


楼主: imHellcatz

ROS PTR 公测分享

 楼主| 发表于 14-1-2014 02:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
ifrit2020 发表于 14-1-2014 02:03 PM
用这个来配合fire skill的技能:
cluster booms

如果用barb farm, dex 会变成str,volcano barb feat hurricane barb 有搞头!

使用道具 举报


发表于 14-1-2014 03:52 PM | 显示全部楼层
RoS将会进入elemental dmg +XX%和crushing bow的时代,面板dps将不会是唯一的效率指数。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 14-1-2014 04:04 PM | 显示全部楼层
ifrit2020 发表于 14-1-2014 03:52 PM
RoS将会进入elemental dmg +XX%和crushing bow的时代,面板dps将不会是唯一的效率指数。

CC + CD 还是很重要的....

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 12:23 PM | 显示全部楼层


·嗜血狂人 116血/怒气.

    ·煽動 : 怒气产生增加至9.


·震地踐踏 击晕14码内所有敌人持续4秒.
    ·震撼踐踏 : 造成火焰伤害.

    ·天命之贈 : 删除暴击时几率掉落宝物或者血球描述,改为仅掉落血球.

·上古之矛 350% 武器伤害.
    ·巨石投掷 : 消耗所有剩余怒气对目标地点9码内的所有敌人造成伤害,每消耗一点怒气造成20%武器伤害.
    ·锯齿利刃 : 435% 武器伤害.

·擲刃斬 6点怒气,135% 武器伤害.
    ·奮力一擲 : 200% 武器伤害.
    ·平衡武器 : 9点怒气.

·狂亂 4怒气.

·闢地猛擊 将敌人击飞到空中.

·旋風斬 75% 移动速度.
    ·颶風轉 : 卷入35码内的敌人.

·雪崩 加入冷却时间30秒.
    ·冰川 : 造成1600% 武器伤害并冻结他们.
    ·雪山 : 造成1600% 武器伤害并缓速60%持续2秒.
    ·火山 : 随机地点造成5秒内3000% 武器伤害.

Demon Hunter

·箭術專精 双手弩: 每秒1点憎恨

·多重射擊 .
    ·脈衝射擊 : 每次开火时,射出一道毒箭对附近12码内的敌人造成200% 武器伤害的毒素伤害.

    ·大難臨頭 : 改为火焰伤害.

    ·集束榴彈 : 半径改为32码.

    ·尖削樁刺 : 3点戒律.

    ·窒息瓦斯 : 改为毒性伤害.

    ·懲罰 : 恢复100点憎恨.

    ·彈跳飛刃 : 攻击附近20码内额外的2名敌人.

    ·蜘蛛戰寵 : 现在蜘蛛战宠是公的了.
    ·野豬戰寵 : 50%武器伤害.
    ·鼬貂戰寵 : 2%武器伤害,追加增加你60%移动速度效果.

·復仇 副武器追加2个穿刺射击造成150% 武器伤.
    ·黑暗之心 : 每秒造成325% 武器伤害.
    ·人形迫击炮 : 不再发射追踪飞弹而是每次攻击时扔出2颗榴弹对近战距离之外的随机敌人造成135% 武器伤害的火焰伤害.
    ·侧翼弹幕 : 副武器升级为慢速加农炮造成150% 武器伤害,并且每击中一个敌人恢复你1.5%的最大生命值.


·超絕 50血/内力. / 血球恢复值奖励降至0.4%.

·共鳴頌歌 激活真言消耗降低50%并且当习有真言时每秒恢复2点内力.

·洞燭機先 甲敏换算降为30%.

·不動如山 更名 挑釁

·瀕死覺悟 更新描述机制不变.

·斷空波 将敌人击飞到空中.
    ·先發制人 : 增加攻击力15%持续3秒.
    ·一氣三化 : 更新描述.

    ·千割碎 : 转为火焰伤害.

·七星閃 5677% 武器伤害.
    ·攻其不備 : 6477% 武器伤害.
    ·群魔末日 : 100%几率击晕.
    ·爆炸突襲 : 977% 武器伤害.

    ·信仰之光 : 使用炫目神光后3秒内增加29%伤害
    ·充盈之光 : 恢复7内力.
    ·平静之光 : 更新描述.


