I report to you that on the afternoon of May 3, 2012 a devastating fire broke out in the workshop next door to the container where International Medical Relief stores our medical and dental supplies that teams use on our humanitarian trips to Haiti. Although we are fortunate that no one was hurt, IMR lost all of our medications, community education materials, would care supplies, clinic equipment including a full dental surgical kit, dental supplies, laboratory and ER supplies, diagnostic equipment and surgical equipment. We have now estimated the damages to be in excess of $200,000. These supplies were brought down by teams since the earthquake and were set to be used to continue our work of providing free medical and dental care to those most severely impacted by the disaster, most of which are still living in squalor in displaced persons camps throughout the country. There is no way to recover our damages.