·治療真言 主动: 让你和你的盟友罩上一层神秘护盾最大可吸收9554点伤害持续3秒。吸收上限按生命血球恢复奖励值的15%增加./被动: 你和60码内的盟友获得826点秒回。治疗量按你的秒回值的30%增加.
    ·精力充沛 / 被动秒回增加至1651.
    ·振奮天恩 / 更改描述.
    ·天堂之體 / 更改描述.
    ·真氣運轉 / 更改描述.
    ·危急時刻 / 更改描述.

·定罪真言 主动: 伤害增益增加至20%持续3秒. / 被动: 30码内的敌人额外受到10%伤害.
    ·震懾咒 / 被动: 增加伤害20%.
    ·屈服咒 / 被动: 38%武器伤害神圣伤害.
    ·頹喪咒 / 被动: 定罪真言也降低敌人80%移动速度.
    ·泯灭咒 / 被动: 击杀受到定罪真言影响的敌人会让你和你的盟友增加30%移动速度持续3秒.
    ·脅迫咒 / 被动: 被定罪真言影响的敌人伤害降低15%.

·懲戒真言 主动: 增加伤害303%持续3秒. / 被动: 你和你60码内的盟友格挡闪避或者被击中时对攻击者造成相当于你武器101%伤害的神圣伤害.
    ·報復咒 / 被动:伤害增加至202%.
    ·罪衍咒 / 被动: 懲戒真言增加10%攻速.
    ·憤怒咒 / 被动: 被懲戒真言伤害的敌人有20%几率眩晕3秒.
    ·克難咒 / 被动: 当造成伤害时懲戒真言有几率恢复3点内力.
    ·附傷咒 / 被动: 被懲戒真言伤害的敌人有75%几率受到反噬,对自己及附近的敌人造成101% 武器伤害的神圣伤害.

·迴避真言 主动: 你和附近的盟友获得额外的17%闪避几率持续3秒. / 被动: 你和你60码内的盟友获得17%闪避几率.
    ·閃身回火 : 被动: 更新描述.
    ·不撓意志 : 被动: 更新描述.
    ·金身不滅 : 被动: 更新描述.
    ·迅風疾影 : 被动: 更新描述.
    ·神聖庇護 : 被动: 当你和你的盟友血量低于25%时,迴避真言会令你们获得一个护盾,降低受到的伤害80%持续3秒./每个目标每90秒才能受到该效果保护一次。


    ·育雛蛛后 : 1575% 武器伤害.

·蝕魂 1465% 武器伤害的寒冷伤害.

·亡者之握 560% 武器伤害.
    ·屍鰻之襲 : 880% 武器伤害.
    ·天降屍雨 : 420% 武器伤害.

    ·龐然大蟾 : 召唤举行蟾蜍整个吞噬敌人持续5秒,每秒造成相当于20%武器伤害的物理伤害.
    ·憤怒雞 : 1350% 武器伤害.

    ·復仇怨靈 : 630% 武器伤害.

·獻祭 185]% 武器伤害.

·召喚蟲群 1040% 武器伤害.
    ·灼熱蝗災 : 1480% 武器伤害.
    ·漫天蟲群 : 2080% 武器伤害.

·魂靈彈幕 转为寒冷伤害.
    ·魂靈之井 : 转为寒冷伤害.
    ·幽魂魅影 : 675%的寒冷伤害.
    ·凌空幽魂 : 2900%的寒冷伤害.

    ·烈焰火柱 : 520% 武器伤害.

    ·晦影震爆 : 750% 武器伤害.

    ·冬熊 : 转为寒冷伤害.

    ·穿刺蟾蜍 : 蟾蜍变异可以穿刺敌人造成130% 武器伤害的毒素伤害.

·亡者之壁 200% 武器伤害.

    ·泥沼巨鳄 : 转为毒素伤害.


·统驭 吸收2477点伤害持续3秒.

·秘學奇才 获得5点奥能.

·殘影 减伤17%.

·秘法充能 60%额外伤害.

·胆大包天 15%额外伤害.

    ·烈焰之刃 : 增伤持续10秒.

    ·能量湧現 : 不再造成奥术伤害.

    ·灼伤 : 更新描述.
    ·冰封球 : 更新描述.

    ·燃烧飞弹 : 3秒内造成55%武器伤害.燃烧伤害将会把现存的燃烧飞弹伤害叠加刷新至其最大持续时间.

    ·绝对零度 : 增伤3%.


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
OscarVeryLazy + 5 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 01:16 PM | 显示全部楼层
kimseng49 发表于 16-1-2014 12:23 PM


不是看很明 请问有英文版?


参与人数 1人气 +5 收起 理由
imHellcatz + 5 我很赞同



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 01:49 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Bloodthirst Each point of Fury spent heals you for 165116 Life. / Heal amount is increased by 1% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus.
  • Earthen Might TEMP"My capital has become the cell in which I await my execution. The ground roars beneath me, announcing the presence of the wild men, as they rend and tear the foundations of the world and laugh. Oh, woe is me that I ever confused their savage ways for weakness."???The Panep of Samauren
  • Bash Increase damage to 165% weapon damage.
    • Instigation : Generate 3 additional Fury per attackIncrease Fury generated to 9.
  • Cleave Deal 160% weapon damage to the targeted enemy and 0% weapon damage to enemies up to 10 yards away.
  • Ground Stomp Generate: 15 Fury / Cooldown: 12 seconds / Smash the ground, stunning all enemies within 1214 yards for 4 seconds.
    • stat : Shake the ground to inflict 1% weapon damage to all enemies within 1214 yards and Stun them for 4 seconds.
    • Trembling Stomp : Enemies in the area also take 540% weapon damage as Fire.
  • Hammer of the Ancients
    • Birthright : Critical Hits have a 10% chance to cause enemies to drop treasure ora health globesglobe.
  • Ancient Spear Cost: 15 Fury / Throw a spear that pierces enemies and deals 300350% weapon damage.
    • Boulder Toss : Expend all remaining Fury to deal 20% weapon damage for every point of Fury expended to enemies within 9 yards of the impact location.
    • Jagged Edge : Increase the damage to 405435% weapon damage.
  • Weapon Throw Generate: 56 Fury per attack / Hurl a throwing weapon at an enemy dealing 115135% weapon damage.
  • Frenzy Generate: 34 Fury per attack / Swing for 115% weapon damage. Frenzy's attack speed increases by 15% for 4 seconds with each swing. This effect stacks up to 5 times.
  • Seismic Slam Cost: 30 Fury / Slam the ground and cause a wave of destruction that deals 550% weapon damage to enemies in a 45 yard cone and knocks them up into the air.
  • Whirlwind Cost: 10 Fury / Deliver multiple attacks to everything in your path for 275% weapon damage. / While whirlwinding, you move at 6675% movement speed.
    • Hurricane : Pull enemies from up to 4535 yards away towards you while Whirlwinding.
  • Avalanche Cooldown: 030 seconds / Cause a massive delugeavalanche of rocks and debris to sweep acrossfall on an area dealing 1600% weapon damage to all enemies caught in its path. / Cooldown is reduced by 1 second for every 25 Fury you spend.
    • Glacier : Giant blocks of ice hit enemies for 1600% weapon damage and Freeze all enemies hitthem.
    • Snow-Capped Mountain : Cave-in from both sides pushes enemies together, dealing 20001600% weapon damage over 2 seconds and Slowing them by 60% for 2 seconds.
    • Volcanic EruptionVolcano : Chunks of molten lava are randomly launched at random nearby enemies, dealing 24003000% weapon damage over 5 seconds.
Demon Hunter
  • Archery Gain a bonus based on your weapon type: / Bow: 8% increased damage / Crossbow: 50% Critical Hit Damage / Hand Crossbow: 5% Critical Hit Chance / 2nd Hand Crossbow: 1 Hatred generationper Second
  • Multishot Volley deals 420% weapon damage to all enemies in the area.
    • Burst Fire : Each time you fire, generate a shock pulsepoison burst that damages nearby enemies within 12 yards for 160200% weapon damage as PhysicalPoison.
  • Bolas
    • Imminent Doom : Augment the bola to deal 216% weapon damage as ArcaneFire to the enemy and 149% weapon damage as ArcaneFire to all other enemies within 14 yards, but increases the explosion delay to 2 seconds.
  • Grenade
    • Cluster Grenades : Throw cluster grenades that deal 200% weapon damage as Fire over a 3632 yard radius.
  • Caltrops
  • Smoke Screen
    • Choking Gas : You also leave behind a cloud of gas that deals 700% weapon damage as PhysicalPoison to enemies in the area over 5 seconds.
  • Preparation
    • Punishment : Restore 125100 Hatred for 25 Discipline. Preparation has no cooldown.
  • Impale
    • Ricochet : The knife ricochets to 2 additional nearby enemies within 20 yards of each other.
  • Companion
    • Spider Companion : Active: Your spider throws webs at all enemies within 25 yards of you and him, Slowing them by 0% for 5 seconds. / Passive: Summons a spider companion that attacks enemies in front of herhim for 140% weapon damage as Physical. / The spider's attacks Slow enemies by 0% for 3 seconds.
    • Boar Companion : Active: Your boar charges to you, then taunts all enemies within 20 yards for 5 seconds. / Passive: Summons a boar companion that attacks enemies in front of him for 12050% of your weapon damage as Physical. / The boar increases your Life regeneration by 1 per second and increases your resistance to all damage types by 1000%.
    • Ferret Companion : Active: Instantly pick up all health globes and gold within 60 yards. / Passive: Summons a pair of ferret companions that each attack for 32% of your weapon damage as Physical. / The ferrets collect gold for you and, increase gold found on monsters by 0%, and increase your movement speed by 60%.
  • Vengeance Cooldown: 90 seconds / Turn into the physical embodiment of Vengeance for 15 seconds. / *Side Guns: Gain 42 additional piercing shots for 60150% weapon damage each on every attack. / *Homing Rockets: Shoot 4 rockets at nearby enemies for 30% weapon damage each on every attack.
    • Dark Heart : Vengeance pours out of you, continuously dealing 300325% weapon damage per second to enemies around you.
    • Personal Mortar : LaunchInstead of Homing Rockets, launch 2 grenadesGrenades at random enemies outside melee range on every attack that explode for 150135% weapon damage each as Fire.
    • StimulantsSide Cannons : HealThe side guns are powered up into slower-firing cannons that deal 150% weapon damage and heal you for 61.5% of maximum life each secondLife per enemy hit.


使用道具 举报

Follow Us
发表于 16-1-2014 01:50 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Transcendence Every point of Spirit spent heals you for 165.150 Life. / Heal amount is increased by 10.4% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus.
    • desc : A life unlived is no different thanfrom death.
  • Chant of Resonance DurationThe Spirit costs of all Mantras increased by 7 minutes. While one of your Mantras is active Mantra activation effects are reduced by 50% and you gain 2 Spirit every second when you have a Mantra learned.
  • Seize the Initiative Your Armor is increased by 5030% of your Dexterity.
  • Pacifism PacifismProvocation
  • Near Death Experience When receiving fatal damage, you are instead restored to 35% of maximum Life and 35% Spirit. / This effect has amay occur once every 60 second cooldownseconds. / When Near Death Experience is on cooldown, your Health Globe Healing Bonus, Life per Second and Life per Hit are increased by 35%.
  • Deadly Reach Generate: 12 Spirit per attack / Project lines of pure force over a short distance for 106% weapon damage as Physical. / Every third hit has a 10% chance to knock up enemies up into the air.
    • stat : Damage increased to 106% weapon damage.
    • Foresight : Every third hit also increases the damage of all your attacks by 1015% for 303 seconds.
    • Piercing Trident : Increases knock up chance to knock enemies up into the air to 20% and the second and third hits gain increased area of effect.
  • Crippling Wave
    • Mangle : Increase damage to 216% weapon damage as PhysicalFire.
  • Seven-Sided Strike Cost: 50 Spirit / Cooldown: 30 seconds / Dash rapidly between nearby enemies, dealing 24775677% weapon damage over 7 strikes.
    • Sudden Assault : Teleport to the enemy and increase damage dealt to 27776477% weapon damage over 7 strikes.
    • Pandemonium : Enemies hit by Seven-Sided Strike have a 77100% chance to be stunned for 7 seconds by each hit.
    • Fulminating Onslaught : Each strike explodes, dealing 477977% weapon damage as Holy in a 7 yard radius around the enemy.
  • Blinding Flash
    • Faith in the Light : ForYou deal 29% increased damage for 3 seconds after using Blinding Flash, all of your attacks are empowered to deal 50% additional weapon damage as Holy.
    • Replenishing Light : Each enemy you Blind restores 107 Spirit.
    • Soothing Light : Allies within the Blinding Flash have their Life per Secondregeneration increased by 2395 for 3 seconds. The heal amount is increased by 90% of your Life per Second.
  • Unity
  • Mantra of Healing Cost: 50 Spirit / Recite a Mantra that causes you and your allies within 60 yards to gain increased Life regeneration by 826 Life per Second. The heal amount is increased by 30% of your Life per Second. Lasts 3 minutes. / For 3 seconds after activation Mantra of Healing shroudsActive: Shroud you and your allies with a mystical shield that absorbs up to 9554 damage for 3 seconds. Absorb amount is increased by 15% of your Health Globe Healing Bonus. / Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards gain 826 increased Life regeneration. The heal amount is increased by 30% of your Life per Second. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
  • Mantra of Conviction Cost: 50 Spirit / Recite a Mantra that causes all enemiesActive: Damage bonus is increased to 20% for 3 seconds. / Passive: Enemies within 30 yards of you to taketake 10% additional damage. The Mantra lasts 3 minutes. / For 3 seconds after activation, the effect is increased to 20% additional damage. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
    • Crimson : Overawe / Passive: Increase the strength of Mantra of Conviction so that enemies take 20% additionalincreased damage and 30% for the first 3 seconds.
    • Indigo : Submission / Passive: Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction take 1238% weapon damage per second as Holy.
    • Dishearten : SlowPassive: Mantra of Conviction also slows the movement speed of enemies within 30 yards by 80%.
    • Golden : Annihilation / Passive: Killing an enemy that is affected by Mantra of Conviction grants you and your allies 30% increased movement speed for 3 seconds.
    • Alabaster : Intimidation / Passive: Enemies affected by Mantra of Conviction deal 15% less damage.
  • Mantra of Retribution Cost: 50 Spirit / Recite a Mantra that inflictsActive: Increase the amount of damage back at enemies, dealingdealt to 303% for 3 seconds. / Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards deal 101% of your weapon damage as Holy to attackers when you and your allies within 60 yards block blocking, dodgedodging or aregetting hit. Lasts 3 minutes. / For 3 seconds after activation, the effect increases to 202% of your weapon damage as Holy. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
    • Crimson : Retaliation / Passive: Increase the amount of damage inflicted by the Mantra of Retribution to 202%.
    • Indigo : Transgression / Passive: Mantra of Retribution also increases attack speed by 10% for you and your allies.
    • Indignation : When taking damage from thePassive: Enemies damaged by Mantra of Retribution, enemies have a 20% chance to be stunned for 3 seconds.
    • Against All Odds : When dealing damage,Passive: Mantra of Retribution has a chance to restore 3 Spirit when dealing damage.
    • Alabaster : Collateral Damage / Passive: Enemies damaged by Mantra of Retribution have a 75% chance to suffer a feedback blast, dealing 101% weapon damage as Holy to itself and nearby enemies.
  • Mantra of Evasion Cost: 50 Spirit / Recite a Mantra that grants youActive: You and nearby allies gain an additional 17% increased Dodge Chance for 3 seconds. / Passive: You and your allies within 60 yards again 17% bonus Dodge Chance. Lasts 3 minutes. / For 3 seconds after activation, a second effect grants an additional 17%increased Dodge Chance. / Only one Mantra may be active at a time.
    • Backlash : Successfully dodging an attack hasPassive: Mantra of Evasion also grants you a chance to create a burst of flame, dealing 35% weapon damage as Fire to all nearby enemies when dodging an attack.
    • Perseverance : ReducePassive: Mantra of Evasion also reduces the duration of all control impairing effects by 20%.
    • Hard Target : Gain 20% additionalPassive: Mantra of Evasion also increases Armor by 20%.
    • Wind through the Reeds : IncreasePassive: Mantra of Evasion also increases movement speed by 10%.
    • Divine Protection : When you or an ally under the effect ofPassive: Mantra of Evasion isalso protects you and your allies when reduced below 25% Life, granting a shield of protection forms around that target, reducing reduces damage taken by 80% for 3 seconds. / Each target canmay be protected at mostby this effect once every 90 seconds by this effect.
Witch Doctor
  • Corpse Spiders
    • Spider Queen : Throw a jar with a spider queen that births spiderlings, dealing 18751575% weapon damage as Poison over 15 seconds. / You may have one spider queen summoned at a time.
  • Haunt Cost: 200 Mana / Haunt an enemy with a spirit, dealing 16651465% weapon damage as ArcaneCold over 6 seconds. If the enemy dies, the spirit will haunt another nearby enemy. / An enemy can only be affected by one Haunt at a time.
  • Grasp of the Dead Cost: 150 Mana / Cooldown: 8 seconds / Ghoulish hands reach out from the ground, slowing enemy movement by 60% and dealing 680560% weapon damage as Physical over 8 seconds.
    • Groping Eels : Increase the damage done to 1000880% weapon damage as Physical.
    • Rain of Corpses : Corpses also fall from the sky, dealing 525420% weapon damage as Physical over 8 seconds to nearby enemies.
  • Hex
    • Painful TransformationToad of Hugeness : Hex causes the enemy to BleedSummon a giant toad that swallows enemies whole for 125%up to 5 seconds, digesting for 20% of your weapon damage per second as Physical.
    • Angry Chicken : Transform into an angry chicken for up to 2 seconds that can explode for 16501350% weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 12 yards.
  • Soul Harvest
    • Vengeful Spirit : Harvested enemies also take 780630% weapon damage as Physical.
  • Sacrifice Banish your Zombie Dogs and cause them to explode, each dealing 275185]% of your weapon damage as Physical to all enemies within 12 yards. / Only summoned Zombie Dogs may be sacrificed.
  • Locust Swarm Cost: 300 Mana / Unleash a plague of locusts that swarms an enemy, dealing 11201040% weapon damage as Poison over 8 seconds. / The locusts will jump to additional nearby enemies.
    • Searing Locusts : Engulf the enemy with burning locusts that deal 15601480% weapon damage as Fire over 8 seconds.
    • Cloud of Insects : Increase the duration of the swarm to deal 22402080% weapon damage over 16 seconds.
  • Spirit Barrage Cost: 100 Mana / Bombard an enemy with 4 spirit bolts deal a total of 425% weapon damage as PhysicalCold.
    • Well of Souls : An additional 3 spirits seek out other enemies and deal 65% weapon damage as PhysicalCold.
    • Phantasm : Summon a spectre that deals 790675% weapon damage as PhysicalCold over 5 seconds to all enemies within 10 yards. / You can have a maximum of 3 Phantasms out at one time.
    • Manitou : Summon a spectre that hovers over you, unleashing spirit bolts at nearby enemies for 40002900% weapon damage as PhysicalCold over 20 seconds.
  • Firebomb
    • Pyrogeist : Create a column of flame that spews fire at the closest enemy for 640520% weapon damage as Fire over 6 seconds. / You may have up to 3 Pyrogeists active at a time.
  • Spirit Walk
    • Umbral Shock : When Spirit Walk ends, your physical body erupts for 920750% weapon damage as Fire to all enemies within 10 yards.
  • Zombie Charger
    • Lumbering Cold : Zombie winter bears crawl out of the ground and run in all directions, dealing 252% weapon damage as PhysicalCold to nearby enemies.
  • Plague of Toads
    • Toad of HugenessPiercing Toads : Summon a giant toadMutate to frogs that swallowspierce through enemies whole for up to 5 seconds, digesting for 20% of your130% weapon damage per second as Physical. / Adds a 5 second cooldown to Plague of ToadsPoison.
  • Wall of Zombies Cooldown: 8 seconds / Raise a line of zombies 28 yards wide from the ground that attacks nearby enemies for 300200% weapon damage as Physical over 4 seconds.
  • Piranhas
    • Bogadile : A giant bogadile emerges from the pool of water and bites a monster dealing 840%weapon damage as Poison.



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 01:51 PM | 显示全部楼层
  • Dominance Killing an enemy grants a shield that absorbs 49542477 damage for 53 seconds. This effect can stack up to 10 times. / Refreshing Dominance will set the shield to its maximum possible potency and each stack will increase its total duration by 0.5 seconds.
  • Prodigy When you cast a Signature spell, you gain 45 Arcane Power. / The following skills are Signature spells: / *Magic Missile / *Shock Pulse / *Spectral Blade / *Electrocute
  • Blur Decrease damage taken by 2017%.
  • Arcane Dynamo When you cast a Signature spell, you gain a Flash of Insight. After 5 Flashes of Insight, your next non-Signature spell deals 7560% additional damage. / The following skills are Signature spells: / *Magic Missile / *Shock Pulse / *Spectral Blade / *Electrocute
  • Audacity You deal 2015% additional damage to enemies within 15 yards.
  • Spectral Blade
    • Flame Blades : Each enemy hit increases the damage of your Fire spells by 1% for 310 seconds.
  • Electrocute
    • Surge of Power : Gain 12 Arcane Power for each enemy hit. / Electrocute's damage turns into Arcane.
  • Arcane Orb
    • Scorch : Launch a burning orb that deals up to 335% weapon damage as Fire. The orb leaves behind a wall of Fire that deals 320% weapon damage as Fire over 5 seconds.
    • Frozen Orb : Create an orb of frozen death that shreds an area with ice bolts, dealing up to 393% weapon damage as Cold.
  • Blizzard Cost: 40 Arcane Power / Call down shards of ice that deal 807% weapon damage as Cold over 6 seconds to enemies in a 12 yard radius. Multiple casts in the same area from the same caster do not stack.
  • Magic Missile
    • Conflagrate : Missiles pierce through enemies and cause them to burn for 8255% weapon damage as Fire over 3 seconds. Burn damage can stack multiple times on the same enemywill refresh all existing stacks of Conflagrate to its maximum duration.
  • Black Hole
    • Absolute Zero : Each enemy hit increases the damage of your Cold spells by 43% for 10 seconds. / Black Hole's damage turns into Cold.



参与人数 2人气 +10 收起 理由
imax + 5 谢谢分享
OscarVeryLazy + 5 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报


发表于 16-1-2014 02:01 PM | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 02:05 PM | 显示全部楼层
Monk neff 很多 manta , 反而重点他加在没什么用的7星 , 要我们多注意 这个招?

本帖最后由 OscarVeryLazy 于 16-1-2014 02:16 PM 编辑


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 16-1-2014 03:14 PM | 显示全部楼层
Spider Companion : Active: Your spider throws webs at all enemies within 25 yards of you and him, Slowing them by 0% for 5 seconds. / Passive: Summons a spider companion that attacks enemies in front of herhim for 140% weapon damage as Physical. / The spider's attacks Slow enemies by 0% for 3 seconds.



参与人数 2人气 +6 收起 理由
OscarVeryLazy + 3 谢谢分享
imax + 3 精品文章



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 03:19 PM | 显示全部楼层
OscarVeryLazy 发表于 16-1-2014 02:05 PM
Monk neff 很多 manta , 反而重点他加在没什么用的7星 , 要我们多注意 这个招?



参与人数 1人气 +3 收起 理由
OscarVeryLazy + 3 谢谢分享



使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 03:24 PM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 16-1-2014 03:19 PM

话说,你有看invis 的火monk 配tail kick? 全身120% fire dmg

ros 不再是primary时代了 skill大过天 ~


使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 03:27 PM | 显示全部楼层
OscarVeryLazy 发表于 16-1-2014 03:24 PM
话说,你有看invis 的火monk 配tail kick? 全身120% fire dmg

ros 不再是primary时代了 ski ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 03:44 PM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 16-1-2014 03:27 PM

好的好的, 因为我有subscript 他的channel , 所以有update我会看到

这个是说high edps 但是low dps 打出来的 dmg

这个他解析 为什么会有那么高的dmg

这个很值得看 是说ros feedback的

还有太多太多,5秒 干 T6 boss 那些 太多太多了

err 为什么share了你们看不到的?



本帖最后由 OscarVeryLazy 于 16-1-2014 03:48 PM 编辑


使用道具 举报

发表于 16-1-2014 04:10 PM | 显示全部楼层
OscarVeryLazy 发表于 16-1-2014 03:44 PM
好的好的, 因为我有subscript 他的channel , 所以有update我会看到

这个是说high edps 但是low d ...

本帖最后由 imax 于 16-1-2014 04:11 PM 编辑


使用道具 举报


发表于 16-1-2014 04:12 PM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 16-1-2014 04:10 PM



使用道具 举报

发表于 17-1-2014 08:44 AM | 显示全部楼层
OscarVeryLazy 发表于 16-1-2014 04:12 PM


使用道具 举报

发表于 18-1-2014 01:14 AM | 显示全部楼层
imax 发表于 17-1-2014 08:44 AM

对,这次是他没有用bug item打出来的 dps
120% bonus fire dmg 呢


使用道具 举报

发表于 19-1-2014 01:41 AM | 显示全部楼层
PRT 没人开clan吗?

使用道具 举报

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